142 Darcie's (A.) Annales of Queen Elizabeth, portrait and engraved title, very fine copy, calf extra, marbled leaves, 21. 12s. 6d. 1625 143 Dallaway's Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, with Explanatory Observations on Armorial Ensigns, numerous plates, (some coloured,) extra boards, 21. 2s. 1793 144 Dalzell's History of Dahomy, with map and plates, finely printed, boards, 10s. 6d. 1793 145 Darrell's History of Dover Castle, by Grose, 10 plates, LARGE PAPER, boards, 11. 1s. 1791 146 Don Quixote, a new edition, highly illustrated from pictures by Mr. Smirke, comprising between seventy and eighty engravings, by the most distinguished Artists of this Country, 4 vols. with proof impressions on India paper, 211. 1818 147 Eden's (Sir J. M.) State of the Poor, or a History of the Labouring Classes of England, 3 vols. boards, 11. 7s. 1797 148 Another copy, 3 vols. calf, elegant, 21. 8s. 1797 149 Fenton's Antiquities of Pembrokeshire, 32 plates, extra boards, 11. 5s. 1811 1817 150 Forbes's Life of Beattie, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, boards, fine portrait after Sir Jos. Reynolds, 31. 13s. 6d. Edinb. 1806 151 Fosbrooke's British Monachism, or Manners and Customs of the Monks and Nuns of England, a new edition, very much enlarged, and embellished with numerous plates, boards, 31. 3s. 152 Fox's History of the early Part of the Reign of James the Second, royal paper, boards, 11. 5s. 1808 153 Fraunce, Abraham, The Lawiers Logike, exemplifying the Precepts of Logike by the practice of the common lawe, Black Letter, fine copy, 21. 2s. 154 Froissart's Chronicles, by Johnes, 5 vols. plates, russia extra, marbled leaves, joints, &c. by Staggmier, 251. 1588 Hafod, 1807 155 Froissart (Memoirs of the Life of, &c.) by Johnes, with frontispiece and vignette (published at 11. 1s.), boards, 10s. 6d. Printed at the Hafod Press, 1810 156 Fuller's Worthies of England, by Nicholls, 2 vols. fine portrait, boards, 31. 10s. 157 Gifford's Life of Pitt, 3 vols. 4to. fine portrait, (published at 91. 9s.) boards, 41. 10s. 1809 158 Grafton's Chronicle, 2 vols. (published at 51. 5s.) extra boards, 21. 10s. 1809 159 Gregory's Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, 2 vols. with numerous plates, calf, very neat, 41. 4s. 1813 160 Grose's Antiquities of England and Wales, 8 vols.; Scotland, 2 vols.; Ireland, 2 vols.; English Army, 2 vols. ; and Dover Castle, in all 15 vols. russia extra, marbled leaves, good im pressions of the plates, 451. Hooper and Wigstead, 1785, &c. 161 Gunn's Historical Enquiry respecting the Performance on the Harp in the Highlands of Scotland, 3 plates, boards, 7s. 6d. Edinb. Ballantyne, 1807 162 Hakluyt's Voyages and Travels, new edition, with Supplement, (published at 151. 15s. in boards,) 5 vols. very elegantly bound in russia, with marbled leaves, 131. 13s. 1809-12 163 Hamilton's Vases, engraved by Kirk, royal 4to. 62 plates, first impressions, boards, 21. 2s. Bulmer, 1804 164 Hardy's Life of Lord Charlemont, portrait, bds. 11. 5s. 1810 165 Harleian Miscellany, new edition, by Park, 10 vols. (published at 311. 10s.) boards, 171. 10s. V.Y. 166 Hayley's Essays on History and Epic Poetry, bound together, neat, 18s. plates, boards, 15s. 1780-2 167 Heraldry and Chivalry (Historical Anecdotes of), coloured Worcester, 1795 168 History of the Life of Reginauld Pole, by Thomas Phillips, portrait, 2 vols. in 1, calf, 15s. 1764 169 Historical Tracts, &c. in small 4to. reprinted by Smeeton, viz. The Court and Character of King Janies, by Sir A. Weldon, with his portrait, sewed, 5s.--Life of the famed Mr. Blood, with portrait, 3s.-Clark's Judgment of God upon the Papists, plate 2s.