[blocks in formation]

Statues. 1770, folio. Combe, 833, 17s. DALYELL, John Graham. Scottish Poems of the sixteenth Century, edited by J. G. Dalyell. Edinb. 1801. 12mo. 2 vols.

Another edition, 1801, 1 vol. large 8vo. Roxburghe, 3206, 17.

A Tract chiefly relating to Monastic Antiquities; with some Account of the recent

Search for the Remains of the Scottish Kings interred in the Abbey of Dunfermline. Edinb. 1809, 8vo. fac similes. Drury, 1073, 6s. Fonthill, 1588, 8s. ON VELLUM. Baker, 621, russia, 27,

Account of an ancient MS. of Martial,

with anecdotes of the manners of the Ro

mans. Edinb. 1811, 8vo. 5s. 30 printed ON VELLUM. Sir M. Sykes, 31. 5s.

Remarks on the Antiquities illustrated by the Chartularies of Aberdeen. Edinb. Svo, fac similes. ON VELLum.

Analysis of the ancient Records of the Bishopric of Moray. Edinb. 8vo. fac similes. ON VELLUM.

Analysis of the Chartularies of the Abbey of Cambus-Kenneth, Chapel Royal of Stirling, and of St. Anthony of Forth. Edinb. 1828, fac similes. ON VELLUM. Musical Memoirs of Scotland. Edinb. 1849, 4to.45 pls, A singularly curious work. Fragments of Scottish History. 4to.

1798. See SCOTLAND,

DALZEL, Andrew, A.M. Substance of Lectures on the Ancient Greeks. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. 2 vols. An excellent critique on this posthumous work appeared in the Quarterly Review, xxvi. 243-71. Drury, 1074, 15s. 6d. Collectanea Græca minora, cum Notis philologicis; quas partim collegit partim scripsit Andreas Dalzel. 1821, 8vo. 3 vols. A useful work frequently printed. Drury, 912, morocco, 17. 14s. An edition. Edinb. 1789-97, 8vo. 2 vols.-1813, 8vo. 2 vols.

Analecta Græca minora, cura G. Dunbar, Edinb. 1821, 8vo. Lond. 1835, 8vo. With Notes by White, Lond. 1849, post 8vo. 6s. Collectanea Græca majora cura G. Dunbar. Edinb. 1820-22, 8vo. 3 vols.; (vol. i. 1840, 10s. 6d.; vol. ii. 1845, 12s.; vol. iii. 1825, 15s. 6d.)

Archibald. History of Dahomy, an inland Kingdom of Africa: compiled from authentic Memoirs; with an Introduction and Notes. Lond. 1792. 4to. 15s.

Pp. xxxvi. xxxi. and 230, with a map

and six plates. The official situation which the author held, gave him opportunities of gaining much valuable information, the accuracy of which may be depended upon. FINE PAPER, 17. 18.

James. Short Genealogy of the Family of Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale. Edinb. 1785. 4to.

Privately printed.

Damage.-A lytle Treatyse entytuled the Damage and Destruction in Realmes. Emprinted by me Peter Treuerys, at Lond. in Southwarke. 16mo.

An imperfect copy is described in the Censura Literaria.

DAMBERGER, Christian Frederic. Travels in the Interior of Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco, 1781-97. Likewise across the great Desart of Sahara, and the northern Parts of Barbary. Lond. 1801. 8vo.

Two translations of this fabricated volume of travels appeared in 1801. Fonthill, 2853, 17. 4s. Drury, 1077, 8s. 2 vols. 12mo. DAMIANI Vita S. Romualdi, &c. 4to. Flor. 1513. 17. 18.

[blocks in formation]

Bookes of Musicke, containing all the Tunes of Dauid's Psalmes. Lond. T. East. 1591. 4to.

(Published in 4 parts. of which the Cantys is probably the first. See Hawkins' History of Music, III. p. 520.) A copy is in the British Museum.

DAMPIER, William. Collection of Voyages. Lond. 1729. 8vo. 4 vols. Best editon. Contents.-I. Captain William Dampier's Voyages round the World. II. The Voyages of Lionel Wafer. III. A Voyage round the World, by W. Funnell,

A fruitfull Commentarie vpon the twelue by John Stockwood. Cambridge, 1594, 4to. small Frophets, newly turned into English

Geographica Poeticæ. Lond. 1580, 8vo. with a metrical dedication to Sir P. Sidney. Sotheby, May, 1857.

DANBY, The Earl of. See LEEDS, Duke of.

