perfect Arte of Navigation : annexed to the Paradoxal Cumpas, in Playne; now first published: 24 yeres after ye first Inuention thereof. Lond. John Daye, 1577. folio. Woodcut title-page and coat of arms on last leaf. Contains 80 pages in roman and italic letter of various sizes, besides 'A brief note,' and 'A necessary Advertisement' prefixed; as also 'An Epistle in meter' at the end. This curious and estimable treatise, which we are told is only a prelude or preface to another larger volume, not published, though anonymously, as by an unknown friend, was written by the famous Dr. John Dee, and is owned by him in his Discourse apologetical to Abp. Whitgift, in 1595. Only one hundred copies printed. There is a copy in the Brit. Museum, with a long MS. of Dr. Dee's annexed to it, which seems to be a kind of continuation of the subject. Reed, 2016, 31. 13s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 1514, with Dee's autograph, 8l. 12s. 6d. Constable, 563, 3 leaves wanting, 11. 19s. Brevis quædam Epistola Johannis Dee, qua vulgares Ephemeridum fictores merito reprehendit. Lond. 1556. 4to. 4to, with a curious frontispiece. Bindley, pt. ii. 583, 21. 2s. Lond. 1607. Bright, 10s. A Relation of what passed for many Yeers between Dr. Iohn Dee and some Spirits: as also the Letters of sundry great Men and Princes to the said Dr. Dee. Lond. 1659, folio. This work made a great With a preface by Meric Casaubon, D.D. noise on its publication, and the credit of it was revived a long time afterwards by Dr. Hooke. Prefixed is a frontispiece, containing portraits of Dee and Kelly, and 3 plates. Bindley, pt. i. 1514, 11. 17s. Beckford in 1817, no. 290, 17. 28. Compendious Rehearsall of John Dee, &c. written by himself, A.D. 1592. See Append. J. Glastoniensis Chron. edit. Hearne. Oxon. 1726. Reprinted with Dee's Apology, in vol. 1 of Miscellanies published by the Chetham Society. Diary of Dr. John Dee. 4to. See CAMDEN SOCIETY. Appendix. Most of Dr. Dee's works are in the British Museum, and many of his MSS. in the College Library, Manchester, and Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. DEEBLE, William. Thanet and Views of all the Churches, Castles, the Cinque Ports; consisting of Vestiges of Antiquity, Singular Residences, &c. in the above Districts ; ΠΡΟΠΑΙΔΕΥΜΑΤΑ ΑΦΟΡΙΣΤΙΚΑ Joannis Dee Londinensis de præstantioribus quibusdam Naturæ Virtutibus, ad Gerardvm accompanied with historical, topoMercatorem Rvpelmundanum Mathema- graphical and antiquarian Descrip ticum, & Philosophum insignem. Lond. excudebat Henricus Suttonus, impensis Nicolai England, 1558, 4to. Some copies without Impensis Nicolai England. This treatise consists of 120 aphorisms, and the title-page is engraved on copper, one of the earliest executed in this country. Bindley, pt. ii. 603. Another. Lond. apud R. Wol fium, 1568, 4to. Monas Hieroglyphica. Antv. 1564, 4to. Franc. 1591, 8vo. Dedicated to the Emperor Maximilian. The Mathematical Preface of Mr. John Dee. Lond. 1570, 4to. Parallaticae Commentationis Praxeosq; Nucleus quidam, Lond. apud Joh. Dayum, 1573, 4to. 10s. 6d. The whole, including the prefixes, on Dij in fours. A triple Almanacke for 1591, 4to. Dr. Dee's Apology, sent to the ArchBishop of Canterbury, 1594-5; or, a Letter containing a most brief Discourse Apologiticall, with a plain Demonstration, and fervent Protestation for the lawfull, sincere, very faithfull and Christian Course of the Philosophicall Studies and exercises of a certaine studious Gentleman: An ancient Servant to her Most Excellent Majesty Royall. Lond. 1599, 4to. Twelve leaves. Reprinted at the end of M. Casaubon's preface.-Another edition, 1604, tions. 