
891 Shakspeare's Plays, edited by Dr. Hugh Blair, with a Glossary, Index, and List of various Readings, 8 vols. fine set in calf, very scarce, 21. 8s. Edinb. 1771


Whittingham's elegant edition, in 7 neat pocket volumes, frontispiece and portrait, bds. 1. 8s 814 893 Ditto, embellished with 230 elegant wood-cuts, 7 vols. boards,

11. 18s.

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1814 894 Another copy, with the same embellishments, 7 vols. elegantly bound in calf, marbled leaves, with the contents lettered, 31. 10s. 1816 895 Shakspeare's Jest Book, part 1, or Tales and Quicke Answeres, very mery and pleasant to rede, only 50 copies, beautifully printed from the edition of Berthelet, without Chiswick, 1814 part 2, or a C. Mery Talys, printed from the unique original, by Rastell, about 1527-30, bound together, morocco, gilt leaves, 31. 10s. Ibid. 1815 897 Shenstone's Essays, elegant edition, portrait, bds. 4s. 6d. 1802 898 Smart's (Christ.) Poems, Translations, &c. 2 vols. neat, 5s.. Reading, 1791



899 Smollet's Roderick Random, 2 vols. calf, neat, 8s. 6d. 1780 900 Southey's Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo, pls. bds. 7s. 6d. 1816 901 Smollett's Poetical Works and Life, plates, calf, 2s. 902 Songs of the Chase, plates, boards, 7s.


903 Steevens's Six old Plays on which Shakspeare founded six of


his, 2 vols. in 1, boards, uncut, 9s.



904 Another copy, 2 vols. in 1, calf gilt, neat, 12s. 905 Steevens's (G. A.) Dramatick History of Master Edward and Miss Ann, with the scarce plate, 6s,

1743 906 Sharpe's Popular Poets-new editions of the following, with beautiful plates, from designs by Westall.-Thomson's Seasons, boards, 8s.; Beattie's Minstrel, boards, 7s.; Goldsmith's Poems, boards, 7s.; Milton's Poetical Works, 4 vols. boards, 11. 8s.; Young's Night Thoughts, boards, 12s.; Cowper's Works, 3 vols. boards, il. 4s.

The above are sold separately, and others are in preparation; also proof impressions of the plates to each, in a larger size, for illustration.

907 Strutt (Literary Reliques of Joseph) being Queen-hoo-Hall, a romance, and Ancient Times, a drama, 4 vols. boards,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

908 Trifler (The), or a Ramble among the Wilds of Fancy, the Works of Nature, and the Manners of Men, second edition,



4 vols. half bound, 6s. 909 Waller's Poems, first genuine edition, very rare, 18s. 1664 910 Walpole's (Horace) Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, calf extra, 4s. 6d.

1796 911 Wither's Shepherd's Hunting, with a Preface, containing an Account of the Author's Family, &c. by Sir E. Brydges, portrait, (only 100 copies printed,) bds. 15s. Bensley, 1814

912 Wither's (George) Hymns and Songs of the Church, new edition, consisting of only 100 copies, with a Preface, by Sir Egerton Brydges, boards, 11. Bensley, 1815 913 Wither's Fair Virtue the Mistress of Philarite, a new edition, by Sir E. Brydges, boards, 10s. 6d.


914 Bruyere, Theophraste, avec les Caracteres ce Siécle, 3 vols. calf, neat, 12s. Amst. 1720

915 Boileau (Œuvres de M. Despréaux), 2 vols. calf, neat, 8s.

Paris, 1766

916 Cornelie, Vestale, Tragedie, fine copy, half bound, red mo. rocco, rare, 21. 2s. Strawberry Hill, 1768 917 Claudii, &c. Symbola Heroica, small size, full of curious wood-cuts, half bound, neat, 6s. Antv. 1662 918 Dictionnaire Neologique a l'Usage des beaux Esprits du Siécle, avec l'Eloge Historique de Pantelon-Phoebus, scarce, 5s. Amst. 1728 919 Fables de la Fontaine, suives d'Adonis, Poeme, 2 vols. calf extra, 12s. Didot, Paris, 1799 920 Gacon (F.) Anti Rousseau, ou Histoire Satyrique de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Mr. Rousseau, en Vers ainsi en Prose, with frontispiece and the large folding plate, calf, neat, scarce, 12s. Paris, 1716 921 Histoire Comique de Francion, 2 vols. French calf, elegant, curious plates, 11. 4s. 922 Les Nouvelles de Miguel de Cervantes, traduites d'Espagnol, par F. de Rosset et le Sieur D. Audiguier, 10s. 6d.

