which have not been heretofore engraved, in large copper-plates 1707. as big as the life. By Hans Sloane, M. D., &c. In two volumes.-" Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Dan. xii. 4. Folio, 2 vols. 276 plates. London. The second volume of this great and important work was not published until 1725. There are some copies with the plates coloured, but they are of great rarity, and bring high prices when offered for sale. 9 HISTOIRE DE LA VIRGINIE, contenant, 1. L'Histoire du premier Entablissement dans la Virginie & de son Gouvernement jusques à present.-11. Les productions naturelles & les commoditez du Païs avant que les Anglois y negociassent & l'ameliorassent.-11. La Religion, les Loix, & les Coutumes des Indiens naturels, tant dans la Guerre, que dans la Paix.— IV. L'Etat present du Païs, tant à l'egard de la Police, que de l'Amelioration du Païs. Par un Auteur Natif & habitant du Païs. Traduite de l'Anglois. Enrichie de Figures. 12mo. A translation of No. 1 of 1705. Amsterdam. 10 HISTOIRE DE LA CONQUETE des Isles Moluques par les Espagnoles, par les Portugais, & par les Hollandois. Traduite de l'Espagnol d' Argensola. 12mo. 3 vols. Amsterdam. The original work was first printed at Madrid in 1609. Translated into 11 HISTOIRE UNIVERSELLE des Voyages faits par mer et par terre, figures. 12mo. Paris. An English translation appeared in 1708, republished with a new title in 1711. MCCVIII. 1 THE DEPLORABLE STATE of New England by reason of a covetous and treacherous Governour, and pusillanimous Counsellors. With a vindication of the Hon. Mr. Higginson, Mr. Mason, and several other gentlemen, from the scandalous and wicked accusation of the votes ordered by them to be published in their Boston News-letter. To which is added an account of 1708. the shameful miscarriage of the late expedition against Port Royal. London. 8vo. pp. 39. This pamphlet is said to be by the Rev. John Higginson of Salem, then aged 92: but the dedication is signed A. H., probably Alex. Holmes, one of the petitioners. It is written with great warmth, and lays open the disputes which existed between Governor Dudley and some leading characters in New England, who opposed his designs, which were to get rid of the charter, and make the government completely arbitrary. North Am. Rev. 1. p. 305. 2 THE BRITISH EMPIRE in America; containing the history of the discovery, settlement, progress, and present state of all the British Colonies on the Continent and islands of America, &c. With curious maps of the several places, done from the newest surveys, by Herman Moll, Geographer. London. 8vo. 2 vols. pp. 800. The dedication to this work is signed by J. Oldmixon; but it is often attributed to Herman Moll, who prepared the maps, from his name appearing on the title. It was reprinted in 1741, with considerable additions. 3 *SOME PROPOSALS towards promoting the propagation of the Gospel in our American Plantations. Humbly offered in a letter to Mr. Nelson, &c. Quarto, pp. 30. Bib. Am. Prim. London. 4 A NEW COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, with Historical accounts of Discoveries and Conquests in all parts of the World. None of them ever before printed in English; being now first translated from the Spanish, Italian, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and other languages. Adorned with cuts. For the month of December, 1708. To be continued monthly. Quarto. London. Capt. John Stevens, translated most of the works in this collection, which generally goes under his name. It was published in numbers, and some copies were printed on fine large paper. This first volume contains :Argensola's Discovery and Conquest of the Molucco Islands. - Lawson's New Voyage to Carolina. Cieza's Seventeen Years' Travels in Peru. Each with separate title, index, &c. The second volume was published in 1710. 5 THE DISCOVERY AND CONQUEST of the Molucco and Philippine islands; containing their history, ancient and modern, natural and political; their description, product, religion, government, laws, languages, customs, manners, habits, shape and 1708. inclinations of the natives. With an account of many other adjacent islands, and several remarkable voyages through the streights of Magellan, and in other parts. Written in Spanish by Bartholomew Leonardo de Argensola, Chaplain to the Empress, and Rector of Villahermosa. Now translated into English, and illustrated with a map and several cuts. Small 4to. London. This is the first work in the preceding Collection, but being complete in itself, with title-page and index, is frequently found separate. 6 A GENERAL HISTORY of all Voyages and Travels throughout the Old and New World, from the first ages to this present time, illustrating both the Ancient and Modern Geography, &c. By Monsieur Du Perier. Made English from the Paris edition. Adorn'd with cuts, 8vo. pp. 364. 