1082 Bainbridge's Fly-fisher's Guide, illustrated by coloured plates, representing upwards of 40 of the most useful Flies accurately copied from Nature, super extra boards, 16s. Liverpool, 1816 1083 Beattie on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, calf, neat, 8s. 1807 1084 Beckett's Elements and Practice of Mensuration and Land 1804 Surveying, boards, 5s. 6d. 1085 Beckmann's History of Inventions, new edition, 4 vols. 1818 boards, 21. 2s. 1086 Another copy, 4 vols. neatly half bound, russia, 21. 14s. 1818 1087 Bewick's History of Quadrupeds, wood-cuts, best edition, Newcastle, 1791 1813 russia extra, gilt leaves, 21. 2s. 1088 Bingley's Animal Biography, 3 vols. boards, 11. 7s. 1089 Buffon's Natural History, last edition, by Wood, with up wards of 600 plates, 20 vols. calf, elegant, with appropriate ornaments, 141. 14s. 1812 1090 Another set, extra marbled leaves, 151. 15s. 1812 1091 Cross (Dr.) Attempt to establish Physiognomy upon Prin. ciples of Science, boards, 8s. Edinb. 1817 1092 Da Vinci's Treatise on Painting, best edition, by Hawkins, plates, LARGE PAPER, half bound, neat, 18s. 1802 1093 Dillwyn's Catalogue of Recent Shells, 2 vols. boards, 11. 18s. 1817 1094 Donn's Hortus Cantabrigiensis, new edition, bds. 10s. 6d. 1815 1095 Du Pile's Principles of Painting, fine copy, calf, 9s. 1743 1096 The Fruit-Gardener, the result of 20 years' experience, very neat, 7s. 1768 1097 Hutton's Mathematical Tracts, 3 vols. boards, 11. 75. 1812 1098 Lee's Introduction to Botany, last edition, plates, boards, 14s. 1810 1099 Linnæus's Flora Lapponica, à Smith, 8vo. with 12 plates, 1792 (published at 12s.) boards, 4s. 6d. 1100 Lettsom's Hints to promote Beneficence, Temperance, and Medical Science, 3 vols. plates, boards, 12s. 1801 1101 Maddock's Florist's Directory, plates, boards, 10s. 6d. 1810 1102 15s. -, royal 8vo. plates, boards, 1810 1103 Montagu's Ornithological Dictionary, or Alphabetical Sy nopsis of British Birds, 2 vols. boards, 14s. 1802 1104 Another copy, calf, elegant, 11. 1s. 1802 1105 Newton's (J. F. Esq.) Return to Nature, or a Defence of the Vegetable Regimen, boards, 4s. 6d. 1811 1106 Nicholson's Encyclopedia, 6 vols. 150 plates, calf, elegant, 41. 14s. 6d. 1107 Another copy, 6 vols. extra marbled leaves, 51. 5s. 1108 Nisbet's Medical Guide to the Watering Places, boards, 2s. 6d. 1804 1109 Oliver's Art of Fencing, many plates, 5s. 1110 Pennant's British Zoology, new edition, with great improve ments, 298 plates, 4 vols. extra boards, 31. 3s. 1813 1111 Paul's Digest of the Game Laws, sewed, 2s. 6d. 1730 1112 Parish Officer's complete Guide, sewed, 2s. 6d. 1781 1113 Pursh's Flora of North America, 2 vols. with 24 plates, (published at 11. 16s.) boards, 11. 1s. 1814 1114 Ditto, 2 vols. with the plates finely coloured, boards, 11. 16s. 18:4 1115 Pringle on the Diseases of the Army, calf, neat, 5s. 6d. 1764 1116 Pennant's British Zoology, new edition, greatly improved, 298 plates, 4 vols. ROYAL OCTAVO, (published at sl. 8s.) extra boards, 51. 5s. 1813 1117 Pinkerton's Treatise on Rocks, 2 vols, with 25 plates, (pub lished at 21. 2s.) extra boards, 18s. 1811 1118 Reed on Consumption, boards, 4s. 1806 1119 Systematic Education, by Joyce, &c. 2 vols. plates, new edi tion, boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 1817 1120 Shaw's General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History, with numerous plates by Heath and Griffith, 10 vols. in 20, (published at 251. 4s.) 161. 16s. 1800, &c. 1121 Shaw's Zoological Lectures, delivered at the Royal Institu tion, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, numerous plates, half bound, morocco, uncut, 31. 