Leyde, 1721

Paris, 1633 923 Recueil des Pieces les plus Curieuses qui ont esté faites pendant le regne du Connestable jusqu'a présent, verse and prose, rare, 7s. 6d.

924 Sambuci Emblemata, fine copy, very rare,

morocco, gilt leaves, 21. 2s.

925 Voltaire (Theatre de) stereotype edition, 11. 16s.

Ibid. 1622 full of wood-cuts, Antverpæ, 1564

12 vols. calf, gilt, Paris, Didot, 1801

Bibliography, &c.


926 AMES'S Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert, 3 vols. very fine set, brown calf extra, blind tooled, &c. 51. 5s. 1790 of Great Britain, new edition, by the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, vol. 1, 2, and 3, extra boards, 101. 10s.



928 Bibliographical Miscellanies, being a selection of curious Pieces in verse and prose, boards, 11. 8s. Oxford, 1813 929 Bibliographical Memoranda: in illustration of early English Literature; only 100 copies printed on writing paper, small 4to. extra boards, 21. 12s. 6d.' Bristol, 1816 930 Bibliophilia: an Account of early English Typography, &c. &c. by J. Fry, part 1, small 4to.

931 Ditto, LARGE PAPER, to correspond in size with Dibdin's Ames, part 1,

932 Bromley's Catalogue of engraved British Portraits, from Egbert the Great to the present Time, half bound, russia,




933 Another copy, with Prices and Remarks relating to the Portraits, as they have been sold of late Years, both by Private Dealers and at the most celebrated Public Sales, boards, 51. 5s. 934 Catalogue of the most vendible Books in England, half bound, neat, 10s. 6d. 1658 935 Dibdin's Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 4 vols. LARGE PAPER, (of which ouly 50 copies were printed,) boards, 361. 1814-15 936 Ditto, Vol. IV. the only copy (on LARGE PAPER,) which can be obtained separate from the preceding volumes. 937 Palmer's General History of Printing, 15s.


Bibliography, &c.


938 BELOE'S Anecdotes of Literature and scarce Books, 6 vols.

boards, 31. 3s. 1807-12 939 Another copy, 6 vols. calf extra, marb. leaves, 41. 10s 1807-12 940 Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, or a Descriptive Catalogue of

Early English Poetry, in the possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, royal 8vo. boards, 11. 14s. 1815 941 Another copy, on LARGE PAPER, only 50 printed, russia, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis, 51. 10s.

942 Bibliotheca Brandiana, priced, boards, 18s.


944 945



Croftsiana: a Catalogue of the curious and distinguished Library of the reverend and learned Thomas Croft, A. M. with prices throughout, half bound, uncut,


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Maddisoniana, priced, boards, 8s. 6d. Peirsoniana, or Catalogue Raisonné, (adapted to serve as a perpetual vade mecum for young Clergymen and Students in Divinity) of the very valuable and extensive Library of the Rev. Thomas Pierson, D.D. sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby, in May, 1815, boards, 5s.


946 Another copy, printed on fine paper, boards, scarce, 10s. 6d.

947 Bibliotheca Pinelliana, half bound, neat, 4s. 6d.
Reediana, priced, boards, 10s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

949 Another copy, neatly priced, with portrait, half bound, calf,




Splendidissima, a Catalogue of a superlatively splendid and extensive Library, (Telleyrand's,) sold by auction by Leigh and Sotheby, in May, 1816, with prices and purchasers' names, half bound, uncut, 18s. 951 Ditto, fine paper, half russia, uncut, 11. 7s.


Selecta: a Catalogue of the Library of an eminent Collector, (Midgley, Esq. of Rochdale,) removed from the North of England, and sold by Mr. Saunders, in Feb. 1818, LARGE PAPER, with prices and purchasers' names,


953 Bibliotheca Stanleiana, LARGE PAPER, prices and names, neatly half bound, 11. 5s.


Townleiana, part I. prices and pur


chasers' names, sewed, 9s.