5 plates. London. Except the introduction of 36 pages, the whole of this volume relates to the early voyages of the Spaniards to America, taken from Oviedo and other Spanish authors. 7 THE SOT-WEED FACTOR: or a voyage to Maryland: a satyr. In which is described the Laws, Government, Courts and Constitutions of the Country: and also the Buildings, Feasts, Frolicks, Entertainments and Drunken Humours of the Inhabitants of that part of America. In Burlesque verse. By Eben Cook, Gent. London. Quarto, pp. 21. 8 RELATION DU VOYAGE du Port Royal de l'Acadie, ou de la Nouvelle France, dans laquelle on voit un détail des divers mouvemens de la mer dans une traversée de long cours; la description du pays, les occupations des François qui y sont établis, les manieres des differentes nations sauvages, leurs superstitions et leurs chasses; avec une dissertation exacte sur le Castor. Par M. Diéreville embarqué à la Rochelle dans le navire la Royale-Paix. Ensuite de la relation, on a ajouté le détail d'un combat donné entre les François et les Acadiens, contre les Anglois. 12mo. Rouen. 1708. M. Diéreville, at the request of M. Begon, wrote the whole of the relation of his voyage in verse, but his friends having represented to him that no credit would be given to it unless it was written in prose, all that they could obtain from him, was that he would intermix some prose with his verses. Some copies have a supplement of eight pages, containing an account of the unsuccessful attack made in 1707 by the people of NewEngland on Port Royal. MDCCIX. 1 A NEW VOYAGE TO CAROLINA; containing the exact description and natural history of that Country: together with the present state thereof. And a Journal of a thousand miles, travel'd thro' several nations of Indians. Giving a particular account of their customs, manners, &c. By John Lawson, Gent. Surveyor-General of North Carolina. London. Quarto, map and plate. First published in Steven's collection (1708, No. 4.) Republished separately with new titles, under the dates of 1714 and 1718. The plate of animals is found in very few copies. An American paper mentions a copy having been sold a few years ago in South Carolina for sixty dollars. 2 THE SEVENTEEN YEARS' TRAVELS of Peter de Cieza, through the mighty kingdom of Peru, and the large provinces of Cartagena and Popayan in South America: from the city of Panama, on the Isthmus, to the frontiers of Chili. Now first translated from the Spanish, and illustrated with a map and several London. cuts. Small 4to. This work forms also a part of Steven's collection. 3 USEFUL TRANSACTIONS for the months of May, June, July, August and September, 1709. Containing a Voyage to the island of Cajamai in America. Giving a brief account of the natural varieties, inhabitants, and diseases of the country; together with their cures after the method used by Jasper Van Slonenbergh, a learned member of the Royal Vertuosi of Great Britain, in the relation he has given of his voyages into those parts. Translated into English from the Dutch. London. 8vo. A humorous satire on Sir Hans Sloane's Voyage to Jamaica. : ~ + HISTOIRE DE LA CONQUETE de la Floride ou relation de ce qui 1709. s'est passé dans la decouverte de ce pays, par Ferdinand de Soto, composée en Espagnol par l'Inca Garcilasso de la Vega, & traduite en François par P. Richelet. 12mo. Paris. This translation was first printed in 1870, and reprinted with the "Histoire des Incas" in 1737. See No. 6. 1723. 5 *JOURNAL de la campagne des Isles de l'Amerique, qu'à fait Troyes. M. D***. Par G. D. T. 12mo. According to Barbier, written by Gautier du Tronchoy. 8vo. Meusel, x. 2, p. 375. 1 *A LETTER FROM SOUTH CAROLINA; giving an account of the soil, air, product, trade, government, laws, religion, people, military strength, &c. of that province. Together with the manner and necessary charges of settling a plantation there, and the annual profit it will produce. Written by a Swiss gentleman to his friend at Bern. London. This letter appears to have been reprinted in 1718 and 1732. 2 *THE FOUR KINGS OF CANADA; being a succinct account of the four Indian princes lately arrived from North America. With a particular description of their country and remarkable religion, feasts, marriages, burials, remedies for their sick, customs, manners, constitution, habits, sports, war, peace, policy, hunting, fishing, &c. London. 8vo. pp. 48. Bib. Am. Prim. p. 206. 3 A VIEW OF THE UNIVERSE: or a new collection of voyages and travels into all parts of the world. With the geography and history of every country. None of them ever before printed in English. To be published monthly. This for January, 1710, begins the entertaining travels of the Sieur Mouette in Fez and Morocco, during his eleven years' captivity in those C |