A Sermon preached 12 March, 1581, within the Tower of London. Lond. 1581, 16mo. Bright, 11s. De Successione Ecclesiastica et latente ab Antichristi Tyrannide Ecclesia. Lond. 1584, 16mo. An answer to Thomas Stapleton. A Confvtation of a Treatise made by William Allen in Defence of the vsurped Power of Popish Priesthood. Camb. 16mo. See CHARKE, William. TESTAMENT. PARKER SOCIETY. Appendix. Expository Discourses on the Аросаlypse, interspersed with practical Reflections. Lond. 1815. 8vo. This work is not equal to the author's former publication on Genesis. The Harmony of Scripture, or an Attempt to reconcile various Passages apparently contradictory. Lond. 1817. 8vo. This work contains some judicious observations on fifty-five passages, written originally for the use of a private friend. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Rev. Andrew Fuller, by J. W. Morris. Lond. 1826. 8vo. FULLER, Francis, Μ.Α. Medicina Gymnastica; or, a Treatise concerning the Power of Exercise. Lond. 8vo. 3s. Frequently reprinted. By some it has been attributed to Thomas Fuller, M.D. John, M.D. The History of Berwick upon Tweed, including a short Account of the Villages of Tweedmouth and Spittal, &c. Edinburgh, 1799. 8vo. FULLARTON, John, of Careltoun. The Turtle-Dove, under the Absence and Presence of her only Choice: or the Desertion and De- Pp. xxi. 601 and 50 with 8 plates. Roxliverance revived. By a Lover of the celestiall Muses. Edinb. 1664. small 8vo. This mysticall turtle-dove was presented to Jane, Viscountess of Kenmore, by John Fullarton of Careltoun; and is chiefly composed in verse, but of no very elevated character. Perry, 4l. William. A View of English Interests in India, and an Account of the military Operations in the southern Parts of the Peninsula during the Campaign of 1782-4. Lond. 1787. 8vo. 5s. FULLER, Andrew. Works, with a Memoir of the Author by John Ryland, D.D. Lond. 1824. 8vo. 8 vols. Published at 47. 4s. The works of this Baptist minister are much esteemed. Complete works, with a memoir by his son. Lond. Bohn, 1852, impl. 8vo. portrait. 15s. Principal works, with Memoir by his son. Lond. Bohn, 1852. post 8vo. 3s. 6d. The Calvinistic and Socinian Systems examined and compared. Lond. 1794. 8vo. -1796. 8vo. Expository Discourses on the Book of Genesis, interspersed with practical Reflections. Lond. 1806. 8vo. 2 vols. A valuable illustration. burghe, 8641, 10s. Brockett, 1453. 10s. 6d. 21. 2s. LARGE PAPER. Dent, pt. i. 870. Nicholas. Miscellanea Theologica. Oxon. 1616. 4to. Williams, 617. 12s. Lond. 1617. 4to. Fuller likewise published Miscellanea sacra. Lug. Bat. 1622. 4to. All which Miscellanies are remitted into the ninth volume of the Critici Sacri, and scattered and dispersed throughout the whole work of M. Pool's Synopsis.'-Ant. à Wood. Thomas, D.D. The Church History of Britain, from the Birth of Jesus Christ untill the Year MDCXLVIII. Lond. 1655 or 6.fol, This collection, though partaking of Fuller's common faults, a loose and corrupt style of composition, a quaint vivacity, too many and colloquial anecdotes, yet contains many interesting memorials, the result of long, active and extended research. It is a book which never yet has been superseded, and no well-furnished library of English history ought to be without it. Dent, pt. i. 1317. 47. 188. Bindley, pt. iii. 1036. 31. 14s. Hollis, 474. 31. 6s. Sir P. Thompson, 373, 31. 9s. Towneley, pt. ii. 798. 21. 4s. North, pt. ii. 169.31. 9s. Gordonstoun, 878. 21. 3s. Garrick, 1069. 21. 17s. 6d. Hibbert, 3325, 51. 15s. Collation. Title. Two addresses, one to the Duke of Richmond, the other to the reader, 4 leaves. Pages, 1-171. Title to Third Book. Dedication to Wil FULLER-continued. liam Lord Beauchampe, 3 leaves. Pages 1-199.195-200. (153)-(199). 201-377. 371-375. 