
Oldenburg, and the same horn, as it was come by in so wonderful a manner, was preserved as a costly jewel by him, and by all the succeeding reigning princes of the house of Oldenburg *.

* Given by Büsching (Volks-sagen Märchen und Legenden. Leipzig, 1820), from Hammelmann's Oldenburg Chronicle, 1599. Mme. Naubert has, in the 2d vol. of her Volksmärchen, wrought it up into a tale of 130 pages.

The Oldenburg horn is now in the king of Denmark's collection.



Oldenburg, and the same horn, as it was come by in so wonderful a manner, was preserved as a costly jewel by him, and by all the succeeding reigning princes of the house of Oldenburg *.

* Given by Büsching (Volks-sagen Märchen und Legenden. Leipzig, 1820), from Hammelmann's Oldenburg Chronicle, 1599. Mme. Naubert has, in the 2d vol. of her Volksmärchen, wrought it up into a tale of 130 pages.

The Oldenburg horn is now in the king of Denmark's collection.


Vom Kobolt sang die Amme mir
Vom Kobolt sing' ich wieder.

Von Halem.

Of Kobold sang my nurse to me-
Of Kobold I too sing.

THE Kobold is exactly the same being as the Danish Nis, Scottish Brownie, and English Hobgoblin. He performs the very same services for the family to whom he attaches himself.

When the Kobold is about coming into any place, he first, in this way, makes trial of the disposition of the family. He brings chips and saw-dust into the house, and throws dirt into the milk-vessels. If the master of the house takes care that the chips are not scattered about, and that the dirt is left in the vessels, and the milk drunk out of them, the Kobold comes and stays in the house as long as there is one of the family alive.

The change of servants does not affect the Kobold, who still remains. The maid who is going away must commend him to her successor to take care of him, and treat him well. If she does not so, things go ill with her till she is also obliged to leave the place.

The history of the celebrated Hinzelmann will give most full and satisfactory information respecting the nature and properties of Kobolds; for such he was, though he used constantly to deny it. His history was written at considerable length by a pious minister, named Feldmann. MM. Grimm give us the following abridgment of it *.


A WONDERFUL house-spirit haunted for a long time the old castle of Hudemühlen, situated in the country of Luneburg, not far from the Aller, and of which now there are nothing but the walls remaining. It was in the year 1584 that he first notified his presence, by knocking and making various noises. Soon after he began to converse with the servants in the daylight. 'They were at first terrified at hearing the voice and seeing nothing, but by degrees they became accustomed to it and thought no more of it. At last he became quite courageous, and began to speak to the master of Feldmann's work is a 12mo

* Deutsche Sagen, i. p. 103. vol. of 379 pages.

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