




AMONG the additions to the present Part, DEFOE has received considerable attention, and the list of his writings is at least more complete than any yet published, although still open to critical questioning. I take occasion to make especial allusion to this article, because it gives me an opportunity of replying to an attack, which, though insignificant in itself, assumes form by being admitted into an influential journal. I am accused of having dealt unfairly with the public, in announcing the Works of Defoe,' and then stopping short at seven volumes. To which I reply that I never announced, and never dreamt of publishing, the entire Works of Defoe, even were it possible to ascertain exactly what they are. I merely announced The Novels and Miscellaneous Works,' as the principal title will shew, and as had been done before in Lewis's edition; and this announcement I have fulfilled. I have not only published all the Novels and several of the Miscellaneous Works, but have never even relinquished my intention of proceeding, although in the face of almost certain loss. My present list of Defoe's Works, constructed on a novel plan, will not only shew the extent and uncertainty of what is attributable to him, but also how many abortive attempts, for want of public encouragement, have from time to time been made to republish them. The fact is, that although Defoe ranks as a Classic, and is a household word with the English public, the only one of his works they currently buy is 'Robinson Crusoe;' all the rest find but a slow and unrequiting

sale. Collectors and literary men eagerly endeavour to complete their sets of Defoe, and, unable to obtain modern editions of a great proportion of his writings, buy up the rarer volumes at a large price; but this class of buyers constitutes a very limited portion of the reading public, quite insufficient to support a popular form of publication. My seven volumes, published at 3s. 6d. each, comprehend in substance the whole twenty of the previous edition which was published at £5. If the public will afford suffi cient encouragement, I will go on producing in the same ratio; otherwise there is no mutuality of purpose. I permit myself further to observe, that every volume is complete in itself, and sells separately, so that a purchaser who gets Moll Flanders and the History of the Devil' in one volume-hitherto a guinea's-worth -for three and sixpence; or the Plague, the Fire of London, and the Storm' for a like sum, will not have much reason to complain, even should he never get all the Fifteen Comforts of an honest Scotchman' on the same terms.


The labour bestowed on the present Part has been excessive, and yet might advantageously have been more. Every page, almost every article, has received corrections or additions. To the discerning bibliographer it will be sufficient to point out the following: Dallaway, Daniell, Dante, Decker, Dibdin, Digby, D'Israeli, Domesday, Donovan, Drake, Drayton, Drolleries, Drummond, Dugdale, Dunton, Edgeworth, Epitaphs, Euclid, Eusebius, Euripides, Faber, Fielding, Fisher (Payne), Fox, Franklin, Freemasons, Fuller.



Bibliographer's Manual.




Touch- is not noticed by Wood in his account of
Cardinal Allen. Gordonstoun, 726*, 17. 18.
Bright, 21. 9s.

stone of true Re

1590. 8vo.


D. H.-A godlie and fruitfull Treatise of Faith and Workes. From Maunsell's Wherein is confuted a certaine catalogue, p. 115. Opinion of Merit by Workes, which an Aduersary to the Gospell of Christ Jesu, held in the Conference, had in the Tower of London. Lond. Gregory Seton. 1583. 16mo.

D. A.

drew; SIDNEY, Sir Philip.

[ocr errors]



D. E.-A Catholick Apologie against the Libels, Declarations, Aduices and Consultations, made written and published by those of the League, Perturbers of the Estate of France. By E.D.L.I.C. Lond. for Edward Aggas, 8vo.

Inglis, 271, 13s.

D. E.-A Vindication of the Historiographer of the University of Oxford. See Wood, Anthony à. D. E.-A Tour through the Upper Provinces of Hindostan. 1823. 8vo. with a map, 9s.

D. G.-A briefe Discoverie of Dr. Allen's seditious Drifts, contriued in a Pamphlet written by him concerning the Yeelding vp of the Towne of Deuenter (in Ouerrissel) vnto the King of Spain, by Sir William Stanley. Lond. by J(ohn) W (olfe) for Francis Coldock,

1588. 4to.

Dedicated To Ambrose Dudley, Earle of Warwicke, Baron Lisle.' A, 4 leaves, B to G eight leaves each.

D. H. (H. Dering). Ripensis.Reliquiæ Eboracensis. Eboraci.

1743. 4to.'

Pp. 95, with title and 'Ad Lectorem,' 1 page.


D. J.-The civil warres of Great

Britain and Ireland, containing an exact account of their original, progress and happy end. Glasg. 1664.

4to. 21. 2s.

