240 Shepherd's (Rev. W.) Life of Poggio Bracciolini, (published at 11. 5s.) boards, 12s. Liverpool, 1802 241 Smith's Antiquities of Westminster, with Supplement, and the stone plate, 2 vols. in 1, complete, russia extra, gilt leaves, 141. 14s. 242 Smith's Antient Topography of London, many plates of sacred, public, and domestic architecture, from the earliest period to the time of the great fire, 1666, 4to. boards, 243 244 51. 5s. 1807 1815 Vagabondiana, or Etchings of Remarkable Beggars, Itinerant Traders, and other Persons of Notoriety in London and its Environs, boards, 31. 3s. 1815, &c. (Sir Thos.) Governement or Policie of the Realme of England, Back Letter, (wants part of title,) half bound, neat, 5s. 245 Somerville's History of Great Britain during the Reign of Queen Anne, with an Appendix of Original Papers, boards, 12s. 246 1798 of Political Transactions and of Parties, from the Restoration of K. Charles II. to the Death of K. William, boards, 10s. 6d. 1792 247 Stanley's History of Philosophy, best edition, fine copy, in calf, 31. 3s. 1743 248 Strutt's (Jos.) Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, coloured plates, (hot-pressed copy), bds. 31. 13s. 6d. 1810 249 Thomson's (Wm.) Enquiry into the Elementary Principles of Beauty, &c. with an Introductory Discourse on Taste, plates, calf, neat, 12s. 1798 TRACTS (rare and curious) characteristically reprinted upon old paper, and with fac-similes of the wood-cuts belonging to each, as follows: 250 Life and Death of Mother Shipton, 4s. 1687 251 of Bishop Atherton (Poetical), 4s. 1641 252 of Old Par, by Taylor, (Poetical), 7s. 6d. 253 Sir Thomas Middleton's Declaration, 4s. 1635 1644 254 Bartholomew Faire, with the several enormities there seene and acted, 4s. 1641 255 The Downefall of Temporising Poets, &c. 4s. 1641 Newgate, 4s. 256 The Declaration of Capt. James Hind, close prisoner in 1651 257 The Generous Usurer, Mr. Neville, in Thames-street, who allowed his maid usually a black-pudding to dinner, &c. &c. 4s. 258 Heywood's Reader here you'l plainly see, judgment perverted by these three, a Priest, a Judge, a Patentee, (Poetical), 5s. 1641 259 Trade: the Antiquity, Honor, and Dignity of Trade, particularly as connected with the City of London, written by a Peer of England, LARGE PAPER, only 50 printed, 6 portraits, boards, 15s. 1813 -- 1809 260 Turner's History of the Anglo-Saxons, second edition, corrected and enlarged, 2 vols. extra boards, 31. 3s, 1807 261 Valentia's (Viscount) Voyages and Travels, 3 vols. plates, fine impressions, boards, 51. 10s. 262 Vox Populi, the Second Part, Portrait of Count Gordomar, and 2 plates of the Spanish Parliament and Jesuits, half bound, neat, very rare, il. 5s. 1624 263 Walpole's Anecdotes of Printing in England, 4 vols. and Catalogue of Engravers, in all 5 vols. first edition, a remarkably fine set, in the original calf extra binding, 141. 14s. Strawberry Hill, 1762, &c. 264 Warner's Illustration of the Roman Antiquities discovered at Bath, plates, boards, 7s, 6d. Bath, 1797 265 Walker's History of Independency, 2 parts, 5s. 6d. 1648 266 Another copy, with the plate, elegantly half hound, 15s. 1648 267 Waring's (Scott) Tour to Sheeraz, &C. LARGE PAPER, plates, boards, 15s. 1807 268 Warrington's Complete History of Wales, 3d and best edition, boards, 15s. 1805 269 Webb's (Daniel, Esq.) Miscellanies on Poetry and Music, Painting, Philology, &c. frontispiece, 4to. bds. 7s. 6d. 1802 270 Williams's Voyage up the Mediterranean, many plates, boards, 11. 15s. 1802 -- 271 Another copy, with the plates beautifully coloured, boards, scarce, 21. 12s. 6d. 1802 272 William of Malmesbury, by the Rev. John Sharpe, boards, 31. 3s. 1815 273 White's Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, plates, boards, 11. 15s. 274 1813 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, with additional plate richly illuminated, super extra, boards, 41, 4s. 1812 1813 275 Wilmot's Life of Bishop Hough, LARGE PAPER, with fine portraits, &c. calf extra, gilt leaves, 21. 