577 London (New Remarks of), by the Company of Parish Clerks, half bound, neat, very scarce, 7s. 6d. 1660 578 Matthews (Sir Tobie), a Collection of Letters by, with rare portrait of him by Gammon, and illustrated by many others, some scarce, calf extra, 11. 11s. 6d. 579 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, with the curious view of Aleppo, red calf, gilt leaves, by Lewis, 7s. 6d. Perth, 1800 580 Memoirs of Prince Alexy Haimatoff, translated from the original Latin MSS. under the immediate inspection of the Prince, by John Brown, esq. boards, scarce, 7s. 581 Mercurius Rusticus, or the Countrie's Complaint of the Murthers, Robberies, Plunderings, and other Outrages, committed by the Rebells against his Majestie's faithful Subjects, first edition, with frontispiece, in the original binding, 11. 10s. 1813 1648 582 Montague's (Lady M. W.) Letters, 4 vols. in 2, neat, 4s. 1771 583 More's (Sir Tho.) Debellacyon of Salem and Bizance, Black Letter, the first leaf reprinted from Herbert's Ames, but wants sheet L. Extremely rare, 21. 2s. London, by W. Rastell, 1533 584 The Netherland Historian, many heads and plates, 7s. 6d. 1675 585 Osborne's (Francis) Memoirs of the Reigns of Elizabeth and King James, fine copy, 10s. 6d. 1658 586 Opinions of Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, privately printed by Lord Hailes, boards, 10s. 6d. 1788 587 Peacham's Valley of Varietie, or Discourse fitting for the Times, &c. &c. 5s. 6d. 1638 1790 588 Parental Monitor, 2 vols. calf extra, 7s. 6d. 589 Ray's complete Collection of English Proverbs, bds. 7s. 1817 590 Rollin's Ancient History, 12 vols. maps, elegantly half bound, calf extra, 21. 15s. 1817 591 Sicily and Malta (Present State of), frontispiece, boards, 3s. 6d. Kearsley, 1788 592 Southey's Life of Nelson, 2 vols. calf gilt, portrait, 12s. 1814 593 Spirit of the British Essayists, 4 vols. calf extra, marbled leaves, 11. 10s. 1813 594 Spectator, with Lives of the Authors, and explanatory Notes, a new and very neat edition, with the name of the author subjoined to each paper, 8 vols. boards, 11. 1s. 1816 595 Ditto, 8 vols calf, elegant, 21. 2s. 1816 596 Spectator, 8 vols. Tonson's edition, calf, very neat, 11. 12s. 1720 599 Turnbull's Justin, 2s. 6d. 597 Sully's Memoirs, 5 vols. portrait, calf, gilt, 11. 10s. 598 Time's Telescope for 1818, boards, 9s. 600 Tooke's Parthon, plates, good copy, 4s. 6d. 1813 1742 1761 601 Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary, fine paper, calf, 8s. 6d. 1802 602 Vaughan's (Rice, esq.) Discourse of Coin and Coinage, 3s. 6d. 1675 603 Vicars's England's Worthies; under whom, all the civil and bloudy Warres since Anno 1642 to Anno 1647, are related, &c. &c. only 40 copies reprinted in fac-simile, from the very rare original, with 19 portraits, 21. 12s. 6d. 1647-1817 604 Carionis Chronicorum, Libri 3, half bound, neat, 5s. Par. 1561 605 Charron de la Sagesse, frontispiece, fine copy, in the original binding, rare 11. 1s. Amst. Elz. 1662 Amst. 1715 606 Crouzaz, Traité du Beau, neat, 3s. 6d. 607 Gronovii de Sestertiis seu subsecivorum pecuniæ veteris Græcæ et Romanæ, &c. &c. beautiful copy, calf, super extra, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. Amst. Elz. 1656 608 Histoire des Jesuistes, 2 vols. in 1, neat, 10s. 6d. Utr. 1741 609 Tite Live (Les Concions et Harengues de) trad. par J. de Amelin, red morocco, gilt leaves, 10s. 6d. Paris, 1567 610 Les Epistres Familieres de M. T. Ciceron, Latin Francois, par E. Dolet et F. de Belle-forest, old vellum binding, 158. Paris, 1569 611 Memoires du Compte de Grammont, par l'Antoine Hamilton, 2 vols. fine copy, in old French calf, rare, 12s. 1760 612 Naunton Fragmenta Regalia, traduit en Francois par Pelletier, fine copy, rare, 10s. 6d. Rouen, 1683 613 Triomphe Van Carel V. (in Dutch,) Black Letter, 3s. 6d. 1539 614 Theatrum Tragicum Actorum et Casuum Tragicorum Londini publíci celebratorum, 8 portraits and plate, very fine impressions, russia, gilt leaves, very rare, 41. 