384-427. Title to Eighth Book, and Dedication to the Rt. Hon. Fr. Grevill, 4 leaves. Pages 1-235. Title to the Tenth Book, and Dedication to the Hon. Robert Lord Bruce, 4 leaves. Pages 1-114. Title to the Eleventh Book, and Dedication to the Hon. Edwd. Mountayne, 3 leaves. Pages 117-238. Then follows THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. Title and Dedication to the Hon. Banister Mainard, 4 leaves. Pages 1-172. HISTORY OF WALTHAM ABBY IN ESSEX. Title and Dedication to the Rt. Honbl. James Hay, 2 leaves. Pages 5-22. Index, 10 leaves. Plates.--Arms of the Knights and Monks of Ely at p. 168, two plates of Litchfield Cathedral, at p. 174, plan of Cambridge at p. i. of the Hist. of Camb. Univers. and seals of arms of all the mitred abbies in England at the end of the book. The Appeal of injured Innocence: in a Controversie betwixt the Animadvertor Dr. Peter Heylyn and the Author Thomas Fuller. Lond. 1659. folio. Bindley, pt. i. 1690, 9s. 'Soon after (the publication of Heylin's Examen historicum) Th. Fuller came out with a thin fol. full of submission and acknowledgment, entit. The Appeal of Injured Innocence, which was commonly bound with the remaining copies of his Church History in quires.'-Ant. à Wood. CHURCH HISTORY OF BRITAIN, from the Birth of Christ until the year 1648; a new edition with the author's corrections, edited by James Nichols. Lond. 1837. 8vo. 3 vols. 17. 1s. Again. Lond. 1842. 8vo. 3 vols. 11. 7s, New edition, with life, reprinted from the edition of 1662, edited by the Rev. J. S. Brewer. Oxford, 1845. 8vo. 6 vols. 31. 3s. HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE AND OF WALTHAM ABBEY, with the Appeal of Injured Innocence against Heylin: a new edition, with notes by James Nichols. Lond. 1840. 8vo. 14s. History of the University of Cambridge, edited by Prickett and Wright. Cambridge, 1840. 8vo. 12s. - The History of the Worthies of England. Lond. 1662. folio. Garrick, 1067. 41. 4s. Jadis, 211, 47. 4s. North, pt. ii. 168. 47. 9s. Drury, 1813. 41. 12s. Roxburghe. 8381. 51. Dent, pt. i. 1316. 5l. 10s. Sir P. Thompson, 374, 51. 15s. 6d. Hollis, 475. 67. 3s. 6d. Marquis of Townshend, 1529. russia, 6l. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 1686, 71. Lloyd, 552. 71. 10s. Heath, 4525. russia, 9l. 5s. Beckford in 1817, 190, russia, 147. 14s. Fonthill, 2461. bound by Roger Payne, with his bill, 171. 5s. Stanley, 53, russia, by Roger Payne, 28l. 17s. 6d. Steevens, 1799, with numerous MS. additions by G. Steevens, 431. Collation. -Title, to the Reader, and Errata, 2 leaves; B-D, in fours, E 3 leaves, F-I in fours, K 3 leaves, L-, in fours, Bb, 2 leaves, Ee, Ff, in fours, Gg, 2 leaves, Hh-Qq, in fours, Tt-Aaa, in fours, Bbb, 2 leaves. Hant-shire. Aa, Bb, in fours, Cc, 2 leaves, Dd-NN, in fours, Oo, 2 leaves. Lancashire, &c. P -T, in fours, Vv to Qqq, in fours, Rrr, 2 leaves, Sss-Yyy, in fours. Shropshire. Aaa to Ffff, in fours. Wales. Aaaaa, 2 leaves, Bbbbb to Hhhhh, in fours, Iiiii, 2 leaves. Index, 6 leaves. Prefixed is a portrait by Loggan. The History of the Worthies of England, with a few explanatory Notes by John Nichols. Lond. 1811. 4to. 2 vols. Edwards, 38. 31. 5s. Duke of York, 1978, 21. 6s. 1979. 31. 6s. Hibbert, 3279, russia, 41. 4s. New edition, with notices of Worthies since the time of Fuller, notes and indexes by Dr. Nuttall. Lond. 1840.8vo. 3 vols. 11. 5s. Davids's hainous Sinne, heartie Repentance, heavie Punishment. Lond. 1631. 18mo. A poetical tract, consisting of 40 leaves, divided into three parts, according to its leading title: the first contains 47, the second 26, and the third, 71 stanzas. Bindley, pt. ii. 91, 5l. 15s. 6d. Hibbert, 3192. morocco, 6l. 6s. Bright, 4l. Prince, 1858.77. 15s. The Life of Dean Colet, prefixed to his dayly Devotions. 1635. 