The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature: Containing an Account of Rare, Curious, and Useful Books, Published in Or Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, from the Invention of Printing : with Bibliographical and Critical Notices, Collations of the Rarer Articles, and the Prices at which They Have Been Sold in the Present Century, Volume 2,Deel 1Henry G. Bohn, 1858 - 3363 pagina's |
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Pagina 623
... miscellany of precepts theological , moral , political , economical , digested into seven centuries of quadrins . ' Bibl . Anglo- Poet . 206 , 41. 4s . Bindley , pt . i . 1766 , 41 . Nassau , pt . i . 950 , 3s . date 1651. Perry , 1l ...
... miscellany of precepts theological , moral , political , economical , digested into seven centuries of quadrins . ' Bibl . Anglo- Poet . 206 , 41. 4s . Bindley , pt . i . 1766 , 41 . Nassau , pt . i . 950 , 3s . date 1651. Perry , 1l ...
Pagina 650
... . 4to . Sixteen leaves . It ends on the recto of DISCOURSE . - Helpe to Discourse , or Miscellany of Merriment , con- sign . Cvj . Roxburghe , 3282 , morocco , D'ISRAELI - continued . Despotism ; or , the Fall 650 DIS DIS.
... . 4to . Sixteen leaves . It ends on the recto of DISCOURSE . - Helpe to Discourse , or Miscellany of Merriment , con- sign . Cvj . Roxburghe , 3282 , morocco , D'ISRAELI - continued . Despotism ; or , the Fall 650 DIS DIS.
Pagina 661
... miscellany Epigrams , trans- lated by Jasper Mayne , D.D. Lond . 1632 . 8vo . Ivvenilia , or certaine Paradoxes and Problems . Lond . 1633. 4to . 3s . ΒΙΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ . A Declaration of that Paradoxe , or Thesis , that Self - homicide is not ...
... miscellany Epigrams , trans- lated by Jasper Mayne , D.D. Lond . 1632 . 8vo . Ivvenilia , or certaine Paradoxes and Problems . Lond . 1633. 4to . 3s . ΒΙΑΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ . A Declaration of that Paradoxe , or Thesis , that Self - homicide is not ...
Pagina 674
... miscellany of quibbling catches , joques and merriments . 1672 , 12mo . Bright , 31. 12s . Mock Songs and Joking Poems , by the authorof Westminster Drollery , 1674 , 12mo . Holborn Drollery ; or , the beautiful Chloret surprised in the ...
... miscellany of quibbling catches , joques and merriments . 1672 , 12mo . Bright , 31. 12s . Mock Songs and Joking Poems , by the authorof Westminster Drollery , 1674 , 12mo . Holborn Drollery ; or , the beautiful Chloret surprised in the ...
Pagina 677
... Miscellany . Something written by occasion of that fatall and memorable accident in the Blackfriars . Lond . 1623 , 4to . Rev. Robert . See BLACK- FRIARS . The dreadful Character of a Drunkard , Robt . Madagascar ; or Jour- or the ...
... Miscellany . Something written by occasion of that fatall and memorable accident in the Blackfriars . Lond . 1623 , 4to . Rev. Robert . See BLACK- FRIARS . The dreadful Character of a Drunkard , Robt . Madagascar ; or Jour- or the ...
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature ..., Volume 2,Deel 1 William Thomas Lowndes Volledige weergave - 1858 |
The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, Volume 7 William Thomas Lowndes Volledige weergave - 1864 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
Account ancient Anglo-Poet Appendix Best edition Bibl Bindley Black letter Book Bright British Museum Brockett Cantab Catalogue Charles Church Collection coloured containing copies printed dedication Dent Discourse Drury Dublin Duke Duke of York Earl Ecclesiĉ Edinb Edward Elizabeth England English engraved Epistles Essay Facies folio Fonthill former edition France French frontispiece George glish Gordonstoun Harleian Miscellany Heath Heber Henry History Index Inglis James John King LARGE PAPER late Latin leaf leaves lished Lloyd Lond Lord Memoirs Miscellany morocco Nassau Notes numbers original Oxford Oxon Paris plates Poems portrait post 8vo preface Prefixed published Queen Reed Reprinted Rhodes Richard Robert Roxburghe royal 8vo russia Second edition Sermons Sir M. M. Sykes Skegg small 8vo Sotheby Sotheby's Third edition Thomas tion Towneley Tracts trans translated Treatise verse vols volume Voyage White Knights Willett William written Wynkyn de Worde
Populaire passages
Pagina 656 - FAMILY EXPOSITOR; Or, a Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament : with Critical Notes, and a Practical Improvement of each Section.
Pagina 613 - The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner; Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an uninhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With an Account how he was at last as strangely delivered by Pyrates. Written by Himself.
Pagina 729 - Elizabeth by the Grace of God Queen of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c.
Pagina 597 - Cantus Songs and Fancies To Three, Four, or Five Parts, both apt for Voices and Viols. With a brief introduction to Musick, as is taught in the Musick-school of Aberdeen. The Third Edition, much Enlarged and Corrected. Printed in ABERDEEN, by JOHN FORBES...
Pagina 566 - COXE'S History of the House of Austria. From the Foundation of the Monarchy by Rhodolph of Hapsburgh to the Death of Leopold II., 1218-1792.
Pagina 582 - Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with Explanatory Observations on Armorial Ensigns, by James Dallaway, AM 4to.
Pagina 765 - The Gospels of the fower Euangelistes translated in the olde Saxons tyme out of Latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons, newly collected out of Auncient Monumentes of the sayd Saxons, and now published for testimonie of the same at London.
Pagina 658 - An Epistolary Discourse, proving, from the Scriptures and the first Fathers, that the Soul is a Principle naturally mortal, but immortalized actually by the pleasure of God, to Punishment, or to Reward, by its Union with the Divine Baptismal Spirit. Wherein is proved, that none have the Power of giving this Divine Immortalizing Spirit, since the Apostles, but only the Bishops.
Pagina 705 - A Restoration of the ancient Modes of bestowing Names on the Rivers, Hills, Vallies, Plains and Settlements of Britain : not recorded by any Author.