1725. result of it was that an explanatory charter should be drawn up for that province. (This tract was found among the papers of Governor Bernard, now in my possession.) 4 JOURNAL DES OBSERVATIONS physiques, mathematiques, et botaniques, faites par l'ordre du Roi sur les Côtes Orientales de l'Amerique Meridionale, et dans une autre voyage à la Nouvelle Espagne, et aux isles de l'Amerique. Par le P. Louis Feuillée, &c. Quarto. Paris. The third volume of Father Feuillée's Journal. The first and second were published in 1714. 5 NOUVEAU VOYAGE fait autour du monde, par Le Gentil (la Barbinais), enrichi de plusieurs plans, vues, et perspectives des principales villes et ports du Pérou, du Chili, du Brésil, et de la Chine, avec une description beaucoup plus étendue que celles qui ont paru jusqu'à présent, où il est traité des mœurs, religion, politique, éducation, et commerce des peuples de ces empires. Paris. 12mo. 3 vols. Admiral Burney expresses a doubt whether this voyage was really made by 6 CRISIS DEL ENSAYO à la historia de la Florida. Alcalà de Henares. A severe criticism on Barcia's Ensayo chronologico, &c. 1723. Barcia, like -, was an industrious and intelligent collector, but apparently not an able writer. This criticism was written by the historiographer of Spain and the Indies, Don Joseph de Salazar, author of several works of no great merit, who was evidently jealous of Barcia's superior qualifications for his own employment. MDCCXXVI. 1 A VOYAGE round the world by the way of the Great South Sea, performed in the years 1719, 20, 21, 22, in the Speedwell of London, of twenty-four guns and 100 men, (under H. M.'s commission to cruize on the Spaniards, in the late war with the Spanish crown,) till she was cast away on the island of 1726. 8vo. pp. 468, pl. 4, and map. London. Two histories were published of this voyage. This, written by Captain Shelvocke, was intended by him as a vindication of his conduct, having been accused of piracy and embezzlement. The other was written by one of Shelvocke's officers, William Betagh (see 1728), who was roughly treated in Shelvocke's narrative, and, in return, wrote with the design of exposing Shelvocke. Both narratives are written with spirit. Burney. 2 THE STATE OF THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA, chiefly in relation to its commerce, and the conduct of the Spaniards in the West Indies. Addressed to a member of Parliament. By a person who resided several years at Jamaica. London. 8vo. pp. 80. 3 *HISTORY of the wars of New England with the Eastern Indians, from 1703 to 1713, and from 1722 to their submission, which was ratified 5th August, 1726. 12mo. Boston. 4 THE VOYAGES and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world, &c. To which is added, the voyage, shipwreck, and miraculous preservation of Richard Castelman, gent. With a description of the city of Philadelphia and the country of Pensylvania. London, J. Watts. 8vo. pp. 374. Boyle's narrative is probably a fictitious one, but that of Castelman bears marks of authenticity. The latter's visit to Philadelphia took place in 1710. Boyle's voyages have been often reprinted; but Castelman's relation is only to be found in the early editions. 5 *A NARRATIVE of the proceedings of the people of South Carolina London. in the year 1719. Quarto. In the British Museum. 6 *LIFE AND CHARACTER of a monster from America. 8vo. In the library of Harvard College. 7 *ACTS OF THE ASSEMBLY of New York, from 1691 to 1725. Folio. In the British Museum. New York. 1726. 8 THE VOYAGES AND TRAVELS of Nathaniel Uring, with new draughts of the Bay of Honduras and the Caribbee Islands. 8vo. Republished in 1749. London. 