
52 Monteth's History of the Troubles of Great Britain, with the most remarkable passages of Scotland, from 1633 to 1660, &c. &c. calf, 18s.


53 Nattes's (Claude) Bath Illustrated by a Series of Views, finely coloured, to imitate the original drawings, 30 plates, with descriptions, (published at 101. 10s.) boards, 61. 6s.


54 Nalson's Historical Collections from 1539 to 1548, frontis

pieces, 2 vols. fine copy, in the original calf binding, with marbled leaves, 21. 2s.


55 Nash's History and Antiquities of Worcestershire, with Supple

ment, complete, 2 vols. boards, 71. 7s.


56 Neale's History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster; printed in folio, to correspond with the new edition of Dugdale's Monasticon, Parts I. to V. 11. 11s. 6d. each.

Only 50 copies printed in this size.

57 Nichols's History and Antiquities of Hinckley, 2d edition, with 22 plates, only 50 copies printed, boards, 21. 2s. 1813 58 Ogilby's Account of the Coronation of King Charles the

Second, plates by Hollan, 21. 2s.


plates, boards, 51. 15s. 6d.

59 Polwhele's History of Devonshire, 3 vols. in 1, map and fine Exeter, 1797

60 Purchas, his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions and Customs of all Ages and Countries, second edition, much enlarged, fine copy, calf, 15s.


61 Polychronicon, translated by Trevisa, vicar of Berkeley, from the Latin of Ranulph Hygden, monk of Chester, EMPRYNTED BY CAXTON AT WESTMYSTRE in 1482, wants some leaves, but a fine specimen, elegantly bound in morocco, 151.

62 Sammes's Antiquities of Ancient Britain, plates, very fine copy,

11. 5s.


63 Scottish Scenery, 20 views, engraved by Byrne, with descrip

tions, proofs, LARGE PAPER, boards, 21. 2s.


64 Smith's (J. E.) Tour to Hafod, atlas folio, with plates, beautifully coloured, (published at 121. 12s.) boards, 51. 5s. 65 Smith's Topographical Illustrations of Westminster, 100 plates, several of which are coloured and gilt, imperial folio, half bound, russia, uncut, (published at 111. 11s.) 51. 15s. 6d.

66 Spence's Polymetis, portrait and plates, first and best edition,

calf, neat, scarce, 71. 7s.

[blocks in formation]

67 Stukeley's Itinerarium Curiosum, or an Account of the Antiquities, &c. &c. of Great Britain, second edition, with large additions, portraits and numerous plates, 2 vols. boards,

71. 7s.


68 Another copy, 2 vols. russia, elegant, gilt leaves, 101. 10s.


69 Surtees's History and Antiquities of Durham, Vol. I. 20 fine plates from drawings by Blore, Glover, &c. boards, 61. 6s.


70 Ditto, on LARGE PAPER, boards, 10l. 10s. 71 Wild's Illustration of the Architecture of Lincoln Cathedral, on 16 plates, large folio, with an Historical and Descriptive Account of the Fabric, nearly ready for publication.


72 Wild's Print, representing the Funeral Ceremony of her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte, finely coloured, 15s.

73 Wilkes's North Briton, from No. I. to XLVI. inclusive, with several useful and explanatory Notes, not before printed; also a new Appendix and Index to every Name and Article, calf, neat, 10s. 6d.


74 Boissardus de Divinatione et Magicis præstigiis, 33 curious emblematical plates by De Bry, very fine copy, in old red morocco, gilt leaves, portrait of De Bry, 21. 2s.

Oppenhiem, no date. 75 Carrache, Gallerie Farnese, large folio, 40 very fine plates, half bound, neat, 21. 2s. Paris, no date. 76 Dictionnaire de Trevaux, 5 vols. fine set, in russia, 51. 16s. 6d. Paris, 1721 77 Fasciculus Temporum, remarkably fine copy, with curious Argent, MCCCCLXXXVII.

wood-cuts, 11. 11s. 6d.


78 Flores Historiarum per Matthæum Westmonasteriensem, original binding, fair copy, very scarce, 11. 11s. 6d. Vide Beloe's Anecdotes, Vol. I. p. 62. 79 Histoire Universelle des Indes, Occidentalés et Orientalés, et de la Conversion des Indiens, par Wytfliet, Magin, et autres Historiens, 3 parts complete, with maps, &c. calf, 12s.