2 vols. 12mo. Published in numbers, at 2s. each. LARGE PAPER, in demy 8vo. 4s. each. DEERING, Charles, M.D. Nottinghamia vetus et nova; or, an historical Account of the Town of Nottingham. Nottingham, 1751.4to. Many copies of this work are somewhat stained, particularly sheet 20, and want the folding view of the town. Dent, pt. i. 988, russia, 21. 1s. Heath, 4611, 11. 158. Towneley, pt. ii. 497, 21. 7s. Marq. of Townshend, 990, 17.11s, 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 1083, 11. 9s. Baker, 214, russia, 21. 16s. Collation. The history and appendix, B-Bbb, 370 pages, besides title, dedication to the Duke of Newcastle, by the Publishers, a second dedication by the author, and to the reader; likewise the introduction and contents, 14 pages; references to the engraved plan, 1 leaf. The plates are 25 in number. Between pages 208-9 is A List of the Knights of the Shire, &c. on three sheets or six pages. Catalogus Stirpium, &c.; or, a Catalogue of plants naturally growing and commonly cultivated in divers Parts of England, more especially about Nottingham. Nottingham, 1738, 8vo. Pp. 296. 3s. 6d. DERING, Edward, B.D. Workes more at large than euer hath heretofore been printed in one Volume. Lond. 1614. 4to. The contents of this volume are, A Sermon preached before the Queen; another at the Tower; 27 Lectures or Readings upon Hebrews; certain godly Letters; A brief and necessary Catechism; Godly Private Prayers; and also certain godly Speeches. Then an Address to the Christian Reader, and A briefe and necessarie Catechisme or Instruction, very needfull to be knowne of all Householders. The Catechisme and the 27 Lectures upon Hebrews have each separate title-pages. Puttick, June, 1858. The works of this eminent puritan divine were published separately, 1568, &c. A Sermon preached before the Queenes Majestie, 25 Februarie, 1569. Lond. John Charlewood, 1578, 12mo. A sparing restraint of many lavish untruthes which Dr. Harding doth challenge in the first article of my Lorde of Sarisburies (Jewel) replie. Lond. for H. Toy. Two Godly Sermons, preached 1569, with 27 Lectures or Readings upon part of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Lond. 1590. Bright, 11. 16s. Sir Edward, Bart. Collection of Speeches in Matter of Religion. Lond. 1642. 4to. Prefixed is a portrait by Glover. Bindley, pt. ii. 772, 9s. Hollis, 434, 17. 38. North, pt. iii. 729, 18s. Bright, 17. 12s. 1640, 4to. with portrait by Glover after Johnson-1641, 4to.-1660, 4to. with portrait by Hollar. Carmen Sepulchrale, in memory of Lady Unton Dering. Lond. 1686, folio. Four cardinal Virtues of a Carmelite Fryer. Lond. 1641, 4to. Godly private Prayers for Christian Families. Lond. I. Jaggard, 1624, 12mo. Puttick, June, 1858, morocco, 31. 3s. - Sir Edward, Knight. The most excellent Maria, in a brief Character of her incomparable Virtues and Goodness. Lond. 1701. 8vo. 261 pp. with portrait of Lady Deering, after Mallinarotto, by R. White. Lloyd, 82, 11. Skegg, 41. Puttick, June, 1858, the author's own copy, with a miniature, 21. 128. LARGE PAPER, Grenville Library. Richard. Cantica sacra. See PLAYFORD, John. This composer, much respected in his time for purity of harmony and gravity of style, was organist to Q. Henrietta Maria. Defence of Peace; lately translated out of Laten into Englysshe. Lond. R. Wyer for W. Marshall, 1535. folio. A copy is in the Lambeth Library. DEFFAND, Mme. du. Letters to the Hon. Horace Walpole, afterwards Earl of Orford, from the Year 1766 to the Year 1780. To which are added Letters to Voltaire, from the Year 1759 to the Year 1775. Published from the Originals at Strawberry Hill. Lond. 1810.12mo.4 vols. Correspondance inedite de Madame Du Deffand, avec D'Alembert, Montesquieu, Le