D. J.-The Vngodlinesse of the Hethnicke Goddes, or the Downfall of Diana of the Ephesians, by J. D. an Exile for the Word, late a Minister in London. M.DLIV. 16mo. glish Poetry, 8vo. IV. 139.

In verse. See Warton's History of En

Brambles and Briars: or a Field D. I-A Hedgerow of Bushes, Pp. 128, besides a prefatory epistle To full of Tares, Thissels and Time; the Reader' by G. D. This excellent tract of the Vanities and vain Delights of


the World, &c. piled by I. D.

Now newly comLond. 1598. 4to.

D. I.-Solomons Pest House Re-edified, prepared to preserve Londoners from the Plague, with A. Holland's Look-backe; a description of the Prodigious Plague in 1615. A Poem. Lond, 1630. 4to. Freeling, 1858.

D. J.-The Secrets of Angling. By I. D. Esquire. Lond. 1613. 12mo.

In the third edition of Walton's Angler this author is mentioned under the name of Jo. Davors, but in the books at Stationers' Hall he is called John Dennys. Milner, in 1827, 6. 2s. 6d., now in the Bodleian. Pickering (C wanting), 17. 17s. No others known. Second edition, augmented with many approved Experiments by W. Lauson. Lond. imprinted for R. Jackson, 1652, 12mo. Milner, 4l. Bright, date cut off, 17. 10s. Pickering, 17, 18. This edition was reprinted in the British Bibliographer. 100 copies printed separately, 1811, 8vo. 4s.

D. M.-See DRAYTON, Michael. D. N.-Nic. DOLEMAN, i. e. Robert PARSONS.

D. N.-A Review of ten pvblike Disputations or Conferences held within the Compasse of foure Years, vnder K. Edward & Q. Mary. 1604. 8vo.

[This forms the 2nd part of the 3rd vol of Parson's three Conversions of England.]

A copy is in the British Museum.

D. R.-An exhortation to England to join for Defense of true Religion and their native countrie. At the Star in Paternoster Row. 1568, 12mo. in verse.

Unique. Heber, pt. iv. 462, 27. 1s. D. R.-The Mirrour of Mirth and pleasant Conceits. 1583. 4to.

Another edition, 1592, 4to.

D. R.-See DIXON, Robert. DaVENPORT, Robert.

D. S.-See DANIEL, Samuel.
D. T.-A true Discourse of the

D. Sir I. Knight.-Reason's Academy: or, a new Post with sove-most happy Victories obtayned by reign Salve to cure the World's the French King against the ReMadness; expressing himself in bels and Enemies of his Majesty, several Essays and Witty Dis- &c. Lond. J. Woolfe and E. White's, courses. Lond. 1620, 8vo. 1589. 4to.

Written in prose; at the end is Reason's Moan, eleven stanzas. Query written by

Sir John Davies? Another edition. Printed for John Mariot. Heber, pt. iv. 441, 67. See Censura Literaria.

D. J.-The Knave in Grain new vampt, a witty Comedy, acted at the Fortune many Dayes. Lond. 1640. 4to.

Rhodes, 223, 8s. Roxburghe, 4728, 6s. Boswell, 1981, 7s. 6d.

D. J.-Short Meditations on, with a briefe Description of the Life and Death of Oliver Cromwell. Written by J. D. Durnovariæ. (1660). 4to.

D. J.-Hell's high Court of Jus-
tice; or, Tryall of the three politic
Ghosts. Lond. 1661. 4to. 6s.
A political drama.
D.I.or J.-See DICKENSON, John.
DAVIS, Sir John. DAVIES, John, of
Hereford. DAVISON, John.

D. T.-Canaan's Calamitie, Jerusalem's Miserie and England's Mirror.-The dolefull Destruction of faire Jerusalem by Tytus, in the Yeare of Christes Incarnation 74. Lond. Thomas Purfoot, 1598. 8vo.

The dedication of this poetical work to M. Richard Kingsmill, Esquier, is signed T. D. quere Thomas Deloney or Thomas Decker.-1640, 4to. Nassau, pt. i. 1065, 5s.

D. T.-The Bloodie Banquet, a Tragedie: by T. D. Lond. 1630.


Another edition. 1639, 4to. This play was, according to Langbaine, written by a gentleman of the name of Thomas Barker. D. T.--The excellent Woman described, by T. D. Lond. 1695. 8vo. 2 vols.

Roxburghe, 1359, 6s.

D. T.-See DECKER, Thomas. DELONEY, Thomas. DURFEY, Tho


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