

Act, an, for the trial of treasons | Americans, 4, 5, II, 14, 17, 20,

(Henry VIII.), 127, 128
Act, Chester, 117, 129
Act, Declaratory, 37, 39, 41, 59,

Act, Durham, 130

Act, First American Revenue,

33, 54

Act for opening certain ports in
Dominica and Jamaica, 240
Act, Habeas Corpus, 190, 196,

Act, Land Tax, 140

Act, the Molasses, (1733), 23, 30
Act of Navigation, 21 ff., 25, 28,
29, 35, 62, 109, 129, 240, 262
Act, Repeal, 37

Act, Stamp, 4, 5, 31, 33 ff., 52,
53, 62, 121, 153, 225, 239, 245,
253, 265, 272, 279, 282
Address to the British Colonists
in North America, 178
Admiralty, courts of, 30, 129
Africa, 84, 85, 88
African trade, 240

Algiers, 96

[blocks in formation]


22, 31 ff., 44, 56 ff., 65, 90, 99,
102, 103, 109 ff., 115, 118, 121,
125, 130, 131, 152 ff., 204, 211,
254, 255, 259, 270, 275 ff., 281,

American surveys, 250
American taxation, 1 ff., 275
American trade, 209, 282
American War, 147, 199, 233
America, On the affairs of, 189

Appalachian Mountains, Alle-
ghany, 100
Appendix, 239
Arabia, 96
Aristotle, 131

Art of Sinking in Poetry, 103

Balmerino, Lord, 191
Barbadoes, 262
Barrington, Judge, 118
Bathurst, Lord, 86
Beaconsfield, 160, 234
Bedford, Duke of, 267
Bengal, 138

Bentincks, the, 229

Bernard, Governor, 23, 25, 33,

46, 47

Blackstone's Commentaries, 94
Board of

Commissioners of

[blocks in formation]

Bristol, Speech to the Electors | Delaware, 153
of (1774), 68 ff.

Britain, Great, 11, 13, 14, 33, 41,
44, 59, 65, 76, 83, 86, 120, 168,
173, 190, 198, 207, 210, 211,
217, 223, 239, 252 253, 262,
275, 276, 280
British Empire, 239
British West Indies, 30
Brusa, 96

Burgoyne, General, 235, 236, 238
Burlington House, 155
Bute, Lord, 29, 240, 245, 258,
266, 267

Canada, 153

Canadians, 147
Cape Breton, 123

Carolina, 30, 34, 94, 103, 134
Carthagena, 262

Cavendish family, 229
Cavendish, Lord John, 145
Charles I., 91

Charles II., 22, 117, 213, 264
Chatham, Lord, 36, 39, 48, 130,
150, 151, 217, 239

Chester, 112, 116 ff., 121, 130,

China, 277

Church of England, 93, 102
Cider Tax, 239
Crimea, 96

Coke, Sir Edward, 104, 191
Colonies, passim

Colonies, On conciliation with
the (March 22, 1775), 76 ff.
Colonies, The Regulations of the,

Congress, 129, 155

Connecticut, 26, 34, 76, 123, 127,

Considerations on Trade and
Finance, 243, 285
Conway, General, 38 ff.
Conway, Mr. Secretary, 48
Conyers, Miss, 151
Cooke, George, 49
Cornwall, Chas. Wolfran, I
Cumberland, Duke of, 239
Curdistan, 96

Dartmouth, Lord, 80

[blocks in formation]

Despenser, Lord, 245, 258
Dowdeswell family, 229
Dowdeswell, Mr., 38, 63, 286
Dunmore, Lord, 98

Durham, 112, 118, 121, 132
Dutch, massacre, at Amboyna,


Dutch War, 213

East India committees, 10
East India Company, 9, 20, 25,
53, 138, 139
East Indies, 198
Edward I., 114
Egmont, Lord, 39

Egremont, Earl of, 267

Egypt, 96

Elizabeth, Queen, 113

Elphinstone, Arthur, Lord Bal-
merino, 191

England, 7, 22, 24, 25, 30, 31,
84, 85, 87, 91
Exchequer Court, II

Falkland Island, 88
Farr, John, 189
Fauquier, Governor, 46
Fort Detroit, 26
Fort Kniphausen, 201
Fort Pittsburg, 26
Foundling Hospital, 249
France, 88, 97, 201, 211, 213,
257, 265, 277, 286
Franklin, Benjamin, 38, 97, 154,
155, 160, 237, 238
Franklin, Letter to Dr. Benjamin,
Freedom, 139
Freemen, 69, 71
French, 262

