

Scotland, which are, or may be annexed to the crown on account of attainder.

The bill to render more effectual an act for allowing a publick reward for discovering the longitude at fca, fo far as it relates to trying and proving experiments relating to the faid difcovery, whereby it is enacted, that the commiffioners fhall continue empowered to hear and receive propofals for difcovering the longitude at fea, and, being fo far fatisfied of the probability of any fuch propofal as to think proper to make experiment thereof, they thall certify the fame, with the authors names, to the commiffioners of the navy, who shall make out bills thereupon for any fum not exceeding 2000. as fhall be thought neceffary, to be paid by the treasurer of the navy out of any money in his hands unapplied

The bill for the better fupplying the cities of London and Westminster with fish, to reduce the exorbitant price of the fame, and for the better encouragement of fishermen. (See p. -165.)

The bill for the better prefervation of the game in that part of Great Britain called England.

By the act, after the 1st of June, 1762, no perfon, under any pretence whatsoever, fhall take, kill, buy, or fell, or have in his cuftody, any partridge, between the 12th of February and the 1ft of September, or any pheafant between the rft of February and the Ift of October; or any heath-fowl, commonly called Black Game, between the 1st of January and the 20th of Auguft; or any groufe, commonly called Red game, between the 1ft of December, and the 25th of July, in any year. This act fhall not extend to pheasants taken in the proper feafon, and kept in mews or breeding pla


Nor fhall it extend to Scotland. Perfons offending in any of thefe cafes aforefaid, fhall forfeit 51. per bird to the profecutor, to be recovered, with full cofts, in any of the courts at Westminster.

The bill for naturalizing foreign proteftants as have ferved, or may ferve a limited time as officers, engineers, or foldiers in America.

And alfo to feveral bills to inclofe lands, repair roads, improve and preferve the navigation of rivers, and private bills.







A little before eight in the evening, a terrible fubterraneous noife was heard at the forges of Barnau, near the gold and filver mines of Koliranovofrefenkoy, which was foon after followed by a fhock of an earthquake, that lafted for three or four minutes. All the hou- G fes were fhaken by it, the beds frongly agitated, and the moveables thrown about, the 12th, about noon, happened a fecond, fomewhat lefs violent, but of the fame duration as the former. The weather, during this laft, was cold and remarkably ferene; during the other, calm and very cloudy.


The purfer of the Falmouth arrived at the Eaft-India-Houfe, with news of the Falmouth, Dale, and the Prince Edward, Haldane, from Fort St George, being arrived at Plymouth: And that the Ofterly, Vincent; the Worcester, Hall; and the Prince George, Rofs, from Londen, were arrived at Bencoolen: The Fox,


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Hume; the Warren, Glover; the Earl of Tem ple, Fefter; and the Earl of Holderness, Brooke, from London, at Madrafs : And that the haruke, Kent, and Pit, left the Indies about the fame time. The Falmouth and the Prince Edward bring 52,cco pagadoes of diamonds. There is alfo advice of the deaths of Admiral

Stevens, Mr Jackson, and Mr Palmer, two of the company's writers. Admiral Stevens being dead, the command in chief devolves on Admiral Corni. Capt. Tiddeman had failed from Madrajs with five men of war, to join Admiral Cornif, who it was thought would attempt Mauritius.

The Falmouth and Prince Edward have on board Monf. de Larée, the French governor of Pondicherry, and feveral military officers; all the fortifications of which place were totally destroyed and the guns carried to Madrass.


An exprefs was received from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland with interefting difpatches, which have not been made public.

Letters from the North by yesterday's mail affirm, that a convention between Pruffia and Sweden is concluded.-Thefe letters add, that the new Czar wears the King of Pruffia's picture in a ring fet with diamonds, with this motto, friendship gives it value.

One Carter, mafter of an alehoufe in Hounfditch, was apprehended for cutting and wounding a barber in his neighbourhood with a hanger,in fuch a manner that his life was def. paired off. He was jealous of the barber, and by the affiftance of a drawer in the houfe, laid a trap for detecting him. The poor barber, on the 8th at night, when all the company was gone, went behind the bar to the mistress of the houfe, when the matter, who was tho't to have been in the country, but had concealed himself in the cellar, unexpectedly rushed upcn him, gave him two violent Atrokes that fhaved his whole fich from his head, and then fetched him another that almoft cut off one of his hands. The fellow, however, is likely to recover, and the alehoufe-keeper is admitted to bail. While the barber's life was in danger, the whole talk of the town was, whether the alehoufe-keeper would be hanged or no. A question, happily for bim, not likely now to be decided.