12mo. The HISTORIE OF THE HOLY WARRE. Camb. 1639. folio. With front. by Marshall, and a map. Goldsmid, 294, 10s. 6d. Towneley, 799, 8s. Cambridge, 1640. folio. with front. by Marshall, and a map. Stanley, 128. russia, 31. Roxburghe, 8846, 16s. Roscoe, 506, 6s. 6d. Hibbert, 3322, with the Holy State, 1642. 16s. The third edition. Cambridge, 1647. folio. Best edition, with front. by Marshall, and a map. Sir P. Thompson, 375. 5s. 6d.-1651. folio. Garrick, 1070, with the Holy State, 1652. 15s. 6d. The HOLY AND PROFANE STATE (a Collection of Characters, moral Essays and Lives, ancient, foreign and domestic). Camb. 1642. folio. Hibbert, 3323, 11. 10s. 1647. Bindley, pt. i. 1687, 5s. 6d. Camb. 1648. folio. Best edition, front. by Marshall and portraits on the letter press. Goldsmid, 295, 10s. 6d.-1652. folio. Garrick, 1070, with the Holy War, 1651, 15s. 6d.-165S. The fourth edition. Lond. 1663. folio. FULLER-Continued. 1840. 12mo. 6s. JOSEPH'S PARTY-COLOURED COAT; a Comment on Part of 1 Corinthians, chap. ii. together with eight Sermons. Lond. 1640. 4to. Prince, 1858. 15s. A fast Sermon preached on Innocents Day. Matth. c. 5. v. 9. London, 1642. 4to, 2s. 6d. Another edition. 1654. 12mo. A Sermon of Reformation preached at the Church of the Savoy, July 27th, 1643, Lond. 1643. 4to. 2s. 6d. Reprinted in the Answer to Saltmarsh. Truth maintained: or Positions delivered in a Sermon at the Savoy asserted for sound and safe. Oxf. 1643. 4to. 6s. An answer to Mr. Saltmarsh, who had written against his sermon of reformation. A Sermon preached at St. Peter, Westminster, on the 27th of March, being the Day of his Majesties Inauguration. 2 Sam. v. 19, 20. Lond. 1643. 4to. Another edi tion. 1654. 12mo. GOOD THOUGHTS IN BAD TIMES. Exeter, 1645. 16mo. The first fruits of the Exeter press, as Fuller himself informs us-Lond. 1646. 18mo. 4s. 6d. Lond. 1810. 18mo. 2s. 6d. GOOD THOUGHTS IN WORSE TIMES. Lond. 1640. 16mo. Another edition, 1647, with the Second Century of Good Thoughts in Bad Times. Lond. 1647. 18mo. Prince, 1858, 11. 7s. GOOD THOUGHTS IN BAD TIMES, together with Good Thoughts in Worse Times. Lond. 1669. 12mo. Gosset, 2104. 17. 5s.-1652. Inglis, 632, 8s. Hibbert, 3194. 7s.-1649. 18mo. 6s.-1680. 18mo. Nassau, pt. i, 1234, 7s. New edition. Lond. Picker ing, 1841. 12mo. 6s. Cause and Cure of a wounded Conscience. Lond. 1646. 12mo. 6s. Another edi tion. 1649.-1810. 18mo. 2s. Feare of losing the old Light: or a Sermon preached in Exeter. Lond. 1646. 4to. Andronicvs, or the unfortunate Politician. Lond. 1646. 12mo. Hibbert, 3193, 5s. The second edition. Lond. 1646, Bliss, 4s. Bright, 9s. The third edition, 1649. Prince, 4s. 6d. A notice of this work will be found in the Retrosp. Rev. N. S. i. 396-406. Reprinted in the edition of the Holy and Profane State. The just Mans Funeral: delivered in a Sermon delivered at Chelsey. Eccles, c. 7. v. 15. Lond. 1649. 4to. A PISGAH-SIGHT OF PALESTINE and the Confines thereof: with the Historie of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. Lond. 1650. folio. With maps and plates. Bindley, pt. i. 1689. 17. 1s. Williams, 899. blue morocco, 6l. Towneley, pt. ii. 800. 15s. 6d.-1652,-1662. folio. This curious and singular book is not a mere geographical work, but contains many things relating to Jewish antiquities, and to the manners and customs of the people, and incidentally illustrates a number of passages of Scripture. ABEL REDIVIVUS: or, the Dead yet speaking. The Lives and Deaths of the Modern Divines, written by severall able and learned Men. Lond. 1651. 4to. This work is adorned with a great many small engraved heads on the letter press, likewise a portrait of the author, by Vaughan, and a frontispiece. At page 440 a life of Bishop Andrews and portrait 10 leaves, concluding with Finis. Pages 441 to 599 follow, and finish the volume. The most part of the poetry was done by Master Quarles, father and son, sufficiently known for their abilities therein. The rest the stationer got transcribed out of Mr. Holland and other authors.' Bindley, pt. ii. 999. 