
Preliminaries between Great Britain, France and Spain. 571

of the river Miffifippi, except the town of
New Orleans, and the island in which it is
fituated, which fhall remain to France;
provided that the navigation of the river
Miffihppi fhall be equally free, as well to
the fubjects of Great Britain, as to thofe A
of France, in its whole breadth and length,
from its fource to the fea, and that part
exprefly, which is between the faid ifland
of New Orleans, and the right bank of that
river, as well as the passage both in and out
of its mouth. It is further ftipulated, that
the veffels belonging to the subjects of ei-
ther nation, shall not be stopped, vifited, or
fubjected to the payment of any duty what
foever. The ftipulations, in favour of the
inhabitants of Canada, inferted in the fe-
cond article, fhall also take place, with
regard to the inhabitants of the countries
ceded by this article.


VII. The king of Great Britain shall reftore to France the islands of Guadaloupe, of Mariegalante, of Defirade, of Martinico, C and of Belleifle; and the fortreffes of these islands shall be restored in the fame condition they were in, when they were conquered by the British arms; provided that the term of 18 months, to be computed from the day of the ratification of the definitive treaty, fhall be granted to his Baitannick majefty's fubjects, who may have fettled in the faid islands, and other places restored to France by the defini tive treaty, to fell their eftates, recover their debts, and to transport their effects, as well as their persons, without being reftrained, on account of their religion, or under any pretence whatsoever, except that of debts, or of criminal profecutions. .. VIII. The Moft Chriftian king cedes and guaranties to his Britannick majesty, in full right, the islands of Grenada, and the Grenadines, with the fame ftipulations in favour of the inhabitants of this colony, as are inferted in the IId article for those of Canada: And the partition of the islands called neutral, is agreed and fixed, fo that F thofe of St Vincent, Dominico, and Tobago, shall remain in full right to England, and that of St Lucia fhall be delivered to France, to enjoy the fame in like manner in full right: The two crowns reciprocally guarantying to each other the partition fo ftipulated.

IX. His Britannick majesty shall reflore to France the island of Goree in the condition it was in when conquered: And his Moft Chriftian majefty cedes in full right, and guaranties to the king of Great Britain, Senegal.

X. In the E. Indies, Gr. Britain shall restore to France the leveral comptoirs, [factories] which that crown had, on the coast of Coromandel, as well as on that of Malabar, and alfo in Bengal, at the commencement of hoftilities between the two companies in the year 1749, in the condition in which shey now are, on condition that his Mos

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Christian majefty renounces the acquifi. itons which he has made on the coaft of Coromandel, fince the faid commencement of hoftilities between the two companies in the year 1749.

His Most Christian majesty, on his fide, fhall refiore all that he fhall have conquered from Great Britain, in the Eaft Indies, during the present war: and he also engages not to erect any fortifications, or to keep any troops in Bengal.

XI. The inland of Minorca fhall be reftered to his Britannick majefty, as well as Fort St Philip, in the fame condition they were in, when they were conquered by the arms of the Moft Chriftian king; and with the artillery that was there at the taking of the faid ifland, and of the said fort,

XII. France thall reftore all the countries belonging to the electorate of Hanover, to the Landgrave of Heffe, to the Duke of Brunswick, and to the Count of La Lippe Buckebourg, which are, or shall be occupied by the arms of his Moft Chriftian majeťty: The fortreffes of thefe different countries fhall be restored in the same condition they were in, when they were conquered by the French arms; and the pieces of artillery, which shall have been carried elfewhere, fhall be replaced by the fame number, of the fame bore, weight, and metal? As to what regards hoftages exacted or given during the war, to this day, they shall be fent back without ranfom.

XIII. After the ratification of the preliminaries, France hall evacuate, as foon as it can be done, the fortreffes of Cleves, Wefel, and Gueldres, and in general all the countries of the king of Pruffia; and, at the same time, the British & French armies fhail evacuate ail the countries which they occupy, or may then occupy, in WAphalia, Lower Saxony, on the Lower Rhine, the Upper Rhine, and in all the Empire; and each shall retire into the dominions of their respective fovereigns: And their Britannick and Moft Chriftian majefties further engage and promise, not to turnish any fuccour of any kind, to their respective allies, who fhall continue engaged in the prefent war in Germany.

XIV. The towns of Oftend and Niespors hall be evacuated by his Moft Chriftian majesty's troops, immediately after the fignature of the prefent preliminaries.

XV. The decifion of the prizes, made on the Spaniards by the fubjects of Great Britain in time of peace, fhall be referred to the Courts of Justice of the Adiniralty of Great Britain, conformably to the rules established among all nations, fo that the validity of the faid prizes between the Brie tijh and Spanish nations shall be decided and judged according to the law of nations, and according to treaties, in the courts of juftice of the nation who shall have made the capture.