The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, with their ladies, went in proceffion to St Bride's church in Fleet fireet, according to annual cuftom. The fermon was preached by the Bishop of Peterborough.

The entertainment afterwards at the Monfion Houfe was exceedingly grand, and the ladies in particular made a moft brilliant appearance. The first courfe at dinner, confiited of 6co covered difhes; the whole, it is faid, exceeded icoo dishes

Admiralty-Office, Capt. Carpenter, of the Coventry, gives an account of his having taken the Guerrier, a French privateer belonging to Bayonne, of 10 guns, and 120 men.

At the affizes at Kingflon, Rickard Weaver, an old fellow of near 70, was convicted of alfaulting Myrtilla Goldsmith, a child, with intent to ravish her. His fentence was to ftand




once in the pillory, to be committed to the houfe of correction to hard labour for three months, and afterwards to find fecurities for his good behaviour for three years. At this afize, four criminals received fentence of death, three of whom were afterwards reprieved, and Steel, for a highway robbery, was ordered for execution.

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taken by the allies. At fix in the morning the batteries began to play. At nine, before any place had been fet on fire, the Hereditary Pr. offered the commandant the military honours, but M. Muret haughtily declined this, and the fire redoubled. About noon the castle was in flames, and the town likewife, which increasA ed to that degree that M. Muret cried out for mercy; and getting over the walls of the caftle with his garrifon, furrendered at discretion, to the number of nine officers, and 231 private men, and 26 pieces of cannon. The e nemy had not one man killed, nor we neither, but a captain of the Bririjh legion has had his leg fhot off.


Capt, Crabb, of Abb-church-lane, getting out of bed in his fleep, opened the fafh, and threw himfelf out at window. He was greatly hurt, C but is in a fair way of recovery.


As the Dover waggon was paffing thro' the Bertugh for Douer with a female passenger in it, a man with a child overtook the waggon, ordered the driver to stop, and charged the woman with leaving the child upon the bed in his houfe: upon the woman's denying the fact, he toffed the child up into the waggon, and marched off; the woman jumped down and run after him, leaving the child with the waggoner, who fent for the church-waidens to take care of it, which they refused; alledging, that the child could not become burthenfome to the parish: a law-fuit is like to commence between the waggoner and the parish, who is to be at the expence of maintain- E ing the child.



Admiralty Office. Capt, Hotham of the Eolus, in company with the Brilliant, have taken the Malouin privateer of St Maloes, of 10 guns and 80 men; and retaken the Elizabeth and Anna of London, Wm Gorland, mafter, from Maryland, laden with tobacco, which was a prize to the above-mentioned privateer. They have alfo taken the Curieux privateer, belonging to St Maloes, with 33 men; and have fent them all to Plymouth.

John Downing and his family, of Wattisham, near Bildefton, in Norfolk, within three months laft poft, have been feized with violent pains, caufing a mortification, whereby they have loft the following limbs, viz. 1. John DownDing, the father, two joints of two fingers of his right hand; 2. Mary, the mother, has loft one of her legs at the knee, the other foot is off at the ancle, the bone of that leg bare, the flesh rotting away daily; 3. Elizabeth, their daughter, aged 13, has one leg off at the knee, the other foot off at the ancle, and the leg bare to the bone; 4. Sarab, aged ten years, has one foot off at the ancle; 5. Robert, both legs off near the knee; 6. Edward, a child in the cradle, both feet off at the ancle ; 7. Mary, both legs rotting off at the knee; 8. An infant died of the fame diffemper, as is fuppoted, the extreme members turning livid and black as foon as it was dead. Moft of them retain their appetites, and are well in all relpects, except the mortification.

A woman is committed to Worcester goal, for endeavouring to murder her fon (about 7 years old) by forcing him into a hot oven. She had been refufed marriage by a man, unlefs her child was difmiffed by fome means or other; and the method he thought off was the above, which the child over-hearing, next day very innocently told fome of his play-felGlows, and they telling it to their parents, the neighbours watched, and when he was in the act, broke open the door, and found the child in her arms at the mouth of the oven with its hair burnt.