9 RELACION HISTORIAL de las missiones de los Indios, que llaman luz por el Padre Geronimo Herran, &c. Small 4to. Published in Latin at Vienna in 1733. Sacada à 10 HISTORIA GENERAL de los hechos de los Castellaños en las Folio, 5 vols. This work was printed between the years 1726 and 1730, the volumes 11 VICTIMA REAL LEGAL, discurso unico juridico-historico-politico, &c. Folio. Madrid. In consequence of this vindication of the Royal right to the revenues 12 MEMORIAL informativo del consulado de la Ciudad de los Herrera. Folio, pp. 148. (Lima?) > 13 JUSTIFICACION de los Assientos de Averia, Almojarifazgos y 1726. alcavalas, en satisfacion de las respuestas de los fiscales del consejo real de las Indias y de la audiencia de Lima, &c. Folio, pp. 86. MDCCXXVII. (Lima?) 1 A DESCRIPTION of the English province of Carolana, &c. (see 1722.) By Daniel Coxe, Esq. 8vo. map, pp. 56, and 122. Merely a new title to the edition of 1722. London. 2 INDIAN CONVERTS; or some account of the lives and dying speeches of a considerable number of the christianized Indians of Martha's vineyard, in New-England. By Experience Mayhew, M.A., preacher of the Gospel to the Indians of that island. London. 8vo. pp. 310. An account of the lives of thirty Indian ministers, and about eighty Indian men, women, and youth, worthy of remembrance on account of their piety. At the end is the following, with a separate title-page: Some account of those English ministers who have successively presided over the work of gospelizing the Indians on Martha's vineyard, and the adjacent islands. By another hand, (the Rev. Thomas Prince.) 3 MISCELLANIA CURIOSA: containing a collection of curious travels, voyages, and natural histories of countries, as they have been delivered in to the Royal Society. Vol. III. The second edition. Revised and corrected by W. Derham, F.R.S. 8vo. 3 vols. London. The two first volumes of this collection contain philosophical papers. The third volume is devoted to voyages and travels, and contains, among other things, five letters "from Mr. John Clayton, rector of Crofton, at Wakefield in Yorkshire, to the Royal Society, May 12, 1688, giving an account of several observables in Virginia," &c. occupying 75 pages. 4 *PHENOMENA QUÆDAM APOCALYPTICA ad aspectum Novi Orbis configurata, or some few lines towards a description of the New Heaven, as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth. By Samuel Sewall, A.M., and sometime Fellow of Harvard College, at Cambridge, in New-England. The second edition. Quarto, pp. 64. Boston. Mr. Sewall inclines to the opinion that the Indians are descendants of the 1727. 5 *THE HISTORY of the five Indian nations depending on the pro vince of New York. By Cadwallader Colden. New York. This history was written on occasion of a dispute which happened at this time, between the government of New York and some merchants. It was reprinted with the second part, and large additions in 1747. 6 THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY, passed in the colony of Virginia, from London. 1662 to 1715. Vol. I. Folio. This volume contains all the acts down to 1715, and is probably called vol.i. in reference to those that might be subsequently passed and printed. The laws of Virginia were printed in London, without date, probably before 1696, as an act passed in that year is mentioned by Trott as not contained in it. MDCCXXVIII. 1 SOME OBSERVATIONS on the Assiento trade, as it has been exercised by the South Sea company; proving the damage which will accrue thereby to the British commerce and plantations in America, and particularly to Jamaica. To which is annexed, a sketch of the advantages of that island to Great Britain, by its annual produce, and by its situation for trade or war. By a person who resided several years at Jamaica. 8vo. pp. 38. London. 2 A VOYAGE ROUND THE WORLD, in the year 1719. By Captain William Betagh. 8vo. pp. 38. The author was captain of marines with Shelvocke, (see 1726), and wrote this work in consequence of finding himself roughly treated in Shelvocke's narrative. 3 VOYAGES DU BARON DE LAHONTAN dans l'Amerique septentrionale, &c. (as in No. 7, 1703.) Seconde edition, revuë, corrigée et augmentée. Amsterdum. 12mo. 3 vols., plates. The third, or supplementary volume has the following title: SUITE DU VOYAGE DE L'AMERIQUE, ou dialogues de Monsieur le Baron de Lahontan et d'un sauvage de l'Amerique. Contenant une description exacte des moeurs et des coutumes de ces peuples sauvages. Avec les voyages du même en Portugal, &c. Amsterdam. |