Président Henault, La Duchesse Du Maine, Mesdames De Choiseul, De Stael; Le Marquis D'Argens, Le Chevalier D'Aydie, &c. Lond. 1810, 12mo. 3 vols. 9s. The unpublished Correspondence of Madame du Deffand, translated from the original French, by Mrs. Meeke. Lond. 1810, 8vo. 2 vols. Notices of Mad. du Deffand's Letters will be found in the Edinb. Rev. xvii. 290-31, and the Quart. Rev. v. 498-528. DE FOE'S (DANIEL) WORKS. All those to which a black letter capital is prefixed have been republished in one or other of the four modern collections of his works, enumerated at page 621, which are thus indicated: S. Scott; L. Lewis; H. Hazlitt; B. Bohn. DEFOE, Daniel. The Weekly Review. Lond. 1704-13. 4to. 9 vols. The first number of this periodical publication, (far superior to any thing which had hitherto appeared) was printed on the 19th of Feb. 1704, repeated every Saturday and Tuesday until 1705, and after that three times a week until its termination in May, 1713. Chalmers, in 1841, 8 vols. 411. A copy from Feb. 19, 1704, to March 23, 1710, is in the British Museum. This work paved the way for, and set the example of that species of writing soon afterwards carried to its perfection in the Tatlers and Spectators. Volume the following was prefixed: A review of the affairs of France, with observations on transactions at Home.' Lond. 1705, 4to., and Volumes 3 to 8 were entitled 'A Review of the state of the English nation,' 1706, 4to. Though Lowndes and others indicate 9 vols., there is no volume 9 of the Review. It is complete in 8 volumes, the last terminating on the 29th of July, 1712. The only perfect copy known is that purchased at Chalmers' sale by Mr. Crossley. At the close of the 8th volume, De Foe commenced a new paper under a similar title, but of a larger size, each number consisting of only one leaf. A few numbers only exist. The DEFOE-continued. latest one known is in Mr. Crossley's possession, the heading of which is Vol. 1 Review, no. 85, page 169-70, Saturday, April 18, 1713. History of the Union between England and Scotland; with a Collection of original Papers relating thereto. Edinb. 1709. folio. 12s. With portrait, an oval, by W. Skelton. LARGE PAPER. 15S, Dr. Patrick Aber cromby published two Tracts in answer. Edinb. 1707, 4to. ther adventures of Robinson Crusoe, being the second and last part of his life, &c. Lond. 1719, 8vo. pp. 373,' was entered at Stationers' Hall, 17 August, 1719. A second edition, with a map of the world, ap pears to have been published in the same year. This map was afterwards used in the fourth edition of the first part. A spurious ABRIDGMENT of the first part was published by T. Cox, Amsterdam Coffee House, in 12mo. 1719, of which Taylor, the publisher of the Genuine edition, warns the public by an advertisement in the St. James's Post, dated Aug. 7, 1719. Second edition, 1712, folio. Lond. 1786, 4to. with life by G. Chalmers. Another, with additions by J. L. De Lolme. Life by G. Chalmers. Lond. 1787, 4to. Ed- telligence;' but it is not impossible that wards, 668, 12s. Mr. Wilson, the biographer of Defoe, observes, 'The popularity of the work no doubt occasioned it to be printed in The Original London Post or Heathcote's InTaylor sold Heathcote the right of printThe Life and strange surprising it in his paper. In No. 125 of the ing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner: who lived eight and twenty years all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself. With an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates. Written by himself. Lond. Printed by W. Taylor at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row. (Part i.) 1719. 