Preliminaries between Great Britain, France and Spain.

XVI. His Britannick majesty shall caufe all the fortifications to be demolished which His fubjects fhall have erected in the Bas of Honduras, and other places of the territory of Spain in that part of the world, four months after the ratification of the definitive treaty: And his Cath·lic ma jefty fhall not for the future, fuffer the fubjects of his Britamick majesty, or their workmen, to be disturbed or molested under any pretence whatsoever, in their occupation of cutting, loading, or carrying away logwood; and for this purpose, they may build without hindrance, and occupy without interruption, the houses and magazines neceffary for them, for their families, and for their effects; and his faid Catholic majefty affures to them by this article, the entire enjoyment of what is above ftipulated.

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XVII. His Catholic majesty desists from all pretenfions which he may have formed of the right of fishing about the island of C Newfoundland.

XVIII, The king of Great Britain (hall reftore to Spain all that he has conquered in the inland of Cuba, with the fortiefs of the Havannab; and that fortrefs, as well as all the other fortreffes of the said island, fhall be reftored in the fame condition they were in when they were conquered by his D Britannick majesty's arms.

XIX. In confequence of the reftitution Aipulated in the preceding article, bis Catholic majefty cedes and guaranties, in full right, to his Britannick majesty, all that Spain poffeffes on the continent of North America, to the E. or to the S. E. of the ri· ver Miffippi. And his Britannick majefty agrees to grant to the inhabitants of this country, above ceded, the liberty of the Catholic religion: He will, in confequence, give the moft exa&t and most effectual orders, that his new Roman Catholic fubjects may profefs the worship of their religion according to the rites of the Roman church, as far as the laws of Great Britain permit. His Britannick Majesty farther la• grees, that the Spas inhabitants or others who would have been subjects of the Catholic king in the faid countries, may retire, in all fafety and freedom;s wherever they pleases and may fell thein estates, provided it be to his Britannick majefty's Pojede, and tranfpore their efecte, las well as their perfonsy without being reArained in their emigration under any pretence whatsoever, except debris, and riminal profecutions The term limited for this emigration, being fixed to the fpace of 18 months, to be computed from the day of the ratification of the definitive treaty. It is farther ftipulated, that his Catholic majefty fhall have power to caufe all the effects, hat balong to him,either artillery, or others, to be carried away,

XX. The king of Portugal, his Britan 4 majer's ally, is exprefsly included in



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the prefent preliminary articles, And their moft Chriftian and Catholic majef ties engage to re-establish the ancient peace and friendship between them and his Most Faithful majefty: And they promife,

ift. That there shall be a total ceffation of hoftilities between the crowns of Spain and Portugal, and between the Spanish and French troops, on the one fide, and the Portuguese troops, and those of their allies, on the other, immediately after the ratification of these preliminaries: And that there shall be a like cessation of hostilities between the respective forces of the Moft Chriftian and Catholic kings, on the one part, and thofe of the Moit Faithful king, on the other, in all other parts of the world, as well by fea as land which ceffation fhall be fixed on the fame epochs, and under the fame conditions, as that between Great Britain, France, and Spain, and fhall continue till the conclusion of the definitive treaty between Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal.

ad. That all his Most Faithful majesty's fortreffes and countries in Europe, which Shall have been conquered by the Spani and French armies, thall be restored in the fatne condition they were in when they were conquered and that, with regard to the Portuguese colonies in America, or elfewhere, it any change fhall have happened in them, all things thall be put again on the fame footing they were before the prefent war, And the Most Faithful king fhall be invited to accede to the prefent preliminary articles as foon as shall be poffible.

XXI. All the countries and territories which may have been conquered, in any part of the world whatsoever, by the arms of their Birtannick and Moft Faithful majef ties, as well as by thofe of their Moft Chrif tian and Catholick majesties, which are not included in the pretent articles, either under the title of ceffions, or under the title of restitutions, shall be reftored without difficulty, and without requiring compenfations.

XXII. As it is neceffary to affign a fixed epeach for the restitutions, and the evacuations, to be made by each of the high contracting parties, it is agreed, that the Bri

and French fhall proceed, immediately after the ratification of the preeliminaries, to the evacuation of the countries which they occupy in the Empire, or elsewhere, conformable to the 12th and 13h articles,


The island of Belleifle fhall be evacuated fix weeks after the ratification of the denmitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done.

Guadaloupe, Defirade, Mariegalante, Martinico, and St Lucia, three months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or -fooner if it can be done.

