1398 Williams's Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire, royal 8vo. plates, No. III. 7s. 1804 1399 Ditto, No. IV. plates, 7s. 1804 1400 Priestley's History of Early Opinions concerning Jesus Christ, vols. 2, 3, and 4, boards, 12s. 1401 Restituta, Nos. XXIII. to XXVII. inclusive, 15s. 1402 Smirke's Illustrations of Don Quixote, proofs on India paper, before the letters, only 30 sets struck off, 211. 1403 Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, additional Lives to the first edition of, with 6 portraits, (printed at Strawberry Hill,) sewed, 11. 11s. 6d. Appendix. FOLIO. 1404 BERKELEY's (Hon. Capt. George) Naval History of Britain, from the earliest Periods of which there are Accounts to the end of 1756, many fine portraits and other plates, finecopy, 21. 2s. 1756 1405 Cockburn's Delineation of the City of Pompeii, with fine plates, etched by Pinelli of Rome, and finished by W. B. Cooke, Part I. size of Stuart's Athens, boards, 41. 4s. 1818 1406 Ditto, proof impressions of the plates, 61. 6s. 1407 Ditto, proofs on India paper, 81. 8s. 1408 Valentia's (Lord) Travels in India, Ceylon, Abyssinia, &c. 3. vols. LARGEST PAPER, with proof plates; also the etchings of each on India paper-one of the family copies, of which very few were printed, and only 10 for sale, (published at 521. 10s. in sheets,) 3 vols. half bound, russia extra, uncut, 241. 1809 Appendix. 1721 1409 ADDISON'S Works, 4 vols. calf, 21. 12s. 6d 1410 Britannia Depicta, Part VI. 31 Views in Derbyshire, 41. 1818 1411 Another copy, on LARGE PAPER, 61. 6s. 1818 1411*Harleian Miscellany, (original edition) 8 vols. calf extra, fine 1744 set, sl. 8s. 1412 Kippis's Life of Capt. James Cook, with portrait by Heath, calf, 18s. 1788 1413 Modern London, being the History and present State of the British Metropolis, with numerous plates, including the Cries of London, (published at 31. 3s.) boards, 21. 2s. 1805 1414 Religious Emblems, a series of Engravings on Wood, by the first Artists, from designs by Thurston, first edition, boards, 11. 5s. 1809 1415 Tytler's (Dr. H. W.) Voyage Home from the Cape of Good Hope, with other Poems relating to the Cape, small 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. 1803 Appendix. OCTAVO. 1416 ANNUAL Register (The New), complete from the commencement in 1780 to 1815, inclusive, 36 vols. half bound, red backs, uncut, 13ł. 13s. 1417 Antiquarian Itinerary, 4 vols. LARGE PAPER, fine impressions, blue morocco, gilt leaves, 51. 15s. 6d. 1815-16 1418 Baskerville's beautiful edition of the Common Prayer, printed in double columns, with a border round each page, royal Svo. morocco, gilt leaves, 21. 12s. 6d. Birm. 1761 1419 Blair's Lectures on Rhetorie, &c. 3 vols. calf, gilt, 11. 4s. 1812 1420 Carter's History of the University of Cambridge, half bound, neat, 7s. 1421 Catalogue of the very curious Library Literature) of J. W. Southgate, Esq. ders, in March 1818, priced, 7s. 6d. 1422 Cicero's Letters, by Melmoth, 3 vols. fifth edition, calf extra, 11. 16s. 1423 Historical Account of all the Orders of Knighthood, 2 vols. boards, 7s. 6d. 1424 Horatii Opera, a Pine, 2 vols. true edition, first impressions of the plates, a matchless copy, in red morocco, formerly Prince Soubises, very rare, 81. 8s. Lond. 1733 1425 Larrey's History of the Reign of King Charles I. 2 vols. portrait, 5s. 6d. About 1700 1426 Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, calf, 3s. 1740 1427 Mandeville's Fable of the Bees, &c. boards, 7s. 6d. 1806 1423 Ogden's (Dr. Samuel) Sermons on various Subjects, 2 vols. calf, fine set, 125. Camb. 1786 1429 Shakspear's Plays, by Johnson and Stevens, best edition, LARGE PAPER, very rare, only 20 Copies printed as presents to Mr. Stevens's friends, 15 vols. russia, gilt leaves, joints, &c. by Makinlay, 451. 1793 1430 Spenser's Works, by Aikin, plates, by Heath, 6 vols. LARGE PAPER, half russia extra, uncut, 31. 12s. 1802 1431 Stowe's Chronicle, by Howes, (abridgement of), Black Letter, in the original vellum cover, 10s. 6d. 1611 1432 Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary, stereotype edition, calf, neat, 16s. 6d. 1816 1433 Walton's (Iz.) Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of Lincoln, fine portrait, by White, 7s. 1678 1434 Watson Bp.) Anecdotes of the Life of, 2 vols. fine portrait, 11. 5s. 1818 1435 Williams's Picturesque Excursions in Devonshire, with an ad ditional set of the plates beautifully coloured: only six copies were executed in this manner, 2 vols. extra boards, 31. 3s. 1804 1436 Willis's (Browne) Survey of St. Asaph, 2 vols. LARGE PAPER, boards, rare, (only 40 copies printed,) 21. 12s. 6d. Wrexham, 1801 Appendix. DUODECIMO ET INFRA. 1437 COWPER's Poems, 2 vols. elegantly bound in green morocco, with a beautiful drawing on the edges of each volume, 1438 1439 21. 2s. 1810 ---, Sharpe's beautiful edition, 3 vols. with proof impressions of the plates, super extra boards, 21. 2s. --, set of proof plates to Sharpe's edition, on a larger size, without the letter press, in 3 Numbers, 11. 4s. 1440 Cooke's Voyages, printed verbatim from the original editions, with many cuts, 7 vols. (published at 21. 21.) boards, 11. 8s. 1441 Durham-The Antiquities of the Abbey Church and County Palatine of Durham, fine copy, calf, with frontispiece, 4s. 6d. Newcastle, 1767 1442 English Rogue (the) described in the Life of Meriton Latroon, and other extravagants, 4 vols. russia extra, a remarkably fine copy, with portrait and plates complete, 101. 10s. 1668 1443 The Fudge Family in Paris, by Thomas Brown, the younger, boards, 7s. 6d. 1818 1444 Milton's Paradise Lost, Tonson's edition, very scarce, cuts, fine copy, russia, gilt leaves, 11. 5s. 1719 1445 Montgomery's (James) World before the Flood, with Prison Amusements, and other Poems, morocco, gilt leaves, with a drawing on the edges, beautifully executed, 11. Is. 1813 1446 Sterne's Letters to his most intimate Friends, with a Fragment in the manner of Rabelais, and Memoirs of his Life and Family, written by himself. Portrait of Sterne and his daughter, 3 vols. calf, full gilt, 9s. 1447 Wither's Britain's Remembrancer, frontispiece, half bound 1628 Jas. Adlard and Sons, Printers, 23, Bartholomew Close. |