About fix o'clock in the morning, as Mr Siddall, woollen-draper, near Buchler fbury, in Cheapfide, was amufing himfelf in cleaning his door with a feraper, a man came and rang the bell at his fide door very hard, on which Mr Siddall afked him the reafon, the man re- F plied, The houfe was on fire, Mr Siddall faid it could not be, as he had just come down fairs; but on being defired to look up, he perceived a great fmoke come out of the windows, on which he ran up ftairs to alarm and take care of his family. On opening the dining-room door, the flames burft out upon him fo violently he could not get down again, but got over the top of the houfe into the adjoining one, and efcaped. Mirs Siddall was obliged to drop cut of a window, and falling on the leads of the fir-floor, which were narrew, and from thence into the street, she was providentially taved. Two maid fervants threw themfelves cut of a three pair of ftairs window, one of whom was killed by the fall. The houfe was burnt quite down in half an hour after the firft difcovery, and Mr Smith's, druggit, next door, is fo much damaged, that it must be rebuilt.

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The French had in the port of Havre de Grace feveral flat-bottomed boats, 31 feet in breadth, and proportionable in length, carryHing each two 24 pounders, draw three feet water, and rigged in the dogger fashion. They there talked ftrongly of invading England, and their foldiers are promifed large rewards.


Advice was received of the arrival at Con ftantinople,


fantinople, his Excellency Henry Grenville, Efq; ambafador from the King of Great Britain to the Ottoman Porta, on board his majesty's fhip the Dunkirk, on the 21ft paft, and will foon have his audience of the Grand Seignor. FRIDAY 23.

His majefty's fhip the Hind arrived at Portf A mouth from Gibraltar, laft from Lisbon, which port the left on the 10th inftant. She brings an acount, that the ambaffador from Spain had left that court; and that the Spanish troops were near the frontiers of Portugal. She came out with the General Wolfe, Smith, from Lipera, which the left off Topsham, and the King fton, Sleight, from Lisbon, which the left off Cowes.

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The report was made to the king of the four pirates now under fentence of death in Newgate, when his majesty was pleased to order execution to be done upon Smith and Maine only.

The Eaftern battalion of the Effex militia was reviewed, near Braintree in Effex, by their Colonel and other officers: they went thro' their evolutions and firings with Surprising dexterity, to the great fatisfaction of several thousand fpectators, who exprefied their approbation by declaring, they were not in the icaft inferior to the regular troops.

Admiral Hawke arrived at Portfmouth, and next morning his flag was hoifted on board the Superb at Spithead,


A ceffation of arms for two months, between the Swedes and Pruffians was figned on the 7th.

Numbers of people have been effected by colds, which attack them with violent pains in the ftomach, head, and bones; it is the opinion of the faculty, that its in the air, the diftemper being fo common.

Hon. Edwin Sandys, Efq; (3d fon of Lord Sandys) was elected one of the members for Weminfter, in the room of Gen. Corncuallis, appointed governor of Gibraltar.








The port of London was opened for the free importation of foreign oats; and orders are fent to Holland, Danizick, and other places, to buy oats; and it is expected the price of oats will foon be reduced.

The following eminent perfonages kifled G the king's hand at St James's, on being created English Peers:

Sir Wm Courtenay, Bart.

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from abroad. It is faid, each of them will Three new machines have been lately bro't

throw up 200 tons of water in an hour. If approved of, they are to be made use of on board ships.

The Marquis of Granby having found the crofs belts of the foldiery very inconvenient and fatiguing in time of marching, or time of action, has reprefented the fame to Lord Ligonier, and obtained an order for the troops in Germany to carry their cartouch boxes in front, with a belt. The marquis has likewife obtained new cloathing for the troops, with an additional quantity of linen and stockings.

A gentleman at Grinstead Green, in Kent, having loft a pointer, in nine weeks after, it was difcovered at the bottom of a chalk-pit, upwards of 60 feet in depth, and was taken up alive, but almoft entirely emaciated; the animal had nothing but the chalk to fubfift on, and by proper care was preferved.

Orders are given by the Poft-mafter's General, that for the future, all mails from the Weft Indies, or any part of North America, fhall, as foon as they are landed, be forwarded to London by an exprefs.

