
The Binder is requested to place the outline Map of the Ancient World at the close of the first volume.

It having been suggested by several friends of this undertaking, that the volumes would be more useful in families and schools, if done up in boards instead of being sewed slightly in thin paper, the Publisher has been induced to sell them at 3s. 9d. in boards, instead of 3s. 6d. sewed, as was at first proposed.

They are also kept in handsome half bindings uncut, at 4s. per volume.

The fine and large paper copies will be sold at 55. in boards, or 5s. 6d. half bound.

A second title has been added for the convenience of those persons who do not purchase the whole series, and who can cancel the general title, if they wish to purchase only a particular portion of the History.

The next volume will contai he remainder of the Canaanitish Nations, the Jews, and the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires.

The third and fourth volumes will contain the Grecian History; the fifth, sixth, and seventh, the Roman History; and the ninth volume will conclude the Ancient Part.

Maps of Greece and of Italy, of the Conquests of Alexander, and of the Roman Empire under Augus tus, will appear in the first eight volumes.

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