8vo. Robinson Crusoe is the most popular, delightful, and extraordinary of all Defoe's Works, and has lost none of its original attraction, even at the distance of a century. Dr. Johnson observed, 'nobody ever laid it down without wishing it were longer.' Lowndes says Robinson Crusoe first appeared in a periodical publication, entitled The Original London Post, or Heathcote's Intelligence, from Nos. 125 to No. 289 inclusively: the latter, dated 7 October, 1719. But this is an error, copied from Dibdin's Library Companion, p. 607, and repeated since by the compilers of the Grenville Catalogue and other Bibliographers. The following is the correct state ment: THE FIRST VOLUME of Robinson Crusoe was published in 8vo. 1719, 364 pp., preface 2 pp. with an engraving of Robinson Crusoe, sometimes placed as a frontispiece, and was entered at Stationers' Hall, for William Taylor, 23 April, 1719. Of this volume there were four editions in the same year, as is indicated on the titlepages. Sixth edit. 1722, with plates. Intelligence, Wednesday, Oct. 1719, occurs the commencement of Robinson Crusoe, which was continued on the first leaf of each succeeding number without intermission to No. 289, Oct. 19, 1720, (and not as Dibdin states, and Lowndes copies, 7 Oct., 1719), being the end of the second volume of Robinson Crusoe. On reverse of No. 289 is an announcement of a third volume, to be had of Taylor. The third volume is that entitled 'Serious Reflections,' and met with no success. Indeed, it is seldom reprinted with the work. All the above-mentioned editions are in the Grenville Library, British Museum. 'Defoe,' says Mr. Park, 'has been charged with surreptitiously appropriating the papers of Alexander Selkirk (See SELKIRK) in the formation of this celebrated work: but the charge, though repeatedly and confidently brought, appears to be destitute of foundation.' Some have assumed that Arbuthnot, others that Harley, Earl of Oxford, wrote the first part, and put it into the hands of Defoe, who wrote the second. But these assertions are without sufficient foundation, and are refuted by Wilson. First edition: Lond. 1719, 8vo. 2 vols. Roxburghe, 6411, 17.4s. First edition, with the Serious Reflections, 3 vols. 1719-20, 47. 16s. Sotheby's, 1846.-Twelfth edition. Lond. 1761, 12mo. 2 vols. with plates.Lond. 1781, 8vo. 2 vols -Lond. 1785, plates after Brown, by Pollard. 8vo. 2 vols.Lond. Logographic Press, with engravings by Pollard, and Serious Reflections, 1790, 8vo. 2 vols. With Life by Chalmers. Lond. Stockdale, 1790, royal 8vo. 2 vols. with plates after Stothard by Medland. Steevens, 1208, 18s. Bindley, pt. iii. 115, 11. 38. PROOFs, Baker, 383, 21. 15s. With an interlineary French Translation, by G. E. J. M. L. (Mme. de Montmorency Lavale), à Dampierre, 1797, royal 8vo. THE SECOND VOLUME, called 'The far-2 vols. 11. 11s. 6d. It is said, only 25 DEFOE-continued. copies were printed. Lond. 1804, 8vo. 2 vols. LARGE PAPER. A new edition, revised and corrected for the advancement of nautical education, illustrated by technical and geographical annotations, and embellished with maps and engravings. Lond. Mawman, 1815, 8vo. 12s.-With Life by Chalmers. Lond. Cadell, 1820, 8vo. 2 vols. with 22 engravings from designs by Thomas Stothard, R.A., engraved by Charles Heath, and numerous wood-cuts. Published at 21. 2s. Royal 8vo. PROOFs. Engravers' Proofs before letters. pub. at 8l. 8s. Williams, 563, morocco, 4l. 11s. Robinson Crusoe, illustrated by George Cruikshank, with Life of Defoe by T. Roscoe. Lond. Major, 1831, small 8vo. 2 vols. 18S. LARGE PAPER PROOFS, 11. 11s. 6d. With Life by J. Ballantyne, revised by F. Lewis. Lond. 1840. small 8vo. Robinson Crusoe, illustrated by Grandville. Lond. 1844, royal 8vo. 15s. A translation in French appeared at Amsterdam, with plates, by Picart, 17201721. 