-Clark's eighty-eight revived curious Frontispiece, 3s. 6d.-Clark's England's Remembrancer, an Account of the Hellish Powder Plot, plate, 2s. 6d. -No Jest like a true Jest, or the Merry Life, &c. of Capt. Hind, the great robber of England, wood cut, 5s.-Second Captain Hind, 1s. 6d. 170 Hoare's Giraldus Cambrensis, in Latin, plates, (published at 21. 2s.) boards, 11. 1s. 1806 1794 1804 171 Hodges's Travels in India, plates, boards. 11. is. 172 Howlett's Lincolnshire, LARGE PAPER, with 63 fine plates and vignettes, beautiful impressions, boards, 51. 5s. 173 Hollinshed's Chronicles of England, Ireland, and Scotland, 6 vols. elegantly half bound, russia, uncut, 111. 11s. 1807 174 Hogarth's Works, engraved by Cook, on nearly 160 plates, bound in 1 vol. morocco, 41. 10s. 175 Howard's Account of the principal Lazarettos in Europe, plates and plans, boards, uncut, 12s. 1789 176 Howell's England's Teares for the present Wars, sewed, 7s. 1644 177 Hyett's Sepulchral Memorials, or a Series of Engravings of Monuments, &c. &c. in Northamptonshire, three numbers complete, 15s. each, or in folio size, for illustration, 11. each. 178 Inquisition of Spayne (Discovery and Declaration of), translated from R. G. Mortanus by V. Skinner, Black Letter, Dr. Farmer's copy, with his autograph (wants title), 7s. 6d. Lond. by J. Day, 1569 179 Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. portrait, - 1816 1816 180 Another copy, 2 vols. russia, super extra, 61. 1549 184 Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent, Black Letter, fine copy, 1804 186 - Universal Biography, calf, elegant, 31. 10s. 1808 uncut, 21. 2s. Dublin, 1796 1811 188 Leland's History of Ireland, 3 vols. boards, uncut, 31. 3s. 1773 1740 1791 1792-1812 1797 196 Macpherson's Annals of Commerce, (published at 81. 8s. in 197 Macpherson's (James, esq.) History of Great Britain, from the 198 Another copy, 2 vols. calf, elegant, 21. 5s. 1776 1776 Original Papers, containing the Secret History of the same Period, second edition, 2 vols. boards, 199 uncut, 18s. 200 Another copy, 2 vols. calf elegant, 11. 16s. plates, 91. 9s. 1776 1776 201 Microscosm of London, complete in 26 numbers, coloured 202 Middleton's (Conyers) Miscellaneous Works, containing all 1752 203 Mitford's History of Greece, 4 vols. calf, elegant, 61. 6s. 1808 204 Miller's History of Doncaster, plates, boards, 11. 10s. 205 Miscellaneous Antiquities, or a Collection of curious Papers, either re-published from scarce Tracts, or now first printed from original MSS. 2 numbers, sewed, 11. 1s. Strawberry Hill, 1772 206 Mirabilis Annus, or the Year of Prodigies and Wonders; being a faithful and impartial Collection of several Signs that have been seen in the Heavens, in the Earth, and in the Waters, &c. &c, both parts complete, with the curious frontispiece, very fine сору, calf extra, 21 2s. 1661 207 Moses' (Henry) Gallery of Pictures painted by Benjamin West, esq. engraved in outline on 16 plates, boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 208 1818 Collection of Antique Vases, &c. &c. from various Museums and Collections, engraved on 170 plates, some of them coloured, half bound, uncut, 31. 3s. 1814 209 Murphy's Tacitus, 4 vols. fine copy, calf, 31. 10s. 1793 210 Naunton's (Sir Robert) Fragmenta Regalia, or the Court of Queen Elizabeth, with considerable biographical additions, by James Caulfield, with eleven additional portraits on a tinted ground, boards, 21. 2s. 1814 211 Neale's History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster, Parts I to V. royal 4to. 16s. each. 212 Ditto, imperial 4to. 11. 4s. each. To be completed in twelve Parts. 