

the growth and production of the said province. And a preface, containing some considerations on the consequences of the French making settlements there. By Daniel Coxe, esq. 8vo. map. London.

A crude performance, drawn up from various journals and voyages, to impress the public with the great importance of the region described, and to make them jealous of its occupation by the French. Under the name of Carolana was comprehended the present state of Georgia, the two Floridas and Louisiana; and this whole territory was claimed by Dr. Coxe, the father of the author, as proprietor of it under the crown. North Am. Rev. 2, p. 1. Republished in 1727 and 1741.

2 THE HISTORY OF VIRGINIA, in four parts, &c.

See 1705. The second edition, revised and enlarged by the Author. 8vo. pp. 284, 15 plates.


Dr. Allen says that this work, in the historical part, is as concise and unsatisfactory as that of Stith is prolix and tedious. Am, Biog.

3 A GENERAL SURVEY of that part of the island of St. Christo

pher's which formerly belonged to France; and was yielded up to Great Britain for ever by the late treaty of Utrecht: together with an estimate of the value of those lands, and a proposal and scheme for raising a very considerable sum of money, for the use of the publick, on the produce thereof, &c In a letter to M. R., Esq. a member of the honourable House of Commons. By Mr. R. M., S. B. London.

8vo. pp. 48.

4 A VINDICATION of the ministers of Boston from the abuses
and scandals lately cast upon them in diverse printed papers.
By some of their people.
Boston, N. E.


In the British Museum.

5 VOYAGES DE FRANÇOIS COREAL aux Indes occidentales, conte-
nant ce qu'il y a vû de plus remarquable pendant son sejour
depuis 1666. Jusqu'a 1697. Traduites de l'Espagnol, avec
une relation de la Guiane de Walter Raleigh, et le voyage de
Narbrough à la mer du sud par le detroit de Magellan.
12mo. 3 vols.



nouvelle edition, corrigée et augmentée d'une nouvelle decouverte des Indes Meridionales et des terres Australe, enrichies de figures.


12mo. 2 vols.

There appears to be no reason to doubt of the identity of Francis Coreal, 1722. or of the fact of his having visited the different countries he describes. The only motive for such a doubt arises from the work never having been printed in Spanish, and from the French editor making no mention of the source from whence he obtained the original. Coreal's relation occupies only one half of the work, the other half being made up of a selection from other authors, to which probably the judgment of Prosper Marchand, as quoted by MEUSEL, applies, viz. that the work consisted of a portion of fragments taken here and there from several effective voyages, by some starving compiler." This additional matter consists of Sir Walter Raleigh's voyage to Guiána. The discovery of the Palaos islands. Captain Narborough's voyage to the South Sea. Voyage of Abel Jansen Tasman to the Terra Australis. Letter on the Mission of the Moxes. Account of Alvaro de Mendana's voyages. Discoveries of Quiros.

A certain Rev. Doctor "stuck his spurs so hard into the side of his good
bibliographical courser," that he leapt over a good part of the title of
this book, as given in Meusel, and makes out "COREAL'S Voyages en les
Indes occidentales, &c. to be a translation of the Flemish journal of Capt.
Abel Jansen Tasman!" This Flemish journal is merely one of the
before-mentioned relations.

ville de la Potherie, nè à la Guadaloupe dans l'Amerique
meridionale, aide-major dans la dire isle.
12mo. 4 vols.

[ocr errors]


This work is written in the form of letters, except the second volume,
which is divided into chapters. It contains several badly written memoirs
on a considerable portion of the history of Canada. What the author
relates, from his own observation, may be relied upon; but in other re-
spects he was not well informed, although apparently sincere and dispas-
sionate." Charlevoix.

