1815 1291 Another copy, russia extra, marbled leaves, 61. 6s. 1292 Ludwig's German and English Dictionary, neat, 11. 5s. 1293 Scapulæ Lexicon-Græcum, new and improved edition, 2 vols. extra boards, 51. 5s. Glasg. 1816 1294 Another copy, 2 vols. brown calf, very neat, 61. Ibid. 1816 Classics, &c. OCTAVO. 1295 AINSWORTH'S Latin and English Dictionary, calf, neat, 15s. 1813 1296 Anacreon, Gr. a Forster, with elegant vignettes, &c, LARGE PAPER, boards, 12s. 1802 1297 Aristophanis Comœdiæ, Gr. et Lat. a Brunck, 4 vols. LARGE PAPER, boards, 21. 10s. 1298 neat, 31. 10s. 1299 Cicero de Officiis, a Pearce, 5s. 6d. Ox. 1810 brown calf, very Ibid. 1810 1761 1300 Ciceronis Opera Ernesti, 8 vols. calf, elegant, blind tooled, Ox. 1810 1301 Demosthenis Orationes de Republica duodecim, a G. Allen, 1302 Ibid. 1810 LARGE PAPER, boards, Ibid. 1810 1303 Erasmni Colloquia a Frobenio, fine copy, in vellum, a beautiful specimen of early stamped binding, 7s. 6d. Col. 1578 1304 Erasmi, Concio de puero Jesu olim pronunciata a puero in scholia Joannis Coleti Londini instituta in qua præsidebat Imago pueri Jesu docentis specie, only 100 copies, elegantly printed, in black and red ink, with fine wood-cut initials, and other ornaments, small 8vo. extra boards, 10s. 6d. Privately printed, 1816 1305 Herodotus, Gr. et Lat, Reizii, 3 vols. bds. 11. 4s. Ox. 1814 1306 Another copy, LARGE PAPER, calf, elegant, 21. 12s. 6d. Ibid. 1814 1307 Juvenal and Persius, Lat. and Eng. by Madan, 2 vols. boards, 158. Ox. 1813 1308 2 vols. calf, neat, 11. 1s. Ibid. 1813 1309 Livius, Homeri, 8 vols. portrait, LARGE PAPER, boards, 31. 3s. 1794 "One of the most correct and beautiful editions of a Roman Classic that has ever been published. The Index is singularly valuable." 1310 Longinus de sublimitate, 5s. Ox. 1718 1311 Lucretii Cari de rerum Natura libri sex, boards, 8s. 1312 Phalaridis Epistolæ, a Boyle, neat, 3s. 6d. 1314 Sophocles, Johnsoni, 2 vols. calf, 12s. 1317 Argent. 1808 Qx. 1718 Hadrianidii, fine Amst. 1699 1758 Oxon. 1780 1316 Thucydides Dukeri, Gr. et Lat. 3 vols. bds. 11. 4s. Ox. 1809 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, brown Ibid. 1809 1318 Taciti Opera, Homeri, 4 vols. 8vo. Large PAPER, sewed, calf, very neat, 21. 12s. 6d. 11. 10s. 1790 "A very beautiful and correct edition, forming a conspicuous figure in the list of Classics published by that excellent scholar, the late Mr. Homer."-Dibdin. 1319 Macrobius, calf, 6s. 1811 Paris, 1685 1320 Parkhurst's Hebrew and English Lexicon, bds. 11. 7s, 1321 Greek and English Lexicon, boards, 11. 7s. 1811 1322 Xenophontis, Cyropædia, Hutchinsoni, calf extra, 14s. Glasg, 1812 Classics, &o. DUODECIMO, &c. 1323 ÆSCHYLI Tragædia, brown calf extra, 7s. Ox. 1809 1324 Ciceronis Epistolæ ad Familiares, Grævii, neat, 4s. 6d. Amst. 1689 1325 Ciceronis Opera, 20 vols. tine paper, a beautiful set, in the original calf extra binding, with marbled leaves, 71. 7s. Glasg. Foulis, 1749 1326 Casoris (Julii) qua Pretarit, calf, 5s. 6d. Amst. Elz. 1661 1327 Claudiani Opera Heinsii, fine copy, 10s. 6d. Elz. 1677 1328 Claii Elementa Linguæ Hebrææ-Merceri Gramm. Chaldaica, bound together, 12mo. 7s. Viteberga, 1573-8 Oxon, 1724 1525 Oxon. 1810 1329 Epigrammatum Græcorum, neat, 2s. 6d. 1330 Homeri Odyssea, Greek, calf, neat, 7s. 6d. 1331 Homeri Ilias, Gr. 2 tom, boards, 7s. 1331*. 