[blocks in formation]

EVANS, W. W.-continued. A letter on Crank-Axles in Locomotives and their demerits. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. New York, 1884. 8vo.

Letter on Plan of Bulkheads and Docks for the City of New
York. Tract. 8vo. vol. 344.

A Letter on Railway Gauges, and
economy, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 227.

A Letter on rapid Transit for New vol. 256.

New York, 1881. 8vo. construction, machinery, New York, 1872. 8vo. York City. Tract. 8vo. New York, 1875. 8vo.

A Letter . . . on Railway Gauges and Construction, Economy, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 238.

New York, 1873. 8vo.

Carta . . sobre medida de anchura de los caminos de hierro, i
sobre su construccion, maquinaria, economia, etc. Tract. 8vo.
vol. 227.
Nueva York, 1872.

8vo. A letter to the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of the United States, being a fagot of Yankee sticks, tough if not telling, consisting of quotations, opinions, free-trade fancies, protection blessings, political economy, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 451.

New York, 1885. 8vo.

Memoir of Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Poland's hero and patriot.
New York, 1883. 4to.

Memoranda in reference to Engine Comparisons. Tract. 8vo. vol. 220. New York, 1870. 8vo. EVANS, W. W., and OTHERS. American v. English Locomotives: correspondence, criticism and commentaries respecting their relative merits. Tract. 8vo. vol. 318. New York, 1880. 8vo. [Another edition.] Tract. 8vo. vol. 318.

Leeds, 1880. 8vo.

EVELYN, J. An Account of Architects and Architecture, etc.
Lond. 1706. folio.

Fumifugium: or, the inconveniencie of the aer and smoak of
London dissipated. Together with some remedies humbly pro-
posed by J. E. Esq., etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 219.

Lond. 1661. 8vo.


A letter ... concerning the Spanish Sembrador, or new Engine
for Ploughing, and equal sowing all sorts of grain
from the Spanish. Tract. 4to. vol. 20.

(From Phil. Trans.)

Lond. 1670. 4to.

[A Parallel of Ancient Architecture with the Modern . . . From the French of Roland Freart, Sieur de Chambray, etc.]

(Title page wanting.)

[Lond. 1664.] folio. EVEREST, G., Col. An Account of the Measurement of two Sections of the Meridional Arc of India.

Rectification of Logarithmic Errors in the
sections of the Meridional Arc of India, etc.
(From Proc. Royal Soc.)

EVERETT, A. Map of Victoria, showing the

Lond. 1847. 4to. measurement of two Tract. 8vo. vol. 122.

Lond. [1859.] 8vo. distribution of Forest 1866. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

EVERETT, G. The Pathway to Peace and Profit: or, Truth in its plain Dress. Wherein is methodically set forth a sure

way for the more speedy and effectual building their Majesties' Royal Navy, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 72. Lond. 1694. 8vo. EVERETT, G. A. Water Supplies: a statistical compilation from the official reports of the Water Boards in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Canadian Provinces, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 236. Lond. 1874. 8vo. EVERETT, J. D. Illustrations of the centimetre gramme-second System of Units. Tract. 8vo. vol. 266.

Units and Physical Constants. 2nd edition.
Vibratory Motion and Sound.

EVERS, H. Steam and other Prime Movers, etc.

Lond. 1865.


Lond. 1879. 8vo.
Lond. 1882. 8vo.

Lond. [1889.] 8vo.

Steam and the Steam Engine. 32nd thousand.

Glasgow, 1887. 8vo.

EVRARD, A. Les moyens de transport appliqués dans les mines, les usines, et les travaux publics. 2 vols. (Atlas of plates.)

Paris, 1872. 8vo. and 4to.

Traité pratique de l'exploitation des mines. Vol. 1. (Atlas of plates.) Mons, 1879. 8vo. and folio. EWALD, A. C. The complete Guide to the Home Civil Service. Lond. 1885. 8vo.

EWART, C. B. Report on the proper principle of Drainage to be adopted in the towns of Oxford, Eton, Windsor, and Abingdon. Tract. 8vo. vol. 223. Lond. 1868. 8vo. EWART, JOHN. A letter to C. Dundas, Esq., M.P., on the intended Kennet and Avon Canal. Tract. 8vo. vol. 66.