8 NOUVEAU VOYAGE aux isles de l'Amerique, contenant l'histoire
naturelle de ces pays, l'origine, les mœurs, la religion et le
gouvernement des habitans anciens and modernes. Les
guerres et les evenemens singuliers qui y sont arrivez pendant
le long sejour que l'auteur y a fait. Le commerce et les
manufactures qui y sont établies, et les moyens de les aug-
menter. Avec une description exacte et curieuse de toutes
ces isles.
Ouvrage enrichi de plus de cent cartes, plans et
figures en tailles douces.
12mo. 6 vols.


The name of the author, F. Jean Baptiste Labat, is found affixed to the dedication to the Duc de Montmorency. Reprinted in quarto, at the Hague, in 1724, and with considerable additions, in 1742, at Paris.


"A very pleasant and instructive work in many respects, but not always accurate as to facts. Chalmers.

9 HISTOIRE DE LA NAVIGATION, son commencement, son progrés, et ses decouvertes jusqu'à present. Traduit de l'Anglois. Le commerce des Indes occidentales, avec un Catalogue des meilleures cartes geographiques et les meilleurs livres de voyages, et le caractere de leurs auteurs. Paris.

12mo. 2 vols.

This work is a translation, with some augmentations of the introduction to
Churchill's Collection of Voyages. The French editor, in his preface,
apologizes for the cruelties of the Spaniards to the Indians in this sum-
mary way: "It was difficult to use moderation towards beings human only
in figure; finally, of these savages were made men, of these animals were
made christians. God is adored where he was not known. The mission truly
has not been like that of the first apostles, but the Gospel has been preached
and received."

10 RELACION de la conquista de la provincia de los Nayaritas, en
el Reyno de la Nueva España, que consiguieron las armas de
S. M. à principios de este año de 1722.
Small 4to. pp. 32.


11 *ALLERÖLTESTE NACHRICHT von der Neuen Welt, welche dieser Erfinder derselben ehemals ertheilt von neuem edirt. Berlin.


This appears, from Meusel (11. 1. 265) to be a translation of Vesputius's account of his voyages.


1 ACTS OF ASSEMBLY passed in the province of Maryland from 1692 to 1715.



An abridgment of the laws of Maryland was printed in London in 1704 :
but an act of assembly was passed in the same year repealing all former
acts, saving what are thereby excepted. A new collection under the title
of "All the Laws of Maryland now in force," was printed at Annapolis in
1707, and another at Philadelphia in 1718, from which, it is probable, that
the present edition was taken.

2 MŒURS DES SAUVAGES AMERIQUAINS comparées aux mœurs des
premiers temps. Par le P. Lafitau, de la compagnie de Jesus.
Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taille-douce.
Quarto, 2 vols. 41 plates.


"This work was reprinted, badly enough the following year, at Rouen, in four volumes 12mo. It contains a great detail of the manners, customs,

and religion of the savages of America, particularly of those of Canada, 1723.
the author having been a missionary among the Iroquois; consequently,
his work is the most exact we have upon the subject.

His parallel of

the people of antiquity with the Americans has been considered as very ingenious, and supposes a great knowledge of ancient history." Charlevoix. 3 PRIMERA PARTE de los Veinte i uno libros Rituales i Monarchia Indiana, con el origen y guerras de los Indios occidentales de sus poblaciones, descubrimiento, conquista, conversion y otras cosas maravillosas de la misma tierra, distribuydos en tres tomos. Compuesto por Fr. Juan de Torquemada. Madrid. Folio, 3 vols. Engraved titles and map.

