

D. W.-See DAVENANT, Sir Wil- | portunè agendi ea, quæ circa Corpus DRUMMOND, William. nostrum, agenda sunt. Lond. Reg. Da. Edw.-The Prayse of No- Wolfium, 1556, 8vo. thinge. Lond. by H. Jackson, 1585. 4to.

In this work is a poetical translation from Petrarch's Triumph of Death, in blank verses of twelve syllables.

Contains C. 6, in eights. To this are annexed, Problemata quædam physica, &c. on four leaves more. Dramas, Trans

DACRE, Lady.

lations and Poems, 1821. Lond. 8vo. 2 vols. Privately printed.

DABORN, Robert. A Christian turn'd Turke, or the tragical Lives Translations from the Italian (chiefly and Deaths of the two famous Py-printed (by Chas. Whittingham). Sold Petrarch) royal 8vo. 1836. Only 150 copies rates, Ward and Dansiker. As it Sotheby's, March, 1854. 37. 3s. hath beene publickly acted. Lond. 1612. 4to.

Roxburghe, 4730, 7s. Rhodes, 866, 17. Reed, 7927, 17. 1s. Inglis' Old Plays, 25,

17. 13s.

The Poor Man's Comfort, a Tragicomedy. Lond. 1655, 4to. Roxburghe, 4731, 5s. Rhodes, 867, 16s. A Sermon on Zech. ii. 7. Waterford, 1618, 8vo.

DADE, William. History and antiquities of Holderness.

Prefatory matter, pp. v.-xxiv. Bailiwick, pp. i.-iv. with a large map North and eleven plates.

These twenty pages are all that were printed, and are very rarely to be found. The pages from 17 to 20 were cancelled and destroyed by the author.

DAGGE, Henry. Considerations

DA COSTA, Emanuel Mendez. on the Criminal Law. Second EdiHistoria Naturalis Testaceorum Britanniæ, or the British Conchol-larged. Lond. 1774, 12mo. 3 vols. tion, corrected and considerably enogy. Lond. 1778. 4to. 15s.

In English and French, illustrated with 17 plates. Copies with coloured plates,

11. 10s.

[blocks in formation]

A Natural History of Fossils. Lond. 1757, 4to. 5s. Published by subscription, and intended as a first volume of a more extensive work.

Hippolyto Joseph Pereira Hurtado de Mendoça, Narrative of the Persecution of; to which are added, the Bye-Laws of the Inquisition of Lisbon. Lond. 1811. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s.

A work containing much curious and important information relative to the Inquisition. Prefixed is a portrait of the author, by H. R. Cook. An edition in Spanish was published. Lond. 1811, 8vo. 2 vols.


tion, 1773, 3s. 6d. An able work. Best edition. First edi

Daggenham Breach.-Impartial Account of the Frauds and Abuses at Daggenham Breach. Lond. 8vo. 1717.

Dent, pt. i. 570, 7s. 6d. For an account of the stopping of Daggenham Breach, see PERRY, Captain John.

DAGLEY, Richard. Gems principally from the Antique, with Illustrations in Verse, by the Rev. Geo. Croly. Lond. 1822, post 8vo. 8s. 6d.

edition, 1804, 4to. 12s. LARGE PAPER, royal Pp. 52, with 21 engravings. A former 4to. 25 copies printed. Brockett, 1302,

17. 2s.

Death's Doings; consisting of numerous original Compositions in Prose and Verse, with 24 Illustrations, etched and designed by R. Dagley, 1826, 8vo. 16s.

DAILLÉ, John. Treatise concerning the right Use of the Fathers Al-in Matters of Controversy. Lond. 1651. sm. 4to. 5s.