2 tom, brown calf extra, 12s. Ibid. 1810 1332 Isocratis Orationes, Gr.. et Lat. Wolfii, neat, 5s. 6d. 1681 1333 Murray's English Grammar, Exercises, and Key, bound together, 5s. 1334 Ovidii Opera, 3 vols. neat, 15s. 1335 Suetonii Opera, fine copy, 12s. Amst. 1717 Boom. Amst. 1683 1336 Suetonii Tranquilli XII. Cæsares, old binding, 3s. 6d. Lugd. 1576 1337 Terentii Comœdiæ, 2 vols. in 1, brown calf extra, 12s. Sundby, 1751 1338 Terentii Comedia, Minellii, 2s. 6d. Foulis, Glasg. 1784 Odd Volumes, Portraits, &c. ALL SIZES. 1340 ACKERMANN's Repository, April and May, and July to Dec. 1810-January to October inclusive, 1811, and January to April ditto, 1812-23 numbers, plates, and fine portraits, 21. 6s. 4 1341 Baker's Medulla Poetarum Romanorum, 8vo. vol. 1, 3s. 1737 1342 Bell's La Belle Assemblée, Nos. 31 to 51, inclusive, 20 numbers, 11. 10s. 1343 Benevolent Cottagers, a fine Print, engraved by Scott, from a painting by A. W. Calcott, fine impression, 11. 1s. 1344 Beverley Minster, Yorkshire; two Engravings of the NorthEast and South-West Views of that Edifice-Proofs, the pair, 11. 6s.-next impressions, on super royal folio, 11. 1s. -impressions on crown folio, 16s.or in colours to imitate the original drawings, 21. 2s. 1345 Chamberlain's Designs of Leonardo da Vinci, engraved by Bartolozzi, &c. 2 numbers, containing 15 plates, large folio, 21. 2s. 1796-1806 1346 Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims, engraved by Heath, &c. from Stothard's Design, worked on India paper, very fine, 61. 6s. 1347 Critical Review, vols. 1, 2, and 3, half bound, neat, scarce, 9$. 1348 Clarke's Sermons, vol. 6, 2s. 6d. 1756-7 1731-1 1349 Defoe's Tour through Great Britain, 12mo. vols. 2 and 4, neat, 3s. 1350 Digge's (Leonard) Prognostication Everlastinge, &c. cuts, Black Letter, small 4to. imperfect, calf extra, gilt leaves, 7s. 1578 1351 Ecclesiastical and University Register for 1808, 9, and 10, 3 vols. boards, 12s. 1352 Edinburgh Review, first 12 vols. in calf, very neat, and gilt, 51. 8s. 1353 3s. 6d. each.. Nos, 25, 7, 8, 35, 6, 7, 8, 9, 40, 1, 2, 1354 European Magazine, for the year 1791, 2 vols. in 1, half bound, 7s. 6d. 1355 Evangelical Magazine, for 1806 and 1808, portraits, 4s. 6d. each. 1356 Fairefax's Tasso, (set of wood-cuts to) engraved by Thomson, from Thurston's Designs, worked on India Paper, in 8vo. size, 10s. 6d. 1357 Free-Thinking Christian's Magazine, 6 Nos. Jan. to June inclusive, 1814, 3s. 1358 The familiar Epistles of Sir Anthony of Guevara, Back Letter, small 4to. wants two leaves after p. 326, 3s. 6d. 1577 1359 Harrison's British Classics, vol. 2, containing the Adventurer and Guardian, plates, calf, neat, 12s. 1360 1361 1785 Vol. 6, containing the Connoisseur, Citizen of the World, and Babbler, plates, calf, neat, 12s. 1786 Vol 8, Idler, Fitz Osborne's Letters, Shenstone's Essays, Temple's Sketches, and the Lover, plates, calf, neat, 10s. 6d. 1787 1362 Harleian Miscellany, a new edition, by Park, 4to. Vol. II. boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 1363 boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 1364 boards, 21. 