King fton in Frmaisa, Feb. 25. The island is ftill under arms, on account of the rumour of an intended invafion; and our new governor keeps the militia under ftrict difcipline: he reviewed the militia of this town the other day, which confifted of 1oco effective men, all well armed. The militia of the other parishes are likewife in good order, and all in high fpirits. There is an embargo upon all fhipping; and if war is actually declared with Spain, thofe fhips which were to have run it, will then wait for the convoy. It is faid, Admiral Rodney is coming down here with his whole fquadron

The feven men of war, which, about three months fince, fuddenly departed from Portfmouth, are arrived off Jamaica, under the command of Sir Piercy Brett,who has joined Comm. Forrest, fo that there is now 15 fail of the line befides frigates. Thefe, with thofe under the Admirals Rodney and Pocock, if he joins them, will make 40 fail of line of battle hips, all within five days fail of each other.

Lift of BIRTHS for the Year 1762.

Lady of Sir Simeon Stuart,

Lady of George Hay, of Mountblary, Scotland, Efq; of a fon

Lady of Col. Forester, member for Wenlock. -of a fon.

7. Lady of Sir Cha. Afgill, Bt.-of a fone Lady of Dr Morgan, confeffor of the houfhold,-of a fon.

9. Lady of Michael Blount, of Mapledurham, Efq;-of a daughter.

Lift of MARRIAGES in the Year 1762.

April 2

EV. Mr Wilies, 34 fon of the late chief juice Willes, to Mi Horne of Whichford, Wrawickshire.




5. Lord Robert Bertie, brother to the Duke of Ancafter,-to lady dowager Raymond. 7. Col. Guydickens,-to Mifs Tracey.

- Campbell, Efq; to the widow of Sir Cordell Firebrace, Bart.

Samuel Horfey, Efq;-to Mifs Grigby, of Bury, Suffolk.

14. Patrick Blake, Efq; of St John's College, Cambridge,-to the only daughter of the Rev. Sir Wm Bunbury.

Tho. Lockwood, Efq;-to Mifs Morris of waniea.

Liut. Jefferfon, of Rich's dragoons,-to Mits Warden of Cuckfield, Suffex.

6. Mr Hughes, a clerk of the impreft office in Lincoln's-Inn,-to Mifs Fowler.

1. Major Drax, of the Dorfetfhire militia,
to Mis Churchill, of Henbury.
Guitiford Lawfon, Efq;-

Lott, in Ireland.

-to Mifs Emilia

Charles Flood, Efq;-to Lady Frances BeIcsfere, daughter to the E. of Tyrone.

19. Lord Stopford, eldeft fon to the Earl of Caldetown, Ireland,-to Mifs Powis.

Rev. Mr Roberts, chaplain to the 71ft reg. at Edinburgh,-to Mifs Anna Ogilvy.

Rt. Hon. Lord Petre,-to the Hon. Mifs Howard, neice to the Duke of Norfolk.

20. John Morton Jordon, Efq; a Virginia merchant,- to Mifs Darby.

22. Wm Poyntz, Efq; brother to lady Spencer-to Mifs Courtenay, related to the Earl of Sandwich.

Edw. Morant, Efq; member for Hindon,to Mi's Goddard, of Conduit-street.

24. Mr Bridgen, of Pater-nofter-row, merchant,-to Mifs Richardfon, of Parfon's-green. 27. George Prowfe, Efq;-to Mits Sharpe,

hter of the late Rev. Archdeacon Sharp. Rev. Mr Markham,- -to Mifs Farr, of Kowgate-street.

Tho. Halifax, Efq; of Birchin-lane,-to Mifs Thomion, with 20,000 l.

List of DEATHS for the Year 1762.

T Martinico, the Hon, John Rollo,

Jan.capt. and maj. of brigade, of a fever.


Lieut. Henry Dundas, of Col. Coote's reg. in the East Indies.

Gen. Zastrow, of the Hanoverians at Wolfenbuttle.

Col. Peter Schuyler, of the New Jerseys, A


Sir George Cobb, Bt. at Reading, aged 90. John Mockford, at Brightelmftone; he was 60 years clerk of that parish.