DACQUETUS, Petrus, M.D. manach novvm et perpetvvm, in quo multi Prognostarum Abusus deteguntur & vulgi deprauatæ Opi. niones refelluntur, & in quo ex veterum Doctrina, traditur Ratio op

An indifferent translation of an import

ant and learned work, written by a French Protestant minister. Bishop Warburton learning and strength of argument, which designates the work as one of uncommon

brought the fathers from the bench to the table; and which may be truly said to be the store-house from whence all who have written popularly on the character of the fathers have derived their materials.'Lond. 1675, 4to. An edition translated by the Rev. T. Smith, since re-edited and amended by the Rev. G. Jekyll. Lond. 1841, 12mo. 5s.

Apology for the reformed Churches, translated by Thos. Smith. Cambridge, 1653, 12mo. 3s. 6d.

Sermons (49) upon the Epistle to the Colossians, translated from the French by F. S. Lond. 1672, folio, 10s. 6d. An indifferent translation, with a preface by Dr. Owen, and recommendatory epistle by Dr. Goodwin. New edition revised and corrected by the Rev. James Sherman, with an exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, translated by the


of Townshend, 3195, 18s. Sir M. M. Sykes,
pt. i. 853, russia, 17. 4s.
Dent, pt. i. 977, morocco, 21. 3s. Beckford,
in-, 146, russia, 67. 16s. 6d. Sir M. M.
Sykes, pt. i. 852, 27. 17s. Heath, 4627,
17. 19s. Nassau, pt. i. 1067, 21. 2s.
tion.-Pp. xxiv. not including title and
dedication to Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. and
464, also xiv plates by R. Sheppard at pp.
1, 18, 30, 36, 39, 73, 89, 99, 254, 284, 391 (2),
295 and 412. And portrait of the Author.

DALES, Major Samuel. Essay on the Study of the History of England. Lond. 1809. 8vo. 7s. 6d. DALGARNO, George. Ars Signorum, vulgo Character universalis et Lingua philosophica. Lond. 1661.

12mo. 15s.

Rev. James Sherman. Lond. 1841, to the Rev. H. J. Todd. The work An extremely ingenious project, accord

8vo. 12s. 6d.

Daimonomageia: a small Treatise of Sicknesses and Diseases from Witchcraft and supernatural Causes. Lond. 1665. 4to. 6s.

DAIPHANTUS, vide A. S(coloker). DALBY, Isaac. Course of Mathematics designed for the Use of the Royal Military College, Woolwich. Lond. royal 8vo. 2 vols.

An esteemed work, frequently reprinted. Not now used. See MUDGE.

DALE, Robert. An exact Catalogue of the Nobility of England, and Lords Spiritual according to their respective Precedencies. Lond.

1697. 8vo. 5s.

Contains 164 pages, besides a copious Index of Titles, pp. 54, and Appendix, pp. 10. There is also a frontispiece of the arms of William Duke of Gloucester, to whom the work is dedicated, and a folding leaf containing a list of the Knights

of the Garter.

was enlarged and improved upon by Bp. Wilkins in his Essay towards a real Character. Constable, 292, 17. 16s.

Didascolocophus, or the deaf and dumb Man's Tutor. Oxford, 1680, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Constable, 293, 17. 1s.

Dalgarno's whole Works, collected and edited by Thomas Maitland, Esq. Edinb. 12 copies. See AP1834. LARGE paper.

PENDIX; Maitland Club.

DALISON, William. Reports. See BENLOE, Wm.


DALLAS, R. C. History of the Maroons, from their Origin to the Establishment of their chief Tribe at Sierra Leone. Lond. 1803. 8vo.

2 vols.

This work likewise contains the history of the Expedition to Cuba, for the purpose of procuring Spanish Chasseurs; and the State of the Island of Jamaica for the last ten Years, with a succinct History of the Island previous to that Period. Dent, pt. i. 571, 9s. 6d. Drury, 1070, 15s. 6d. Samuel. History and Anti-Fonthill, 2824, 17. 8s. quities of Harwich and Dovercourt, (in Essex), topographical, dynastical and political. First collected by Silas Taylor, alias Domville, Gent., and now much enlarged by Samuel

Dale. Lond. 1730 or 1732. 4to.