10s. 276 Wood's Antiquities of Oxford, College Halls, and Fasti Oxoniensis, by Gutch, 5 vols in 4, boards, uncut, scarce, 101. 10s. Oxford, 1790, &c. 277 Wood's Athenæ Oxoniensis, new edition, greatly enlarged and improved by Bliss, vols. 1, 2, and 3, bds. 121. 12s. 1814-15 278 Woodhouselee's Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord Kames, 2 vols. with fine portrait, boards, 18s. 1807 279 Another copy, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, bds. 11. 11s. 6d. 1807 280 Yorke's (Philip, Esq.) Royal Tribes of Wales, 12 portraits, boards, privately printed, 11. 1s. Wrexham, 1790 281 Hyginii Poeticon Astronomicon, curious wood-cuts, very fine copy, calf extra, 21. 2s. - Radtolt Venetiis, 1486 282 Johnstone's Antiquitates Celto Normannicæ, fine paper, boards, 12s. Copenhagen, 1786 14s. 283 Johnstone's Antiquitates Celto Scandicæ, fine paper, boards, Hanviæ, 1785 284 Lambardus Apxaionomia, sive de priscis Anglorum Legibus. Anglo-Saxon & Latin. Saltern of the Antient Lawes of Britaine. Lisle's Saxon Treatise on the Old and New Testament, &c. &c. neatly half bound, russia, in 1 vol. 31. 13s. 6d. 285 Putman (Henrici) Oratio. de miraculis Vocis Humanæ, 5s. Amst. 1741 286 Rous' (Francis) Archeologica Libri septem. Seven books of the Attick Antiquities, 5s. Oxford, 1649 287 Stritteri Memoriæ Populorum, Olim ad Danubiam, e Scriptoribus Historiæ Byzantinæ, 4 vols. boards, 31. 10s. 12s. Petropoli, 1779 288 Tomasini Illustrium Virorum Elogia, many heads, fine copy, Patavii, 1630 289 Venuti Roma Antica e Moderna, 4 vols. calf, very neat, (the late Mr. Fox's copy) many plates, 41. 4s. Rom. 1763 History, Antiquities, Biography, and Miscellanies. OCTAVO. 290 ADOLPHUS's Political State of the British Empire, 4 vols. boards, 31. 291 Another copy, well bound in calf, 4 vols. 31. 16s. 1818 1818 Edinb. 1797 293 Addison's Works, with Notes, &c. by Hurd, 6 vols. fine portrait, calf extra, marbled leaves, contents lettered, 41. 14s. 6d. 1811 294 Aikin's Geographical Delineations, 2 vols. boards, 9s. 1806 295 Letters from a Father to his Son, boards, 4s. 6d. 1794 296 Ancient Reliques; or Delineations of Monastic, Castellated, and Domestic Architecture, &c. 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, with 100 plates, proofs, on India paper, only 25 copies struck off, extra boards, 51. 5s. - 1800 1812-13 297 Anderson's (Dr. R.) Life of Dr. Johnson, bds. 4s. 6d. 1795 298 Anquetil's Universal History, 9 vols. brown calf, extra, grained, 41. 4s. 299 Another copy, 9 vols. half bound, calf, neat, 21. 15s. 1800 300 Anglorum Speculum, or the Worthies of England in Church and State, (an Abridgment of Fuller's Worthies), brown calf, very neat, 15s. 1684 301 Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols. best edition, many plates, calf, neat, very scarce, 11. 11s. 6d. 1762 302 Arrian, History of the Expeditions of Alexander, translated by Rooke, 2 vols. (published at 11. 1s.) boards, 15s. 1814 303 Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, comprising his practical Philosophy, translated from the Greek, with Notes, &c. &c. by Dr. J. Gillies, 2 vols. calf extra, 11. 10s. 1813 304 Asiatic Researches, 9 vols. russia, marbled leaves, 41. 14s. 6d. 1806 305 Asiatic Annual Register, 12 vols. (published at 101. 10s.) boards, 41. 4s. 1801-12 306 Ash's Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols. calf, neat, scarce, l. 8s. 1795 307 Aspin's Complete Chronology, corrected to Dec. 1816, boards, 7s. 6d. 308 Barrington's (Hon. D.) Possibility of approaching the North Pole asserted: a new edition, with an Appendix on the same Subject, by Col. Beaufoy; and on a North-West Passage, map, &c. boards, 9s. 1818 309 Baconiana, or certain genuine Remains of Sir Francis Bacon, Baron of Verulam, &c. fine copy, with brilliant impression of the portrait, 10s. 6d. 1679 310 Barwis's Three Dialogues concerning Liberty, calf, neat, 5s. 1776 1782 1814 1808 311 Bailey's English Dictionary, calf, new 10s. 6d. 312 Baker's Livy, 6 vols. calf extra, 31. 