
D'ANVILLE, J. B. B. Compendium of ancient Geography, translated from the French, with Prolegomena and Notes by the Translator. Lond. 1791. 8vo. 2 vols.

A good translation of a work of the first authority, illustrated with maps, including one of Roman Britain from John Horsley. Nassau, pt. i. 925, 12s. Lond. 1810, 8vo. 2 vols.

A complete Body of ancient Geography. 1799, folio. 1806. Freeling. Drury, 1410, 12s. 6d. A former edition, 1775, folio.

Modern Atlas. Lond. 1788, folio. White Knights, 1176, 51. 5s.

Index and Specimen Geographicum, auctor D'Anville. M.DCCLXII. 4to. This index, which was drawn up by Mr. Raper to facilitate the reference to D'Anville's Map of ancient Greece, was privately printed about the year 1814.

D'ARBLAY, Madame.

Evelina, or a young Lady's Entrance into the World. Lond. 1778. 12mo. 3 vols.

A novel still in the highest reputation. Cecilia, or Memoirs of an Heiress. Lond. 1782, 12mo. 5 vols. 15s.

Camilla, or a Picture of Youth. Lond. 1796, 12mo. 5 vols. 1. 1s.

The Wanderer: or Female Difficulties. Lond. 1814, 12mo. 5 vols. The most popular of this celebrated authoress's novels, all of which have passed through many editions.

Brief Reflections relative to the eminent French Clergy. Lond. 1793, 8vo. 2s.

Tragic Dramas, for representation in private families. Lond. 1818, 8vo.

Diary and Letters. 1778-1840, edited by

sold, Perry, pt. i. 1472, 37. 10s. Nassau,
pt. i. 1072, 18s. Marq. of Townshend, 955,
of Darcie, 187. LARGE PAPER. The large
27. 2s. Gardner, 1854, with the rare portrait
paper differs from the small in many re-
spects; it has no date in the title; behind
in colours; the dedication to Prince Charles
the print of Elizabeth are fourteen verses
is in gold letters; and on the last leaf of
the work is a portrait of Darcie by Dela-
ram. Sotheby's, in April, 1820, 107. 15s.
385, 317. 10s.
Dowdeswell, 262, 227. 10s. Bindley, pt. ii.

See BROWNE, Thomas.

rities, erected to the everliving Memory A monumentall Pyramyde to all PosteDuke Richmond and Lennox, &c. Lond. and perpetual honour of Lodowick, late 1624, 4to. pp. 18. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 465, 27. 12s. 6d. Gordonstoun, 759, 21. Bindley, pt. iv. 716, 6s. King and Lochees, March, 1816, 17. 9s. Skegg, 27. 11s. Heber, pt. iv.

mond and Lenox, &c., her Funerall Teares, Frances, Duchesse Dowager of RichFr. and Eng.; with the Proceeding to the Funerall, &c. Lond. 1624, 12mo. Gordonstoun, 760 (1 leaf wanting), 17. 13s. Heber, pt. iv. 541.

Honor's true Arbor: or, the princely Nobilitie of the Howards: wherein the true Source and Original of their mighty Name, with all their several Alliances ferent Countries, since the first Man that with the high and potent Families of difwas known in England by the Name of Howard is described, &c. &c., by Abraham de Ville Adrecie, alias Darcie. 1625, folio, 14 leaves.

Theatre de la Gloire et Noblesse d' Albion, contenant la Genealogie de la Famille de Stanley. 4to.

delivered by the expresse order of DARCY, Patrick. An Argument her Niece. Lond. 1841-46, post 8vo. 7 vols. 37. 13s. 6d. New edition. Lond. Colburn, the House of Commons in the Par1854, post 8vo. 7 vols. pub. 17. 1s. (now liament of Irelande, 9 Junii, 1641. Bohn, 14s.) Waterford, Thomas Bourke, 1643.

DARCIE, Abraham. Annales. The true and royall History of Elizabeth Queene of England, France, and Ireland, &c. Lond. 1625. 4to.


