
thoughts on Government. By a gentleman of the Inner 1776. Temple. 8vo.

[ocr errors]


"This spirited writer is warm for liberty, and for the claims of America, as
connected with what he apprehends to be the real interest of this country,
as well as with the common rights inseparable from the very idea of a free
community." M.R. Jan. 1777.

85 LETTERS on the American troubles; translated from the French
of Mr. de Pinto.



86 SUBSTANCE of a speech in Parliament, upon the state of the
nation, and the present civil war with America; upon Mon-
day April 1, 1776. By David Hartley, esq.
4to. pp. 24.


87 AN ORATION in memory of General Montgomery, and of the officers and soldiers who fell with him, Dec. 31, 1775, before Quebec; drawn up (and delivered Feb. 19th, 1776,) at the desire of the honourable Continental congress. By William Smith, D.D. Provost of the college and academy of Philadelphia. Philadelphia.

8vo. pp. 36.

Reprinted in London. "In this discourse we find the warm effusions of a zeal for freedom blended with historical notes and anecdotes, relative not only to the hero who is here celebrated as a proto-martyr to the rights of America, but to others engaged with him in the same cause." " M.R. 88 AN ORATION delivered at the state-house in Philadelphia, to a very numerous audience, Aug. 1, 1776. By Samuel Adams, member of the general congress of America. 8vo. pp. 42.


"Mr. Adams, the American Cicero, declaims with warmth and energy
against kingly government and hereditary succession.
There are pas.

sages in this oration which would have done honour to a Roman tribune,
when the republican spirit of that mistress of the world was at its great-
est height." M. R.

89 JOURNAL of the proceedings of the congress held at Philadel-
phia, May 10, 1775. Published by order of the congress.



Reprinted from the edition printed in Philadelphia. 90 JOURNAL of the provincial congress of South Carolina, 1776.


Published by order of the congress. 8vo. pp. 134.


First printed in Charlestown, S.C.


with an elegiac frontispiece, and a reconciliatory tail-piece. In this research, the present dissention between the mother country and her colonies is considered in a new light, and supported by arguments quite different from those held forth by the parliamentary speakers and polemical writers on either side of the question. By P-oplicola Historicus. Quarto, pp. 40.


92 JUSTIFICATION de la resistance des colonies Americaines.
8vo. pp. 30.


A sensible advocate for the colonies, and apparently one well acquainted
with the principal objects of the American controversy.

93 LETTRE de Mr. ***** à Mr. S. B. Docteur en Medecine à
Kingston, dans la Jamaïque, au sujet des troubles qui agitent
actuellement toute l'Amerique Septentrionale.
A la Haye.

8vo. pp. 29.

The first letter of Mr. de Pinto; which, with the following, was translated
into English, and published this year.

94 SECONDE LETTRE de M. de Pinto, à l'occasion des troubles des
colonies, contenant des réflexions politiques sur les suites de
ces troubles, et sur l'etat actuel de l'Angleterre.
8vo. pp. 90.

A la Haye.


95 OBSERVATIONS d'un homme impartial sur la lettre de Mr.
à Mr. S. B. docteur en medecine à Kingston, dans la Jamaï-
Londres (Holland?)

8vo. pp. 65.

96 NOUVELLES OBSERVATIONS sur la seconde lettre de Mr. de
Pinto, à l'occasion des troubles de l'Amérique Septentrionale.
Pour servir de suite aux observations d'un homme impartial
sur la première lettre de Mr. *
Londres (Holland?)

8vo. pp. 60.

97 REPONSE DE MR. J. DE PINTO, aux observations d'un homme impartial, sur sa lettre à Mr. S. B., docteur en médecine à Kingston dans la Jamaïque, au sujet des troubles qui agitent

actuellement toute l'Amerique Septentrionale.

8vo. pp. 60.

A la Haye. Isaac Pinto was a Portuguese Jew, living in Holland, who undertook the defence of the measures of the British government for the subjection of the colonies. His two letters are little more than an abstract of Sir John Dalrymple's celebrated pamphlet, The Rights of Great Britain asserted, &c. which he lauds to the skies. The author of Observations d'un homme impartial exposes the false reasoning of "little Isaac," and shows himself a zealous defender of the rights of the colonies.

98 EXPOSE DES DROITS des colonies Britanniques, pour justifier le projet de leur indépendance. Amsterdam.

8vo. pp. 36.

Written by a foreigner residing in England, who it appears had already
published an Essai sur la veritable Liberté civile, adressé au peuple

99 ETAT PRÉSENT DE LA LOUISIANE: pour servir de suite à l'his-
toire des etablissemens des Européens dans les deux Indes.
Par M. Champigny.
A la Haye.