17. 10s. Nassau, pt. i. 1686. 17. 4s. Towneley, pt. ii. 644. 17. 13s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1197, 11. 11s. 6d. Bp. Randolph, 561. date 1652. 21. 4s. Prince, 1858, 11. 19s. Another copy, port, added, 31. 18s. Comment concerning Christ's temptation on the II first Verses of C. 4 of S. Matthew's Gospel, 1652. 8vo. The Infant's Advocate of Circumcision and Baptisme on Jewish Christian Children. Lond. 1653. 8vo. 5s. Perfection and Peace, a Sermon. Lond. 1653. 8vo. A Comment on Ruth: together with two Sermons: the one teaching to live well, the other to die well. Lond. 1654. 8vo. Triana, or a threefold Romanza of Mariana, Paduana, Sabina, omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci. Lond. Stafford, 1654. 12mo. Another edition, with portrait of Mariana, by Faithorne, dated 1655. Lond. Stafford, 1664. 12mo. In Prose and Verse, a piece not perfected by him, printed posthumously, and is the rarest of all his works. Mr. Brewer has failed to discover why it has been attributed to Fuller. ORNITHO-LOGIE; or, the Speech of Birds also the Speech of Flowers: partly morall, partly mysticall. Lond. 1663. 12mo. with engraved title. Ornithologie, 1655. pp. 53, besides title and dedication, two leaves. Antheologia, 1655, pp. 90, with title and dedication, 3 leaves. Lloyd, 587. 10s. Fonthill, 605, 17. 10s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 580. Prince, 1858, 11. 13s. Bright, 11. 6s. a EPHEMERIS PARLIAMENTARIA; or, faithfull Register of the Transactions in Parliament, 1627-8. Lond. 1654. folio, pp. 271, with preface and table, 14s. A triple Reconciler. Lond. 1654. 8vo. 5s. FULLER-continued. Life out of Death: a Sermon preached at Chelsea on the Recovery of an honourable Person, in one volume. Lond. 1655. 8vo. Bliss, 12s. A Collection of Sermons. 1. The best Employment. 2. A gift for God alone. 3. The true Penitent. 4. The best Act of Oblivion. Together with Notes upon Jonah. Lond. 1656. 8vo. The best Name on Earth. Together with severall other Sermons. Lond. 1657. 8vo. With frontispiece by Hollar. Hibbert, 3195, 11. Puttick, 1855, 21. 7s. Mixt Contemplations in better Times. Lond. 1660. 12mo. Garrick, 923, 9s. Hibbert, 3197. 8s. The Life of that reverend Divine and learned Historian, Dr. Thomas Fuller, Lond. 1661. 16mo. 10s. 6d. Nassau, 1997. 9s. Prince, 1858. 19s. Pp. 106, besides title, and to the reader, 3 leaves, also a portrait of Fuller. At the end is a list of Dr. Fuller's works, consisting of 3 leaves. Oxford, 1662, 12mo. Inglis, 631. 3s. 6d. Choice Forms of Prayer by Tho. Fuller, Jer. Taylor, Dr. Reeve, and other Divines. Lond. 1659, 32mo. 5s. The Life of the Rev. Henry Smith of Withcok, in Leicestershire, prefixed to his Sermons. 1675. 4to. Sermon of Assurance. Lond. 1648. 4to. Prince, 4to. 6s. Mentioned in the list of his works at the end of his Life. A Sermon at the Funeral of G. Haycock. Lond. 1657. 4to. Prince, 3s. 6d. A copy is in the British Museum. Prefaces by Fuller are prefixed to Dr. Holeworth's Valley of Vision, and to Spencer's Things new and old; he wrote also an abridged life of Jewell, and a Latin treatise De Ecclesia. Panegyrick to his Majesty (Charles II.) on his happy return. Prince, 1858, 68. Lond. 1660, 4to. In 1815 appeared Selections from the Writings of Fuller and South, by the Rev. Arthur Broome. 12mo. 5s. 6d. and specimens from the writings of Fuller, the Church Historian, will be found in C. Lamb's Works, ii. 72-87, and in Basil Montagu's Selections. In Featley's House of Mourning, 1660, are funeral sermons by Fuller. Memorials of the Life and Works of Thomas Fuller, by the Rev. A. T. Russell. Lond. Pickering, 1844. 18mo. Thomas, M.D. Gnomologia: Adagies and Proverbs; wise Sentences and witty Sayings. Lond. 1732. 12mo. 3s. 6d. A new edition. Lond. 1816. 