Douay, 1611

80 Helvici Theatrum Historicum et Chronologicum, good copy,

7s. 6d.

Oxford, 1651

81 Histoire de Diodore Sicilien, traduite de Grec en Francois, par Macault et Amyot, very rare, fine copy, calf extra,

wants last leaf, 21. 2s.

Paris, 1585

82 Les Images, ou Tableaux de platte Peinture des deux Philostrates, mis en Francois par Blais de Viginere, numerous fine

plates, good copy, 21. 2s.

Ibid, 1637

83 Linschot (Histoire de la Navigation de) aux Indes Orientales, portrait, plates, and maps, fine copy, 31. 3s. Amst. 1638 $4 Lyndewoode (Gulielm.) Provinciale seu Constitutiones Angliæ, finely printed in black and red inks, remarkably fine copy, brown calf, marbled leaves, 21. 2s.

Paris, 1501

85 Moreri le Grand Dictionnaire Hictorique, 8 vols. half bound,

russia, uncut, 5l. 15s. 6d.

Amst, 1740

86 Polidori Vergilii Urbinatis Anglicæ, Historia Libri XXVI. in the original curious stamped binding, wood cuts, very neat,

with gilt leaves, 11. 11s. 6d.

Basil, 1634. 87 Le Triomphe de l'Empereur Maximilien I. 135 wood cuts from the original blocks engraved by Hans Bergmair, large folio, boards, 31. 3s. Vienne, 1796 88 Valpato, Principj del Disegno, &c. &c. 36 plates of antique statues, large folio, half bound, neat, 21. 12s. 6d.

Rome, 1786 89 Waræi Hibernia Sacra, sive series, Chronologica Hibernia

Præsulum, &c. calf, neat, 15s.

Dublinii, 1717

History, Antiquities, Biography, and Miscellanies.



90 AIKINS's General Biographical Dictionary, 10 vols. complete,

11. 1s.

boards, 101. 10s. 1799-1815. 91 An Account of a Quarrel between Arthur Hall, esq. (the first translator of Homer), and Melchisedeck Mallorie, sewed, Reprinted, 1815 92 Account of the Ceremonies used in the Coronations of the Kings and Queens of England, with the large folding plate, half bound, neat, very scarce, 11. 1s.


93 Acerbi's Travels through Sweden, Finland, and Lapland, to the North Cape, 2 vols. portrait and plates, boards, 21. 2s. 1802

94 Anderson's Philosophy of Greece, boards, 7s.


95 Answer to Mr. Horace Walpole's late Work, entitled, Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard the Third, very scarce, half bound, neat, with other Tracts in the volume, 15s.


96 Ayloffe's (Sir Joseph) Calendars of Ancient Charters, and of the Welch and Scottish Rolls, now remaining in the Tower of London, &c. with fac-simile plates, fine paper, boards, 10s.6d.


97 Batty's Italian Scenery, (to be completed in 12 numbers,) Part 1. with 5 beautiful engravings by C. Heath, &c. 16s. 98 Banks's Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England, 3 vols.

boards, (published at 61. 6s.) 11. 11s. 6d.


99 Ditto, LARGE PAPER, (published at 91. 9s.) 21. 12s. 6d. 1810 100 Barrow's Life of Lord Macartney, 2 vols. extra bds. 11. 8s. 1807 101 Bentham's History and Antiquities of Ely Cathedral, 1st edition, fine impressions, russia extra, marbled leaves, 71. 17s. 6d.

Camb. 1771

102 Boorde's (Andrew) Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge, the which doth teache a man to speake parte of all maner of languages, and to know the usage and fashion of al maner of countreys, &c. &c. curious wood cute, boards, 11. 11s. 6d. London, by Cupland, 1542

Reprinted, 1814 103 Brand's Popular Antiquities, by Ellis, 2 vols. 4to. calf, very

elegant, 31. 10s.


104 Britton's History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, with 31 engravings and 3 wood cuts, medium 4to. boards, 31. 3s.-or imperial. 4to. 51. 5s.



of Bath Abbey Church,

(in the press,) with 8 engravings, medium 4to. 11.-imperial 4to. 11. 8s.



History of Winchester Cathedral (nearly completed), with 30 engravings, from drawings by E. Blore. History and Antiquities of the Minster or Cathedral Church of York, Part I. medium 4to. 12s.-imperial 4to. 11.-crown folio, 11. 11s. 6d.-or super-royal folio, 21. 2s. *** To be completed in six parts, with six plates in each.


