
ROHR, K. Die Letzten Dinge u. das Jenseits. 5 Vorträge. 2. Aufl. Bas.: Jaeger & Kober. 8vo, pp. viii. 131. M. 1.

SCHNABEL, H. Ph. Die Theopneustie der hl. Schrift. Ein Beitrag zur Lösg. der "Inspirationsfrage.' Inspirationsfrage." Stuttg.: Greiner & Pf.

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FLÜGEL, O. A. Ritschl's Philosophische u. Theologische Ansichten. 3. Aufl. Langensalza: Beyer & Söhne. 8vo, pp. viii. 142. M.2. CARON, M. L'Immortalité chrétienne. 2me éd. Paris: Haton. 18mo, xix. 309. F.3.

WILDE, M. Die Gotteswelt. Versuch e. Darstellung der bibl. Schöpfungs- und Naturlehre im Grundriss. Stuttgart: Steinkopf. 8vo, pp. 259. M.3.


EDWARDS, Principal T. C. On the God-Man. I. The Incarnation of the Trinity. II. The Incarnation and Human Nature. The Expositor, August, September, 1895.

BISHOP, Rev. W. S. Justification by Faith as set forth in the Epistle to the Romans. The Church Eclectic (Milwaukee), May 1895.

WENLEY, R. M. The Logic of Contemporary Theology. No. IV. The Thinker, June 1895.

HARDING, Rev. E. Elmer. The Inspiration and Preservation of the Holy Scriptures. The Thinker, June 1895.

FOGAZZARO, A. The Origin of Man and the Religious Sentiment. The Contemporary Review, July 1895.

TROELTSCH, Prof. E. Die Selbständigkeit der Religion. Ztschr. für Theologie und Kirche, V. 5.

Mr Arthur Balfour on the Foundations of Religious Belief. The Edinburgh Review, July 1895.

DAWSON, Sir J. W. The Fall and its Consequences. The Erpositor, July 1895.

FOSTER, Frank Hugh. Studies in Christology. The Bibliotheca Sacra, July 1895.

WATSON, Rev. John. The Kingdom of God. The Expositor, July 1895.

"The Foundations of Belief." Blackwood's Magazine, July 1895. BARRY, Rev. Dr. W. A Defence of Prayer (in Reply to Mr Norman Pearson). The Nineteenth Century, August 1895.

TRAUB. Grundlegung und Methode der Lipsius'schen Dogmatik.
Theologische Studien und Kritiken, 3, 1895.

GLOATZ, Dieckhoff über die Inspiration und Irrthumslosigkeit der
h. Schrift. Neue Jahrb. f. deutsche Theologie, IV. 2.
GREENE, W. Breaton. The Function of Reason in Christianity.
The Presbyterian and Reformed Review, July 1895.

BASCOM, John. The Philosophical Basis of the Supernatural. The New World, June 1895.

BOSANQUET, Bernard. The Evolution of Religion. International Journal of Ethics. July 1895.

BRYANT, Robert. Materialism. The Primitive Methodist Quarterly Review, July 1895.

CONYBEARE, F. C. The Philosophical Aspects of the Doctrine of Divine Incarnation. The Jewish Quarterly Review, July 1895. MÉNÉGOZ, E. La Notion historique et la Notion religieuse du Miracle. Rev. de Théol. et des Quest. Relig.

BOIS, H. Les Miracles bibliques et les Miracles actuels. Rev. de Theol. et des Quest. Relig.

PETAVEL-OLLIFF, E. Thèses synthétiques sur la Divinité de JesusChrist. Rev. de Théol. et de Phil., 3, 1895.

BÖHMER, D. Erlösung im Sinne Jesu u. seiner Jünger. Kirchl. Monatschr., XIV. 9, Juni 1895.

EWALD, P. Ueber d. Verhältniss d. Systematischen Theologie zur
Schriftwissenschaft. N. Kirchl. Z., 6, 1895.

GLOSSNER, M. Apologetische Tendenzen
Apologetische Tendenzen u. Richtungen. VII.
Inspiration u. Kanon. Jahrb. f. phil. u. spek. Theol., IX. 4,

MALAN, C. L'Action de l'Espirit du Dieu dans l'homme. Rev. de
Théol. et de Phil., 3, 1895.

GILBERT, Prof. G. H. Biblical Theology; its History and its Mission. The Biblical World, July 1895.

GOUNELLE, E. La Révélation. Rev. de Théol. et des Quest. Rel., 4, 1895.

ADENEY, Prof. W. F. Early Ideas of the Divinity of Christ. The Thinker, August 1895.

LOBSTEIN, P. Essai d'une Introduction à la Dogmatique Protestante. Rev. de Théol. et de Philos. 4, 1895.