Bath, 1796. folio.

EWART, JOSEPH. The sanitary Condition and Discipline of Indian
Lond. 1860. 8vo.
EWBANK, T. A descriptive and historical Account of Hydraulic
and other Machines for raising Water, ancient and modern, etc.
Lond. 1842. 8vo.

4th edition.
13th edition.

New York, 1850.
New York, 1854.



Tokio, 1883. 4to.

EWING, J. A. Earthquake Measurement. Tract. 4to. vol. 91.

Magnetic Induction in Iron and other Metals.

Lond. 1891. 8vo.

Report on trials of Parsons' Condensing Steam Turbine, using
superheated steam.
Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1892. obl. 8vo.
"Seismometric Measurements of the Vibration of the New Tay
Bridge during the passing of Railway Trains." Tract. 8vo.
vol. 462.
Lond. 1888. 8vo.


399 EWING, J. A.-continued. The Steam Engine, and other Heat Engines. Lond. 1894. 8vo. EXCHAQUET, H. Dictionnaire des ponts et chaussées, contenant les règles de la construction, les usages, les ordonnances de police, et les arrêts qui concernent l'entretien des grands chemins, etc. Lausanne et Paris, 1787. 8vo. EXETER. Report by Captain Eyre M. Shaw, C.B., concerning the Fire which occurred at the Theatre Royal, Exeter, on the 5th of September, 1887. Lond. 1888. folio. Reply of the Local Magistrates to the Report of Captain Shaw on the late Fire at Exeter Theatre. Lond. 1888. folio. Devon and Exeter Albert Memorial Museum, Schools of Science and Art, and Free Library. Annual reports. Tract. 8vo. vol. 421. Exeter, 1886-90. 8vo. EXHIBITIONS. [Works relating to Exhibitions are catalogued under the place at which each Exhibition was respectively held.] EXNER, Dr. F. Vorlesungen über Elektricität, etc.

Leipzig, 1888. 8vo. EYES, E. A littoral Survey of the port of Liverpool, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 198. Liverpool, 1870. 8vo. EYTELWEIN, J. A. Handbuch der Mechanik fester Körper und der Hydraulik. Handbuch der Statik fester Körper, mit vorzüglicher Rücksicht auf ihre Anwendung in der Architektur. 3 vols.

Leipzig, 1842. 8vo.

Berlin, 1808. 8vo.

Observations sur les effets et l'application avantageuse du bélier
Paris, 1822. 4to.
Recherches sur le mouvement de l'eau, en ayant égard à la
contraction qui a lieu au passage par divers orifices, etc.
8vo. vol. 17.

EYTH, M. Wanderbuch eines Ingenieurs. 3 vols.

Tract. Paris, 1826. 8vo.

Heidelberg, 1871. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]



Catalogue of the Library of the French Protestant 1887. See FRENCH PROTESTANT HOSPITAL.

FABRE, J. A. Essai sur la manière la plus avantageuse de construire les machines hydrauliques, et en particulier les moulins à bled. Paris, 1783. 4to. Essai sur la théorie des torrens et des rivières, contenant les moyens les plus simples d'en empêcher les ravages, d'en rétrécir le lit, et d'y faciliter le navigation, le hallage, et la flottaison; accompagné d'une discussion sur la navigation intérieure de la France; et terminé par le projet de rendre Paris port maritime, en faisant remonter à la voile, par la Seine, les navires qui s'arrêtent à Rouen. Paris, 1797. 4to. FABRE-DOMERGUE, P. Manuel pratique d'analyse micrographique des eaux.

Paris, 1890. 8vo.

Romæ, 1680. 4to.

FABRETTUS, R. De aquis et aquæductibus veteris Romæ dissertationes tres. FACCIOLI, C. R. Archiginnasiodi Bologna. Omaggio del Collegio degli Ingegneri ed Architetti di Bologna agli scienziati commemoranti l'ottavo centenario dello Studio Bolognese. Bologna, 1888.