12mo. 3 vols. Paris, 1784.8vo. 4 vols. And the entire work, with Vision of the An gelic World, translated into French by Van Effen and St. Hyacinthe, 6 vols. 12mo. usually bound in 3, with plates, Paris, 1768. SERIOUS REFLECTIONS during the Life and SURPRISING Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: with his Vision of the Angelic World, written by himself. Lond. W. Taylor, 1720, 8vo. pp. 354. Intended as a third volume to Robinson Crusoe, but was not successful. Exploits of Robinson Crusoe. 12mo, cuts. n. d. long published as a chap book. A Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, divided into Circuits or Journeys; giving a particular and diverting account of whatever is curious and worth observation. By a Gentleman. Lond. G. Strahan (vol. 1), 1724. Vol. 2, 1725. Vol. 3, 1727, 8νο. 3 vols. Vol. 2 has a map of South Britain, en graved by Herman Moll. Vol. 3 contains the Northern counties of England and the South of Scotland, map of Scotland by Moll. Reed, 1938. 3 vols. 17. 1s. With additions, by the celebrated novelist Samuel Richardson. 1732.8vo.3 vols. Nassau, 10s. Lond. 1742. 12mo. 4 vols. 1753. 12mo. 4 vols.-1762. 12mo. 4 vols. 1769. 12mo. 4 vols. Eighth edition, continued by S. Richardson, and brought down to the present time by a Gentleman of eminence in the literary world. Lond. 1778. 12mo. 4 vols. Wilson calls this a paltry imitation of De Foe's work. It is not, however, an imitation, but an altera tion with additions. The first edition is the only really valuable one, Defoe is lost in all the others. DE FOE'S TOURS have been often confounded with 'A Journey through England, in Familiar Letters from a Gentleman here to his Friend abroad,' &c. Lond. Pemberton, 1722. 8vo. 2 vols. Vol. 3, being a Journey through Scotland, 1726. The author of this work was John Macky. Roxburghe, 7208. 3 vols. 16s. S - A Journal of the Plague Year L (1665): written bya Citizen who H continued all the while in LonB don. Never made publick before. Lond. 1722. 8vo. 12s. Pp. 287. The running title, Memoirs of the Plague. P. 287 is signed H. F. A fictitious narrative, which does not, however, exceed in the distressing nature of its details the representations handed down to us by eye-witnesses. It is said the learned Dr. Mead believed it to be a true history. Lond. 1754, 8vo. White Knights, 1098, 11. 1s. Nassau, pt. i. 944, 11. 3s. Lond. 1769, 8vo. pp. vii. and 456.S Lond. 1819, 8vo. 12s. Other editions in 12mo. a Memoirs of Cavalier L (Col. Andrew Newport): or a H military Journal of the Wars in B Germany and the Wars in England from the Year 1632 to the Year 1648. Lond. 1724. 8vo. Reed, 1933, 11. 3s. This delightful novel is well known to have been frequently cited as a historical authority.-Second Edition, Leeds, n. d. 8vo. 6s.-Newark, 1782, 8vo. Lond. 1784, 12mo. 3 vols. 7s. 6d.Lond. 1792, 8vo. with portrait of Lord Essex. Bindley, pt. i. 1736, 9s. Nassau, pt. i. 940, 14s. Edwards, 1661, 16s. L Memoirs of an English H Officer (Captain George CarleB ton), who served in the Dutch War in 1672 to the Peace of Utrecht in 1713. Lond. 1728. 8vo. 10s. 6d. This valuable and interesting work (a great favourite with Dr. Johnson) has been likewise attributed to Dean Swift.- 'Defoe's part in this work,' says, Lord Mahon in his War of Succession, 'is very doubtful. 1743, 8vo. 6s. With Preface and Notes by Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Edinb. 1809, 8vo. Goldsmid, 486, 7s. Drury, 694, 5s. LARGE PAPER. Fonthill, 3093, 21. 11s. Duke of York, 3492, 10s 6d. A true Collection of the Writings of the Author of The True born English-man. Lond. 1703-5. 