Dallas's (R. C.) Miscellaneous Works and Novels, Lond. 7 vols. 12mo. 1813. 17. 158.


DALLAWAY, Rev. James. tory of the western Division of the County of Sussex, including the Rapes of Chichester, Arundel, and Bramber, with the City and Diocese of Chichester. Lond. 1815-19-30. pt. ii. 498, 17. 2s. Willet, 691, russia, imperial 4to. vol. i. (Chichester, 21. 15s. Bindley, pt. ii. 545, 18s. Marq. &c.), vol. ii. pt. i. (Arundel, &c.),

This work 'may serve as an apparatus for him who shall hereafter write the antiquities of that county.-Ant. à Wood. White Knights, 1323. 18s. Towneley,

and vol. ii. pt. ii. (Bramber, &c.) | County Bridewell, p. iv. 3. Ground Plot The 3 vols. 207.

Published under the patronage of Charles late duke of Norfolk. 500 copies were printed, out of which 300 of the first volume and 470 of the first part of the second were destroyed by fire at Bensley's Printing Office, Bolt Court, on 26th June, 1819. [The second part of vol. 2, edited after Dallaway's death, by Ed. Cartwright, was published in 1830, at 57.; and in 1832 was reprinted the rare vol. 2, part 1, likewise edited by Cartwright, 51.] Some few copies have the arms emblazoned.

of do. p. v. 4. Ground Plan of do., p. vi. 5. Castle Goring, two Views, p. 37. 6. Specimens of the Architecture in Tortington Church, p. 82. 7. Arundel Castle, p. 90. 8. A Ground plan of do. p. 93. 9. The Duke of Norfolk, p. 161. 10. Arundel Castle (a second view), p. 162. 11. A Plan of Ditto in 1815, p. 1664. 12. Fitz Allan Sepulchral Chapel, p. 169. 13. Tomb of Thomas, Earl of Arundel, p. 173. 14. Amberley Castle, p. 198. 15. Parham Park, p. 206. 16. Plan of a Roman Villa at Bignor, p. 221. 17. Specimen of one of the Mosaic Pavements at Bignor, p. 222. 18. Burton Park, p. 252. 19. Brass of Thomas Harling, p. 324, A leaf containing the Pedigrees of Lewknor, Knight, May, Brodnax and Martin, p. 50.