March 27. Sir Ja. Norris, Bt. in Bond-ftr. 28. Rev. Dr James Tunstall, of Leicestersh. MrsOfwald, mother of Hon. James Ofwald, Efq; a lord of the admiralty.

Lady Eliz. Thickness, at Landguard-fort Sir Wm Hanham, Bart. at Drans-court, near Wimbourn, Dorfetfhire, aged 76.

30. Tho. Kynafton, Efq; at Ryton, Shropsh 31. Capt. Lachlin Leflin of the navy, at Wandsworth,

Mr Rogers, in the Isle of Man, aged 103.
Relict of-Cary, of Torr Abbey, Devon, Efq;
April 1. Heatley Carew, Efq; at Chellea.

2. Rt. Hon. Earl of Howard, aged 8o; his lordship dying without iffue the title is extinct.

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Peter St Eloy, Efq; one of the deputy regifters of the prerogative court of Canterbury. Rev. Mr Whitworth, R. of Stilton, and prebendary of Lincoln,

3. David Home of Wedderburn, Efq;
Capt. Philips of the 1ft reg. of foot-guards.
Matthew Eftcourt of Shipton Moyne,
Gloucestershire, Efq;

Mr Frye, a very ingenious painter in Hatton-garden.

J.Gibfon,of Richmond-buildings, Soho, Efq; Rev. Mr Price, R. of Newtontony, Hants, aged 80.

4. Henry Streatfield, of Chiddingstone, Kent, Efq;

Charles Powlet, Efq; late a commander of


Sir John Swinburne, Bart. at Bath.
Edw. Barber, Efq; late commander of the

George Petty, Efq; at Kingston upon Thames Mr Harper, clerk of the cheque at the victualling-office.

Lady of Dr Berney, archdeacon of Norwich, 5. Major Gen. Robinson, aged 79. Dr Bracebridge, at Drayton, Leicestershire. Geo, Glafles, Efq; at Richmond, Yorksh Mary Burch, at Perfhore, aged 105. John Brereton, Efq; at Laringfet, Norfolk, aged 84.

Rev. Dr Benfon, of Goodman's Fields.

7. Sir Harry Trelawney, of Trelawne, Cornwall, Bart. he was an aid de camp to the D. of Marlborough in Queen Anne's wars.

Sir John Barker, Bart. near Stow-market, Suffolk.

8. Mrs Martha Watson, fister to late Adm. Watson.

10. Mr Trimmer, an equerry to the late king.

Mr Jones, a meffenger to the treasury.
John Legg, of Hertford, Efq;

11. George Petty, Efq; at Sunbury.
12. Rev. Mr Harrifon, at Croydon.
Mr Wm Wetherall, a clerk in the dock-
yard at Deptford.

14. John Farrer, Efq; a proctor in Doctor's


Henry Reynell Spiller, of Hertfordfh. Efq; 15. Sir Edw. Dering, of Surrenden, Kent, Bt. John Dodge, Efq; in the Isle of Wight; he war fecretary to late Adm. Watson.

15. John Dudley, Efq; in St Martin's-lane. Mifs Sophia Knightley, of Fawley, Northamptonshire.

Mr Robertfon, in Petty France, aged 107.
Lady of Capt. Harrifon, of the Venus frig.
Marm. Conftable, Efq; receiver for Yorkih.
17. Lady of Wm St Quintin, Eiq;

Rev. Mr Taylor, R. of Congretbury, Somerfetshire, and St Ewen's, Bristol.

18. Hon. Cha. H. Lellie, 2d fon to the E. of Rothes.

Rt. Hon. Earl of Bradford, at Weston, in Buckinghamshire; the title is become extinct, but all his manors, &c. in the counties of Salop and Stafford, devolve to Madam Shaboa, widow, his neice, and fifter to William Mathi as, late Earl of Stafford, who died about eight years ago.

19. George

Lift of Preferments, Bankrupts, &c.

19. George Martin, Efq; at Reading. 21. Sir Roger L'Eftrange, of Beecles, Suff. 23. Wife of Bartholomew Burton, Efq; one of the directors of the bank, and member for Camelford.

24. Wm Cordwell, Efq; a juftice of peace for Kent.

Mrs Dudley, fifter to Sir Wm Pinfent, at Camberwell.