French West Indies, 22, 30, 283
Fuller, Mr. Rose, 1, 56, 78

Gage, General, 43, 95
George II., 23, 121
George III., 129, 265
Georgia, 30, 97
Germans, 201 ff., 210
Germany, 136, 204
Gibraltar, 145
Glover, Mr., 83

Grenville, Mr., 27, 28, 30, 32, 37,
43, 45, 46, 80, 125, 130, 245,

Habeas Corpus. See Act, Habeas | Journals of the House, 123, 124


Halifax, Earl of, 46, 267

Juvenal, 1, 90

Halifax Libel, Answer to the, 60 Keppel family, 229

Hamburg, 285

Hampden, John, II
Hampshire, New, 123
Harrington's Oceana, 119
Harris, John, 189
Havannah, 283
Henry III., 114

Henry VIII., 13, 16, 106, 115,
117, 127, 192, 193, 196
Hillsborough, Lord, 7, 13, 16,
18 ff., 122
Hindostan, 219

History of the Minority, 242
History of the Repeal of the
Stamp Act, 243
Holland, 61, 88, 213, 285, 286
Horace, Odes, Lib. i. xii., 27
Horace, Serm. ii. 2, 3
House of Brunswick, 86
House of Commons, 1 ff., 6, 13,
14, 25 ff., 32 ff., 36 ff., 42, 43,
50 ff., 66, 76 ff., 84, 92, 100,
109, 112, 123 ff., 133, 137, 157
ff., 161, 170, 175, 185, 198,
245, 261 ff., 271, 280
House of Lords, 39, 45, 100, 175,
185, 208, 272, 280
Howe, General, 209
Howe, Lord, 214
Hudson, River, 153
Hudson's Bay, 88
Hume, Mr., 199
Hyder Ali, 9

Independents, 91

India, 9, 139

Indian tribes, 26

Indian War (1763), 97
Indian wars, 123
Ireland, 76, 112, 113, 122, 132,
137, 250 ff., 255, 257
Ireland was never entirely sub-
dued until the beginning of his
Majesty's Happy Reign, The
True Causes why, 113
Irish revenue, 258, 259
Isle of Man, 19

Isle of Wight, 25

Jamaica, 34, 262, 279, 283
James I., 218

King, Address to the, 161 ff.

[blocks in formation]

tion, intituled The Present State | Russia, 147, 240

of the Nation (1769), 242 ff.

Ohio, 26

Otis, 59

Ovid, Heroid, Ep. xv. 83, 95
Oyer and Terminer, 195

Paine, Thos., Common Sense,
207; The Rights of Man, 207
Paradise Lost, 41, 107
Paris, 160

Paris, the peace of, 245, 267
Parliament, British, 17, 37, 59,
60, 73, 112, 114, 121 ff., 148,
154, 158, 197, 206, 215, 217,
222, 223, 225 ff.

Parl. Hist., 37; vol. xviii. 135,


Parliament, Long, II

Rye, I

Sabine (J. ?), 30
Sacheverel, 157
Salem, 219

Sandwich, Earl of, 267
Saunders family, 229
Saville family, 229

Savile, Sir George, 151, 286
Scotland, 85

Seven Years' War, 37
Short Account of a late Short
Administration, 239
Slavery, 139

Slaves, 102, 103, 168
Slaves, African, 182
Slave-dealers, West African, 30
Smith, Adam, 22, 45
Smuggling, 25, 284

Pennsylvania, 26, 60, 87, 91, 151 Smuggling, in the Isle of Man,

Passy, 238

Pentland Frith, 25

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Portland, Duke of, 151, 155, Spanish West Indies, 283

[blocks in formation]

Speaker of the Commons, 21, 52,
86, 132

Speech on Taxation, 226
Stamp Act. See Act, Stamp
State of the Nation, 266, 274, 285
Staten, 208

Stormont, Lord, 154

[blocks in formation]
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