Fine Arts of the English School, complete in six numbers, a subscriber's copy, beautiful impressions, 51. 5s.



Historical and Architectural Account of Redcliffe

Church, Bristol, with 12 fine plates, boards, 11. 4s. 110 The same, LARGEST PAPER, boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 111 British Museum Marbles; a Description of the Collection of Ancient Marbles in the British Museum, with 16 fine en

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

114 British Museum Terra Cottas; a Description of the Collection of Ancient Terra Cottas in the British Museum, with 40 fine

plates, boards, 21. 12s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

115 Brown's Vulgar Errors and Religio Medici, fine copy, calf,

portrait by Van Hove, 15s.


116 Bryant's Ancient Mythology, with plates, and Sherwin's Gem,

3 vols. boards, uncut, scarce, 61. 6s.


117 Burney's General History of Music, plates and fine portrait by

Bartolozzi, 4 vols. boards, uncut, 31. 13s. 6d.


118 Burton's London and Westminster, new edition, with wood cut

portraits, &c. boards, 9s.


119 History of the House of Orange, frontispiece, boards,

7s. 6d.



120 Ditto, LARGE PAPER (only 50 printed), boards, 11. 1s. 1814 121 Cambridge's (Owen, esq.) Works in Verse and Prose, 13 fine portraits, including a whole length of Dr. Johnson, appearing as a Ghost to Boswell, a striking likeness, and the only whole length of him ever engraved, boards, 11. 16s. 122 Campanella (Thomas), an Italian Friar, and second Machiavel, his Advice to the King of Spain for attaining the Universal Monarchy of the World, &c. &c. with an admonitorie Preface by Wm. Prynne, neat, 7s.

1659 123 Campbell's Political Survey of Britain, 2 vols. boards, uncut,


11. 4s. 124 Cayley's Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 2 vols. fine portrait, new,

in boards, 11, 8s.

[blocks in formation]

125 Chalmers's (Alex.) History of the University of Oxford, plates by Storer and Greig, 2 vols. LARGEST PAPER, russia, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, very scarce, 101.

Oxford, 1810

126 Charterhouse (Historical Account of the), compiled from the Works of Hearne and Bearcroft, Harleian, Cottonian, and private MSS. fine portrait and plates, new, in boards, 11. 5s.


127 Chronicles (a Collection of), Hollinshead, Hall, Grafton, Arnold, Rastell, Froissart, Fabyan, and Harding, 15 vols. (published at 371. 10s.) boards, 251.


128 Churchill's Life of Lord Nelson, good impressions of the plates,

boards, 11. 5s.


129 Clark (Samuel) Life and Death of Edward the Black Prince, Is.


130 Coates's History and Antiquities of Reading, and Views of Reading Abbey and Churches in Berkshire, 3 vols. many fine

plates, boards, 41. 4s.


131 Collins's Account of the English Colony in New South Wales,

with numerous plates, (those in natural history coloured,) published at 21. 12s. 6d.-boards, 11. 5s.


132 Cooke's Picturesque delineation of the Southern Coast of Eng

land, Nos. I. to IX. each 12s. 6d.

133 Another copy, Nos. I. to IX. proof impressions, 18s. each. 134

- Picturesque delineation of the most beautiful Scenery on the Banks of the Thames, Nos. I. to V. each 11. 1s. 135 Another copy, proofs on LARGE PAPER, 11. 10s. each. 136 Coxe's Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark, 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, (only 50 printed,) with many plates, including the beautiful mezzotinto whole-length portrait of Paul, Emperor of Russia, the plate of which was used only for the large paper copies, and afterwards destroyed, extra boards, 91. 9s.

[blocks in formation]

137 Cooksey's Life of Lord Somers and the Earl of Hardwicke,

boards, scarce, 18s.

Worcester, 1791

138 Another copy, russia, elegant, marbled leaves, 11. 11s. 6d.

Ibid, 1791 139 Copies of Seven Original Letters from King Edward VI. to Barnaby Fitzpatrick, uncut, 12s. Strawberry Hill, 1772 140 Cullum's (Rev. Sir John) History and Antiquities of Hawsted and Hardwicke, 2d edition, with corrections by the Author, and Notes by his brother, Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, portraits and plates, boards, 21. 2s.


141 Another copy, on LARGE PAPER, of which only 30 copies

were printed, boards, 41. 4s.

[blocks in formation]
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