Collation.-Vol. I. Title and Dedication to the Duke of Norfolk, 2 leaves; To the Reader and Contents, pp. i-viii; The History of the Western Division, pp. i- Vol. II. Part the first, 1832. Title, clxvi; The History and Antiquities of dedication to K. William IV. and dediChichester, pp. i-215; Appendix of Ge- cation to Duke of Norfolk, 3 leaves. nealogy, 6 leaves; Parochial Topography Contents, Subscribers, Preface, 3 leaves. of the Rape of Chichester, &c. pp. 1-336. Preliminary History, pp. vii to xvi. PaDallaway's Sussex, vol. I.- Plates.-1. rochial Topography of the Rape of ArunPlan of the City of Chichester, p. 1. 2. del. Bastard title, 1 leaf. B to 3 F, 405 pp. Plan of the Liberties of the City, p. 10. List of Plates, 1 p. Errata a slip. Por3. Sanctus Ricardus, p. 46. 4. South West trait of Walter Burrell, front. Views of View of Chichester Cathedral, p. 117. 5. Petworth County Bridewell, p. viii. Section of Ditto, p. 119. 6. The Nave, p. 120. Ground plan of the same, p. ix. Ground 7. Specimen of the Nave and End of the plan showing the alterations, p. ix. Map of Choir, p. 120. 8, 9. Ancient Paintings. the Rape of Arundel, to face half-title. Two Plates, p. 124. 10. Ground Plan, Two Views of Castle Goring, p. 39. Sep. 131. 11. Bishop Sherburne's Monu- pulchral Antiquities found at Avisford ment, p. 133. 12. Monuments of William Hill, p. 80. Font and Arches of TortingCollins and Agnes Cromwell, p. 137. 13. ton Church, p. 88. Arundel Castle, p. 96. Chichester House, p. 141. 14. The Market Ground plan of Arundel Castle, 1789, p. 96. Cross, p. 168. 15. The Rape of Chiches- Portrait of Charles, Duke of Norfolk, p. ter, 1815, p. 1. 16. Monument of John 187. Arundel Castle from the river, p. 188. Lewes, p. 10. 17. Oakwood House, p. 107. Plan of the principal floor of Arundel Cas18. Etching of the Tomb of Thomas La tle, 1815, p. 188. Sepulchral Chapel at Warte, p. 129. 19. Halnaker House, &c. Arundel, p. 198. Tomb of Thomas, Earl p. 133. 20. Good wood, p. 135. 21. Slyndon, of Arundel, p. 199. Amberley Castle, p. 228. p. 148. 22. Stanstead, p. 158. 23. West Portrait of Lieut.-Colonel Cecil Bisshop, Dean, p. 165. 24. Trotton. Tomb of Tho- p. 236. Parham Park, p. 237. Mosaic mas Baron Camois in the Chancel, p. 224. Pavement of the Rape of Ganymede, p. 253. 25. Cowdray. Four Views, p. 248. 26. Plan of the Roman Villa at Bignor, p. 254. Ruins of Crowdray, p. 249. 27. Holly- Mansion at Burton Park, p. 283. Sepulcombe, p. 300. At p. 166 is a folding leaf chral Brass of Thomas Harling, p. 361. containing the Pedigrees of Peachey and Shillinglee Park, p 370. Pedigree of Lewknor. Plates, Additament, and Sheets Hinton and Baverstock, p. 53. Pedigree of to be cancelled of Volume I. Published Holmes, p. 213. 1819. Map of the Rape of Chichester, 1819. Portrait of John Buckner, Bishop of Chichester. Additions and Corrections, pp. 18. Preliminary History, pp. cxlv to clxviii (misprint cxlviii), also reprints of Pp. 177, 178, 227, 228.

Vol. II. Part the first, 1819. Title, dedication to the duke of Norfolk, and contents, 3 leaves; preliminary history, pp. iii-xi; Parochial Topography of the Rape of Arundel, pp. 1-369. After which is a leaf containing Directions to the Binder. Plates.-1. The Rape of Arundel, 1819. To face the title. 2. Petworth

Vol. II. Part the second, under the title of The Parochial Topography of the Rape of Bramber, in the Western Division of the County of Sussex, by Rev. Edmund Cartwright. Lond. 1830, Imp. 4to. Title, dedication to Earl of Surrey, Preface, Contents, 4 leaves. Preliminary History, i-xvi. B to 3 F, 402 pp. List of Plates, 1 p. Charles, duke of Norfolk, to face title. Geological map, face Preliminary History, p. 1. Plate of Organic Remains, p. xv. Map and Sections, p. xvi. Map of the Rape of Bramber, p. 1. Plan of Cissbury, p. 32. Broadwater Brass, p. 36.

DALLAWAY-continued. Tomb of Lord La Warre, p. 38. New Shoreham Church, p. 57. Clapham Brass, p. 84. Sandgate Lodge, p. 123. Wiston House, p. 152. Wiston Brass, p. 154. Steyning Church, p. 166. Plan of Bramber Castle, p. 172. John Howard, Duke of Norfolk, p. 188. The same on painted glass, p. 194. Fac-simile of letter of Thomas, Earl of Surrey, p. 201. Portrait of Sir William Burrell, p. 296. Portrait of Sir Charles Merrick Burrell, p. 296. Knepp Castle, p. 298. Reliquary in Shipley Church, p. 304. West Grinstead Park, p. 308. West Grinstead, Woman Brass, p. 314. West Grinstead, Man and Woman Brass, p. 315. The Burrell Monuments, p. 316. Cowfold Brass, p. 320. Shermanbury Park, p. 324. Horsham Church, p. 354. Large Brass Monuments, p. 355. Ifield Monument, p. 384.

Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with explanatory Observations on armorial Ensigns. Gloucester, 1793,4to. Many plates, some coloured. An elegant and erudite work. Bindley, pt. ii. 544, 18s, Lloyd, 485, 17. 1s. Towneley, pt. ii. 617, 17. 1s. Edwards, 355, russia, 17. 14s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 854, 17. 19s. Brockett, 1006, russia, 21. 2s.. Fonthill, 1236, 27. 12s. 6d.

Constantinople, Antient and Modern; with Excursions to the Shores and Islands of the Archipelago, and to the Troade. Lond. 1797, 4to. Duke of York, 1476, 17. 2s. Bindley, pt. ii. 551, 13s. FINE PAPER, with coloured plates. Dent, pt. i. 978, russia, 17. 17s. Drury, 1368, morocco, 31. 10s. Fonthill, 3087, 67. 12s. 6d.

Anecdotes of the Arts in England; or comparative Remarks on Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting, chiefly illustrated by Specimens at Oxford. Lond. 1800, Svo. pp. 526. Combe, 505, 7s. Hollis, 322, LARGE PAPER, in 4to. Baker, 207, 15s. Brockett, 1007, 18s.


Observations on English Architecture, Military, Ecclesiastical, and Civil, compared with similar Buildings on the Continent: including a critical Itinerary of Oxford and Cambridge; also Historical Notices of Stained Glass, Ornamental Gardening, &c. with Chronological Tables and Dimensions of Cathedral and Conventual

Churches. Lond. 1806, royal 8vo. pp. 328, 12s. Fonthill, 1077, 14s.

Statuary and Sculpture among the Ancients, with some Account of Specimens preserved in England. Lond. 1816, imper. 8vo. Combe, 506, 27. 15s. Brockett, 973, 17. 11s. 6d. 350 copies of this work were printed; out of which 200 were destroyed by fire at Bensley's Printing Office.

William Wyrcestre Redivivus. Bristol. 1823, 4to.

Notices of ancient Church Architecture in the 15th Century, particularly at Bristol, Lond. 1823, 4to. with wood cuts, 7s. 6d.

Account of all the Pictures exhibited in the Rooms of the British Institution from 1813 to 1828, belonging to the Nobility and Gentry of England, with Remarks critical and explanatory. Lond. 1824, 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Discourses upon Architecture in England from the Norman Conquest to the reign of Elizabeth. Lond. 1833. royal

Svo. 7s. 6d.

History of Leatherhead. Privately printed. See DALLAWAY, Harriet.

Antiquities of Bristow, in the Middle Centuries. Bristol, 1834, 8vo. LARGE PAPER, 4to. arms coloured. Bright, 17. 9s.

Mr. Dallaway likewise edited Lady M.
W. Montagu's Works, and a much-im-
proved edition of Walpole's Anecdotes of

Manual of Heraldry for Amateurs.
DALLAWAY, Mrs. Harriet. Å
Lond. 1828. 12mo. 7s.

A useful work; the descriptions are concise and simple. Some copies have the cuts emblazoned.

Etchings of views in the Vicarage of Letherhead, Surrey, by Harriet Dallaway. Lond. 1821, 8vo. 46 pp. Privately printed for presents to friends. Thirteen etchings. Prefixed is an account of the village by her husband, the Rev. James Dallaway.

DALLINGTON, Robert. A Method for Trauell, shewed by taking the View of France, as it stoode in 1598. Lond. Tho. Creede, n.d. 4to.

Inscribed To all gentlemen that haue trauelled.-Rob. Dallington.' An analytical table. Y 2, in fours. Bindley, pt. ii. 570, 6s. Boswell, 1343, 18s.

A Survey of the great Duke's State in Tuscany, An. 1596. Lond. 1605, 4to.

fied with Authorities, and exemplified Aphorismes civil and military, ampliwith History, out of the first Quarterne of Fr. Guicciardine. Lond. 1615, folio.-Second edition, 1629, with the clause of Guicciardine defaced by the inquisition, consisting of 61 pages.