DANCE, George. A Collection of seventy-two Portraits of eminent Characters, sketched from the Life since the year 1793, by George Dance, R.A., and engraved by William Daniel, R.A. Lond. 1808-14. folio. 2 vols.

lished at 11. 1s. each. Sotheby's in 1821, This work consists of 12 numbers, pub37. 8s. LARGE PAPER. North, pt. ii. 684, 9 nos. 47. 6s. [Reissued in 1854, with additional portraits and biographies. In all, 142 plates. Lond. Evans.]

[ocr errors]

DANCING. A Treatise against the Abuse of Dauncing. 16mo.

Mate to Capt. Dampier. IV. Capt. Cow
ley's Voyage round the Globe. V. Capt.
Sharp's Journey over the Isthmus of Da-
rien, and Expedition into the South-Seas.
VI. Capt. Wood's Voyage through the
Streights of Magellan. VII. Mr. Roberts's
Adventures and Sufferings among the
Corsairs of the Levant. Willett, 652, 27. 1s.
Heath, 2809, 37. 17s. Constable, 297, 17. 1s.
Dent, pt. i.576, 17. 16s. Drury, 1079, 17. 17s.
An edition of Dampier's Voyages. Lond.
1697-1709, 8vo. 3 vols. Another edition,
chronologically arranged, published in 27
Nos. to form 2 vols. 8vo. 1776. To this work,
written in the style of a plain blunt sailor,
and full of correct information, particu-
larly relative to the numerous islands in
the Pacific Ocean, Cook, Byron, and others
have been greatly indebted. His own
Voyages are in Harris and Pinkerton's
collections; and a Memoir of him is pub-n.d., black letter.
lished in the Journal of the Geographical
Society, of which some copies are printed
off separately.

DANEUS, Lambert. A Dialogue of Witches, in Foretime named Lot-tellers, and now commonly called Sorcerers, transl. into English. 1575. 16mo.

Bindley, pt. i. 1788, 17. 1s.

The Judgement of M. Lambert Danæus touching certaine Points now in Controuersie. Geneva, 1577, 4to. Twelve leaves. The wonderfull Workmanship of the

World, englished by T. T.(Thomas Twyne) Lond. A. Maunsell, 1578, 4to. Sotheby, 1851, 15s.

Of Christian Friendship, with all the Braunches, Members, Parties and Circumstances thereof: together with an Inuective against Dice Play and other prophane Games. Writ first in Latin by Lambertus Danæus, and translated into English by Tho. Newton. Lond. Ab. Veale, 1586, 8vo. Dedicated to Mr. Will. Bromley, and Mr. Reginald Skreuen, Secretaries to the Lord Chancellor. Bright, 17. 98.

A Treatise touching Antichrist, translated by John Swan. Lond. 1589, 4to.

Roxburghe, 1357, 37. 3s.


A brief treatise concerning the use and abuse of dancing; collected out of the learned workes of Peter Martyr, by Robert Mossonius, and translated into English for J. K. Lond. John Jugge, 8vo.

The manner of dauncing after the manner of Fraunce, translated by R. Copland, folio, 1521.

The English Dancing-Master. 1651, 8vo.


The Dancing Master, or Directions for

dancing Country Dances, with the Figures

aud Tunes. 1679, 8vo. 6s.

The Compleat Country Dancing Master, containing great Variety of Dances, old and new. 1733. Sotheby's in Feb. 1824, 12s.

DANDINI, F. Jerom. Voyage to Mount Libanus. Translated from the Italian. Lond. 1698. 8vo. 5s.

Reprinted in the Oxford Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. 1, and also in the tenth volume of Pinkerton's collection.

DANDO, John, and Harrie RUNT. See Marocus Extaticus.

DANES, John. Paralipomena Orthographiæ, Etymologiæ, Prosodie, una cum Scholiis ad Canonis Grammat. Lond. 1638 or 9, 4to.

Prefixed is a frontispiece by Droeshout. Dowdeswell, 261, 7s. 6d. Bindley, pt. il. 597, 17. 16s. LARGE PAPER.

his Expedition from London to Surat in India. Lond. 1702.8vo. 58.

African Scenery, being Illustrations of the Animals and native Inhabitants in Southern Africa. Lond. 1808, atlas folio. Thirty plates coloured like drawings. Saunders in 1818, 10%. 10s.

Sketches representing the Native Tribes, Animals, and Scenery of Southern Africa, from Drawings made by the late Mr. Samuel Daniell. Engraved by William Daniell. Lond. 1820. royal 4to. pp. 48, and 48 plates. Published at 31. 3s. 25 Copies on INDIA PAPER, at 41. 4s. OriThomas and William.

