

New York. In a letter to a nobleman. 8vo. pp. 170.

New York.

10 THE BEGINNING, PROGRESS, AND CONCLUSION of the late war; with other interesting matters considered: and a map of the lands, islands, gulphs, seas, and fishing-banks; comprising the cod-fishery in America, annexed, for the better explanation of the several proceedings relative to it. London.


"Although the style of this piece is heavy and disagreeable, and the work, in course, somewhat tedious and dull, yet the materials collected in it, particularly those relating to our rights and interests in regard to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, the fisheries, &c. may be useful to the public." M.R. 11 CONSIDERATIONS on the expediency of admitting representatives from the American colonies into the British House of Commons. London.

8vo. pp. 41.

12 A SHORT NARRATIVE of the horrid massacre in Boston, perpetrated in the evening of the 5th of March, 1770, by the soldiers of the 29th regiment, which, with the 14th regiment, were then quartered there. With some observations on the state of things prior to that catastrophe, &c. Printed by order of the town of Boston. London.

8vo. pp. 38 and 83.

First printed in Boston. "We have nothing to observe on the subject of this unhappy affair, except to express our surprise that, considering the odious occasion on which the troops were sent to Boston, tumults between them and the inhabitants did not sooner happen, and that greater mischief has not been done than the killing and wounding only eleven of the town's people." M. R.

13 INNOCENT BLOOD crying to God from the streets of Boston. A sermon occasioned by the horrid murder of Messrs. Gray, Maverick, Caldwell, Attucks, &c. by a party of troops under the command of Capt. Preston, on the 5th of March, 1770; and preached the Lord's day following. By John Lathrop, A.M., pastor of the second church in Boston. London. Quarto.

14 THE TRIAL OF WILLIAM WEMMS, and seven others, soldiers in his Majesty's 29th regiment, for the murder of Crispin

Attucks, and four others, March 5, 1770, at the superior 1770.
court of judicature, assize, &c. at Boston, Nov. 27 following,
&c. before the Hon. Benj. Lynde, John Cushing, Peter Oliver,
and Edw. Trowbridge, esqs., justices of the said court.
Published by permission of the court.


"As the unfortunate accident which gave birth to these proceedings hath been taken up on party grounds, and the circumstances have been variously represented, those who are desirous of knowing the real state of the case, will here meet with satisfaction." M.R.

15 A FAIR ACCOUNT of the late unhappy disturbance at Boston, in New England; extracted from the depositions that have been made concerning it by persons of all parties. With an appendix, containing some affidavits, and other evidences relating to the affair, not mentioned in the Narrative of it that has been published at Boston.



"A defence of the massacre at Boston. The author is a zealous advocate for the soldiers, and endeavours to prove that their firing upon their assailants was, if not wholly unavoidable, at least highly excusable; that they were provoked to it by the most unsufferable insults, and that the people were entirely the aggressors. He supports his representations by the affidavits of 29 persons; most of whom, however, it will be observed, are officers in the army.” M.R.

16 PROCEEDINGS of a general court-martial, held at Pensacola, in West Florida, March 16-April 20, 1768.


The trial of Major Farmer.

17 THE POLITICAL DETECTION; or the treachery and tyranny of
Administration, both at home and abroad.
series of letters signed Junius Americanus.



Displayed in a

Although there is something illiberal in the manner, and malignant in the spirit, of this American Junius, yet there are in his letters many animadversions on the conduct of administration, particularly with respect to the colonies, which are worthy of public attention and enquiry." M.R. 18 A CRITICAL COMMENTARY on Archbishop Secker's letter to the R. H. Horatio Walpole, concerning bishops in America. 8vo. pp. 111.

(See No. 8 of 1769.)


19 EXTRACT OF A LETTER from the House of Representatives of


the Massachusetts Bay, to their agent, Dennys de Berdt, esq. With some remarks.



"This extract contains objections to the whole system of our late regulations and laws respecting America, in order to prove that they are of dangerous tendency in regard to commerce, policy, and the true interest of the whole empire: grievous to the subject, burthensome to the trade, injurious to the revenue of the crown, and ruinous to the nation." M.R.






A letter to the R. H. the Earl of Hillsborough, H. M.'s secretary of state for the colonies, on the present situation of affairs in the island of Grenada. London.


Observations on the report made by the board of

trade against the Grenada laws.


[ocr errors]


Audi alteram partem; or a counter-letter to the R. H. the E. of H., &c. on the late and present state of affairs in the island of Grenada. In which is clearly demonstrated, &c. 8vo. pp. 123 and 68.


A narrative of the proceedings upon the complaint against Governor Melvill.



Letters to the Earl of Hillsborough, &c. on the late subversion of the political system of the glorious Revolution, &c. by appointing Roman Catholics to offices in H. M.'s islands of Grenada and the Grenadines, &c. By Pliny, junior. ib.


