



Hiftorical Chronicle, December 1762.

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A fire broke out about one o'clock in the Duke of Wurtemburg's new palace at Stutgard,' which deftroyed the greateft part of the furniture, and left only the bare walls ftanding. The damage is computed at 200,000 florins; about 10,000l.

About the fame time a fire broke out in one of the largest buildings of the General Hofpital at Chalons in France, in which 14 perfons perifhed, and 16,800 bushels of corn, laid up for the ufe of the poor, with a vaft quantity of woollen goods, were confumed. FRIDAY 19.

A premium of five guineas, was given by the Dublin fociety for the following receipt to kill rats. One quart of oatmeal, four drops of rhodium, one grain of mufk, two nutts of nux vomica, the whole made very fine, and placed where the rats frequent, and continued while they eat it.


The Town Clerk's Office in Newcastle was brake open, and robbed of a confiderable fum of money. One Barnes has been fince apprehended on fufpicion, who has confeffed, that he, with one Gaul, propofed this winter to have robbed Mr Dalton, goldfmith, having already poifoned his hop dog.

At Greenock in Scotland, a young fellow was killed by an odd accident. An iron bullet, as it was thought, that lay by the fire-fide, land was used for any neceffary purposes for which it was thought fit, happened to prove a hand-grenade, and in breaking fome soal with it, took fire, burft, and killed him on the spot. TUESDAY 23.

A remarkable robbery was committed near Mour-fields by a linkman, who having offered his fervice to a country gentleman to light him thro' the fog, decoyed him into a byeplace, and with an accomplice, after thrusting the link in his face, took from him his great coat, watch and money.-A caution to ether country gentlemen to be upon their guard.


A number of people furrounded the houfe of John Pritcbers, of Weft Langdon in Kent, and under a notion of her bewitching one Ladd, a boy about 13 years old, dragged out his wife by violence, and compelled her to go to the faid Ladd's father's houfe, about a mile from her own, where they forced her into the room where the boy was, fcratched her arms and face in a molt cruel manner,

to draw blood, as they faid, of the witch, and then threatened to fwim her; but fome people of condition interpofing, the poor woman's life was happily preferved; and the perfons concerned in carrying on the imposture, particularly one Beard, and Ladd's wife, being carried before a magiftrate, and compelled to make fatisfaction to the unhappy injured woman, the mob difperfed, and the country that was every where in tumult is again quieted. The boy pretended to void needles and pins from his body, and his father and mother ap held the deceit, and collected large fums of money of thofe whofe compaffion was ex cited by fo melancholy a fituation.


Being the birth day of the Princess Dow ager, who then entered into the 44th year of her age, there was a great court at St James's, and at Leicefter boufe, where her R. H. received the complements of the nobility, foreign ministers, &c.

The officers of the garrison of Pondicherry, to the number of 60, have tranfmitted nine articles of impeachment against Gen. Lally, for imbezzlement and mifbehaviour.

About the beginning of the month, part of the brave garrison of Schweidnitz, after furviving fo many dangers and fatigues, perished at the mouth of the Oder. Sixty barges, on board of which they were put, with other prifoners of war, to be carried to Konig foerg, being overtaken by a ftorm, part of them was dafhed against the rocks, and the reft funk. Of the whole number, only nine men were faved.

Three feamen were apprehended at Liver pool for heading a mob, and, with beat of drum, proclaiming round the docks, "That "no British failor muft engage in any hip "under 40s. per month; and, if any fo"reigner entered for lefs, they should not "leave the town alive." Several merchants reprefented to them, the rifque they run by fuch a riotous behaviour, but to no purpofe, till they were taken into cuftody. After their mittimus was made, a concourfe of people, on the road to Lancaster goal, affembled under the pretence of a bull-baiting, furrounded the officers, and fuffered the prifoners to escape. The Eaft India company have fhipped their feamen at 35 s. per month.


The ceffation of arms was proclaimed at the Royal Exchange, and the fufual places in London and Westminster.

The commiffioners of the navy contracted for tranfports to bring the troops from Germany.