Inïtium Incramentum et Exitus Fami

lie Giraldmorum Dasiosoniæ.

DARE, J. Counsellor Manners his last Legacie to his Son. Lond. 1653, 12mo.

A translation of Camden, from the French, by Abraham Darcy, who, according to Dr. Fuller, understood not the Latin, and has therefore committed many Unique. Sotheby's, May 21, 1857. mistakes.'-Nicolson. Pp. 435 and 292, be- DARELL, John. East India Trade sides 44 leaves of dedications, and other first discovered by the English. introductory matter, including the con- Lond. 1651. 4to. tents of three books. The title is engraven by Vaughan, and at the end of the volume is a leaf containing a poem 'To the Reader,' of 20 lines, by A. D. Prefixed is a portrait of Q. Elizabeth holding a fan of ostrich plumes. Roxburghe, 8400, with T. Browne's Life of Q. Eliz. 1629, 27. 10s. re

A copy is in the British Museum. Strange news from Indies, or East India Passages further discovered by J. Darell. 1652, 4to. Reed, 4416, 2s. 6d. Freeling, 1034.

Rev. William, Chaplain to

Queen Elizabeth. The History of Dover Castle. Lond. 1786. 4to. Published by Grose. Towneley, pt. ii. 783, 158. 6d. Marq. of Townshend, 986, 17. 5s. Edwards, 645, russia, 2l. 14s. Bind ley, pt. ii. 559, 21.9s. LARGE PAPER. Heath, 4542, 67. 8s. 6d. Beckford in 1817, no. 54,

21. 3s.

tion of the Vexation by the Devil, of 7 persons in Lancashire, and William Somers of Nottingham. Printed 1600. 4to. 9s.

Respecting these impostures, see Wood's Athen. Oxon. by Bliss, ii. 873-6. North,

pt. i. 1290, 11s. Boswell, 649, with a De• Collation.-Engraved title; advertise- tection of Samuel Harshnet, 1600, 12s. ment, and list of plates, 3 pages; original Bp. of Ely, 705, 15s. 6d. Reed, 2827, 19s. dedication, 4 pages; history, B-K 2, 68-Lond. 1641, 4to. Lloyd, 489, 5s. 6d. Reprinted in the third volume of the Somers pages. Reprinted, Lond. 4to. 1811. Collection of Tracts.

DARES Phrygius. See LYDGATE, John.

DARIOT, Claudius. Introduction to the astrologicall Judgement of the Starres, translated by F. W. (Fabian Withers), augmented and amended by G. C. Also hereunto is added, a briefe Treatise of mathematicall Phisicke, by G. C. Lond, 1598. 4to. 10s. 6d. 1653.

Darius. A pretie new Enterlude, both pithie and pleasaunt, of the Story of Kyng Daryus. Beinge taken out of the third and fourth Chapter of the thyrd Booke of Esdras. Lond. by Thomas Colwell,

1565. 4to.

A copy is in the British Museum. Roxburghe, 4196, 81. 8s. Dent, pt. i. 983, 97. White Knights, 1335, morocco, 187. 7s. 6d. Rhodes, 106, 287. resold, Jolley, 1843, 317. DARLEY, John. Glorie of ChelLond. sea-College revived. J. Bourne, 1662, 4to. front.

Reed, 27. 2s. Bindley, 27. 12s. 6d. Darlington Pamphlet, or County of Durham Intelligencer. 1772. folio.

This is considered to be the only perfect set of these curious Newspapers extant. The volume was purchased at Allan's

Narration of the possession, dispossession, and repossession of William Sommers, and of some proceedings against Mr. John Darrell, preacher, with answeres to such objections as are made to prove the pretended counterfeiting of the said Sommers. Without place, 1598, 4to. Black letter. Bright, 27. 6s.

The Triall of Maist. Dorrell, 1599, 16mo. 10s. 6d. A-G 4, in eights. Tending to cleare him from the Imputation of teaching Sommers and others to counterfeit Possession of Divells.'

An Apologie or Defence of the possession of William Sommers. No place or date (1598), 4to.