25 HISTOIRE PHILOSOPHIQUE et politique des etablissements des Européens dans les deux Indes.

8vo. 4 vols.


First edition of the Abbé Raynal's celebrated work. (See 1780.) 26 DEFENSE DES RECHERCHES PHILOSOPHIQUES sur les Americains. Par M. de P***.



De Pauw's reply to Pernetty's Dissertation (1769.) This volume forms the third of the succeeding editions of De Pauw's Recherches sur les Americains, the most complete of which appears to be that of Cleves, of

27 HISTORIA DE NUEVA ESPAÑA. Escrita por su esclarecido 1770. Conquistador Hernan Cortes, aumentada con otros Documentos, y notas, por el illustrissimo Señor, Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico. Mexico.

Folio, pp. 400. Map, and plates, 36.

An important and highly esteemed work, containing the three celebrated letters of Cortez, originally printed soon after they were received in Spain, at Seville and Valencia; but these editions are of the greatest rarity. Several other letters of Cortez are extant in мs. and will probably be printed in the Collection of voyages and discoveries of the Spaniards, by Don Martin Fernandez de Navarrete, of which three volumes have been published: (see 1825.) The present edition is illustrated by copious notes and documents, together with fac-similes of the Mexican mode of representing the tributes paid by the different towns of the Mexican dominions.



III. Celebratum

Mexici anno MD.LXXXV. Præside D. D. Petro Moya, et
Contreras Archiepiscopo ejusdem urbis. Confirmatum Romæ
die 27 Octob. anno 1589. Postea jussu Regio editum Mexici
anno 1622.
Sumptibus D. D. Joannis Perez de la Serna
Archiepiscopi. Demum typis mandatum cura et expensis,
D. D. Franciscii Ant. A. Lorenzana, archipræsulis.



I have examined several copies of this work, but have found in one only an
appendix of 53 pages, which contains copies of some original documents,
giving an account of the first Apostolical Junta held in Mexico, in the
year 1537, and of another in 1539, by the Bishops Zumarraga, Zarate,
and Quiroga.

29 CARTAS PASTORALES, y edictos del Illmo Señor D. Francisco
Antonio Lorenzana, y Buitron, Arzobispo de Mexico.
Folio, pp. 229.


Among other things, this volume contains a most minute account of the portrait of the Virgin of Guadalupe, which appeared miraculously on the Tilma or blanket of Juan Diego, a converted Mexican, in the year 1531; and which was solemnly declared, by a commission of painters and others, in 1751, not to have been painted by the hand of man. The good archbishop comes to the conclusion that it must have been painted by millions of

angels. 30 DIARIO HISTORICO de los viages de mar y tierra, hechos al Norte de la California de orden del Virrey de Nueva España Marques de Croix y por direccion de D. Josef de Galvez.


Executados por la tropa destinada à dicho objeto al mando
de D. Gaspar de Portola y por los Paquebotes S. Carlos y S.
Antonio. De orden del Ex Sr. Virrey en la Imprenta del

Folio, pp. 56.

This important tract is dated in Mexico, Oct. 24, 1770, and signed D.
Miguel Costanso. It is of extreme rarity, the copies having been distri-
buted in presents, and never intended for sale. It appears to be the work
of which Dr. Robertson had a мs. copy, which was translated and pub-
lished by Mr. Dalrymple, in 1790.

31 BESCHRYVING VAN GUIANA, of de Wildekust in Zuid-America,
Betreffende de Aardrykskunde en Historie des Lands, de
Zeeden en Gewoontes der Inwooners, de Dieren, Vogels,
Visschen, Boomen en Gewassen, als mede de eerste Ont-
dekking dier Kust, de Bezittingen der Spanjaarden, Franschen
en Portugeezen en voornaamelyk de Volkplantingen der
Nederlanderen, als Essequebo, Demerary, Berbice, Suriname,
en derzelver Rivieren, met de noodige Kaarten en Afbeeldingen
der Forten. Waarby komt eene Verhandeling over den Aart
en de Gewoontes der Neger Slaaven. Alles uit echte stukken
opgesteld door Mr. Jan Jacob Hartsinck, &c.
Quarto, 2 vols. pp. 962. 14 maps and plates.


By far the best work ever published on the countries described, according to Mr. Warden. This edition appears to have escaped the notice of the accurate Meusel, who only mentions one of 1782, in octavo. The first part of a German translation was published at Berlin in 1784, but apparently was never continued.


1 THE NATURAL HISTORY OF CAROLINA, Florida, and the Bahama
Islands; containing the figures of birds, beasts, fishes, ser-
pents, insects, and plants: particularly those not hitherto
described, or incorrectly figured, by former authors, with their
description, in English and French. To which is prefixed, a
new and correct map of the countries; with observations on
their natural state, inhabitants, and productions.
By the
late Mark Catesby, F. R. S. Revised by Mr. Edwards. To

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