At a meeting of the merchants, a memorial was drawn up to be prefented to the Lords of Trade against Mr Touchett's petition to his majefty, for an exclufive trade to the river Senegal.

The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and feveral other Commiffioners, met for the ant time


to enquire into the ftate of the keys on the north fide of the river Thames, when it was agreed, that fome of the wharfs above bridge, fhould be made free keys for the landing of all forts of merchants good.

The Rt Hon. the E. of Bute, prefented a very ancient image of William of Wickham, near two feet and a half in length, to the warden and fellows of the college near Win- A chefter, of which that great prelate was the founder,

Notice is given, that paffports are now unneceflary for perfons going out of the kingdom in any of his majesty's packet boats.


The merchants trading to the conquered inlande, met at the King's Arms, in order to B draw up a perition to be prefented to his majefty, praying to be fecured in their property, before thefe islands are evacuated by the Engli

Sampfon Gideon's legacy of 500l. was paid to the Treasurer of the British lying-in-Hufpital in Brownlow-fireet.


Artificers of different branches were difcharged from Porifmouth dock-yard to the number of 105.

A perfon unknown had the boldness to fire a pifol at the picture of St Ignatius, in the church lately occupied by the Jefuits in Paris, and afterwards made his efcape. The officiating priest has ever fince refufed to perform divine fervice in this church till it is reconfecrated, alledging, that by this act it is become unfanctified.


A fudden and radiant light was feen at Lulworth Cafle in Dorfetfhire, which feemed to overspread the earth and fea, with a splendor equal to the moon day fummer Sun. On looking up, perpendicular to the horizon, appeared a meteor, refulgent as the Sun itself, in form as ftreight as a line, about eight times the diameter of the full moon in length, in breadth not an eighth part of its length; its duration about a minute: After which, it altered its pofition, and changed into a ferpen. tine form, and feemed to terminate in (moke. This meteor is the fame deferibed by Hitchins, (fee firft form) but feen by bim juft at going off. MONDAY 6.

A caufe was tried at the Common Pleas be tween a merchant and a baronet; the action was brought by the former against the latter for winning a fum of money of him at gameing, and a verdict was given the plantiff with 700 L damages.

Two perfons dealing in fish, were the fame day convicted before the fitting alderman for having flinking falmon in their custody, and paid the penalty of 40 9. each.




-1embled at the trial, à refcue was apprehended, but the man himself being made fenfible of his crime and the folly of it, interpofed, and perfuaded them to difperfe; upon which, the court thought fit to mitigate his fentence, and to limit his confinement to fix weeks

All the dominions of the Prince of Heffe being evacuated by the French, his Serene Highness this day made his public entry into his capital, amidst the acclamations of his loyal fubjects.

The Duke de Nivernois, ambassador extraordinary from France; Mcflrs. Querini and Merafini, amballadors extraordinary from Ve nice Count Weldern, envoy extraordinary from the States General; Count Worenzetu. minifter plenipotentiary from Ruffia; Le Chevalier Mafin, fent from the Mafter of Maita; had private audiences of his R. H. the Duke of Cumberland.


Paffports from the Secretery of State's of fice began to be delivered out to the mer chants who applied for them, to trade to any of the ports of France.

His majefly's fhip St George was put out of commiflion at Perifmouth, and the crew were paid their wages and difcharged; as was the crew of the Northumberland on Wednesday, and many others fince.

Several regiments of the militia are likewife ordered to be difembodied, and to return home forthwith


Was the most numerous House of Commons that has been known this year, in order to take into confideration the preliminary a ticles of peace; when they were approved by a very great majority. Mr Pit was prefent, tho' unable to stand, and was, by the indulgence of the house, permitted to speak fitting. FRIDAY 10.

Came on at the commiffion of Oyer and Terminer at Dublin, the trial of Neale Molleg and his wife, (fee p. 482.) when both were honourably acquitted.

The Houfe of Peers waited on his majesty with their address of thanks on the prelimina Fry articles of peace.