Reprinted from the edition of 1615 under the editorship of Barcia. The
first volume treats of the Indians of New Spain and of their origin; of the
customs of the kingdoms of Mexico, Tezcuco, Azcaputzalco, Tlacupa, and
of the origin of the republics of Tlaxcallan, Cholulla, and Huetzozingo, to-
gether with the history of the conquest by the Spaniards. The second
volume contains a comparison of the customs of the Mexicans with those
of the nations of antiquity; and the third relates to ecclesiastical affairs,
including the lives of many holy members of the order of Franciscans, to
which the author belonged. Some curious chapters of the original мs.
were omitted by order of the Inquisition, particularly one entitled "Como
el Demonio quiso remedar a Dios escogiendo pueblo," or How the Devil
wished to imitate the Almighty by choosing a favoured people: Probably
comparing the migration of the ancient Toltecas to that of the Israelites.
Clavigero says that "this history is without question the most complete
in respect to the antiquity of Mexico of any hitherto published. The
author resided in Mexico from his youth to his death; knew the Mexican
language well, conversed with the Mexicans for upwards of fifty years,
collected a great number of ancient pictures and excellent manuscripts,
and labored at his work more than twenty years; but in spite of his dili-
gence, and such advantages, he frequently betrays want of memory, of
critical skill and good taste; and in his history there appear many gross
contradictions, particularly in chronology, several childish recitals, and a
great deal of superfluous learning, on which account it requires considerable
patience to read it." Hist. of Mex. 1. p. xxi.

4 PRIMERA PARTE de los Comentarios Reales que tratan del origen
de los Incas, Reyes que fueron del Peru, de su idolatria y
govierno en paz y en guerra: de sus vidas y conquistas, y
de todo lo que fué aquel imperio y su republica, antes que los
Españoles passaron à el; por el Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega.
Segunda impresion.


5 HISTORIA GENERAL del Peru, trata el descubrimiento de el y como lo ganaron los Españoles; las Guerras civiles que huvo



entre Pizarros y Almagros sobre la partija de la tierra, castigo y levantamiento de tyranos y otros sucesos particulares que en la historia se contienen. Escrita por el Ynca Garcilasso de la Vega. Segunda impresion. Madrid. Folio.


This volume has the date of 1722; it was first printed in 1617: the PRIMERA PARTE in 1609. A new edition of both parts was printed in Madrid in 1800-1, in 13 small volumes: they are also included in a new collection of American historians now publishing in Madrid, in small octavo volumes. 6 LA FLORIDA DEL INCA, historia del Adelantado Hernando de Soto, governador y capitan general del Reino de la Florida; y de otros heroicos Caballeros, Españoles e Indios. Escrita por el Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, capitan de S. M. natural de la gran Ciudad del Cozco en el Peru. Van enmendadas en esta impresion muchas erratas de la primera; y añadida copiosa tabla de las cosas notables. Y el ensaio cronologico que contiene las sucedidas hasta en el año de 1722. Folio, pp. 268. Indexes, &c.


The second edition: the first was printed in 1605. The third edition, in four small volumes, in 1803. Charlevoix says that this work is well written, and of authority as far as regards the account of the expeditions of Hernando de Soto, and his successor, Louis de Moscoso, but that the account of the riches and power of the Floridians is evidently much exaggerated. The following article was intended as a continuation of this work :

7 ENSAYO CRONOLOGICO, para la historia general de la Florida. Contiene los descubrimientos, y principales sucesos acaecidos en este gran Reino, à los Españoles, Franceses, Suecos, Dinamarqueses, Ingleses y otras naciones entre sì, y con los Indios : cuias costumbres, genios, idolatria, govierno, batallas, y astucias se refieren: y los viages de algunos capitanes y pilotos, por el mar del norte, à buscar Paso à Oriente, o union de aquella tierra, con Asia. Desde el año de 1512 que descubrio la Florida Juan Ponce de Leon hasta el de 1722. Escrita por Don Gabriel de Cardenas z Cano. Folio, pp. 336. Indexes, &c. Madrid. This chronological history of Florida, under which name the author com prises nearly the whole continent of America north of Mexico, was severely criticised by Salazar, in 1725. The name on the title is an anagram of that of Don Andres Gonzalez Barcia, who deserved great praise for the pains he took in republishing the best works on American history, many of which were already in his time presqu' introuvable. The five preceding articles were edited by him, together with Herrera, 1726;

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