Mr Lock, mafter fhipwright, Chatham-yard, 25. Charles Hickes, Efq; in Craven-buildings. aged 85.

Lady of J. Afpinall, Efq; of Lincoln's-Inn.
26. Lady Lake, in Chancery-lane, aged 65.
Widow of the late Richard Chauncy, Efq;

Lift of PROMOTIONS for the Year 1762.
From the London Gazette.

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From the other Papers.

Obert Goodere, Efq;-lieut, of the band of gentlemen pensioners. Philip Sharpe, Efq;-one of the chief clerks of the Privy Council, in room of La Orwell, Mr Trilley Lamb,-a land-waiter in the port of London.

Mr Watfon, fecretary to Weftm.-hofpital. Brig. Gen. Gage, gov. of Montreal,-col. of the 2zd regiment.

Lt. Gen. Noel,-col. of the 44th reg. Major Cliffe, commander of the 117th reg. invalids..

J. Bateman, Efa;-guiden and captain, and John Jefferys, Efq;-major of the Ift troop of horse-grenadier-guards. (Court. Clayton,d.) Youngest fon of Adm. Hawke,-an enfign in the 2d reg. of foot-guards.

Tho. Pownall, Efq; late governor of New England,-director-general of comptroll, with the rank of col. in the army in Germany.

Hon. Tho. George Southwell, Efq;-governor of Limerick, Ireland.

Cha. Bodens, Efq;-confiable of the caftle of Cafflemain.

John Wemys, Efq; - lieut. gov. of Edinburgh Castle.

Captain Gordon, of the Blenheim,-commander of his majefty's fhips in the Thames and Medway.

Capt. Colby,-commander of the Biddeford
Capt. Bover, commander of the Lively.
D Greve,-phyfician of St Thomas's-hofp.
Lewis Way, Efq;-fub-governor of the S.S.
company, in room of John Briftow, refigned.
John Bignall, Efq;-one of the collectors at

John Pruefdale, Efq;-apothecary to his majesty.

Mr Crucefix,-2d clerk in the Duke of Devonshire's office.

Mr Toms, one of the houthold trumpeters,



A. Robinson,-Warnham All Saints, R.
Tho. Davies, Llan Bedz Helfrey, R.

Mr Woodcock,-Watford, V.Hertfordshire.
Mr Viner,-Hermitage, V. Warwicksh.
Dr Clarke,-Pagula, V. Yorkshire.
Geo. Pottinger,-Emberfley, V. Devon.
Dr Wray, one of the chaplains to the Abp
of Canterbury,-to Rochdale, V. Lancashire.
Mr Wynne-St Vedaft, Fofter-lane, L.

Mr Ray, a canon of Well's cathedral.
Mr Lewis, Cayo, L. Carmarthenshire.
Difpenfation to hold two Livings.

J. Richards Newcastle V.
L. L. D.

Bettuo Laleftone,C.



Herbert Bradford 2 Aylminster V. 7 Herefordi

M. A.


S Kavenlys, R. S Radnorth,

New Members.

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David Salomons, of Crutched Fryars, broker.
Arthur Annesley, of Newcastle-court, goldfm.
Ifaac Gingell, of Sutton Benger, Wilts,malfter
John Matthews, of Gloucester, victualler.
John Hutchinfon, of Portfmouth, victualler.
Kirby Curling, of Wootton, Kent, dealer,
Nat. Waterhouse, of Lutterworth, dyer.
James Collerat, of Exeter, merchant.
Hugh Macawley, of Bredzor, Wiltsh. lin-drap.
Andrew Hunter, of GreatRuffel-freet,jeweller
Eliz. Vallance, of Borden, Kent, shop-keeper.
R. Cheese, of Leigh, Worcestersh, cyder-mer.
John Lawfon, of Kingston upon Hull,mercht.
John Oram, of Leicester, furrier.

Thomas Walker, of Thames-ftreet, mercht.
Gab. Benj. Maifonneuve, of Craven-street,

Wm Boden, of Queen-court, Bafinghall-Areet,

Benj. Mitchell, of London, merchant.
Wm Stringer, of Eltham in Kent, victualler.
Abel Oram, of Sheepshead in Leicestersh.hofier.
Bill of Mortality from March 23 to April 27.
Males 736
Males 1239
Females 7411527
Females 12372523

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