The clerk to the weaver's club was tried at the quarter feffions at Guildball, for being concerned in tying two men back to back, and in a riotous manner fetting them on horfe- H back, and driving them through the rects, for working under price. He was found guilty, and fentenced to fuffer three months imprisonment in Newgate, and to pay a fine 5. Sd. Great numbers of weavers being af

Notice was given at the General Poft Of fice, that the mail for Flanders would for the future be fent by the way of Offend instead of Flushing, and would be continued every Tuef day and Friday.

Clarke, a brewer, sentenced and put on board to be tranfported for 14 years for buying ftolen butts, was again lodged in Newgate by a warrant of detainer, being charged with fraudulently concealing his effects from his creditors, under a ffatute of bankruptcy. His fister has been fent to the fame place, for not answering fatisfactory to the commiffioners.

Baron Dewitz, envoy extraordinary from the Duke of Mecklenburg, had a private audience of leave of his majesty.


Fudge Harrow, a notorious thief and houfe breaker, and one of the gang who robbed Farmer Glasscock of Hirchin, in Hertfordfire, of gool. ffee p. 500.) was apprehended at Worldbank in Staffordshire, and fafely lodged in


Gloucefler goal. He had for fome time refided
at Wotton, near Gicucefter, under the character
of a deferter from one of his majesty's ships of
war, but being fufpected of worfe practices,
and a defcription of him fent to Sir John
Fielding, he thought fit haftily to retire, with
a woman who came to Wotton along with him.
On the arrival of Fielding's men at Wotton,
they foon difcovered which road he had ta-
ken, and being active in the purfuit, the
thief takers furprized both him and his wo-
man in bed; and, though Harrow had three
brace of piftols charged by his bed-fide, yet
they broke in upon him fo fuddenly, that he
had not prefence of mind to make use of one,
but furrendered himself quietly, and was car-
ried to goal in a poft-chaife.


Mr Williams, at the Broad Arrow in Grube freet, of five guineas, and other goods. Robert Newington, for burglary, in forcing his hand through the glass window of a dwelling house, and taking out a filver milk-pot, fome money, and other things of fmall value; and A Elizabeth Goodman, for privately ftealing from Charles Yalding, a Hackney coachman, his filver watch. At this feffions 26 received fentence of tranfportation for 7 years; three to be branded in the hand; 34 acquitted; 12 discharged by proclamation, and three remanded back to take their trials at the affizes for Surry and Radner. Among the felons tranfportation is the famous Derbin, against whom the evidence was not futficient to affect his life,


Mrs Walb, miftress of the Bull and Butcher, in Coro-lane, was found dead, with her neck and face burnt in a terrible manner, fuppofed by her handkerchief's taking fire while fhe was in liquor. She was thought to be the largest and most masculine woman in England. C SUNDAY 12.


Mr Cheney and his wife were both found murdered in their houfe at Hungerford in Wiltfire; the former, in his chair, with his brains beat out; the latter on the floor, weltering in her blood, not yet dead, but fpeechlefs, with feveral ftabs and wounds in her body, of which the expired the next day. The villains do not appear to have got much booty, an old filver watch and fome rings being all that is yet miffing; it was reported that a large fum of money was in the houfe, but that has been fince contradicted upon good authority, a neighbour having applied but a few days before for the change of a 30l. Bank note, which the old gentleman could not give; they were both old, and reputed rich, but were E very cross and very penurious, infomuch that the old maid who had lived with them many years, was often obliged to spend her evenings at a neighbour's, becaufe they would not allow her fire to keep her warm at home. She was abroad on this account the night the murder was perpetrated, of which no difcovery has yet been made, except that two nights before, two ftrangers were feen in the town, who enquired for the deceased by name, but did not then call upon them, neither could it be learnt-where they lay the night they were taken notice of, though diligent fearch had been made throughout the whole town.

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Mary Samuel and Ann Haywood, both for the murder of their batard children, were acquitted, the circumftances being favourable in both cafes, and the jury inclinable to fhew


Peter Annet, author of the Free Enquirer, ftood in the pillory at Charing-Crefs, pursuant to his fentence. (See p. 560.)