Great Britain fhall likewife at the end of three

Preliminaries between Great Britain, France and Spain. 573

three months after the ratification of the
definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be
done, enter into poffeffion of the river and
of the port of Mobile, and of all that is to
form the limits of the territory of Great
Britain, on the fide of the Miffippi, as they A
are fpecified in the 6th article. I

The island of Gored thaibe evacuated by
Great Britain, three montlis after the rati-
fication of the definitive treaty; and the
iland of Minorca by France, at the fame
epoch, or fooner if it can be done. And
according to the conditions of the 4th ar-
ticle, France fhall allo enter into poffeffion B
of the iflands of St Peter, and of Miquelon,
at the end of three months.

The comptoirs [factories] in the Eat Indies, fhall be reftored fix months after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done. sh

The inland of Cuba, with the fortrefs of the Havannab, fhall be reftored 3 months after the ratification of the definitive trea- C ty, or fooner if it can be done : And, at the fame time, Great Britain fhall enter into poffeffion of the country ceded by Spain according to the 19th article.

All the fortreffes and countries of his Moft Faithful majefty, in Europe, fhall be reftored immediately after the ratification of the definitive treaty: And the Portuguefe colonies which may have been conquered, fhall be reftored in the fpace of 3 months in the West Indies, and of fix months in the East Indies, after the ratification of the definitive treaty, or fooner if it can be done.

In confequence whereof, the neceffary orders thall be fent by each of the high Contracting parties, with reciprocal paffports for the fhips which thail carry them, immediately after the ratification of the definitive treaty.

XXIII. All the treaties, of what nature foever, which exifted, before the prefent war, as well between their Britannick and Molt Chriftian majesties, as between their Britannick and Catholic majefties, sowers between any of the above-named powers and his Moft Faithful ruajefty, thall be, as they ate in effect, renewed and confirmed, in all their points, which are not derogated from by the prefent preliminary articles, notwithstanding whatever may have been flipulated to the contrary by any of the high contracting parties: And all the faid parties declare, that they will not fuffer any privilege, favour, or indulgence, to fubfift, contrary to the treaties above confirmed.

XXIV. prifoners made refpectively by the arms of their Britannick, Molt Chriftian, Catholic, and Moft Faithful majefties, by land and by tea, fhall be restored reciprocally, and bona fide, after the ratification of the definitive treaty, without ranfom, paying the debts they fhall have contracted, during their captivity. And each crown thall refpectively pay the ad


vances which shall have been made for the
fubliftence and maintenance of their prifo-
ners, by the lovereign of the country
where they thall have been detained, ac-
cording to the receipts and attefted ac-
counts, and other authentic titles which
fhall be furnished on each tide.

XXV. In order to prevent all caufes of
complaints, and difputes which may arife,
on account of fhips, merchandizes, and
other effects, which may be taken at fea,
ito is reciprocally agreed, that the hips,
merchandizes, and effects, which may be
taken in the Channel, and in the North
Seas, after the space of 12 days, to be com-
puted from the ratification of the prefent
preliminary articles, thall be reciprocally
restored on each fide. id not bas

id That the term shall be fix weeks for the prizes taken, from the Channel, the Briti Seas, and the North Seas, as far as the in the Canary Islands inclufively, cither in Ocean, or in the Mediterranean.

Three months from the faid Canary Iflands as far as the Equinoctial line, or Equator.

Lattly, fix months, beyond the faid Equinoctial line, or Equator, and in all other parts of the world, without any exception, or other more particular defcrip tion of time and place. i ha

XXVI. The ratifications of the prefent preliminary articles fhall be expedited in good and due form, and exchanged in the fpace of one month, or fooner if it can be done, to be computed from the day of the fignature of the prefent articles.

In witness whereof, we the under written minifters plenipotentiary of his Britannick majefty, of his Moft Chriftian majefty, and of his Catholic majefty, in virtue of our refpective full powers, have figned the prefent preliminary articles, and have caufed the feal of our arms to be put thereto.Done at Fontainbleau, Nov. 3, 1762. 41 (LS) BEDFORD, C. P. S. L S.) CHOISEUL, DUC DE PRASLIN. F(L. S.) EL MARC DE GRIMALDI. Declaration figned at Fontainbleau, Nov. 3, 010762, hy the French Plenipotentiary, relating

to the 13th Anticle of the Preliminaries. VAIS Mon Chriftian majesty declares, that

in agreeing to the 13th article of the preliminaries, figned this day, he does-not a mean to stenounce the right of acquitting G his debts to his allies, and that the remitstandes, which may be made on his part, in

order to acquit the arrears that may be due bron the fubidies of preceding years, are not torbe confidered as an infraction of the faid articlebaza nude pi

roInwitnefs whereof, I, the under-writran
minifter plenipotentiary of his Moft Chrif
tian majesty, have figned the prefent accla
ration, and have caufed the feal of my arme
to be put thereto, ad

Done at Fantainbleau, Nov. 3, 762


Account of the Works of Zoroafter.