Privately printed. DANIELL, Rev. Wm. B. Rural Sports. Lond. 1801-2. 4to. 2 vols. Original edition. The excellent engravings in this esteemed work are principally by John Scott, the best of our English engravers of Animals. Edwards, 364, russia, 81. 8s. Grave, 260, russia, 61. Roxburghe, 1737, 77. 10s. Duke of York, 1477, morocco, 8l. 17s. 6d. Towneley, pt. ii. 496, russia, 81. 128. Dowdeswell, 260, 77. Stret-ental Scenery, or Views in Hintell, 809, 3 vols. (i.e. with the Supplement, dostan, in six Parts. Lond. 17951808. elephant folio. Originally published at 2107., but republished by Bohn at 527. 10s.

published in 1813), morocco, 117.

Another Edition. (Published same time as the above.) Lond. 1801, royal 8vo. 3

vols. 5. 5s.

Another Edition, enlarged. Lond. 1805, imperial 4to. 3 vols. This edition has considerable additions, which extended the work to three volumes. It likewise contains additional plates and proofs of all the larger subjects, which were originally taken off for separate sale. These are always mounted. 10. 10s. Some copies have the plates coloured, 157. 15s.

Another Edition. Lond. 1812, royal 8vo. 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, in 4to. Supplement to the Rural Sports. Lond. 1813, royal 8vo. 10s. 6d. Quarto, 17. 1s. imperial 4to. 17. 11s. 6d. (forming vol. 3 of the first quarto edition of 1801, or vol. 4 of the subsequent editions).



Edmund Robert. Reports on the Equity Side of the of Exchequer before the Chief Baron, from 1817 to Lond. 1824. royal 8vo. 17. 1s.


Practical Observations on the New Chancery Orders of the 26th August, 1841, 8vo. Second edition, with the subsequent orders, 1842, 8vo.

On Reform in Chancery. 1842, 8vo. Practice of the High Court of Chancery. Second edition, with considerable alterations and additions by T. E. Headlam. Lond. 1845, 8vo. 2 vols. 31. 3s.

Supplement to Daniell's Chancery Practice, containing the Statutes and Orders that have occurred since the publication of the last edition, by T. E. Headlam.

Lond. 1851, 8vo. 10s.

Samuel. A picturesque Illustration of the Scenery, Animals, and native Inhabitants of the Island of Ceylon. Lond. 1808. atlas folio.

Twelve plates coloured to imitate drawings. Saunders in 1818, 61. 6s. Beckford in 1817, no. 100, 77. 12s. 6d.

This is the finest work ever published It contains 144 exquisitely on India. finished engravings in aquatinta (24 inches by 17), coloured in imitation of drawings, and mounted, with a descriptive volume in 8vo. Sotheby's in May 1822, 1157. 10s. Saunders in 1818, 1057. White Knights, pt. i. 1173, (132 views), 687. 58.

First series. Twenty-four views in Hindoostan, drawn and engraved by Thomas Daniell, 1795. Roxburghe, Supplement, 717, 87. 8s.

Second series. Twenty-four views in Hindoostan, from the Drawings of Thomas Daniell, engraved by himself and William Daniell, 1797.

Third series. Twenty-four views, drawn and engraved by Thomas and William Daniell, 1801.

views in Hindoostan, by Thomas and WilFourth series. Twenty-four landscapes,

liam Daniell, 1807.

Antiquities of India, twelve (and twelve) Views from the Drawings of Thomas Daniell, engraved by himself and W. Daniell. Lond. 1799, 1808.

Hindoo Excavations in the Mountains of Ellora near Aurungabad, in the Decan: in twenty-four views: engraved from the Drawings of James Wales, by, and under the Direction of, Thomas Daniell. Lond. 1803.

- Oriental Scenery. Lond. 1818. oblong 4to. 6 Parts, forming 3 vols. Published at 187. 18s., but reduced by Bohn to 67. 68.

These are faithful reductions from the

larger works, and are uncoloured. (A few copies, however, have been coloured, price 211.) The plates are 150 in number.

[ocr errors]

A picturesque Voyage to India by the Way of China. Lond. 181016. impl. oblong 4to.


This work contains 50 coloured plates, |-1722, 8vo. 2 vols. Roxburghe, 7231, with descriptions. Sotheby's in April, 1823, 41. 9s. Duke of York, 1478, 41. 4s. Adventures of Hippolitus, Earl of DougDANIELL, Thomas. Views and las. A piece containing much warmth and Antiquities of the Temples of Sal-nature in the style, and abundance of the

sette, viz., Ekvera, Jugasree, Kindooty and Pandors Cave, with Obelisks near Mundepishwer, 9 large plates, finely coloured, mounted on cardboard, atlas folio, 47. 4s.

marvellous in the adventures.