A lieutenant of dragoons was decoyed inta a house of ill fame in Fleet-fireet, by a woman of the town, and was there robbed by the woman of the house, and an accomplice, of two 5cl. Bank notes, one of tool. and about ten guineas in money. One Haynes the mafter of the houfe's being carried before a magiftrate, one of the notes was found crumpled up in his hand, and the other two he difgorged on being fqueezed by the throat by one of the conftables who had obferved fomething in his mouth when he was making his defence. TUESDAY 14.

A gang of villains in Oxfordshire were apprehended and committed to Oxford goal, viz. Toomas Gulliver, John Coxill, Jofep b Weftbury, and Elias Hicks. Thefe fellows have long been a terror to the country, robbing houses, Bealing theep, poultry, and pilfering whatever came in their way; but at length quarreling among themselves, they were overheard, and thereby discovered.

At a court of Common Council, the thanks of the court was unanimoufly voted to Sir Samuel Fiudyer, late Lord Mayor, for his diligent and honourable difcharge of that high and important office, &c.

A writ of error, was, by advice of council, directed to be brought into the House of Lords, in relation to the caufe concerning the Diffenters refufing to ferve the office of theriff G of London.

A trial came on in the court of King's Bench, in which Wm Thomas was plantiff, and Wm Bacon defendant, on the ftatute of H ufury, when a verdict was given for the plantiff with goo, damages, and treble cofts of fuit.

The feffions ended at the Old Baily, when three convicts, received fentence of death, v, Ann Lyon for robbing her matter,


The Berkshire militia quartered in and about Reading, were difembodied; as have the militia of almost every other country.

At a meeting of the fociety of arts, a gold medal was adjudged to Jobn Freeman, Efq; of Chute Lodge, for fowing the greateft quantity of Spanish chefnut, which was above 400,000.

Two men working in a crane at the Cuftom-house, one of them, without any previous notice, jumped out of the wheel, which went round with fuch velocity that his companion was dashed to pieces.- contrivance has been



offered to the public to prevent such accidents, but nobody pays any regard to it.

The agents for the Hermione prize met at the Ship tavern behind the Royal Exchange, to make a fecond payment, when each common man received 450. FRIDAY 17.

A fox was taken up alive in Hanover-square having been purfued for near 20 miles, and fairly hunted down.

Martha, the wife of John Walker, flood on a fcaffold erected for that purpose at the High Crofs in Chefter, with a paper affixed on her breaft with thefe words in large characters. This woman is convicted for an attempt to poison her bufband.


A legacy of 800l. was paid by the execu trixes of Mrs Ifabella Smithfon, for the use of the county hofpital at York."

Books of congratulatory verses on the birth of a Prince of Wales, were prefented to their majefties by Dr Goddard, vice chanceller of the univerfity of Cambridge, and were most graciously received.


His majefty came with the ufual state to the Houfe of Peers, and gave the royal affent to the land tax (4s. in the pound) and maltbills, and to feveral private bills; after which, both houfes adjourned to the 20th of January.

A man was found ftrangled on a gate of a Held at Mitcham in Surry. He had stolen a fheep, tied its hind legs together, and put them over his forehead to carry it away; but in getting over the gate, the theep it is thought ftruggled, and by a fudden spring, had flipt its feet down to his throat; for they were found in that pofture, the sheep hanging on one fide of the gate, and the man dead on the other.


Peter Annet, already mentioned, flood a fecond time on the pillory at the Royal Exchange, pursuant to his fentence.


Orders were received at the War-Office, to continue the light troops in full pay till the 23d of next month.

A fcheme was laid before the publick in the London Chronicle for establishing an office at the government's expence, for the loan of money at a moderate interest to the poor. It feems to be upon much the fame plan with the charitable corporation fome years ago; and, perhaps, will be the worse received on that account.


The Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor and the two fheriffs of London, according to an annual cuftom, went to all the markets, and collected provifions and money for the poor debtors . within the feveral goals of this city.


ed. The Chevalier de Madene loft his right
arm, three of his officers are wounded, and all
the reft killed.


