
BARTSCH (Adam). Catalogue raisonné de toutes les Estampes qui forment l'Euvre de Lucas de Leyde. 12° Vienne, 1798.

Le Peintre Graveur. 21 vols. 8° Vienne, 1803-21.

Vol. 1-5. Ecoles Flamandes.

6-11. Vieux Maitres Allemands.

12. Peintres et Clair-Obscurs Italiens.

13. Vieux Maitres Italiens.

14. Marc-Antoine et ses élèves, Aug. de Venise et Marc de Ravenne. 15. Graveurs de l'école de Marc-Antoine.

16-18. Peintres Italiens: Maitres du Seizième Siècle.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Suite.-see Robert-Dumesnil.

BASTIAT (Frédéric).

Sophismes Economiques. 18° Paris, 1846.

Popular Fallacies regarding General Interests, translated, with notes, by

G. R. Porter. 120 London, 1846.

L'Etat. Maudit Argent. 180 Paris, 1849.

Incompatibilités Parlementaires. 180 Paris, 1849.

Paix et Liberté, ou le Budget Républicain. 18° Paris, 1849.

Protectionisme et Communisme.

18° Paris, 1849.

Capital et Rente. 18° Paris, 1849.

Harmonies Économiques. 8° Paris, 1850.

BASTWICK (John).-see Prynne's Prelates' Tyranny.

BAYLE. Remarques sur son Dictionnaire.- -see Joly.

BEATSON (Robert). Chronological Register of both Houses of Parliament, from the Union in 1708 to 1807. 3 vols. 8° London, 1807. BEAUCHAMP FAMILY.-see Abergavenny.

BEAUMONT (Francis) and John FLETCHER. Works, the text formed from a new collation of the Early Editions, with Notes and a Biographical Memoir by the Rev. Alexander Dyce. 11 vols. 8° London,


[blocks in formation]

Beauties of England and Wales, Continuations of:

Scotland.-see Forsyth.

Ireland.-see Brewer.

BECCARIA Anglicus.-see Wright (R.)

BECKER (Wilhelm Adolph). Gallus oder Römische Scenen aus der Zeit Augusts, zur erläuterung der wesentlichsten Gegenstände aus dem Häuslichen Leben der Römer. 2 vols. in 1. 8° Leipzig, 1838.

Charikles, Bilder altgriechischer Sitte, zur genaueren Kenntniss des Griechischen Privatlebens. 2 vols. in 1. 8° Leipzig, 1840. BECKET (Thomas à)-The Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Beket, Archbishop of Canterbury, from the Lives and Legends composed by Robert of Gloucester, edited by W. H. Black. (Percy Society, vol. 19.) 8° London, 1845.

BEECHEY (F. W.). Report of Observations on the Tides in the Irish Sea, and the similarity of Tidal Phenomena of the Irish and English Channels. 4° London, 1848.

BEKE (Charles T). Essay on the Nile and its Tributaries. 8° London,


BEKKER (Immanuel).—see Aristotle, Photius, Polybius.

BELCHER (Sir Edward). Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. Samarang during 1843-46, employed surveying the Islands of the Eastern Archipelago, with a Vocabulary of the principal Languages; and Notes on the Natural History of the Islands by Arthur Adams. 2 vols. 8° London, 1848.

[blocks in formation]

[BELOE (William)]. The Sexagenarian; or, the Recollections of a Literary Life. 2 vols. 8° London, 1818.

see Aulus Gellius (translation).

BENJAMIN of Tudela's Travels.-see Palestine.

BENNETT (James).-see Bogue (D.)

BENNETT (J. W.). Ceylon and its Capabilities: an Account of its Natural Resources, Indigenous Productions, and Commercial Facilities, with an Appendix containing the Royal Charter of Justice, &c. &c. 4° London, 1843.

[BENOIT (Elie)]. Histoire de l'Edit de Nantes, contenant les choses les plus remarquables qui se sont passées en France, avant et après sa publication, à l'occasion de la diversité des Religions, jusqu'à l'Edit de Revocation en Octobre, 1685. 5 vols. 4° Delft, 1693.

BENTHAM (Jeremy). Deontology or the Science of Morality, in which the harmony and coincidence of duty and self-interest, virtue and felicity, prudence and benevolence, are explained and exemplified, edited by John Bowring. 2 vols. 8° London, 1834.