A Collection of Novels, by the Countess D'Anois. Lond. 1766, 12mo. 3 vols. 9s. Tales of the Fairies. By the Countess Queen Mab, a select Collection of the D'Aulnoy, 8vo. 1795. White Knights,

1085, 8s.

DANS, or Dantz, Adolph a. Eliza: sive de Laudibus Elizabethæ, Angliæ, Franciæ et Hiberniæ Reginæ. Lugd. Bat. 1619, 12mo.

Memoirs of the Court of England in - William. Interesting SelecCharles the Second's Reign. By the tions from animated Nature (Quad-Countess of Dunois. Lond. 1708, 8vo. Roxrupeds, Birds, Fishes, Plants, &c.) burghe, 6408, 13s. Reed, 5104, 13s. with illustrative Scenery; drawn, engraved, and published by himself. Containing 120 Plates, with descriptive Letter-press. Lond. 2 vols. 1809, imp. 4to. 47. 4s. Published at 151. 15s. The plates of this work are frequently inserted in the large paper copies of Wood's Zoography, to which they are expressly adapted. A few copies on India paper. Fonthill, 1315, 77.4s. Saunders in 1818, morocco, 6. 16s. 6d. PROOFS on India paper before the letters (said to be unique), oblong folio.

A picturesque Voyage round Great Britain, commencing from the Land's End, Cornwall; with a Series of Views illustrative of the Character and prominent Features of the Coast. Lond. 1814, 25. imp. 4to. 8 vols. Coloured Plates.

Published at 601. An Index Chart to

the Voyage, 6s. Utterson, 1857, 8 vols. 197.5s. (Twenty-five copies with the plates mounted on card-board, and said to be retouched by the artists, were published at 96 Guineas each.)

A Series of Views of London, and of the Docks in the neighbourhood of the Metropolis. 1812, folio. Twelve plates coloured in imitation of drawings. White Knights, 1174, 57. 5s.

A Series of Ten Views of Paulo Penang (Prince of Wales's Island), from Pictures by Captain Robert Smith of the Engineers, engraved and coloured by Wm. Daniell. The size of the plates 28 inches by 18 inches, published at 12. 12s. reduced to 47. 14s. 6d. Illustrations of the Island of Staffa, in the North of Scotland. 1818, folio. Published at 21.

Twelve large Views of Windsor Castle, Eton, and Virginia Water. folio.


D'ANOIS, The Countess.
Lady's Travels into Spain. Lond.

1774. 12mo. 2 vols. 6s.

Best edition of this amusing romance.

Roxburghe, 2805, 3s. 6d. A copy of this,

as well as of the following, are in the Bri

tish Museum.

Vita Elizabethæ Anglorum Reginæ. Lugd. Bat. 12mo.

DANTE. La Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri, with Explanatory Notes, by Romualdo Zotti. Lond. 1808. royal 18mo. 4 vols. 17. 8s.

Republished, Lond. Dulau, 1820, 3 vols. 12mo. 17. 4s.

La Divina Commedia. Lond. 1822, 48mo. 2 vols. 5s.

Pickering's edition, the smallest ever

printed. 25 copies were printed on INDIA

PAPER, and six on VELLUM.

La Divina Commedia illustrata da Ugo Foscolo. Lond. 1825. crown 8vo. vol. 1. (all published.)

Published at 12s. LARGE PAPER, at 18s. This edition was to have been in 5 vols. The four remaining volumes were prepared for the press a few months before the editor's decease. Vol. 1 consists of 'Discorso sul Testo e su le Opinioni diverse prevalenti intorno alla Emendazione critica della Commedia di Dante.' Edizione. Lond. 1843, 8vo. 4 vols. 11. 8s.

[blocks in formation]

DANTE-continued. Fonthill, 934, 27. Drury, 4623, 17. 1S. LARGE PAPER. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 827, 10s. The Vision; or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise of Dante Alighieri, translated by the Rev. H. F. Carey. Lond. 1814, 16mo. 3 vols.-Lond. 1819, 8vo. 3 vols. 17. 16s. 1831, post 8vo. 3 vols.-1844, in one volume, royal 8vo. double columns. Reprinted, with the author's last corrections, in one volume, small 8vo. Bohn, 1847 and 1856, 7s. 6d.