Being a high feftival, their majefties, pre-
'ceded by the Heralds. &c. went to the Chapel
Royal, and with others the of the royal fami-
Aly, received the facrament from the hands of
the Bp of London, and afterwards made their
offerings at the altar, for the benefit of the
poor, in feveral purfes. The king's is a by-
zant, or wedge of gold, value 30l.







A letter received this day from Portsmouth. fays, that many of the French prifoners exprefs great diffatisfaction at being ordered home, and that fome who were deftined to embark, have actually made their escape.


A mail arrived from New York, by which there is advice, that Comm. Keppel, by the affiftance of fome privateers, has taken four French frigates, and 18 fail of merchantmen, bound from St Dominga for Old France, and all very richly laden.

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In the courfe of the war we have taken from the French 18 fhips of the lines and 36 frigates, and deftroyed 14 ships and 13 frigates, and they have loß by accidents, 5 this and 6 frigates; fo that on the whole their navy has been deprived of 37 capital ships, and 55 frigates. From the Spaniards we have taken 12 thips and 4 trigates. Our lofs has been only 2 frigates taken, and 3 destroyed, and 13 ships and 14 frigates loft by accident.

A letter from vice-admiral Saunders was this day received at the Admiralty-Office, by which their lorathips are intormed, that his H majefty's fhip the Brune, Capt. Tonyn, had brought into Gibraltar the Oifeau a French frigate of 26 guns and 240 men, which he took October 23, after an obtinate engagement, in winch the Brune had fix men killed, and 14 wounded, and the Cfeau 49 killed and wound

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The prize question for the year 1764, propofed to the Literati of all nations, by the Berlin academy of fciences and Belles Lettres, is, When the fovereignty of the Gracion What Emperors at Rome totally ceafed ? was then the government of the Romans? And at what time was the Papal fovereignty eftablished The prize is a gold medal of fixty ducats weight. The academy's judg ment will be declared the 31st of May 1764

One Rice, a broker, lately forged a letter of attorney for 30,00c/, in flock, in the name of a lady in the North, which he fold and transferred, and has fince made his efcape; he was feen on Sunday last on the Portsmouth road, in confequence of which, feveral expreffes have been difpatched after him, which it is hoped will foon bring him back.

Letters from Spain take notice, that the king had fettled a pension of 3000 crowns on the widow of Don Velafco, who fo bravely de fended Fort Moro; and created his fon a Peer of Caftile, by the title of Marquis de Fermora ; and had ordered that one ship of the Spani navy should always bear the name of Veld The governor of the Havannab, and the admiral who commanded the fleet at that place, have been ordered to repair to Madrid, and an enquiry into their conduct is already begun. NEW.S. PLANTATION

A very fine Dutch fhip, 300 tons burthen, has been carried into New York, laden with white fugar and indigo, and alfo a schooner loaded with the like commodities. The Provincials from the Ilavannab are likew-fc are



Lifts of Births, Marriages, and Deaths.

rived there; and, it is faid, that each private man's share of the effects found there amount to 30 dollars; about 77. 10s."

Two French frigates have likewife been carried into Philadelphia, valued at 400,000 1,


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Win Daw, Efq; of the Somerfetshire mili. tia,-to Miss Nelfon of Gatcomb. 6000l,

Dec. 1. Wm Dare, zd lieut. of the Active, at the taking of the Hermione,to Mifs Read of Sandwich,

7. John Smith, Efq; lately from the Eaft Indies, to Mifs Coates.

8. Charles Boone, Efq; member for Cafflevising, to Mifs Cowley, fifter to the Countess of Ashburnham.

9. James Pennyman, Efq; at Whetburn,to Mils Grey, fifter to Sir Henry Grey, member for Northumberland.

11. Mr Barford of St Clement's Churchyard,-toMifs Wheatley of Salisbury. 10000l. 13. Gerrard Howard of Hampstead, Efq;to Mifs Mawhood.

Dr Butland of Wootton Underedge,-to Mifs Stiff of Durney.

Lord Carbery of Ireland, -to Mifs Haughton of Cotton, Staffordshire.

16. Samuel Dafh, of Cavendish-ftr. Efq;to Mifs Fagg of Shepherd's-hill.

Rev. Mr Lloyd, -to Mifs Bolton, neice to the Dean of Carlisle.