Meusel 1. 2, 360.

100 CONSIDERATIONS sur l'etat present de la colonie Française de Saint Domingue. Ouvrage politique et legislatif; présenté au ministre de la marine, par Mr. H. D.

8vo. 2 vols.


By M. Hilliard D'Auberteuil. Barbier. (See Nouvelles Considerations, &c.

101* ESSAI SUR L'HISTOIRE NATURELLE de Saint Domingue. (Par
le P. Nicolson.)

8vo. 10 plates.



Anvers (Paris.)
This work appears to have been an imitation or translation of Almon's
Remembrancer, and appears to have extended to fifteen volumes. Among
its editors, according to Barbier, were Franklin, Count de Gebelin,
Robinet, &c. Harvard college library possesses a copy of this scarce

dien de demarcation entre les domaines d'Espagne et de
Portugal. Par Don Georges Juan & Don Antoine de Ulloa,
&c. Traduit de l'Espagnol. (Avec une carte.)

The original, in Spanish, was published in 1749.



1776. 104 RESPUESTA À LA MEMORIA que presentó en 16 de Enero de 1776 el Exmo Sor D. Francisco Inocencio de Souza Coutinho, embaxador de S. M. F. cerca del Rey N. S. relativa à la negociation entablada para tratar del arreglo y señalamiento de limites de las posesiones Españolas y Portuguesas en America meridional.-Apendice de documentos que se citan en la respuesta -Carta de acompañimiento que precede à la misma respuesta.

Quarto, pp. 255 and 78.


This work has no date, &c. to it; but, by the original мs. in my possession, it appears that the edition was prepared by Don Bernardo Yriarte, and published at Madrid in this year. Some bookseller has affirmed that only six copies were printed, but I have myself seen a much greater number in Madrid, where the work was considered as of very little value. It apparently, however, was never intended for sale.

105 COMPENDIO DELLA STORIA GEOGRAFICA, naturale, e civili, del regno di Chile; con una tavola geografica e figure.


Meusel attributes this anonymous work to the Abbé Vidaurre, but Molina
speaks of it as if by a different author. The American translator of Molina
has made large extracts from it, from which it appears to be, though con-
cise, a work of considerable authority. A map of the country, a plan of
Santiago, the capital, and other places, all made from accurate observations,
add to the value of this work.

106 CHARACTERES GENERUM PLANTARUM, quas in itinere ad in-
sulas Maris Australis, colligerunt, descripserunt, delinearunt,
annis 1772-1775, Jo. R. Forster, L.L.D. et Georgius Forster.
Quarto, pp. 150, plates 75.

This work should form part of a complete set of Cook's voyages. 107 FASTI NOVI ORBIS et ordinationum apostolicarum ad Indias pertinentium breviarium cum adnotationibus. Opera D. Cyriaci Morelli presbyteri, olim in universitate Neo-Cordubensi in Tucumania professoris.

Quarto, pp. 642.


Cyriaci Morelli is the pseudonyme of Don Domingo Muriel, a Spanish Jesuit, for many years a professor in the college of his order at Tucuman. When the Jesuits were expelled from the Spanish dominions he retired to Italy, where he prepared the present work, which is a collection of all the orders, decrees, &c. given by the popes, and by the kings of Spain, relative to the spiritual concerns of America, from its first discovery. He also translated Charlevoix' History of Paraguay into Latin, and published it, with a continuation, at Venice, in 1779.



1 THE ATLANTIC NEPTUNE, published for the use of the Royal
navy of Great Britain. By Joseph F. W. Des Barres, esq.

under the directions of the R. H. lords commissioners of the

Sunt ingeniorum monumenta quæ sæculis probantur. Liv.
Atlas folio. 2 vols.

London. The most splendid collection of charts, plans, and views, ever published. It was executed at the expense of the British government for the use of the British navy, and no expense appears to have been spared in the exeThe cution in order to render it a monument worthy of the nation. following are the titles (beautifully executed) to the different parts, together with the plates belonging to each:


THE SEA COAST OF NOVA SCOTIA; exhibiting the diversities of the coast and face of the country near it; the banks, rocks, shoals, soundings, &c. Together with remarks and directions for the conveniency of navigation and pilotage. Surveyed by order of the R. H. lords commissioners of the Admiralty, by Joseph Frederick Wallet Des Barres, esq.

[blocks in formation]

20 View of Annapolis Royal.

21 Three views, coloured.

22 Bay of Fundy. No. 9.

23 Five views, coloured.

24 S.W. coast of Nova Scotia, No. 9.*

25 Barrington Bay. No. 10.

26 Port Amherst, &c.

27 Port Campbell. No. 12.

28 Port Mills.

No. 13.

[blocks in formation]
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