BERENS (Archdeacon).-see Mant's (Bishop) Life.
BERGHAUS (H.)-see Johnston's Physical Atlas.
BERNARD'S (Saint) Legendary Psalter.-see Brampton.
BERNARD'S Travels.-see Palestine.

BERNARD (Charles de). Un Beau Père. 3 vols.

Le Gentilhomme Campagnard. 5 vols.

18° 18° Bruxelles, 1844. 18° Bruxelles, 1846.

BERRY (Miss). Comparative View of the Social Life in England and France, from the Restoration of Charles the Second to the present Time, with the Lives of the Marquise du Deffand and of Rachel Lady Russell, &c. &c. 2 vols. 8° London, 1844.

see Deffand.

BERRY (William). County Genealogies: Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Sussex, collected from the Heraldic Visitations and other MSS. fol. London, 1830.



Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Kent. fol. London,

Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Hants. fol. London,

BERTRAND (le Général).-see Napoleon.

BERTRAND de Moleville.-see Moleville.

BEST (W. M.). Treatise on the Principles of Evidence and Practice as to proofs in Courts of Common Law. 8° London, 1849.

BETHELL (Christopher) Bishop of Bangor. General View of the Doctrine of Regeneration in Baptism. 8° London, 1845.

BEUGNOT (le Comte Arthur).

Histoire de la destruction du Paganisme en Occident. 2 vols. in 1. 8° Paris, 1835.

see Jérusalem.

BEVERLEY Minster-History of Beverley Minster from its Foundation, including the Ancient Monuments. 18° Beverley, 1835.

BEVIS (John). Experimental Inquiry into the qualities, &c. of the Mineral Waters lately discovered at Bagnigge Wells. 12° London, 1760. BIBER (G. E.). The English Church on the Continent. 12° London, 1846. BIBLIA-Novum Testamentum Græce, textum ad fidem testium criticorum recensuit I. Mart. Augustinus Scholz. 2 vols. in 1. 4° Lipsia, 1830-6.

Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments nach der Deutschen Uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. 8° London, 1828.

La Biblia ó el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento traducidos al Español de la Vulgata Latina por el P. Phelipe scio de S. Miguel. 8° Londres, 1823.

BIBLE-The Holy Bible, with a Commentary and Critical Notes by Adam Clarke, LL.D. 6 vols. 4° London, 1836.

The Romaunt Version of the Gospel of St. John, from MSS. in Trinity College, Dublin, and in the Bibliothèque du Roi, Paris; with a History of the Version of the New Testament anciently in use among the Old Waldenses, &c. by William Stephen Gilly, D.D. 8° London,


Bibliographie de la France, ou Journal Général de l'Imprimerie et de la

Librarie, depuis l'an 1844. 8° Paris, 1844.

Bibliophile Belge (Le).-see Bulletin.

Bibliothecæ.-see Catalogue.

BICHAT (F. X.). Recherches Physiologiques sur la Vie et la Mort, avec une notice sur la vie et les travaux de Bichat, par le Docteur Cérise. 12° Paris, 1843.

BILLE (Steen). Beretning om Corvetten Galathea's Reise omkring Jorden, 1845-6-7. Vol. 1. 8° Kiobenhavn, 1849.

BILLINGS (Robert William). The Infinity of Geometric Design exemplified. 4° Edinburgh, 1849.

Biographici.-see Scriptores.

BIONDELLI (B.). Atlante Linguistico d'Europa. Vol. 1, 8°, and atlas in folio. 8° Milano, 1841.

BIRKENHEAD-Plan of Docks and Warehouses proposed to be made at Birkenhead in the County of Chester, designed by J. M. Rendel (in Map Case). 8° Liverpool, 1844.

Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Fireproof Dwellings for the Workmen of the Birkenhead Dock Company now in progress, by Charles Evans Lang. 8° Liverpool, 1845.

BJÖRNSTJERNA (le Comte de). gonie der Hindus, aus dem kungen begleitet von J. R.

Die Theogonie, Philosophie und KosmoSchwedischen übersetzt und mit Anmer8° Stockholm, 1843.

BLACK (William H.)-see Catalogue (Ashmolean MSS.)

BLACKBURNE (J.). A brief Historical Inquiry into the introduction of Stone Altars into the Christian Church. 8° London, 1844.

