

brief description of several countries in our course noted for trade, especially in the South Sea. With maps of all the coast, from the best Spanish manuscript draughts, and an introduction relating to the South Sea trade. By Captain Woodes Rogers, commander-in-chief on this expedition, with the ships Duke and Duchess, of Bristol..



This and the following are the relation of the same voyage. 2 A VOYAGE TO THE SOUTH SEA, and round the world, performed in the years 1708, 1709, 1710, and 1711. Containing a journal of all the memorable transactions during the said voyage; the winds, currents, and variation of the compass; the taking of the towns of Puna and Guayquil, and several prizes, one of which a rich Acapulco ship. A description of the American coasts, from Terra del Fuego in the South to California in the North, (from the Coasting Pilot, a Spanish manuscript.) An historical account of all those countries from the best authors. With a new map and description of the mighty river of the Amazons. Wherein an account is given of Mr. Alexander Selkirk, his manner of living and taming some wild beasts during the four years and four months he lived upon the uninhabited island of Juan Fernandes. Illustrated with London.

cuts and maps. By Capt. Edward Cooke.


Edward Cooke was second captain on board the Dutchess, the ship which accompanied the Duke, both under Woodes Rogers, on a voyage round the world. Capt. Burney says that Cooke's journal and charts are inferior to those published by Woodes Rogers. Dampier, who projected the expedition, and prevailed upon some able persons at Bristol to venture upon the undertaking, went as pilot in the Duke.

3 *AN ESSAY on the nature and methods of carrying on a trade to the South Sea. By Robert Allen. London.


Library of Harvard College.

4 *A LETTER to a friend in the country on the late expedition to



In the British Museum.


5 *A LETTER from a West India merchant to a gentleman at Tunbridge, concerning that part of the French proposals which relate to North America, and particularly to Newfoundland.

With some thoughts on their offers about our trade to Spain 1712. and the West Indies, and an abstract of the Assiento. 8vo. pp. 34.

Bib. Am. Prim. p. 212.


6 *A LETTER to a noble Lord concerning the late expedition to Canada, (offering satisfaction in three points. 1. Of what importance the conquest of that country would have been to the crown, and whether it would have answered the expense of the great armament that was made against it. II. Whether the expedition was well concerted? And, lastly, if the ill success of it ought wholly to be charged on New England, as people here are made to believe.) London. 8vo. pp. 26.

Bib. Am. Prim. p. 213.

7 ARTE DE NAVEGAR em que se ensinam as regras practicas, e
o modo de cartear pela carta plana & reduzida, o modo de
graduar a Balestilha por via de numeros & muitos problemas
uteis à navegaçao; & Roteiro das viagens e costas maritimas
de Guiné, Angola, Brasil, Indias, & Ilhas occidentaes & ori-
entaes agora novamente emendado & acrescentadas muitas
derrotas novas. Por Manoel Pimentel. Cosmographo mòr
do Reyno, &c.
Folio, pp. 576. Plans, &c.


An important work on navigation, of which about a hundred pages are occupied with a description of the coasts of America. First printed in 1699, and reprinted in 1746.


1 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANE PRIMORDIA. An attempt towards laying the foundation of an American library, in several books, papers, and writings, humbly given to the society for propagation of the gospel in foreign parts, for the perpetual use and benefit of their members, their missionaries, friends, correspondents, and others concerned in the good design of planting and promoting Christianity within her Majesty's colonies and plantations in the West Indies. By a member of the said society. Quarto. London.

This, as far as it goes, is the best catalogue of books relating to America extant; the titles being copied at full length with the greatest exactness together with the name of the printer, and the number of pages in each volume. It unfortunately contains only the books given to the Society for propagating the gospel in foreign parts by White Kennett, Bishop of

c 3


Peterborough, and a few others, many of them not relating to America, It is, however, rich in English tracts relating to New England. The catalogue was drawn up by Bishop Kennett, but the very complete index, which occupies nearly half the volume, was formed by the Rev. Robert Watts. Dr. Dibdin states that this work was reprinted in 1791, but this is a mistake, the Bibliotheca Americana of that date being a distinct work, in which the titles of many books are so carelessly abridged that it is difficult to make out what is intended.

2 JOURNAL HISTORIQUE du dernier voyage que feu M. de la Sale fit dans le Golfe de Mexique, pour trouver l'embouchure et le cours de la riviére de Missicipi, nommée à present la riviere de saint Louis, qui traverse la Louisiane. Ou l'on voit l'histoire tragique de sa mort, et plusieurs choses curieuses du Nouveau Monde. Par M. Joutel, l'un des compagnons de ce voyage: redigé et mis en ordre par M. de Michel.



This voyage was commenced in 1684. La Sale was assassinated by some of his companions, the 19th March, 1687. Translated into English the following year.


1 A JOURNAL of the last voyage perform'd by Monsr. de la Sale to the Gulph of Mexico, to find out the mouth of the Missisippi river; containing an account of the settlements he endeavour'd to make on the coast of the aforesaid bay, his unfortunate death, and the travels of his companions for the space of eight hundred leagues across that inland country of America, now call'd Louisiana (and given by the king of France to M. Crozat,) till they came into Canada. Written in French by Monsieur Joutel, a commander in that expedition; and translated from the edition just published at Paris. With an exact


map of that vast country, and a copy of the letters patent granted by the king of France to Mr. Crozat. 8vo.