[blocks in formation]


Part II. prices and names,


956 Bowyer's Origin of Printing, with the Supplement, calf neat,

rare, 15s. 1776-81 957 Calcographiana, the Printseller's Chronicle, and Collector's Guide to the knowledge and value of Engraved British Portraits, by James Caulfield, head, boards, 15s. 1814 958 Catalogue of a Portion of the valuable Library of the late Stanesby Alchorne, Esq. to which are added the valuable Duplicates of a Nobleman, with prices and purchasers' names, boards, 5s. 6d.


959 Ditto, LARGE PAPER, prices and names, boards, 12s. 1813 960 Catalogue of the Pictures, Prints, and Drawings of the late Wm. Alexander, Esq. sewed, 3s.

[blocks in formation]

of the entire and extensive Library of an Amateur of Distinction. Sold by Mr. Sotheby, in June, 1817, ruled for pricing, Ss. 6d.

of the Library of an eminent Bibliographer (The Rev. T. F. Dibdin). Sold by Evans, Pall Mall, in June, 1817, prices and naines, sewed, 7s. 6d.




964 Another copy, half bound, neat, 18s.



of the curious, valuable, and extensive Library of Dr. R. Farmer, neatly priced, boards, 15s.

[blocks in formation]

of a most elegant Collection of Books, constituting the rare and virtú part of the extensive Library of a nobleman, (D. of Grafton,) prices and purchasers' names, sewed, 7s. 6d.


of the singular and curious Library of Sir Robert Gordon of Gordonstown, with.prices and purchasers' names, sewed, 10s. 6d.


967 Another copy on LARGE PAPER, with ditto, ditto, boards,



968 Catalogue of the extensive and very valuable Library of the late Rev. Isaac Gossett, D.D. F.R.S. with prices and purchasers' names, boards, 15s.


969 Another copy, printed on thick paper, boards, 18s. 1813 970 Catalogus Bibliothecæ Harleianæ, 5 vols. remarkably fine set, half bound russia, super extra, marbled leaves, 21. 12s. 6d.

971 Catalogue of the very valuable and highly interesting united Libraries of Thomas Hollis, Esq. and Thomas Brand Hollis, Esq. including the Library of the late Dr. Disney, prices and names, uncut, 12s.


972 Another copy, printed on fine paper, prices and names, uncut; 18s.



of the very valuable and extensive collection of ancient and modern Coins and Medals, collected by T. and T. B. Hollis, Esqs, with prices and names, uncut, 10s. 6d. 1817 974 Another copy on fine paper, with prices and names, uncut,













of the Merly Library, with printed prices and written names, half bound, neat, 18s.

[blocks in formation]

of the Merly Library, fine paper, written prices and names, half bound, brown calf, very neat, 11. 5s. 1813 of Osborn, Baker, Ballard, Davis, Payne, White, and other Booksellers, bound up in 4 thick vols. 11. 4s. 1766 of the Library of John, Duke of Roxburghe, LARGE PAPER, prices and names written to each article, half russia, uncut, 51. 10s.

plement to the,) LARGE PAPER, sewed, 5s.

[blocks in formation]

printed prices to), LARGE PAPER, sewed, 10s. 6d.
of the Library of Wm. Roscoe, Esq. prices and
purchasers' names, sewed, 15s.
Liverpool, 1816

of the valuable Library of John Horne Tooke, Esq. prices and purchasers' names, 10s. 6d.

[ocr errors][merged small]

of the very extensive and valuable Miscellaneous Library of the late Henry Ibbot, Esq. sewed, 28. 1817 of the entire and very valuable English Library of Thomas Hill, Esq. priced, sewed, 10s. 6d.

985 Another copy, half bound, uncut, 13s.

[blocks in formation]

of the Merly Library, priced, boards, 12s. 1813 printed prices, and written names, neatly half bound, brown calf, uncut, 18s. 988 Dibdin's (Rev. T. F.) Bibliographical Decameron; or Ten Days' pleasant Discourse upon the early State of the Fine Arts, Ancient and Modern Typography, and Bibliography. Embellished with upwards of Three Hundred Engravings, 3 vols. boards, 12l. 12s.

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