Translated by Ichabod Charles Wright. Lond. 1833-40, 8vo. 3 vols. 21. 5s.-Lond. 1845, 12mo. 3 vols. 7s. 6d. Third edition, in one volume, with Flaxman's illustrations, in BOHN'S ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY, 5s. The Comedy of Dante Alighieri, trans

lated by P. Bannerman. Edinburgh, for

the author. 1850, 8vo. 12s.

Divina Commedia, translated by Rev. E.

O'Donnell. Lond. 1852, cuts. 12mo. 10s.

Purgatory, translated by C. B. Cayley.

Lond. 1853, 12mo. 6s.

Paradise, translated by C. B. Cayley.

Lond. 1854, 12mo. 6s.

The Vision of Hell, translated by C. B. Cayley. Lond. 1851, 12mo. 6s.

Translation of the Inferno of Dante Alighieri, in English Verse, with historical Notes, and the Life of Dante: to which is added, a Specimen of a new Translation of the Orlando Furioso of Ariosto, by Henry Boyd, A.M. Lond. 1785, 8vo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d.

Fonthill, 9, 17. 2s. Dent, pt. i. 577, mo

rocco, 14s.

The Inferno of Dante Alighieri, with a Translation in English blank Verse, Notes, and a Life of the Author, by Rev. Henry Francis Carey, A.M. Lond. 1806, crown 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. A version, which admirably preserves the austere character, the over-mastered feeling, the dignity and the majestic repose of its original.-Quart. Rev. Second edition, 1813, 32mo. 3 vols. 12s. The Inferno of Dante (translated by Charles Rogers). Lond. 1782, 4to. pp. 136, dedicated to Sir Edward Walpole.

The Inferno of Dante Alghieri, translated into English Blank-verse, with Notes, historical, classical, and explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Nathaniel Howard. Lond. 1807, 12mo. 5s.

The Inferno, translated into English blank Verse, by Jos. Hume. 1812, 8vo. 9s.

Inferno, or Hell, cantos i. to x., translated by Odoardo Volpi. Dublin, 1836, 8vo. The Inferno, translated in the terza rima of the original, with Notes, by John Dayman. Lond. 1843, 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Divine Comedy, the Inferno, a literal prose translation, with the text of the original, collected from the best editions, and explanatory Notes, by J. A. Carlyle, M.D. Loud. 1849, post 8vo. portrait, 14s.

The Divine Comedy, or the Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise, rendered into Euglish, by Frederick Pollock. Lond. 1854, 8vo. with 50 illustrations, by G. Scharf, Junr., 17.

Inferno, translated by T. Brooksbank. Lond. 1854, 12mo. 5s.

A Sketch of the Lives and Writings of Dante and Petrarch, with Account of Italian and Latin Literature of the 14th Century. Lond. 1790, 12mo. An ingenious work, written by M. Penrose.

The Canzoniere, including the Poems of the Vita Nuova and the Convito, Italian Lond. 1835, post 8vo. Second edition, enand English, translated by Charles Lyell. larged. Lond. 1845, small 8vo. 12s. 6d.

A Comment on the Divine Comedy of Dante, by ***** (Count Taafe). Vol. 1 (all ever printed). Italy, with Bodoni Types, 1822, royal 8vo.

Life and Times of Dante, by Count 1851, post 8vo. 2 vols. 14. 1s. Balbo, translated by F. J. Bunbury. Lond.

the Italian, together with the original, The Early Life of Dante, translated from in parallel pages, by Joseph Garrow.

Florence, 1846, 12mo. portrait.

A Series of Engravings to illustrate Dante. See FLAXMAN, J.

D'ANTONI, Aless. Vit. Pap. Treatises on Gunpowder, on FireArms, and on the Service of Artillery in the Time of War, translated from the Italian, by Captain ThomLond. 1793, 8vo.


Pp. 416, with 24 plates, 12s.

DANVERS, John, The Royal Oake; or an historical Description of the Royal Progress, wonderful Travels, miraculous Escapes and strange Accidents of his sacred Majesty Charles the II. third Monarch of Great Britain. Lond. 1660. 4to.

Pp. 4, with a wood-cut portrait of Mrs. Jane Lane. Nassau, pt. i. 1071, with a portrait of Charles, plan of Boscobel House, &c. inserted, 27. 16s. King and Lochee's, in March, 1810, 17. 16s. reprinted in facsimile by J. Sturt. A meagre and incorrect account, reprinted in the seventh volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. General

D'ANVERS, Knightly. Abridgment of the Common Law, alphabetically digested, under proper Titles. Second Edition. Lond. 1725, 32, 7. folio. 3 vols. 15s.

This abridgment is, so far as it goes, a translation of Rolle's, with the additions from more modern books of reports, &c.

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