A brief Apologie proving the Possession of William Sommers. By John Darrell. 1599, 16mo.

Harshnet entituled A Discoverie of the

A Detection of that Discours of Samuel

frawdulent Practises of John Darrell. Imprinted 1600, 4to. Chalmers, 1237, 11s. In this treatise, full of sound and fury,' Darrell has contrived to render it somewhat doubtful, whether he was a dupe or an impostor.-Gifford.

A Svrvey of certain dialogical Discovrses, written by John Deacon and Iohn Walker, concerning the Doctrine of Possession and Dispossession of Diuels. Lond.

1602, 4to.

The Replie of Iohn Darrell to the Answer of John Deacon and John Walker.

Lond. 1602, 4to.

DART, John. Westmonasterium: or the History and Antiquiof the Abbey Church of St. Peter's, Westminster. Lond. (1723?)

sale, at the Grange, in July, 1822. Brock-ties

ett, 802, 67. 18s.

Recommendatory Letter of O.Cromwell, folio, 2 vols. with all the Papers complete, relative to the College and University. Darlington. Brockett, 223, 17. 2s.

Darlington School Papers. Darlington. Brockett, 222, with two additional leaves,

21. 2s.

21. 12s. 6d. Reed, 2014, 31. 6s. Dowdeswell, 310, LARGE PAPER. Heath, 4649, with the Canterbury Cathedral, russia, 431. 1s. Nassau, pt. i. 1112, 277. 16s. 6d. Dent, pt. Marq. of Townshend, 851, 157. i. 831, russia, 177. 6s. 6d.

D'ARNAY, M. The private Life Collation.-Vol. 1.-Engraved title; deof the Romans, translated from the dication; the preface, 2 pages; a list of French. Edinb. 1761. 12mo. 3s. subscribers, 4 pages; arms of 210 subscribers on 4 leaves, numbered v to ix; portr. DARRELL, John. A trve Narra-of Dart by Faber. Westminster Abbey, a

poem, pp. 1-xlii; the History and errata, B-Mm 2, forming, with the plates, which are reckoned with the paging of the volume, 196 pages. The plates in vol. 1 are 69 in number, besides four head and tail pieces. Vol. II. Engraved title; lists of the monuments, not on all impressions of the leaf, and subscribers' names, 2 pages; arms of 84 subscribers on 2 plates; the History 146 pages, B-Aa 2, ending with the catchword Persons; the names of persons buried in the Church, 4 pages; the Lives of the Abbats, B-M 2, pp. i.xliv; p. 34 marked 35, p. 35 marked 34. The History. Book III. B-G 2, 24 pages; Appendix, pp. xvi. The Plates in this vol. consist of 76, which are counted as pages with the letter-press, besides several head and tail-pieces. See Upcott's English Topography, vol. ii. 851-9.

DART, John. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, and the once adjoining Monastery. Lond. 1726,


Zoonomia; or the Laws of Organic Life. Lond. 1794-6, 4to. 2 vols. Another Edit. 1801, 8vo. 4 vols. 1. LARGE PAPER. 17. 11s. 6d.

Observations on the Zoonomia by Thomas Brown. Edinb. 1798, 8vo.

A Plan for the Conduct of Female Education in Boarding Schools. Derby, 1797, 4to. 3s. 6d.

Phytologia; or the Philosophy of Agriculture and Gardening; with the Theory of Draining Morasses, and with an improved Construction of the Drill Plough. Lond. 1799, 4to. 10s 6d.

The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society; a Poem, with philosophical Notes. Lond. 1803, 4to. Roscoe, 1431, 17. 19s.

The Shrine of Nature. poem.

A posthumous

Poetical Works, with philosophical Notes. Lond. 1807, 8vo. 3 vols. 18s. LARGE PAPER. 17.5s.

DASHWOOD, Mrs. Memoirs of R. F. A. Lond. n. d. 4to.