An Account of the MSS attributed to Zoroafter. Continued from p. 530.


HE Second Work contained in the Vendidad Sade, is the Jzechne, which the Perfes in general confider as a compleat treatife. The word Fzechne,fignifies Bleffing, accompanied A with Praife, which is the general form of the Perfes prayers. The Neaefch expreffes the humility of the perfon who recites it; the fefcht contains a pompous eulogium of the being to whom it is addreffed; the echt is offered up with more folemnity, and is, thought to be more efficacious; waser which is confecrated to certain ceremonies is allo called fefchlee-wa ter, and it is fuppofed to have a particular virtue which gives it an influence even over the foul. If the prayer, includes a petition, it is called an Afergan.

The Tzechne confifts of feventy-two chapters, which are called Ha. Ha is a contraction of Hatam, the fecond word of the expreffion Jenjube Hatam, fo let it be. A form of words, equivalent to our Amen, with which every chapter of the fzechne is concluded.


piled upon the Avan, which, in gure Tomewhat refembles a Chalice, and the juice that exudes, they call the water of life; the virtues of this apin the use of it, are particularized paratus, and the ceremonies practifed in the fzechne, but Zoroafter always took care to add, that he who read the Avefta, ought to be pure in thought, word,and deed.

Zordofler alfo recommended the Kefchi, which are marriages between Couûn Germans; he bestows great encomiums upon fubordination, and, declares,that every state or clafs ought foldiers, labourers, and handicraftfto have a chief; thefe ftates are priests, men. He adds, that the women would do well to place at their head, a perfon of their own fex, comely and fruitful, He often repeats his injunctions to take care of brute aniC mals, and fays a word or two of the pure Als.

This animal the Pelvic Cofmogony calls, the three footed Afs, and places him in the middle of the Euphrates: He has, fays the author of this work, fix eyes, nine mouths, two ears, and Da horn of gold; his body is white, he is fed with celestial food, and thoufands of men and animals may pafs Between his legs; it is he who purifies the water of the Euphrates, and waters the feven divifions of the earth; when he makes his voice to be heard, the filhes created by Ormuld conceive, and the productions of Ahriman caft their

This work is divided into two parts; the first, which contains 27 chapters, relates to the fupreme Being, his word, and his creatures: The other part, which contains 47 chapters, confifts of prayers, addreffed to Ormufd and his angels; and in thefe the neceffities of mankind are particularly E mentioned.e

This work is in general more a liturgy than any other, and mention is frequently made in it of the apparatus neceffary for the minifter of the law, when he reads the Aveta. This minifter is called the Djout, a name fignifying one who reads with rapidity his affiftant is called the Rapi, (1. e.) one who prepares the fire! The prin- to ciple particulars of the apparatus are thefe:

The Alefchdan, or chafing dish, which contains the facred fire Тене Barom, a bundle of small twigs bound together; the Avan, or bell, the hammer. of the bell; the Mahrou, or audiruns, which fupport the chafing diff; the cups, the falvers, a ring furrounded


Account of the Works of Zoroafter.

tree Hom, and then featters them up. on the earth; when five pious and holy perfons are in one place, I am there, fays Hom, in the midit of them.

This Hom bound Afraieh, king of Touran, to a wall of orals; when Vi. A venganm prayed for a child, he gave him Djemchid, he gave allo Feridoun, the conqueror of Zoak, to Alvian. The hero Guerfchofp, who flew the ferpent, was the fruit of prayers which Saman his father addreffed to Hom, and Porofchap, the father of Zoroafler, owed that illustrious offfpring to his protection.

575 caufe their year confifts of 12 months, each of which has 30 days.

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The zechne concludes with the eulogy of Serefch, the angel of the terreitial world, who watches over it for its prefervation, and with a fummary of the law, to this effect. Read the "Honover, which is pure and victorious, which fall burn like ftubble "and dry wood all who are impure "in thought, word, or deed; and re"gard with religious veneration, alle "that Ormufd has done, all that he "does, and all that he thall do." This fummary is agreeable to the precept of Ormuld, Adore all that I have cre "ated, for it is the fame as if ye a

mand of the fupreme Being, Zoroafter, in the beginning of the Techne, hings the praife of the Periodekijchans, and Keanians, the firft and fecond dynalties of the kings of the Perfes, of the places which afford pafture, and fhelter to cattle, of light from the firt created ox, from which mankind proceeded, and of the foul of Kaiomorts, the first king of the fift dynasty.

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