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Charlevoix speaks highly of Joutel, and of the services he rendered to M. de la Sale, in his unfortunate expedition. He says that Joutel had complained to him, that when the work was prepared for the press, some alterations were made by the editor, (M. Michel.) This translation was republished, with a new title in 1719.

2 THE LAWS of the province of Pennsylvania,


collected into one.


British Museum.

3 JOURNAL DES OBSERVATIONS physiques, mathematiques, et 1714. botaniques, faites par l'ordre du roi sur les côtes orientales de

l'Amerique Meridionale et dans les Indes Occidentales, depuis
l'année 1707 jusques en 1712
Par le R. P. Louis Feuillée.

Quarto. 3 vols.


The third volume was printed in 1725. This work is not elegant in style, but valuable for solid information upon all the subjects announced in its title, with various incidental matter besides. What relates to Peru makes a principal part of these volumes. The botanical part, comprising 100 plates, was republished at Nuremberg, with a German translation of the text, in 1756-7." Chalmers.

4 *DE VERO NOVI ORBIS in ventore dissertatio historico-critica. Auctore Jo. Frid. Stüven.


Meusel, 1. 1. 264. A copy is in the library of Harvard College.



1 MEMOIRS OF DARIEN, giving a short description of that country, with an account of the attempts of the company of Scotland to settle a Colony in that place, and a relation of some of the many tragical disasters that did attend that design. By the Rev. Francis Borland. Edinburgh.


2 COLUMBUS, carmen epicum eminent. et rev. principi Benedicto pamphilio dicatum authore Ubertino Carrara Societatis Jesu. 8vo. p. 299.


3 RECUEIL DE VOYAGES AU NORD, contenant divers memoires tres utiles au commerce et à la navigation. Amsterdam.

12mo. 9 vols. Maps and plates.

This collection, made apparently by Jean Frederic Bernard, a bookseller, of
Amsterdam, was commenced in this year, and continued at irregular inter-
vals down to 1737. The principal contents of the volumes are as follows:
Vol. I. 1715. Instructions pour voyager utilement.-Relation de l'Islande,
par la Peyrere.-Relation du Groenland, par le même.

II. 1715. Journal d'un voyage au Spitzberguen, &c. par Frederic Martens,
-Description de Spitzberguen.-Journal du Capitaine Jean Wood
au Nord-Est.

III. 1715. Relation de Terre-Neuve, traduite de l'Anglois de White.—
Relations du Japon et de la Tartarie.—Lettres de M. Delile touchant
le Mississipi et la Californie, &c.

IV. 1718. Relations de Coree, &c. Voyage de Jenkinson. Les deux
voyages de J. H. de Linschoten.

V. 1724. Relation, de la LOUISIANE par un officier de la marine.-Relation


de la LOUISIANE, etc. par Tonti.-Voyage en un pays plus grand que
l'Europe, par le P. Hennepin.-Voyages de Gosnol, Pringe, et Gilbert, à la
Virginie, en 1602 et 1603.-Relation de la BAYE de HUDSON, par M.
Jeremie.-Les trois navigations de Martin Frobisher.

VI. 1723. De la conquête de la Chine par les Tartares (par Palafox.)
VII. 1725. Relations de la Chine, des Tartares, de la Colchide, &c.
VIII. 1727. Voyage de Moscou à la Chine, par Evert Isbrands Ides.-Nego-
ciations du Sieur Lange à la Chine.-Maurs et usages des Ostiackes, par

IX. 1737. Relation des NATCHEZ, par le P. Lepetit, missionaire.-Raisons
de la Grande Bretagne d'avoir formé une colonie dans la GEORGIE: traduit
de l'Anglois du Chev. Benj. Martin.—Decouverte d'un pays plus grand
que l'Europe dans L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE (par le P. Hennepin.)


1 A RELATION of Mr. R. M.'s voyage to Buenos Ayres: and from thence by land to Potosi. Dedicated to the Honourable the Court of Directors of the South Sea Company.

Small 8vo. pp. 117.


This little work is merely a reprint of the translation published in 1698, of the Voyage du Sieur Accarrete à Buenos Ayres, in Thevenot's Collection, (see 1696,) without any acknowledgment of the source from whence it was taken.

2 *THE ENTERTAINING HISTORY of King Philip's War, which began in the month of June, 1675, as also of expeditions. more lately made against the common enemy and Indian rebels, in the eastern parts of New England; with some account of the divine Providence towards Col. Benjamin Church. By Thomas Church, esq. his son. Boston.


Reprinted at Newport in 1772, from which edition the above title is copied. 3 *ACTS AND LAWS passed in New England.


In the British Museum.


4 RELATION ABRÉGÉE de ce que la Société établie en Angleterre
pour la propagation de l'Evangile, a fait de plus remarquable
dans les Colonies Angloises de l'Amerique, depuis le 19 Février
1714, jusqu'au 18 du même mois 1715, vieux stile. Traduite
de l'Anglois, et publiée par ordre de la société.
No place.
Small 4to. pp. 39.

5 RELATION DU VOYAGE de la Mer du Sud aux côtes du Chily et
du Perou, fait pendant les années 1712, 1713, et 1714. Par

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