Mrs. Dashwood (or Mrs. Lee) was naTowneley, pt. ii. 687, 17. 6s. Marq. of tural daughter of Lord Despenser, and Townshend, 852, 27. 10s. Beckford, in prosecuted the two brothers Gordon for 1817, no. 188, 17. 13s. LARGE PAPER, Nas-abduction and rape at the Oxford assizes. sau, pt. i. 1113, 57. 5s. Dent, pt. i. 832, russia, 87. 12s.

Collation.-Title; dedication to Abp. Wake, signed James Cole, 2 pages; arms of 362 subscribers on 5 leaves, paged i to ix, which are each reckoned as single, paged with the letter-press; the history, &c. pp. 1-204; the appendix, pp. 1-lviii. The work, according to Upcott, contains 61 plates.

DARVILL, R. Treatise on the Care, Treatment and Training of the English Race Horse. Lond. 8vo. 2 vols. 1828-34. 21. 2s.

They were acquitted. This book was written by her, and suppressed. The Trial, and a Pamphlet on the conduct of the Gordons, were printed in 8vo.

DASSIER, John. Medals of the Sovereigns of England, engraved on plates. Lond. (1797). 4to.

North, pt. iii. 481, morocco, 13s. Brockett, 803, 8s.

DAUBENEY, Rev. Charles, LL.D. A Guide to the Church, in several Discourses, 1 vol. An Appendix to the Guide. 2 vols. Lond. 1798-0. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s.

DARWIN, Erasmus, M.D. Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin, Reprinted, 1804, 8vo. 2 vols. 18s. Third chiefly during his Residence at edition, with some Account of the Author's Life and Writings. Lond. 1830, Litchfield, with Anecdotes of his royal 8vo. 2 vols. An abridgment by Friends, and Criticisms on his Drummond appeared. Edinb. 1799, 8vo. Works. By Anna Seward, Lond. This eminent divine has published several other religious works, sermons, &c, 1804. 8vo. 8s.

The works of Darwin are now in little estimation.

Charles, M.D. A Description of active and extinct Volcanoes, with Remarks on their Origin, &c. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 7s. 6d.

Second edition. Lond. 1848. 8vo. 17. 1s. 'One of the most useful contributions to geological science that has yet appeared.'

The Botanic Garden, a Poem, in two Parts, with philosophical Notes. Lond. 1791, 4to. Part. i. pp. 214 and 126, with 9 plates. Part. ii. pp. 197, with 10 plates. Pompous rhyme, says Lord Byron, the scenery is its sole recommendation. Fonthill, 1886, 17. 10s. Edwards, 137, date-Edinb. Rev. 1795, 18s. Roscoe, 1432, 37. 3s. Nassau, pt. i. 1073, 17. 18.-1799, 8vo. 2 vols. 18s. Williams, 552, 17. 9s.

A Tabular View of Volcanic Phenomena, comprising a List of the various Mountains which are either now in Action, ૨ ૨

[blocks in formation]

This valuable work, written by Mrs. Sarah Scott, contains a succinct account of the most remarkable occurrences during the civil wars of France in the reigns of Charles IX. Henry III. Henry IV. and in the minority of Lewis XIII. Roxburghe, 9227, 9s. 6d.

DAUBUZ, Charles, M.A. Commentary on the Revelation of St. John, with a preliminary Discourse. Lond. 1720, folio, 27. 2s.

The best edition of one of the most important works on Revelations, written by a French Protestant divine. Gossett, 1722, 27. 19s.

Another, new modelled, abridged, and rendered plain to the meanest capacity. By Peter Lancaster, M.A. Lond. 1730.

4to. 17. 1s.

Pro Testimenio Flavii Josephi, de Jesu Christo, Libri duo. Cum Præfat. Joh. Ernesti Grabe. Lond. 1706, 8vo. 4s.

DAULBY, Daniel. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Rembrandt, and of his Scholars, Bol, Livens, and Van Vliet, compiled from the original Etchings, and from the Catalogues of De Burgy, Gersaint, Helie and Glomy, Marcus, and Yver. Liverpool, 1796, 8vo. 10s. 6d.