Robert Dalziel of Swallowfield, Efq;-to Mifs Dodd, daughter of Lieutenant Col. Dodd, member for Reading.

James Buller, jun. of Cornwall, Efq;-to the relict of Nicholas Gould of Minterre,Dorfetshire, Efq;

20. Noel Fary, Efq; fon and heir of the late Peregrine,-to Mits Greenly of Kingston. 23. Peter Slater of Clifford-ftreet, Efq;to Mifs Brandby of Park-street.

25. Hon. Cha. Yorke, Efq; attorney-general,-to Mifs Agnes Johnson of Hanover-fq. 27. Richard Bouchier, Efq; - -to Mifs Co

tesford of Little Chelfca.

The. Nott of Aldenham, Effex, Efq;-to Mifs Ellex of the fime place.

Lieut Shaw of Leighton's Fort, -to Mifs Thempfen of Es neurgh.

28. Rev. Mr Burrows of Southampton, to Mife Smith of Hanley,

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Lift of DEATHS for the Year 1762.


Teutenant Hamer, of Cavendish's 6, regiment, at the Havannah. Hon. Col. Ulrick de Burgh, uncle to the Earl of Clanrickard.

09. 31. Sir Harry Innes, Bart. in Scotland. 08. 4 Paul Fisher, Efq; at Clifton. Lt Gen. James St Clair, Col. of the first reg. of foot, gov. of Cork, and member for Fife, Scotland.

Dr Martin, alderman of Tavistock,
23. Lady Annandale at Bath.
Wife of Dr Giffard of Bloomsbury,
25. Andrew Searle of Epping, Efq;

27. John South, Efq; late a bank director. 28. Hon. Rob. Masham, Esq; eldest son to Lord Romney.

29. H. Ray, Efq; at Bovingdon, Hertfordfh. 30. Sir John Packington of Westwood, Worcestershire.

Peregrine Palmer, Efq; mehber for Oxford university.

Dec. 1. Sir Tho. Langley, Bart in Weftminfter, aged 98; he was grandfon to Sir Roger Langley, foreman of the grand jury that acquitted the feven bishops in King James II's time, in 1688.

Rev. Mr Eyre of New College, Oxford, Sir Wilfrid Lawfon Bart. member for Cumberland.

2. Col Bodens in St James's Place, á remarkably large man.

Relict of late Sir Wm Temple, Bart. Mrs Nevil, fifter to Sir L. Pilkington, Bt. 3. Rev. Mr John Eyre, M. A. at Oxford. 7. Edw. Brice, Efq; in Old Bond-street. Counters Dowager, of Wigtowne, at Bath. Sir Robert Clifton, Bart. in Nottinghamfh. 8. Mr Justice Noel of the Common Pleas. Cha. Frewen, Efq; deputy clerk of the crown Lady Elizabeth Warren, fifter to the Earl of Cholmondeley.

Rev. Mr Masterman, R. of Down St Mary Neyon.

9. RtHon. John Hay, Marquis of Tweedale, Lord Juftice General of Scotland, and one of the 16 Peert; he is fucceeded by his fon, a minor.

James Norman, Efq; a gunpowder mercht. c. Francis Lainbourne, Efq; a juftice for Surry.

10. Mrs Baffet at Haldane-house, near Exeter ; it is faid he has left to the hofpitals of Bath and Exeter 500l. each, and 400%, to the poor of four parishes in Cornwall and Devonth. Humphry Batham, Efq; at Mile End. Cha, Delafaye, Efq; one of the chief clerks in the Signet-Office, and F.R.S.

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Rev. Mr Morrifon, R. of Eaftwood and Sution, Effex.

13. Hon. Mrs Smith, fifter to the Earl of Sandwich.

13. Edward Horfley Widdrington of Felton Hail, Northumberland, Eig, By his death roc,cool, devolves to Thomas Riddle, Efq; of Swinburn eattle, who married his daughter. 14 RtHon. LordVifc. Hatton, atRichmond Henry Read, Eig, compuatter of the TaxOfic..

16. Joha

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