The Stone Altar, in connexion with the Eucharist, a Witness for the Truth of our Lord's Humanity. 8° London, 1845.

BLAIR (John). Chronological and Historical Tables, from the Creation to the present time, with Additions and Corrections from the most authentic Writers, including the Computation of St. Paul, as connecting the period from the Exode to the Temple, edited by Sir Henry Ellis. 8° London, 1844.

BLANC (Louis). Histoire de Dix Ans, 1830-1840. 5 vols. 1844.

Appréciation de la même.—see Chaudey.

Organisation du Travail. 18° Paris, 1848.

8° Paris,

Le Socialisme Droit au Travail, Réponse à M. Thiers. 12° Paris, 1848.

La Révolution de Février au Luxembourg. 12° Paris, 1849. Appel aux honnêtes gens; quelques pages d'histoire contemporaine. 12° Paris, 1849.

Pages d'Histoire de la Révolution du Février, 1848. 12° Bruxelles, 1850.

BLAND (Robert).—see Anthology.

BLANQUI (J. A.)-see France (Petits Traités, 12-14).

BLOOMFIELD (S. T.). Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacræ; being a critical Digest and synoptical arrangement of the most important Annotations on the New Testament. 8 vols. 8° London, 1826.

see Thucydides.

BLORE (Edward). Monumental Remains of Noble and Eminent Persons, comprising the Sepulchral Antiquities of Great Britain, with historical and biographical Illustrations. 4° London, 1826.

BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). Il Decameron [nuovamente corretto per Paolo Rolli, secondo l'edizione dell' anno 1527.] 4° Londra, 1725.

Böckн (August). Urkunden über das Seewesen des Attischen Staates, mit 18 Tafeln enthaltend die von Herrn Ludwig Ross gefertigten Abschriften. 8° Berlin, 1840.

see Pindarus.

BODE (Baron Clement A. de). Travels in Luristan and Arabistan. 2 vols. 8° London, 1845.

see Khanikoff.

Statement for Counsel's opinion, and opinions of Gressier, Marie, Dupin, O. Barrot, Berryer, &c., concerning the Indemnity due to him. 8° London, 1845.

BODUEL.-see Bothwell.

BOGUE (David) and James BENNETT. History of Dissenters, from the Revolution in 1688 to the Year 1808. 4 vols. 8° London, 1808. BOHL DE FABER (J. N.)-see Teatro Español.

BOILEAU (D.). The Nature and Genius of the German Language, displayed in a Review of its Grammatical Forms. 8° London, 1820.

BOISSERÉE (Sulpice). Vues, Plans, Coupes, et Détails de la Cathédrale de Cologne, avec les Restaurations d'après le Dessin original, avec l'Histoire et Description pour servir de Texte. 2 vols. fol. and 4° Munich, 1842-3.

BOISSONADE (J. F.)—see Aristænetus.

Boke of Curtasye (The), an English Poem of the fourteenth century, edited by J. O. Halliwell. (Percy Society, vol. 4.) 8° London, 1841. [BOLINGBROKE (Henry St. John, Viscount)]. Dissertation upon Parties, in several letters to Caleb D'Anvers. 8° London, 1735.


Memoirs of, by George Wingrove Cooke. 2 vols. 8° London,

BOLLANDUS (Joannes). Acta Sanctorum, quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a Catholicis Scriptoribus celebrantur, collegit, digessit, Notis illustravit J. Bollandus; continuata per G. Henschenium, D. Papebrochium, C. Suyskenum, C. Byeum, J. Vandermoere et Jo. Vanhecke. 54 vols. fol. Venetiis et Bruxellis, 1734-86-1845.

De prosecutione operis Bollandiani quod Acta Sanctorum inscribitur. 8° Namurci, 1838. BOLTZ (A.). Procès des Derniers Ministres de Charles x. MM. de Polignac, de Peyronnet, Chantelauze, Guernon-Ranville, Montbel, d'Haussez et Capelle. 2 vols. 8° Paris, 1830.

BONGARS (J. de). Lettres Latines de M. de Bongars, "Ambassadeur sous le Roy Henri IV. en diverses négociations importantes;" traduites en François [par de Brianville.] 12° Paris, 1681.

BOPP (F.). A Comparative Grammar of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages, translated from the German by Lieutenant Eastwick: edited by H. H. Wilson. 2 vols. 8° London, 1845.

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