STRAUSS UND TORNEY, V. v. Vom Sündenfall und der Erbsünde. N. Kirchl. Z., 7, 1895.

COMTESSE, P. De la Doctrine et l'Usage de la Sainte Cène. Christ. Evany, 7, 1895.

STAARBUCK, Rev. C. C. Salvability of Heretics. Methodist Review, September-October 1895.

La Prière et les lois naturelles (Pastor Bonus, Ztsch. f. Kirchl. Wissenschaft u. Praxis, viii. 1). Revue catholique des Revues, Juillet, 1895.

STOKES, Prof. G. J. Gnosticism and Modern Pantheism. Mind,
July 1895.

IVERACH, Prof. J. Professor Pfleiderer on the Pauline Doctrine of
the Resurrection. I. The Thinker, September 1895.
LUMBY, Prof. J. Rawson. "He descended into Hell." The Thinker,
September 1895.

ORR, Prof. James. Some aspects of Kant's Theory of Religion. The
Thinker, September 1895.

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HYDE, W. de W. Outlines of Social Theology. London: Macmillan. Cr. 8vo. 6s.

BLISS, W. D. P. A Handbook of Socialism, etc. London: Swan Cr. 8vo, pp. x. 291. 3s. 6d.

Sonnenschein & Co. BIGG, C. Neoplatonism.

355. 3s. DORMAN, Marcus R. P. Paul, Trübner & Co.

SPENCER, Herbert.

London: S.P.C.K. Cr. 8vo, pp. viii,

From Matter to Mind. London: Kegan 8vo, pp. 328. 7s. 6d.

The Data of Ethics.
Williams & Norgate. 8vo, pp. 280.

Cheap Edition. London:


GARDAIR, M. De la Connaissance. Paris: Lethielleux. 12mo, 315.


PILLON, F. L'année philosophique, 5e année, 1894.

8vo, pp. 324. F.5.

Paris: Alcan.

MERCIER, D. Cours de Philosophie. Vol. II. La Psychologie. Louvain: Uystpruyst-Dieudonné, 8vo, pp. 542. F.8. CAMAUER, Jules. Evangile contre Socialisme. Louvain: Imp. Poleunis et Ceuterick. 8vo, pp. 57. F.1.

MARTINEAU, Dr J. A Study of Spinoza. 3rd ed. London: Macmillan. Cr. 8vo, pp. 390.

PROTHERO, M. Political Economy.

8vo, pp. 282.

4s. 6d.


London: G. Bell & Sons. Cr.

SEVENS, Theodoor. Het Socialismus in België. Kortrijk: Beyaert.

8vo, pp. 128. F.1.25.

TARDE, G. Les Lois de l'imitation.

Alcan. 8vo, pp. 428. F.7.50.

LE BON, G. Psychologie des Foules. 200. F.2.50.

Étude sociologique. Paris:

Paris: Alcan. 12mo, pp.

COCHIN, Denys. Le Monde extérieur. Paris: Masson. 8vo, pp. 502. F.7.50.

BOILLEY, Paul. Les trois Socialismes: Anarchisme, Collectivisme, Paris: Alcan. 12mo, pp. 478. F.3.50.


MICHEL, Jules.

Manuel d'Economie sociale. Tours: Mame.

12mo, pp. 322. F.1.50.

COE, Charles Clement. Nature versus Natural Selection: An Esssay on Organic Evolution. London: Swan Sonnenschein. 8vo, pp. xiii, 591, xx. 10s. 6d.


History of Modern Philosophy, from Nicolas of Cusa to the Present Time. Trans. by A. C. Armstrong. London: Bell & Sons. 8vo, pp. 672. 16s.

NITTI, F. S. Catholic Sociology. Trans. from the Italian by Mary Mackintosh. (International Library of Philosophy.) London: Swan Sonnenschein. Roy. 8vo, pp. xx. 432.

10s. 6d.

STANLEY, Hiram M. Studies in the Evolutionary Psychology of Feeling. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co. 8vo, pp. viii. 392. 7s. 6d.


KILPATRICK, Rev. T. B. The Philosophy of Thomas Hill Green, I. II. The Thinker, July, August 1895.

KIRKUS, W. Sentimentalism and Political Economy. The New World, June 1895.

RITCHIE, Prof. D. G. Free Will and Responsibility. International Journal of Ethics, July 1895.

HIBBEN, John Grier. Automatism in Morality.

Journal of Ethics, July 1895.


JODL, Fr. Georg von Gizycki and the Science of Ethics. International Journal of Ethics, July 1895.

Les théories économiques aux XIII et XVe Siècles. L'Association catholique, Juillet 1895.

Le transformisme social. Revue philosophique, Juillet 1895.