An excellent work, with portr. of Rembrandt. The preface was written by Mr. Roscoe. Brockett, 983, 13s. LARGE PAPER in 4to. 50 copies printed. Deut, pt. i. 984, 17. 11s. 6d. Roscoe, 1678, 17. 16s. Utterson, 1852. 17. 2s.

DAUNCE, Edward. Discourse of the Spanish State, with a Dialogue annexed intituled Philobasilis. Lond. 1590, 4to.

Dedicated to Queen Elizabeth by Edw. Daunce, after which 'To the Reader,' 52 pp. Towneley, pt. i. 507, 13s. Inglis, 510, 16s.

A briefe Discourse dialoguewise, showing how false and dangerous their reports are, which affirm, the Spaniards intended invasion to be, for the re-establishment of the Romish Religion; for her Majesties succours given to the Netherlanders, and for Sir Francis Drake's enterprise three years past into the West Indies. Lond. R. Field, 1590, 4to.

DAUNCEY, John. Chronicle of

Portugal, from Alphonso the I. to Alonso the VI. Lond. 1661. 8vo.

With a frontispiece, containing portraits. Lloyd, 380, 2s. Nassau, pt. i. 926, 4s. Fonthill, 1619, 16s.

History of the thrice Illustrious Princesse Henrietta Maria de Bourbon, Queen of England. Lond. 1660, 12mo.

- W. Ancient Scottish Melodies. See APPENDIX, Bannatyne Club Books.

D'AUTEROCHE, John Chappe. A Journey into Siberia, containing an Account of the Manners and Čustoms of the Russians, and the present State of their Empire. Translated from the French. Lond. 1770. 4to. 8s.

This work on its first publication was severely criticised by the directions of Catherine II. of Russia. The French edition

'deserves attention from the splendor and accuracy of its engravings, and the powerful description of manners and character.'-Quart. Review.

The Antidote; or, an Enquiry into the Merits of a Book, entitled A Journey into Siberia, &c. By the Abbé Chappe D'Auteroche, &c.' In which many essential Errors and Misrepresentations are pointed out and confuted. By a Lover of Truth. Translated by a Lady. Lond. 1772, Svo. 3s. 6d.

Transit of Venus, with an historical Description of the Author's Route through Mexico; by M. Chappe d'Auteroche; also a Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, Lond. 1778, 8vo. &c. By M. de Cassini. 48. Fonthill, 2817, 12s.

A Voyage to California to observe the

DAVANZATI, Bernardo. Lo Scisma d'Inghilterra. Roma, 1600. 8vo.

'V'e chi crede guest' operetta un compendio della maggior Opera Latina di Niccolo Sandero.'-Haym. Another 'con altre Operette.' Rome, 1602, 12mo. Firenze, 1638, 4to. Duke of Grafton, 890, 2s. Roscoe, 542, 8s.-Padova, 1727, 8vo. 3s. 6d.-Padova, 1754, 8vo.

D'AVAUX, Count. Ambassador from Louis XIV. to the States General, Negociations. Lond. 1751, 12mo. 4 vols, 7s. 6d.

This work contains an account of the steps taken by the Prince of Orange to ascend the throne of Great Britain, and the intrigues of the Court of France to counteract his measures during that period.

DAVENANT, Charles, LL.D. The

political and commercial Works of
that celebrated Writer, relating to
the Trade and Revenue of England,
the Plantation Trade, the East-In-
dia Trade, and the African Trade.
Collected and revised by Sir Charles
Whitworth. Lond, 1771. 8vo. 5 vols.
Willett, 658, 37. 5s. The writings of
this celebrated man, at the time they were
first published (viz. 1695-1712), created
him many enemies, as may be seen by an
extract of a letter inserted in the Censura
Literaria. A detailed list of his works
will be found in Watts' Bibliotheca.
Circe, a Tragedy. Lond. 1677, 4to. 2s. 6d.
Reprinted 1685, 4to.-1703, 4to.