DALRYMPLE, Alexander. Oriental Repertory. Lond. 1791-1808. royal 4to. 2 vols. 21. 2s.

Of this work 250 copies were printed at the charge of the East India Company.

An Account of the Discoveries made in the South Pacific Ocean previous to 1764. Lond. 1767, 8vo. with chart. Privately printed.

Plan for extending the Commerce of

this Kingdom, and of the East India Company. Lond. 1769, 8vo.

Great He! but greater She! and such stuff. The part published in 1788 is frequently wanting. Heath, 4474, 37. 13s. 6d.

An historical Collection of the several Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pa--Edinb. 1771, 8vo. 3 vols. Roxburghe, cific Ocean. Lond. 1769--71, 4to. 2 vols. 12s. A Collection of Voyages, chiefly in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Published from original MSS. Lond. 1775, 4to. 5s.

A Collection of English Songs, with an Appendix of original Pieces. Lond, 1796, 8vo. 4s. 6d. An esteemed selection. Drury, 1071, 3s. 6d. Strettell, 1001, russia, 15s. FINE PAPER, 6s.

Catalogue of Authors who have written on Rio de la Plata, Paraguay and Chaco. 1807, 4to. 2s. 6d.

Collection of Plans of Ports in the East Indies. Lond. 1775, 4to.

Mr. Dalrymple published many other works of minor importance, most of which are in the British Museum, and Grenville Library, British Museum. In the London Institution is a very complete copy of Dalrymple's collection of plans of ports in

8507, 17. 14s.-Dublin, 1773, 8vo. 3 vols. Drury, 1072, 17.-A new edition, with the appendices. Lond. 1790, 8vo. 3 vols. Edwards, 600, 1. 15s. Reed, 3857, 11. 15s. Earl of Kerry, 143, 17. 19s. Nassau, pt. i. 810, 17. 18s.

Observations on a late Publication entitled 'Memoirs of Great Britain, by Sir John Dalrymple,' in which some Errors, Misrepresentations, and the Design of that Compiler and his Associates are detected. 1773, 4to.

An Examination into the Nature and Evidence of the Charges brought against Lord William Russel, and Algernon Sidney, by Sir John Dalrymple, Bart. in his Memoirs of Great Britain. By Joseph Towers. 1773, 8vo.

Sir John. An Essay towards the East Indies, with descriptions, a MS. a general History of feudal Property index, &c. &c. in 13 vols. folio and quarto. in Great Britain. Fourth Edition DALRYMPLE, Sir David. See corrected and enlarged. Lond. HAILES, Lord. 1759. 12mo.

- James. See STAIR, Lord.
- John. See STAIR, Lord.

Sir James, Bart. Historical Collections concerning the Scottish History preceding the Death of King David I. Anno 1153. Edinb. 1705. 8vo.

Reed, 3861, 5s. 6d. Dent, pt. i. 574, 5s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8726, 17. 2s.

Life of the Rev. and learned John Sage. By John Gillane. Lond. 1714, 8vo.

Vindication of the Ecclesiastical part of the Historical Collections; in Answer to a late Pamphlet, entitled The Life of John

Sage, &c. By Sir Jas. Dalrymple, Bart.

Edinb. 1714, 8vo.

Remarks upon Sir James Dalrymple's historical Collections; with an Answer to the Vindication of the Ecclesiastical part of them. By John Gillane. Edinb. 1714, 8vo.

Apology for himself. 1690. Edinb. 4to. 1825. Only 72 printed.

Sir John. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinb. 1771, 3, 88, 4to. 2 vols. in 3.

Speaking of this work, and the discoveries of its author to the prejudice of Lord Russell and Algernon Sidney, Dr. Johnson remarked: This Dalrymple seems to be an honest fellow; for he tells equally what makes against both sides. But nothing

can be poorer than his mode of writing, it is the mere bouncing of a school-boy:

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