Substance et phénomène; critique de théories nouvelles. Annales de Philosophie chrétienne, Juillet 1895.

La philosophie de la contingence; analyse et critique des théories nouvelles. Annales de Philosophie chrétienne, Juillet 1895.

La liberté n'est pas innaissable.-Role de la liberté dans la connaissance. Annales de Philosophie chrétienne, Juillet 1895.

Le platonisme pendant la renaissance, etc. Annales de Philosophie chrétienne, Juillet 1895.

Cousin, sa vie et sa correspondence.

chrétienne, May 1895.

HOLBROOK, Z. S. What is Sociology?
July 1895.

Les facultés de l'ame, les données communes.
chrétienne, May 1895.

Annales de Philosophie

The Bibliotheca Sacra,

Annales de Philosophie

Du phénomène psychologique de l'hybridité linguistique et du bilinguisme. Revue philosophique, Juin 1895.

HERBERT, Hon. Auberon. State Socialism in the Court of Reason. The Humanitarian, July 1895.

RAUPERT, J. Godfrey. Some Results of Modern Psychical Research. The Humanitarian, July 1895.

BOWNE, Prof. B. P. The Speculative Significance of Freedom. Methodist Review, September-October 1895.

SIDGWICK, A. Context and Meaning. Mind, July 1895.

MONTGOMERY, Edmund. Integration of Mind. Mind, July 1895. M'INTYRE, J. L. Time and the Succession of Events. Mind, July 1895.

BRYANT, Sophie. Antipathy and Sympathy. Mind, July 1895.


SCHULTZE, V. Archäologie der altchristlichen Kunst. Münch. Beck. 8vo, pp. xii. 382. M.10.

HUGHES, M. A. Soziales Christentum. Eine Sammlg. der hierüber geh. Predigten. Deutsch v. R. Zwingmann u. C. Krause. Leipzig: Werther. Svo, pp. xiv. 202. M.3.50.

THALHOFER'S, V. Erklärung der Psalmen u. der im Römischen Brevier vorkommenden biblischen Cantica, m. besond. Rücksicht auf deren liturg. Gebrauch. 6. Aufl. v. P. Schmabyl. Regensb. Nationale Verlagsanstalt. 8vo, pp. vii. 968.




Andachtsbuch der orthodox-katholischen Kirche des Morgenlandes. Deutsch u. Slavisch unter Berücksicht. des Griech. Urtextes. Berl. Siegesmund. 8vo, pp. cxii. 880. M.12. TIELE, C. P. Geschichte der Religion im Altertum bis auf Alexander den Grossen. Deutsche Ausg. v. C. Gehrich. 1. Bd. 1. Hälfte. Geschichte der Aegyptischen u. der BabylonischAssyrischen Religion. Gotha: F. A. Perthes, 8vo, pp. xv. 216. M.4. CAMPBELL, Rev. D. The Roll-Call of Faith, and other Sermons. Edinburgh D. Douglas. Cr. 8vo, pp. 160. 3s. 6d. Christ or Moses: Which? Preface by Madame Olga Novikoff. London and Edinburgh: Williams and Norgate. Cr. 8vo,

pp. viii. 53. 1s. net.

CRAIG, J. The Gospel on the Continent: Incidents in the Life of James Craig. London: Hodder & Stoughton. Cr. 8vo, pp. 318. 6s.


The Divine Life in the Church: Being the Second Series of the Scottish Church Society Conferences. Edinburgh Hitt. 2 vols. Demy 8vo. 7s. 6d. net. MOLYNEUX, R. E. Reasonable Faith and Hope. London: Longmans. Cr. 8vo, pp. 306. 5s.

SWETE, Prof. H. B. Faith in its Relation to Creed, Thought, and Life. S.P.C.K. 12mo. 6d.

THEW, Rev. J. Broken Ideals and other Sermons. London: Allenson. Cr. 8vo, pp. 194. 3s. 6d.

MASPERO, G. A Manual of Egyptian Archaeology and Guide to the Study of Antiquities in Egypt. Transl. by Amelia B. Edwards. New Edition. London: Grevel. Cr. 8vo, pp.

xxiii. 360. 6s.

MACEWEN, Rev. A. R. Life and Letters of John Cairns. London : Hodder & Stoughton. 8vo, pp. 800. 14s.

WIEDEMANN, A. The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul. London Grevel. Cr. 8vo, pp.

xi. 71. 3s.

SIMPSON, W. S. Carmina Vedastina.

Collected and Edited.

London: Elliot Stock. 8vo, pp. 62. 2s. 6d.

VOLLERS, K. The Modern Egyptian Dialect of Arabic. Transl. by F. C. Burkitt. London: Cambridge Warehouse. Cr. 8vo, pp. 282.

10s. 6d.

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