213 Neale's Views of Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Seats, finely engraved, Nos. I. II. and III. with six plates in each, proofs on India paper, 11. 4s. This Work will be continued Monthly, at 8s. per number, and, it is presumed, will extend to six volumes, each to contain twelve numbers. A small impression only of the proofs is printed. 214 Newcombe's History of the Abbey of St. Alban's, 2 parts, sewed, 15s. 1795 215 Nicholls's Collection of all the Royal Wills now known to be extant, 9s. 1780 216 Noble's History of the College of Arms, with Lives of the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants, from Richard the Third to the present Time, portraits, calf extra, 11. 1s. 217 Ogilvie's (John) Poems on several Subjects, with an Essay on Lyric Poetry, elegant vignettes, fine copy, calf extra, 12s. 1804 1762 218 Ottley's (W. Y. esq ) Inquiry into the Origin and early History of Engraving upon Copper and in Wood, with numerous fac-simile specimens of the works of various artists, and some impressions from the original wood blocks of Albert Durer, 2 vols. extra boards, 81. 8s. 1816 219 Ouseley's Oriental Collections, 2 vols. plates, bds. 21. 2s. 1798 220 Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata, or the Antiquities of Oxford, illustrated by engravings in the line manner, by J. Skelton, Nos. I. to VI. 10s. 6d. each. Now publishing in numbers, to appear Quarterly, eac number containg six plates, with letter-press descriptions. 221 Pallas's Travels in Russia, 121 plates, coloured, (published at 71. 7s. boards,) 2 vols. russia extra, 41. 10s. 1812 222 Park's History of Hampstead, plates, only 100 copies printed in this size, boards, 31. 3s. :814 223 Pennant's Tour from Alston-Moor to Harrowgate and Briham Crags, plates, calf, elegant, LARGE PAPER, 11. 1s. 1804 224 Pilkington's Dictionary of Painters, by Fuseli, boards, scarce, 11. 18s. 1810 225 Pinkerton's Voyages and Travels, complete in 17 vols. (published at 351. 14s.) a subscription copy, in parts, 261.5s. 1808 6 vols. containing Europe complete, plates, maps, &c. boards, 91. 9s. Modern Geography, 3 vols. maps, bds. 41. 14s. 6d. 226 227 1808-9 1807 228 Pyne's History of the Royal Residences of Windsor, Hampton Court, St. James's, Carlton House, &c. &c. with plates beautifully coloured, as fac-similes of the original drawings. Nos. I. to XII. with four plates in each, 11. 1s. per number. 229 Ditto, LARGE PAPER, 11. 11s. 6d. each. To be completed in 24 numbers, to be published regularly every two months. 230 Ridley's Life of Bishop Ridley, with portrait, fire copy, half bound, russia, uncut, 15s. 1763 231 Risdon's Chorographical Description, or Survey of the County of Devon; printed from a genuine copy of the original manuscript, with considerable additions, only 50 copies printed in 4to. boards, 31. 3s. 1811 232 Roscoe's Life of Leo the Tenth, 4 vols. LARGE PAPER, boards, 51. 5s. Liverpool, 1805 233 Sandby's Landscapes, engraved by Rooker and Watts, 32 plates, fine impressions, calf, neat, 11. 1s. 1776 234 The Saxon Chronicle; a new edition, with an English translation, notes, &c. &c. by the Rev. J. Ingram, in 1 vol. royal 4to. in the press. 235 Ditto, LARGE PAPER, only 50 to be printed. 236 Select Views of London, by Storer and Greig, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, fine impressions, many of them proofs, boards, 51. 5s. 1804-5 1812 237 Seyer's Bristol Charters, boards, 11. 1s. 238 Singer on the Origin of Playing Cards and Printing, many curious fac-similes, and other engravings (only 250 copies printed), boards, 41. 10s. 239 Another copy, morocco, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, 61. 6s. 1816 |