12mo. 3s. 6d. Introductio ad Prudentiam: or, Directions, Counsels, and Cautions, tending to prudent Management of Affairs in common Life. Lond. 1726-7. 8vo. Reprinted 1743. 2 vols. Williams, 726, with his Introductio ad Sapientiam, 1731. 11. 9s. William, the Impostor. The whole Life of Mr. William Fvller: written by himself. Lond 1703.8vo. With portrait, æt. 23. Lloyd, 118. 4s. 6d. Hollis, 765, with his Confession, 1704, in 1 vol. 14s. 6d. Tracts, &c. by W. Fuller. See Hibbert's Catalogue, 3198. Bright (7 tracts), 12s. FULLONIUS, William. The Co-. medy of Acolastus, translated into our English Tongue, after such a Manner as Children are taught in the Grammar School, &c. by John Palsgrave. Lond. 1540. 4to B b, in fours. A copy is in the Bodleian Library. Garrick, 1831, 147. Hayley, 221. 18. Farmer, 4l. 6s. Jolley, 1844. 191. 19s. Pp. 116, including the title and contents. The dedication to the Spanish ambassador, inserted in the first (printed in 1665), is omitted in this second edition, which, however, is much enlarged. -Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores. See GALE, Thomas. FULTON, R. A Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation. Lond. 1796. 4to. Pp. 114, with 17 plates. FULWEL, Ulpian. A pleasant Interlude, intituled Like will to like quoth the Devill to the Collier. Lond. Allde. 1587. 4to. A copy of this moral dramatic piece is in the British Museum. The Flower of Fame. Containing the right Renowne and most fortunate Raigne of King Henry the VIII. wherein is mentioned of Matters, by the rest of our Cronographers overpassed. Compyled by Ulpian Fulwell. Hereunto is annexed (by the Ancthor) a short Treatise of iii noble and vertuous Queenes: and a Discourse of the worthie Service that was done at Hadington in Scotlande, the seconde Yere of the Raigne of King Edward the Sixt. Imprinted at London by William Hoskins, 65 leaves. A copy of this poetical melange has been sold for 30l. 9s. It is reprinted in the ninth volume of the Harleian Miscellany. The first Part of the eyghth Liberal Science, intituled, Ars Adulandi; the Art FUR predestinatus. See SANof Flatterie; with the Confutation thereof; both very pleasaunt and profitable; CROFT, William, Abp. of Canter devised and compiled by Ulpian Fulwell. bury. Newly corrected and augmented. Im- FURBER, Robert. Flower-Garprinted by Richard Jones, &c., 1579. 4to. den display'd, in above 400 curious Thirty-seven leaves, black letter. FULLWOOD, F. Necessity of Representations of the most beauKeeping our Parish Churches. tiful Flowers. Lond. 1732, 4to. Lond. 1672. 4to. 10s. FULWOOD, William. The Enimie FUSELI, Henry. Lectures (Three) of Idlenesse: teaching the Manner on Painting, delivered at the Royal and Stile how to endite, compose, Academy, London. Part 1. Lond. and write all Sorts of Epistles and 1801. Part 2. Lond. 1820. 2 Letters. Lond. 1568. 16mo. 10s. Consisting of four books, written partly in prose, and partly in verse.-1593. 16mo. -1598.16mo.-1578. 16mo.-1571.16mo.1586. 16mo,-1621. sm. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 914, 21. 5s. See GRATAROLUS. FUMEE, Mart. The Historie of the Trovbles of Hungarie: translated by R(ooke) C(hurche). Lond. 1600. folio. parts, 4to. A much-esteemed work. Fonthill, 1354, 18s. Works (including Lectures), with Life, by John Knowles. Lond. 1831. 8vo. 3 vols. 18s. Fuseli's Lectures are reprinted in the "Lectures on Painting by the Royal Academicians." See Bohn's Scientific Library, 5s. FYFE, Andrew. A System of the Anatomy of the Human Body, illustrated by upwards of 200 (coloured) Tables. New Edition improved, 1820.4to. 3 vols. published at 61. 6s. An edition. Edinb. 1800. 4to. 3 vols. FYLOLL, Jasper. A Treatise against the Possessions of the Clergye, geddered and compyled by Jasper Fyloll. Lond. by Thomas Godfray, 16mo. FYSHER. See FISHER. |