4s. Amst. 1649 Poetry and the Drama, Novels, Facetiæ, &c. 615 ATHENIAN Mercury and Young Student's Library, very fine copy in calf, with the curious frontispiece, 21. 58. 1691, &c. 616 Pybus's (C. S. Esq.) Sovereign, a Poem, with a very fine portrait of the Author, by C. Wilkin, boards, 5s. 6d. Bensley, 1800 617 Shakspeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, fac-simile reprint of the first edition, with portrait, elegantly bound in russia, with gilt leaves, 51. 5s. 618 Slayter's Pala Albion, or History of Great Britaine, &c. frontispiece, fine and clean copy, in calf, from the Harley Library, 31. 13s. 6d. no date. 619 The Spanish Bawd, or the Tragicke-Comedy of Calisto and Melibea, 10s. 6d. 1631 1609 620 Spenser's Fairie Queene, half bound, neat, 15s. 621 Teurdarneths, ou les Aventures perilleuses du fameux Heros et Chevalier Teurdarneths, écrites en Vers Teutoniques, par Melchior Pfintzing; printed in a beautiful and singular type, in the style of fine German text writing, and ornamented with numerous fine and spirited wood-cuts, by Hans Schiffelein, a beautiful copy, in calf, with gilt leaves, extremely rare, 211. Augsbourgh, 1519 This copy has additional leaves both at beginning and end, to those bearing the date of 1517, and it is the opinion of some bibliographers, that the supposed first edition varies in no other instance from the supposed second, than in the want of some very useful matter. Poetry and the Drama, Novels, Facetiæ, &c. 622 ANCIENT Critical Essays upon English Poets and Poesy, by 1815 623 Arthur of Little Britain (Romance of), with 25 engravings, boards, 1814 624 Beaumont and Fletcher's Wit without Money, a Comedy, 6s. 1639 625 Bernard's (Richard) Terence, in English, with the Latin on the same page, fine copy, 11. 4s. 1641 626 Britain's Glory, or the History of the Life and Death of King Arthur, and the Adventures of the Knights of the Round Table, Black Letter, wood-cuts, 11. 7s. 1684 627 Bishop Bouner's Ghost, very scarce, 18s. Strawberry Hill, 1789 628 Blount's (Sir Thos. Pope) Remarks upon Poetry, with Characters and Censures of the most considerable Poets, fine copy, calf, neat, 8s. 6d. 1694 629 Clifford's Tixall Poetry, fine frontispiece, royal copy, (published at 31. 3s.) extra boards, 11. 7s. Edinb. 1813 630 Dunluce Castle, a Poem, by E. Quillinan, Esq. boards, scarce, 21.2s. Lee Priory, 1814 1809 631 De Lille (Abbé) The Gardens, a Poem, with beautiful coloured plates, printed on vellum, by Bensley, unique, green morocco, gilt leaves, silk linings, &c. 51. 15s. 6d. 1798 632 Graham's British Georgics, boards, 12s. 633 Gray's Odes, sewed, uncut, 7s. 6d. Strawberry Hill, 1757 634 Hammond's (Wm. Esq.) Occasional Poems, first printed 1655, new edition, by Sir E. Brydges, consisting of 61 copies, and only 30 for sale, small 4to. fac-simile of the original, boards, 18s. Bensley, 1816 635 Hunchback: the Adventure of Hunchback, and the Stories connected with it, illustrated by seventeen beautiful plates, engraved by Mr. Wm. Daniell, from designs by Smirke, proof impressions, of which only 20 copies were printed, boards, 151. 15s. - 1814 636 Johnson's Rasselas, splendid edition, with plates after Smirke, boards, 11, 1s. 1805 637 Jonson's (Ben) Alchymist, first edition, dark brown calf, blind tooled, 15s. 1612 638 Kelsall's Poetical Letter from Athens, with 3 beautiful plates, first impressions, (published at 11. 5s.) boards, 10s. 6d. 1813 639 Lindsay's (Sir David) Monarchy, a Poem, in 4 books, Black Letter, damaged at beginning and end, extremely rare, 21. 