DAVENANT, John, Bishop of Salisbury. Determinationes Quæstionum quarundam Theologicarum, in Academia Cantabrigiensi publice disputatum. Cantab. 1634. fol. 7s. Bp. of Ely, 730, 17. 3s. The Index Quæstionum of this work is reprinted in Bp. Watson's Collection of Theological Tracts.


Expositio Epistolæ D. Pauli ad Colossenses, per Joannem Episcopum Sarisburiensem jam primum edita: olim ab eodem, Domine Margaretæ in Academiâ Cantabrigiensi Professore Theologico, dicCantab. 1627, folio. A valuable work.-Cantab. 1630, folio, 15s. Williams, 620, morocco, 17. 13s.-Cantab. 1639, fol. Amst. 1646, 4to. 10s.-Groning, 1655, 4to. An Exposition of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Colossians, originally delivered in a series of Lectures before the University. Translated from the original Latin, with a Life of the Author, and Notes, by Josiah Allport. To which is added, a translation of his Dissertatio de Morte Christi. Lond. 1831-2, 8vo. 2 vols.

Ad fraternam Communionem inter Evangelicas Ecclesias restaurandam Adhortatio. Cantab. 1640, 24mo. 3s. This pious and liberal theologian, says Mr. Park, strove by this treatise to unite Christians in one communion. An English edition. Lond. 1641, 8vo.

Prælectiones de duobus in Theologia controversis Capitibus, de Judice Controversiarum primo, de Justitiâ habituali et actuali altero. Cantab. 1631, folio, 9s.

A Treatise on Justification, or the Disputatio de Justitia habituali et actuali. Translated, together with translations of the Determinationes. Lond. 1844-46, 8vo. 2 vols.

Dissertationes duæ de Morte Christi et de Predestinatione. Cantab. 1630, folio.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Gondibert, an Heroic Poem. (In three Books.) Lond. 1651. 12mo.

This Poem, on its appearance, was attacked by the wits of the day, to which the author replied. Butler quizzes it in

his argument to the first canto of Hudibras. For a further account, see Retrospective Review, ii. 304-24, D'Israeli's Quarrels of Authors, ii. 231, and Misbauld. Nassau, pt. i. 627, 3s. An edition, Lond. 1651, 4to. Strettell, 811, 5s. Roscoe, 1377, T. Warton's copy, 31. 8s. North, pt. iii. 766, 16s. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 227, 17. 1s.

cellanies in Prose by Aikin and Bar

[Gondibert is contained in Southey's Early British Poets, 8vo. 17. 1s.]

A Discourse upon Gondibert, an heroic Poem. Paris, 1650, 12mo. 5s. This was written by way of pref. to his Gondibert in verse, dat. at the Louvre in Paris, 2d Jan. 1649-50. To which is added the answer of Tho. Hobbes of Malmsbury.'Ant. à Wood.

Certain verses written by several of the Author's Friends, to be reprinted with the second Edition of Gondibert. Lond. 1653, 12mo. 12 leaves, or 24 pages. A satire on the times, written by Sir John Denham, Jo. Donne, Sir Allan Broderick, &c. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 146.

The incomparable Poem Gondibert. Vindicated from the Wit Combats of four Esquires, Clinias, Dametas, Sancho and Jack Pudding. Printed in the year 1655, 8vo. 15 leaves. Written by Davenant in answer to Certain Verses, &c. [This is an error, it is a second satire against Davenant.] Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 146, with certain Verses, 12mo. 1653, 71. 7s. Strettell, 751, with certain Verses, 1653, 47. 6s.

The seventh and last Canto of the third Book of Gondibert. Lond. 1685, Svo.

Davenant's Plays, &c.

The Tragedy of Albovine, King of the Lombards. Lond. 1629, 4to. Roxburghe, 4738, 1s. Rhodes, 882, 5s. 6d.

The Crvell Brother: a Tragedy. Lond. 1630, 4to. Roxburghe, 4739, 3s. 6d. Rhodes, 883, 8s. 6d.

The lust Italian. Lond. 1630. 4to. Rox

D'AVENANT, Sir William, Kt. burghe, 4740. 1s. 6d. Rhodes, SS4, 2s. 6d.

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