Catalogue of books added to the Library of Congress


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Pagina 163 - A token for children, being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives and joyful deaths of several young children.
Pagina 273 - BACON, FW A Treatise on the Richards SteamEngine Indicator, with directions for its use. By Charles T. Porter. Revised, with notes and large additions as developed by American practice ; with an appendix containing useful formulae and rules for engineers.
Pagina 380 - Agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with the Assistance of Commissioners from the Church of Scotland, as a part of the Covenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of Christ in the Kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland.
Pagina 63 - Clough (Arthur Hugh).— THE POEMS AND PROSE REMAINS OF ARTHUR HUGH CLOUGH. With a Selection from his Letters and a Memoir.
Pagina 34 - BLAKE, WP Report upon the Precious Metals. Being Statistical Notices of the Principal Gold and Silver producing regions of the world, represented at the Paris Universal Exposition. 8vo, cloth $2.00 BLAKESLEY, TH Alternating Currents of Electricity.
Pagina 139 - HAYDN'S DICTIONARY OF DATES, relating to all Ages and Nations. For Universal Reference. Edited by BENJAMIN VINCENT, Assistant Secretary and Keeper of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain ; and Revised for the Use of American Readers.
Pagina 173 - P. Report on the Filtration of River Waters for the supply of Cities, as practised in Europe, made to the Board of Water Commissioners of the city of St. Louis.
Pagina 73 - JBP chev. de, histoire généalogique et héraldique des pairs de France, des grands dignitaires de la couronne, des principales familles nobles du royaume, et des maisons princières de l'Europe, précédée de la généalogie de la maison de France.
Pagina 150 - Hooker, Thomas. A Survey of the Summe of Church-Discipline Wherein the Way of the Churches of New England is Warranted Out of the Word, and All Exceptions of Weight, Which Are Made Against It, Answered . . . London, 1648.
Pagina 320 - The rights of man to property. Being a proposition to make it equal among the adults of the present generation : and to provide for its equal transmission to every individual of each succeeding generation, on arriving at the age of maturity.

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