10s. 1809 1122 Sandivogius's New Light of Alchymy, fine copy, 5s. 1674 1123 Taylor's Artists' Repository and Drawing Magazine, exhibiting the Principles of the Polite Arts in their various Branches, with numerous fine plates, some of them coloured, 2 vols. boards, uncut, 18s. 1124 Thornton's Elements of Botany, 2 vols. royal 8vo. numerous plates, extra boards, 11. 5s. 1813 1807 1125 Trotter on the Nervous Temperament, boards, 6s. 1126 Tryon's Way to Health, Long Life, and Happiness, fine copy, brown calf, 18s. 1683 1127 Vince's Principles of Fluxions, half bound, 4s. 1128 Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler, Bagster's 2d edition, with Additions both of Notes and Plates, bds. 11. 4s. 1815 1129 Another copy, printed on royal paper, with chosen impres Camb. 1805 sions of the plates, boards, 21. 2s. 1815 1130 Walton and Cotton's Angler, by Sir John Hawkins, first edition, fine impressions of the plates, by Ryland, morocco extra, gilt leaves, 31. 13s. 6d. 1760 1682 1131 Wood's Bowman's Glory, rare, 18s. 1132 Woodhouse's Treatise on Isoperimetrical Problems and the Calculus of Variations, half bound, neat, 6s. Camb. 1810 1133 Wood's Zoography, with 120 beautiful plates, by Mr. W. Daniell, 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, extra boards, 61. 6s. 1134 Wood's (W.) Index Testaceologicus; or, a Catalogue of Shells British and Foreign, arranged according to the Linnean System, with the Latin and English Names, references to Figures and Places where found, boards, Gs. 1135 Baptistæ Portæ de Humana Physiognomonia, curious cuts, vellum, 7s. Ursellis, 1601 1136 Bourguet, Traitès de Calcul Différentiel et de Calcul Integrel, 2 vols. half russia, 16s. Ibid. 1811 : Arts and Sciences, Natural History, &c. DUODECIMO ET INFRA. 1 1137 ANGLING. - The Angler's Vade-Mecum, or a compendious, yet full, Discourse of Angling, first edition, 7s. 6d. 1681 Best's concise Treatise on the Art of Angling, half bound, 6s. 6d. 1807 1138 1139 1140 Bowlker's Art of Angling, or complete Fly and Bottom Fisher, &c. elegantly half bound, 7s. Ludlow, 1806 Saunders's Compleat Fisherman, frontispiece, neat, scarce, 9s. 1724 1141 1142 Walton's Complete Angler, or Contemplative Man's Recreation, elegant, in morocco, gilt leaves, 11. 4s. 1810 Williamson's Complete Angler, plates, boards, 7s, 1808 1143 Aurifontina Chymica, or a collection of 14 small Treatises concerning the First Matter of Philosophers, by Nicholas Flammell, &c. &c. 3s. 1680 1144 Bolton's Medicina Magica; magick but natural Physick, 3s. 1656 1145 Buchan's (Dr. A. P.) Bionomia, opinions concerning Life and Health, boards, 5s. 6d. 1810 1146 Beguinus's Tyrocinium Chymicum, or Chymicall Essayes acquired from the Fountain of Nature and Manuall Experience, frontispiece, very scarce, 10s. 6d 1669 1147 Cookery. A perfect School of Instruction for the Officers of the Mouth, shewing the whole Art; by Giles Rose, one of the Master Cooks in his Majesty's Kitchen, curious wood-cuts, fine copy, half bound, neat, 15s. 1148 Family Receipt Book (The New), boards, 4s. 1149 Hermetical Triumph (The), or the Victorious Philosopher's 1150 Letters to a Friend on the Pruning of Peach Trees and 1799 1151 Matthews's Richard, Unlearned Alchymist, his Antidote, 5s. 1663 1152 Military Dictionary, and Introduction to Fortification, 12mo. plates, 2s. 6d. 1778 : 1153 Pembroke's (Henry, Earl of) Method of Breaking Horses and teaching Soldiers to Ride, plates, half bound, russia, 3s. 6d. 1761 1154 Tosi's Observations on Florid Song, 3s. 6d. 1155 Thomas's Shooter's Guide, or Complete Sportsman's Companion, fifth edition, embellished with plates, boards, 7s. 