
18 LETTRE DE M. ROBERT DE VAUGONDY au sujet d'une carte 1768. systematique des pays septentrion aux de l'Asie et de l'Ame

rique. Quarto.


19 JOURNAL D'UN VOYAGE à la Louisiane, fait en 1720. Par M***, Capitaine de Vaisseau du Roi.

12mo. pp. 316.

A la Haye (Paris.)

This amusing but unimportant little volume is not mentioned in Barbier's Dictionnaire des Anonymes. The author was M. de Valette Laudun, the commander of the Toulouse, the ship in which father Laval (see 1728) made the same voyage as mathematician. The work is in the form of letters, addressed to a lady.

dangers qui s'y
Par N. Bellin.

20 DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIQUE des debouquemens qui sont au
nord de l'isle de Saint Domingue, avec des cartes et des
plans des isles qui forment ces passages et les
trouvent pour le service des vaisseaux du roy.
Quarto, pp. 152, maps and plans.
une relation des differens peuples qui habitente les environs
du grand fleuve St. Louis, appellé vulgairement le Mississipi;
leur religion, leur gouvernment, leurs mœurs, leurs guerres, et
leur commerce. Par M. Bossu. Capitaine dans les troupes

de la marine.

12mo. 2 parts in 1 vol.


These travels of Bossu in Louisiana were translated by Foster, and printed
in 1771. Bossu made another voyage to America, an account of which
was printed in 1777.

22 RECHERCHES PHILOSOPHIQUES sur les Americains, ou me-
moires intéressantes pour servir à l'histoire de l'espèce hu-
maine. Par Mr. de P
"Studio disposta fideli."

Small 8vo. 3 vol.


By Mr. de Pauw. The second volume was published in 1769; and the
third, being a defence of the two first, against the Abbé Pernetty, in
1770. A new edition, with considerable additions, by the author, was
printed at Cleves, in 1772.

23 HISTOIRE GENERALE de l'Amerique, depuis sa découverte, qui
comprend l'histoire naturelle, ecclesiastique, militaire, morale.


et civile des contrées de cette grande partie du monde. Par le P. Antoine Touron, de l'ordre des frères prêcheurs. Paris. 12mo. 14 vol.

Father Touron's history is almost entirely ecclesiastical, and relates only to Spanish and Portuguese America.

24 HISTORIA DEL ESTABLECIMIENTO y comercio de las colonias Inglesas en la America Septentrional: en que se da noticia. del estado actual de su poblacion y algunas relaciones individuales y curiosas, acerca de la constitucion de su gobierno, principalmente de el de la Nueva Inglaterra, de la Pennsylvania, de la Carolina, y de la Georgia. Traducido del Madrid.


Small 8vo.

Translated from Butel Dumont's Histoire des Colonies, etc. No. 28, 1755. 25 VIAGE AL ESTRECHO DE MAGALLANES por el Capitan Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. En los años de 1579, y 1580, y noticia de la expedicion que despues hizo para poblar le. Quarto, pp. lxxxiv. 402, xxxiii. plates 3.


The journal of the voyage of Sarmiento was printed from the original мs.,
preserved in the royal library at Madrid. The editor was Don Bernardo
Yriarte, the original мs. of the introduction, &c. in his hand-writing,
being in my possession.

26 COLECCION GENERAL DE DOCUMENTOS tocantes à la persecu-
cion que los regulares de la Ca. suscitaron y siguieron tenaz-
mente, &c. des de 1644, hasta 1660 contra Fr. Bernardino
de Cardenas del orden de S. Francisco, obispo del Para-
guay, expeliendole tres veces de su obispado à uferza de armas,
&c. por
evitar que este prelado entrare ni visitare sus misiones
del Paraná, Uruguay e Itati. Van añadidos en esta edicion
muchos documentos ineditos, &c.

Quarto, 4 vols.

A curious collection, containing the following pieces:

Vol. 1. Prologo que sirve de introduccion, pp. 58.


Memorial y Defensorio al Rey N. S. por el credito, &c. del Obispo del
Paraguay, respondiendo à las memoriales del P. Julian de Pedraza :
Procurador de los religiosos de la Ca., &c. pp. 387.

Vol. II.

Apendice de monumentos pertenecientes à las controversias de los regulares de la compañia en el Paraguay contra el venerable obispo Fr. B. de Cardenas, pp. 84.

Discursos juridicos en defensa de la consagracion de Don Fr. B. de Car

denas, obispo del Paraguay, &c. Por el Lico. Don Alonso Carillo, pp. 1768.


Vol. III.

Memorial ajustado de D. Josef Antequera, pp. 239.

Cartas del Sr. Dr. D. Josef de Antequera y Castro Cavallero, &c. y
Capitan general que fue del Paraguay escritas al S'. M. F. Joseph de
Palos, obispo taliense y coadiutor de la dicha provincia de Paraguay,
pp. 374.

Copia del Informe que hizo el Genl. D. Mathias de Angles y Gortari,
Corregidor del Potosi, &c. pp. 64.