16s. 313 Barrett's early Life of Swift, boards, 4s. 6d. 314 Baxter's Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman Costume, in 40 outlines, with descriptions, royal octavo, boards, 14s. 1814 315 Batty's Italian Scenery, Part I. containing 5 plates, by C. Heath, &c. 10s. 6d. To be completed in 12 Parts. 316 Beloe's Sexagenarian, 2 vols. boards, 11. 1s. 1817 317 Bearcroft's Account of Thomas Sutton, Esq. and of his Foundation in Charter-house, plates, and fine impression of the portrait, by Vertue, 9s. 1787 318 Berry's Introduction to Heraldry, 10 plates, boards, 6s. 1810 319 Berwick's (Rev. E.) Life of the Elder Scipio Africanus, with Notes and Illustrations, small 8vo. boards, 7s. 1817 320 Biographia Dramatica, or a Companion to the Playhouse, 4 vols. enlarged by Isaac Reed and Stephen Jones, extra boards, 21. 2s. 321 Blackwell's Life of Homer, cuts, LARGE PAPER, in calf, rare, 11. 5s. 1812 fine copy, 1735 322 Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric, &c. 3 vols. calf, elegant, 11. 10s. 323 Another set, with his Sermons, 8 vols. uniformly bound in calf, and elegantly gilt, 41. 324 Blomefield's History of the City and County of Norwich, 2 vols. royal 8vo. plates, extra boards, 18s. 1806 325 Bolingbroke on History, 2 vols. in 1, LARGE PAPER, neatly half bound, 7s. 1752 326 Boetius on the Consolations of Philosophy, translated by Lord Viscount Preston, bust of Boetius, neat, 4s. 6d. 1695 327 Bourgoing's Modern State of Spain, many plates and maps, 4 vols. calf, gilt, 21. 2s. 1808 328 Boswell's Life of Johnson, and Tour to the Hebrides, 5 vols. calf, gilt, 31. 329 Another set, 5 vols. extra, marbled leaves, 31. 8s. 1816 1816 330 Britton's Historical and Architectural Account of Redcliffe Church, Bristol, 12 fine plates, royal 8vo. boards, 16s. 1813 Beauties of Wiltshire, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, fine 331 332 333 334 plates, boards, 11. 16s. 1801 Description of Corsham House, Wiltshire, with 2 plates, boards, 4s. Rights of Literature, or an Author's Appeal to the Legislature, sewed, 3s. 1814 Norwich Cathedral Vade Mecum, 2 plates, sewed, 2s. 6d. - Ditto, royal 8vo. 5s. This is intended as the first of a Series of Cathedral Companions, greatly superior to any thing which has appeared in so cheap and portable a form. 335 Bodleian Library, (Letters from the) by Eminent Persons, with Hecarne's Journies to Reading, &c. &c. 3 vols. (published at 11. 11s. 6d.) extra boards, 18s. 1813 336 Bromley's Collection of Royal Letters, portraits of Prince Rupert, Ruperta, Queen of Bohemia, &c. bds. uncut, 10s. 6d. 1787 337 Brookes's General Gazetteer, last edition, with maps, calf, very neat, 14s. 1815 338 Burn's Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, last edition, by King, 5 vols. law calf, 31. 13s. 6d. 339 1814 Ecclesiastical Law, last edition, by Fraser, 4 vols. law calf, 21. 8s. 340 Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, last edition, by Christian, 4 vols. portrait, law calf, 21. 10s. 341 Burke's Works, 12 vols. calf, elegant, 71. 7s. 342 Another copy, 12 vols. extra, marbled leaves, 81. 8s. 343 Burgh's (Author of the Dignity of Human Nature) Political Disquisitions, 3 vols. boards, uncut, scarce, 11. 4s. 1774 344 Buxton's (T. F.) Inquiry whether Crime and Misery are produced or prevented by our present System of Prison Discipline, boards, 5s. 1818 345 Chalmers's General Biographical Dictionary, 32 vols. extra boards, (published at 191. 4s.) 141. 14s. 1813-17 346 Another set, 32 vols. calf, very neat, with bands, double lettered, &c. 181. 18s. 1813-17 347 Chandler's Life of Waynflete, Bp. of Winchester, royal 8vo. with fine portrait and plates, (published at 18s.) boards, 10s. 6d. 348 Chalmer's (G. Esq.) Life of Thomas Ruddiman, A. M. fine portrait by Bartolozzi, boards, 10s. 6d, 1794 |