FADDA, S. Locomotiva. (Estratto dell' Enciclopedia delle arti e industrie.) Tract. folio. vol. 38.

Torino, 1886. folio.

Nuovo tipo di caldaia per locomotiva.

Tract. folio. vol. 46.

Milano, [1890.] folio.

FADDA, S., OLIVETTI, A., and SILVOTA, G. La locomotiva, sua
costruzione ed arte di guidarla: manuale compilato sull' opera di
Brosius e Koch, etc. 3 vols.
Torino, 1880-1890. 8vo.

Dizionario tecnologico italiano, francese, tedesco e inglese, concernente la locomotiva e le strade ferrate; indice alfabetico dei nomi contenuti nell' opera "La locomotiva." Torino, 1891. 8vo. FAHIE, J. A. On Magneto and Dynamo-Electric Machines. 2nd edition...enlarged. Tract. 8vo. vol. 409. Dublin, 1884. 8vo. FAHIE, J. J. An Episode in the early History of the Telegraph. Tract. 8vo. vol. 468. (From "The Electrician.") Lond. 1883. 8vo.

Historic Notes on the Telephone. Tract. 8vo. vol. 468.

[blocks in formation]

A History of Electric Telegraphy to the Year 1837.

Honour to whom
Electric Telegraph.

Honour is due! Edward
Tract. 8vo. vol. 468.
(From "The Electrician.")

Lond. 1884.


Davey and the Lond. 1883. 8vo.

[blocks in formation]

FÅHRÆUS, E. Administratif och statistisk handbok, såsom bihang till Sveriges statskalender. Tredje upplagan.

Stockholm, 1872. 8vo.

FAIJA, H. On the Manufacture and Testing of Portland Cement.

Tract. folio. vol. 47.

Portland Cement for users.


[Lond.] 1893. folio. Lond. 1881. 8vo.

Report on Holyhead and Port Dynllaen Harbours, 1844.


FAIRBAIRN, H. A plan for converting Turnpike Roads into Railroads; and for suspending the railway schemes. Tract. 8vo. vol. 201.

whole of the joint-stock Lond. 1836. 8vo.

A treatise on the Political Economy of Railroads, etc.

Lond. 1836. 8vo.

FAIRBAIRN, T. Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges: truths and tubes on self-supporting principles, etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 278. Lond. 1849. 8vo. FAIRBAIRN, Sir W. An Account of the Construction of the Britannia and Conway Tubular Bridges; with a complete history of their progress, from the conception of the original idea to the conclusion of the elaborate experiments which determined the exact form and mode of construction ultimately adopted.

Lond. 1849. 8vo. An experimental inquiry into the relative powers of the Locomotive Engine, and the resistance of railway gradients. Tract. 8vo. vol. 100. [Manchester, 1851.] 8vo.

An experimental inquiry into the Strength and other properties
of Cast Iron, from various parts of the kingdom. Tract. 8vo.
vol. 384.
Manchester, 1838. 8vo.
An experimental inquiry into the Strength and other properties
of Anthracite Cast Iron, being a continuation of a series of ex-
periments on British irons, from the various parts of the United
Kingdom. Tract. 8vo. vol. 56.
Manchester, 1840. 8vo.

An experimental inquiry into the Strength of Wrought-iron
Plates and their riveted joints, as applied to Shipbuilding and
vessels exposed to severe strains. Tract. 4to. vol. 52.

[blocks in formation]

Experimental researches into the properties of the Iron Ores of
Samakoff, in Turkey, and of the Hæmatite ores of Cumberland,
etc. Tract. 8vo. vol. 56.
Lond. 1844. 8vo.

(From Min. Proc. Inst. C.E.)

Experimental researches to determine the strength of Locomo-
tive Boilers, and the causes which lead to explosion. Tract. 8vo.
vol. 111.
(From Report of the British Association.) Lond. 1854. 8vo.
Experiments to determine the effect of Impact, Vibratory Action,
and long continued Changes of Load on Wrought-Iron Girders.
Tract. 4to. vol. 31. (From the Phil. Trans.)
[Lond. 1864.] 4to.

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