1816 1742 1156 Soare's Short-hand, is 6d. 1780 1157 Stamma on Chess, calf, 7s. 6d. 1745 1817 1158 Stratagems of Chess, 120 plates, boards, 7s. 1159 Urbigerus's Three Infallible Ways of Preparing the Grand Elixir, or Circulatum Majus of the Philosophers, &c. &c. by Baro Urbigerus, a Servant of God in the Kingdom of Nature, with curious frontispiece, rare, 10s. 6d. 1690 1160 Visits from the World of Spirits, or Interesting Anecdotes of the Dead, with remarkable Accounts of Apparitions, Ghosts, Visions, &c. half bound, 3s. 6d. 1791 1161 White's Farriery, complete in 4 vols. second edition, plates, boards, 11. 4s. 1815 1162 Y-Worth's Chymicus Rationalis, or the Fundamental Grounds of the Chemical Art rationally stated and demonstrated, curious frontispiece, unbound, 5s. 1692 1163 Barba, Traité de l'Art Metallique, many curious plates, 7s. Paris, 1730 1164 Gravesande, Philosophiæ, Newtonianæ, Institutiones, plates, neat, 4s. 6d. 1165 Histoire de la Philosophie Hermetique, 3 vols. rare, 12s. elegant, 5s. 6d. 1728 Paris, 1752 1166 Histoire du Ciel, 2 vols. curious plates, fine copy, in calf, rare, 12s. Ibid. 1739 1167 Juliani Palmarii de Vino et Pomacco Libri duo, half bound, Parisiis, 1588 1168 Les Plaisirs Innocens et Amoureux de la Campagne, frontisAmst. 1699 1169 Sacrobusto (Joan) de Sphæra Mundi, cum Præfatione, Phillippi Melanthonis, wood-cuts, Viteb. 1544 - Barbacchi (Georg.) Theoricæ Planetarum, wood-cuts, Ibid. 1542, bound together, 10s. 6d. piece, 3s. 6d. 1170 Seminarium et Plantarium, fructiferarum presertim Arborum quæ post hortos conseri solent-Arbustum Fonticulus, Spinetum-Vinetum, and other Agricultural Tracts, with Bayfii de re Navali Libellus, wood-cuts, brown calf, gilt leaves, 15s. Parisiis, R. and F. Stephens, 1537, &c. 58 31. 13s. 6d. Theology, &c. 1171 BIBLE, finely printed by Baskerville, plates, calf, fine copy, Birmingham, 1769 1172 Burkit on the New Testament, portrait and plates, best edi tion, calf, 11. 15s. 1765 1173 Usher's Annals of the Old and New Testament, with the Synchronysmus of Heathen Story, to the destruction of Hierusalem by the Romanes, a beautiful copy, with the curious frontispiece and port. by P. Stent, 11. 11s. 6d. 1658 1174 Wilson's Complete Christian Dictionary, improved by Sim : son, good copy, scarce, 12s. 1661 1175 Aquinatis (Thomæ) Summæ Theologicæ, &c. 6 vols. calf, neat, 9s. Lugd. 1621 1176 Aurelii Augustini de Civitate Dei, Black Letter, fine copy, with large margins, 51. 5s. Venetiis Jenson, 1475 1177 La Sainte Bible, traduite en François sur la Vulgate, par Monsieur le Maistre de Saci, fine copy, calf, 11. 11s. 6d. Paris, 1714 1178 Cy Comace ung petit Livre sititule des Vertus, Black Letter, imperfect at the end, 12s. 1179 Calvin (Lecons de M. Jean) sur le Livre des Propheties de Daniel, title in a curious wood-cut border, fine copy, ruled red lines, an extraordinary specimen of superb ancient binding, 10s. 6d. Geneve, 1562 1180 Eusebii Libri de Preparatione Evangelica, latine Geor. Trapezuntio interprete, fine copy, in the original binding, with stamped ornaments, 31. 3s. Leonhardus Aurl. 1473 Vide Bibl. Spencer. vol. i. p. 199. 1181 Scolastica Historia Magistri Petri comestoris sacre scripture seriem brevem nimis et exposita exponentis, 11. 18. Argent. MCCCCLXXXV. This curious commentary on the Old and New Testament is a fine specimen of early printing, and in excellent preservation. Theology, &c. QUARTO. 1182 BIBLE, with an Introduction, and Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory, by the Rev. John Hewlett, with 120 fine engravings, 3 vols. royal paper, russia, super extra, gilt leaves, hollow backs, &c. &c. 151. 15s. |