8vo. 2 vols. 15s. 4to. The Character of the late Dr. Samvel Annesley, by Way of Elegy. 1697, folio. The Spanish Descent, a Poem. 1702, 4to. H The original Power of the collective Body of the People of England, examined and asserted. 1701, folio. This is not mentioned in the table of contents prefixed to the volume. Reprinted in 1769, with a dedication to Beckford, &c. The Free-holders Plea against StockJobbing Elections of Parliament Men. 1701, 4to. Reasons against a War with France. 1701, 4to. An Argument showing that a standing Army, with Consent of Farliament, is not inconsistent with a free Government, &c. 1698, 4to. The Danger of the Protestant Religion, from the present Prospect of a religious War in Europe, 1700, 4to. The Villainy of Stock-Jobbers detected, &c. 1701, 4to. The six distinguishing Characters of a Parliament-Man. 1701, 4to. The Poor Man's Plea. 1698, 4to. H An Inquiry into the occasional Conformity of Dissenters, in Cases of Preferment. 1697, 4to. Reprinted in 1701, with a preface by Mr. How. H A Letter to Mr. How, by Way of Reply to his Considerations of the Preface to an Enquiry into the occasional Conformity of Dissenters. 1701, 4to. The two great Questions considered. 1. H An Enquiry into occasional Conformity, shewing that the Dissenters are noways concern'd in it. 1702, 4to. A new Test of the Church of England's Loyalty: or Whiggish Loyalty and Torish Loyalty compar'd. Lond. 1702, 4to. Reprinted in the ninth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. There is another tract with same title, pub. 1687, often confounded with De Foe's. H The shortest Way with the Dissenters: or Proposals for the Establishment of the Church. Lond. 1702, 4to. A very powerful piece of irony. On the 25th of February, 1702-3, the House of Commons resolved nem. con. 'that this book being full of false and scandalous reflections on this parliament, and tending to promote sedition, be burnt by the common hangman to-morrow in New Palace Yard.' HA brief Explanation of a late Pamphlet, entituled, The shortest Way with the Dissenters. 1702, 4to. The shortest Way to Peace and Union, &c. 1703, 4to. VOL. II. A new Discovery of an old Intreague: a Satyrlevell'd at Treachery and Ambition. 1697, 1705. More Reformation, a Satyr upon himself. 1703, 4to. An Elegy on the Author of the Trueborn English Man. 1704, 4to. B The Storm, an Essay. 1704. 8vo. A Hymn to the Pillory. 1704, 4to. A Hymn to Victory. Lond. 1704. 4to.Second edition, with additions. Lond. 1704. The Pacificator. 1700. folio. The Double Welcome. A Poem to the Duke of Marlborough. 1705. 4to. The Dissenters Answer to the High Church Challenge, 1704. 4to. A Challenge of Peace, address'd to the whole Nation. 1703. 4to. Peace without Union. By way of Reply to Sir H[umphrey] M[ackworth]'s Peace at Home. 1703. 4to. More Short Ways with the Dissenters. 1704. 4to. A new Test of the Church of England's Honesty. Edinb. 1705. 4to. A serious Inquiry into this grand Question whether a Law to prevent the occasional Conformity of Dissenters would not be inconsistent with the Acts of Toleration, and a Breach of the Queen's Promise. 1704. 4to. The Dissenter misrepresented and represented. 1704. 4to. The Parallel: or Persecution of Pro What the French King will do, with Re-testants the shortest Way to prevent the spect to the Spanish Monarchy. 2. What Measures the English ought to take.Lond. 1700, 4to. The two great Questions further considered, with some Reply to the Remarks. 1700, 4to. Growth of Popery in Ireland. 1704. 4to. Giving Alms no Charity, and employing the Poor a Grievance to the Nation. 1704. 8vo. Royal Religion: being some Enquiry after the Piety of Princes. With Remarks |