12s. 6d. 1365 boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 1366 boards, 11. 11s. 6d. 1367 Vol. III. Vol. V. -, Vol. VII. Vol. IX. Vol. IX. and X. forming a complete Supplement to the old edition, boards, 41. 10s. 1368 Hall's Chronicle, folio, Black Letter, imperfect, 11. 5s. 1369 Henry the Seventh's Chapel, Westminster, (two Views of, East and West,) engraved by J. C. Stadler, imperial folio size, 10s. 6d. 1370 Humane Society's Reports, 1810 and 13, cuts and portrait, boards, 4s. 1371 Holingshed's Chronicles, vols. 1 and 2, Mack Letter, (vol. 1 wants title and 3 first leaves) tall copy, russia, gilt leaves, 41. 10s. 1586 1372 Landseer's Landscape Scenery of Scotland, No. I. containing 3 fine plates, (published at 11. 1s.) 12s. 1373 Literary Panorama, from March 1812 to April 1813, 14 Nos. 14s. 1374 Maps and Plans to Rapin's History of England, (a complete set of), folió, 18s. 1375 Portrait of Dr. Johnson, folio size, by Heath, with emblematical ornaments after Smirke, 5s. 1376 Six plates from Johnes's Memoirs of Joinville, for illustration.-Whole Length of Lord de Joinville, from his Monument. -Ditto of St. Louis, from ditto.-Map of Syria and Palestine.-Map of the Delta, explanatory of the Expedition of St. Louis in Egypt.-Map of the Croisade of St. Louis in Egypt and Palestine.-Large View of the Town and Castle of Joinville, 7s. 6d. 1377 Portrait of J. Walker, Teacher of Elocution, by Heath, 8vo. fine impression, 2s. 6d. 1378 1379 5s. G. Morland, the Painter, in colours, folio size, Shakspeare, from the genuine bust in Stratford Church, mezzotinto by Ward, from a painting by Phillips, 10s. 1380 Ditto, in folio size, fine impression, 16s. 1381 John Nicholls, Esq. F.S.A. by Charles Heath, 4to. 7s. 1382 Ditto, proof, on India paper, folio, 15s. 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 the Earl of Manchester (from Manchester al Mondo), mounted in folio, 2s, 6d. 1656 Lord Fairfax on Horseback, finely engraved on wood, by Byfield, proof on India paper, 5s. Mr. T. Bewick, three-quarter length, proof on India paper, scarce, 18s. J. Gerard, in the frontispiece to his Herbal, by Payne, folio, fine state and impression, 11. 11s. 6d. 1633 Thomas Taylor, D. D. by Marshall, brilliant impression, 10s. 6d. 1633 James Yorke of Lincoln, Blacksmith, in the engraved title to his Union of Honour, fine state, 18s. C. S. Pybus, esq. folio, finely engraved by Charles Wilkin, 1798, 4s. 6d. Ninon de L'Enclos, with engraved border, by Worlidge, 4to. 2s. 6d. the Rev. T. F. Dibdin, engraved by Meyer, from a drawing by Edridge, proof, 98. 1392 New Annual Register for 1813, boards, 8s. 6d. 1393 Nineteen portraits (including 3 of Pope) from the Supple ment to his Works, by Bowles, 4to. 11. 1s. 1802 1394 Pallas's Travels in Russia, royal 4to. first edition, Vol. I. with coloured plates, boards, 2l. 12s. 6d. 1395 Randolph's Poenis and Plays, 18mo. a little imperfect, neat, 3s. 6d. Oxford, 1643 1396 Storer's Cathedrals of Great Britain, No. I. to V. inclusive, super royal 8vo. 21. 5s. 1813, &c. 1397 Sandy's Travels, folio, curious plates, imperfect at the end, 7s. 1673 |