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" Upon a more leisurely survey of it, I found that it consisted of threescore and ten entire arches, with several broken arches, which added to those that) were entire made up the number about an hundred. "
Selections from the Spectator - Pagina 76
door Joseph Addison - 1892 - 220 pagina’s
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The Spectator, Volume 2

1729 - 342 pagina’s
...this Bridge confifted at firft of a thoufand Arches ; but * that a great Flood fwept away the reft, and left the ' Bridge in the ruinous Condition I now beheld it. But * tell me further, faid he, what thou difcovereft on it. I ' fee multitudes of People pafling over it, faid I, and a '...
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The Moral Miscellany: Or, a Collection of Select Pieces, in Prose and Verse ...

1773 - 394 pagina’s
...me further, faid he, what thou difcoverefl on it. I fee multitudes of people paffing over it, faid I, and a black cloud hanging on each end of it. As I looked more attentively, 1 faw feveral of the pafTeng.rs dropping through the bridge, into the great tide that flowed underneath...
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The Arminian Magazine: Consisting of Extracts and Original ..., Volume 8

John Wesley - 1785 - 718 pagina’s
...that this bridge confifted at firft of a thoufand arches, but that a great flood fwept away the reft, and left the bridge in the ruinous condition I now beheld it* But tell me further, faid he, what thou difcovereft on it. I fee multitudes of people patting over it, faid I, and a black...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Passages in Prose, Selected ...

Vicesimus Knox - 1790 - 1058 pagina’s
...this bridge coniilled at' firil of a thoufand arches ; but that a great flood fwept away the reft, and left the bridge in the ruinous condition I now beheld it : but tell me further, faid he, what thou difcovereit on it. I fee multitudes of people puffing over it, faid I, and a bhck...
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The Prose epitome; or, Extracts, elegant, instructive, and entertaining ...

1792 - 494 pagina’s
...that this bridge confiftcd at firft of a thoufand arches ; but that a great flood fwept away the reft, and left the bridge in the ruinous condition I now beheld it. But tell me further, faid he, what thou difcovereft on it. I fee multitudes of people pa flingover it.faid I,and a black...
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Interesting Anecdotes, Memoirs, Allegories, Essays, and Poetical ..., Volume 2

Addison (pseud.) - 1794 - 564 pagina’s
...this bridge at firft confifted of a thou fa nd arches; but that a great flood fwept away the reft, and left the bridge in the ruinous condition I now beheld it. But tell me further, faid he, what thou difcovereft on it. I fee multitudes of people paffing over it, faid I, and a black...
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A Real Treasure for the Pious Mind

1797 - 110 pagina’s
...that the bridge confifted at firft of a thoufand arches; but that a great flood fwept away the reft, and left the bridge in the ruinous condition I now beheld it ; but tell me further, faid he, what thou difcovereft on it ? I fee multitudes of people palling over it, faid I, and a black...
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Beauties of British Prose

Sydney Melmoth - 1805 - 368 pagina’s
...arches which added to those that were entire, made up the number about an hundred. As I was counting the arches, the genius told me that this bridge consisted...the ruinous condition I now beheld it : but tell me farther, said he, what thou discoverest on it. I see multitudes of people passing over it, said I,...
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A Real Treasure for a Pious Mind

1806 - 118 pagina’s
...that the bridge confifted at firft of a thoufand arches; but that a great flood Twept away the reft, and left the bridge in the ruinous condition I now beheld it ; but tell me further, faid he, what thou difcovereft on it ? I fee multitudes of people paffing over it, faid I, and a black...
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The British Essayists;: Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - 322 pagina’s
...those that were entire, made up the number about an hundred. As I was counting the arches, the genins told me that this bridge consisted at first of a thousand...on each end of it." As I looked more attentively, 1 saw several of the passengers dropping through the bridge into the great tide that flowed underneath...
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