2s. Lond. by Richard Purfoote, no date. 640 Lee's (Rev. F.) Odes of Pindar, not one-fourth of which have ever before appeared in English, including those by West, and forming the only complete translation of the Theban Band, with fine head, extra boards, 18s. 641 1810 J 1810 THICK PAPER, of which only 10 copies were printed, boards, 21. 2s. 642 Lucretius, translated by Good, with Wakefield's Text, 2 vols. boards, 11. 10s. 643 1805 translated by Busby, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, boards, (published at 81. 8s.) 41. 4s. 1813 644 Massinger's Emperour of the East, a Tragæ-Comœdie, very fine copy, 12s. 645 1632 City Madam, a Comedie, as it was acted at the private house in Blackfriars, with great applause, 18s. 1659 646 Mirror for Magistrates, new edition, collated with various editions, and Historical Notes, &c. by Haslewood, only 160 copies printed, 3 vols. extra boards, 121. 12s. 1815 647 Maurice's Grove Hill, a descriptive Poem, with an Ode to Mithra, many beautiful wood-cuts, boards, 15s. 1799 648 Painter's Palace of Pleasure, 3 vols. boards, Reprinted, 1813 649 Pier's Plowman (The Vision of William concerning), with a Commentary, Annotations, and Glossary, by Dr. Whittaker, boards, 51. 5s. 650 Pope's Works (Supplement to), by Bowles, to complete all preceding editions, with 19 fine portraits, (published at 41. 4s.) extra boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 1702 651 A Thousand Notable Things of Sundrie Sortes: whereof some are Wonderfull, some Strange, some Pleasant, &c. &c. Black Letter, small 4to. fine copy, 11. 5s. 1627 652 The Destruction of Troy, in three books, good copy, in the original binding, 12s. 653 The Golden Fleece, by Orpheus, junior, interspersed with various Pieces of Poetry, by Skelton, Sergin, &c. last leaf neatly supplied by MS. half bound, neat, very rare, 15s. 1626 654 The famous History of the Seven Champions of Christendom,. Black Letter, 3 parts, complete, fine copy, calf extra, extremely rare, 41. 14s. 6d. 1696 655 The Gallant History of the Life and Death of that most Noble Knight Sir Bevis of Southampton, wood-cuts, 11. 1s. no date. Reprinted, 1814 656 The Cold Yeare 1614, sewed, 5s. 657 The Life and Pranks of Long Meg of Westminster, 1635, Reprinted, 1814 sewed, 6s. 658 The Famous History of Fryer Bacon, (no date) sewed, 6s. Reprinted, 1814 659 The Petition of an Englishman, with which are given a copperplate of the Croix de St. Pillory, and a true and accurate Plan of some part of Kew Green, 5s. 6d. 1765 660 The Dialogues of Creatures Moralised, edited by Mr. Haslewood, with elegant frontispiece, and numerous wood-cuts, boards, (only 100 printed,) 41. 4s. -1816 661 Another copy, elegant, in morocco, by C. Lewis, 51. 15s. 6d. 1816 662 John Bon and Master Person, a satire, Black Letter, printed on chosen parchment, wood-cut, 12s. Reprinted, 1808 663 The Magpie and her Brood, a Fable, from the Tales of Bonaventure de Periers, Valet de Chambre to the Queen of Navarre; addressed to Miss Hotham, 12s. Strawberry Hill, no date. 664 The Muse recalled, an Ode occasioned by the Nuptials of Lord Viscount Althorpe (the present Earl Spencer) and Miss Lavinia Bingham, by W. Jones, Esq. uncut, 10s. 6d. Strawberry Hill, 1781 665 The Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh, now first collected by Sir E. Brydges, boards, 31. 13s. 6d. Lee Priory, Kent, 1813 666 Decker's Gull's Horn Book, by Dr. Nott, wood-cuts, white calf extra, gilt leaves, 21. 2s. Bristol, 1812 667 Pieces of Ancient Poetry, from unpublished MSS. and scarce books, boards, 11. 5s. Ibid. 1814 668 No Jest like a true Jest; being a compendious Record of the Merry Life and Mad Exploits of Captain James Hind, the great Robber of England, reprinted in Black Letter, with fac-simile of the wood-cut portrait, sewed, 5s. 1815 669 Italian Taylor and his Boy, a Poem, by Robert Armin, the Player, wood-cuts, bds. 7s. 6d. Lon. 1609, Reprinted, 1810 670 The Inconstant Ladie, a Play, by Arthur Wilson, Esq. boards, 15s. Oxford, 1814 |