Vol. IV. Coleccion general de documentos tocantes à la tercera época de
las conmociones de los regulares de la compañi en él Paraguay. Con-
tiene el Reyno Jesuitico del Paraguay por siglo y medio negado y oculto,
hoy demostrado y descubierto. Su author D. Bernardo Ibañez de Echa-
varria, (pp. 241.) Va añadido el Diario de la guerra de los Guaranies
escrito por el P. Tadeo Henis, (pp. 113.)

27 CAUSA JESUITICA DE PORTUGAL, o documentos autenticos, bulas, leyes reales, despachos de la secretaria de Estado y otras piezas originales, que precedieron à la reforma y motivaron despues la expulsion de los Jesuitas de los dominios de Portugal. En que se halla la republica del Paraguay, y Marañon, que contiene la relacion de la guerra que sustentaron los Jesuitas, contra las tropas Españolas y Portuguesas, en el Uruguay, y Parana. Traducidas del Latin, y Portugues, é ilustradas en esta edicion española. Madrid. Quarto, pp. xxviii. 172.

A great many works were published in Spain and Portugal against the Jesuits about this time. The present relates principally to their proceedings in Paraguay.

28 *NEUE NACHRICHTEN von den Missionen der Jesuiten in Paraguay und von andern damit verbundnen Vorgängen in der Spanischen monarchie. Aus dem Spanischen. Hamburgh.


Meusel, 3, 2, 37.

29 *BEYTRAG ZUR GESCHICHTE von Paraguay, und den Missionen der Jesuiten daselbst. Frankfurt.

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1 A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL PAPERS relative to the history of the colony of Massachusetts Bay.

8vo. pp. 576.

Boston, N. A.

This collection of papers was published by Lieut. Gov. Hutchinson, "to support and elucidate the principal facts related in the first part of the History of Massachusetts Bay, and may serve as an appendix to it." "The author of that history was possessed of many other ancient and very curious original papers, which are irrecoverably lost, by an unfortunate event, sufficiently known." This alludes to the destruction of his papers by the mob, at the time of the riots in Boston, on account of the stamp act, in 1765.

2 THE AMERICAN TRAVELLER, or observations on the present state, culture, and commerce of the British colonies in America, and the further improvements of which they are capable; with an account of the exports, imports, and returns of each colony respectively; and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders, and manufacturers, employed by all collectively: together with the amount of the revenue arising to Great Britain therefrom. In a series of letters, written originally to the Right Hon. the earl of * *. By an old and experienced Trader. London.

Quarto, pp. 122, and map.

By Alexander Cluny. "The author was the first to give accurate intelligence of Hudson's Bay, and to institute an inquiry about a more successful commerce with the Americans. The book was said to have been published under the auspices of Lord Chatham: and both the English and Americans, at that crisis, were so eager to possess it, that it was bought and read by one party with the same avidity that it was bought and destroyed by the other. Dibdin. Even in 1775, according to Daines Barrington, it was a book not commonly to be met with. It was published in French in 1783.

3 AN HISTORICAL JOURNAL of the campaigns in North America, for the years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760: containing the most remarkable occurrences of that period, particularly the two sieges of Quebec, &c.; the orders of the admirals and general officers; descriptions of the countries where the author has served, with their forts and garrisons; their climate, soil, and produce; and a regular diary of the weather.

As also several manifestos, a mandate of the late bishops of 1769. Canada, the French orders and disposition for the defence of the colony, &c. By Captain John Knox, &c. Quarto, 2 vols.


"A very valuable collection of materials towards a history of our late war and conquests in North America, as well as for a description and natural history of those parts of the country in which this attentive and industrious officer personally served. The work, in its present form, as a journal, in which every occurrence, however minute, is registered, may seem tedious to many readers; and some parts are undoubtedly trivial, but these are amply compensated for by others of real importance, and of the most interesting nature, particularly the ever-memorable sieges of Quebec, &c. Mr. Knox appears to be a man of sense, with more literature than usually falls to the share of officers in the army; and we have no reason to doubt his having recorded the several events of these famous campaigns with the utmost exactness and fidelity. In brief, his work will prove an agreeable amusement to readers of every class, and to military readers in particular; it will afford not only very high entertainment, but much useful information in the way of their profession." M. R.

4 A DESCRIPTION OF EAST FLORIDA, with a journal kept by John

Bartram, of Philadelphia, botanist to his Majesty for the Floridas, upon a journey from St. Augustine, up the river St. John's, as far as the lakes; with explanatory notes. Illustrated with an accurate map of East Florida, a plan of St. Augustine, and another of the bay Espiritu Santo. London. Quarto, pp. 96.

The third edition of Mr. Stork's account of East Florida, &c. (see No. 2, of 1766) with the addition of maps and botanical notes.

5 REMARKS on a passage from the river Balise, in the Bay of Honduras, to Merida, the capital of the province of Yucatan, in the Spanish West Indies. By Lieut. Cook, ordered by Sir William Burnaby, rear-admiral of the red, in Jamaica; with despatches to the govenor of the province, relative to the logwood-cutters in the bay. London.


"Some of Mr. Cook's observations, in his passage through the country, (in 1765,) though not written with elegance, will be entertaining to readers in general." M. R.

6 AN ESSAY On the natural history of Guiana, in South America. Containing a description of many curious productions in the

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