
8; notices of various parliamentary
speakers, 140; of Mr. Fox and Lord
Holland, 149, 50

Patriotic fund, its beneficial effects acknow-
ledged, 93

Persecution, Dr. Furneaux's definition of
it, 136

Petit Cadeau, par M. Mejanel, 290
Philip's experiments, to ascertain the
principle on which the action of the
heart depends, and the relation be-
tween the heart and the nervous sys-
tem, 344

additional experiments, &c. on
the relation which subsists between
the nervous and sanguiferous systems,
Phillips's garland for the grave of She-
ridan, 502, et seq.

Philosophical transactions for 1815, che-
mical and physiological papers, 343,
et seq.; on an ebbing and flowing
stream, discovered by boring in the
harbour of Bridlington, 343; expe-
riment to ascertain the principle on
which the action of the heart depends,
and the relation between that organ
and the nervous system, 344; expe-
riments to ascertain the influence of
the spinal marrow on the action of the
heart in fishes, 345; experiments, &c.
on the colours used in painting by
the ancients, ib.; further observations
on the current that often prevails to
the westward of the Scilly islands,
346; experiments on a solid com-
pound of iodine and oxygene, and its
chemical agencies, 347; on the action
of acids on the salts usually called
hyper-oxymuriates, and on the gases
produced from them, 348; further
analytical experiments relative to the
constitution of the prussic, of the fer.
ruretted chyazic, and of the sulphu-
retted chyazic acids, and of their salts,
&c. 350; on the nature and combi-
nations of a newly discovered veget-
able acid, and observations on the
malic acid, &c. 351; on the structure
of the organs of respiration in animals
of an intermediate place between the
class pisces and that of vermes, &c.
352; on the mode of generation of
the lamprey and myxine, ib.; an ac-
count of some experiments with a large
Voltaic battery, 352; additional ex-
periments, &c. on the relation which

[ocr errors][merged small]

borrowed from the Church of Rome,

Pit-coal, its three classes, and their qua-
lities, 63

Pleasure derived from objects naturally
unpleasing, on its nature and causes,

Poetic mirror, 507, et seq.; the work an
imitation of modern writers, 507;
probable author, ib.; the Guerilla, imi-
tation of the style of Lord Byron,
509; Wat o' the Clench-Walter Scott,
509 Wordsworth, 585, et seq.; Cole-
ridge, 587; Southey, 588

Poet's pilgrimage to Waterloo, 1, et seq.
Police system in France, its unconstitutional
and dangerous nature, 534

Political economy, conversations on, 288,
et seq.; on the substitution of machinery
for manual labour, 289
Polyglott Bible, prospectus of a, 59, et
seq.; explanation of the plan, 60; its
execution, &c. 60

Pompey's pillar, its remarkably small
base, 35; hieroglyphics on the base
inverted, ib.; inscription on the pedestal,
ib. et seq.

Pope, at Paris, his treatment there,
363, 4

Porrett's further analytical experiments

relative to the constitution of the
prussic, of the ferruretted chyazic,
and of the sulphuretted chyazic acids,
&c. 350

Portrait, a, from Miss Taylor's essays in
rhyme, 275, 6

Pottery found in the tumuli of Wiltshire,
its nature, &c. 118

Poule, Abbé, extract from a sermon on the
Prodigal Son, 152

Pragela, valley of, the Waldenses inhabiting
it, murdered by the papists, 51
Preaching, corrupted taste of the present
mode of, 155

Press, Chateaubriand on the freedom of,
532, 3

Primitive church, picture of the, 548
Prison discipline, evils arising from the de-
fective system of, 410

Protestant dissenters of England, Toul-
min's historical view of the state of,
127, et seq.

Protestant French preachers, their style
defective in energy, 154

Proverbialist, the, or Sancho, 67, et seq.
Psalms, essential difference between the
common version and the prayer book
version of, 593

Pulpit eloquence, British, 81, et seq.
Puritans, Dr. Mason's defence of, 551

Pyramids of Djeza, 22, et seq.; of Sac-
cára, 31; opinions on the origin and
design of them, 32

Quarantines, evil consequences of, 457;
their inefficiency, 463

Reformed Continental churches do not
possess episcopal ordination, 431, 2
Regeneration and baptism regarded by the
early Fathers of the Church as synoni
mous, 175

Reid, Dr. on hereditary derangement,
470 (note).

Reid's essays on insanity, &c. 183, et
seq.; remarks on the power of the will
in regard to counteracting nervous
depression, 184; duty of the pro-
fessional man to use this as a means,
185; extract, 186; evil tendency of
solitude, 186; objection to the division
of madness into melancholia and mania,
187; Dr. Beddoes on torpid melan-
choly, 187, et seq.; the inebriate man,
guilty of self-destruction, 189; madness
not to be remedied by harsh measures,
190; extract, ib.; fatal errors of the
hypochondriac, 191, 2

Relative responsibility, Innes's sermon
on, 386, et seq.

Religion not a disqualifying principle,


Religious inquiry, the natural privilege

of all persons, 134

Remuneration to witnesses in civil ac-
tions, Frost's considerations on the
propriety of, 78

Renals's sick man's friend, 487, 8
Rennel's further observation on the cur

rent that often prevails to the west-
ward of the Scilly Islands, 346
Report of the committee for investigat-

ing the causes, &c. of juvenile delin-
quency in the metropolis, 405, et seq.
Requests, list of, in favour of the Vaudois,
presented to Victor Emanuel by Count
Bubna and Mr. Hill, 98, 9
Revolutionists and the present ministry,
translated from the French, 511
Rickets in children, 376

Rieval, Abbey, Parkyns's historical descrip-
tion of, 557, 8

Robespierre, his fall and death, 235, et
seq.; extract, ib.
Rogers's elements of evangelical reli-
gion, 399, et seq.; peculiar nature of
the sufferings of Christ, 399; the me-
rits of his death infinite, ib.; coinci-
dences and differences between the
Calvinistic and Arminian systems, ib.
et seq.; the work of the Holy Spirit

on the soul, 401; opinions of Owen,
Edwards, and Fuller, ib.

Rollo, Dr. his account of fever generated
in an individual by his own effluvia
being confined, 462

Royal prerogative of the King of France,
Chateaubriand on, 530

Ryder's, Bishop, charge to the clergy of
the diocese of Gloucester, 394, et seq.;
caution against the present Antinomian
secession from the Established Church,
395, 6; his lordship's opinion of bap-
tismal regeneration, 396; admonition to
the preaching clergy, 379

Saccára, pyramids of, more ancient
than those of Djeza, 31; its cata-
combs, 32

Sacramental communion, Mason on,
543, et seq.

Saïs, ruins of, 34

Sancho, or the Proverbialist, 67, et seq.;
extracts, ib.

Sarcophagus of Alexander secured by
Dr. Clarke, and deposited in the
British Museum, 34

Savoy, the Duke of, expels the Wal-
denses from certain districts of his
dominions, 53

Sceptic philosopher's reflection over the
field of slaughter, (from the Poet's Pil-
grimage) 12, 13

Scott, Rev. J. notice of his letter in the
Christian Observer, in reference to
two articles in the Eclectic Review,
Scriptures, reasons for a revision of the
common version of, see Boothroyd on
the authorized version, 591
Sectarians, their genuine character, 553
Sermons, academical, by Dr. Mant,
417, et seq.

Sermons by Dr. Jones, 238, et seq.
Sermons to young people, by S. La-
vington, 286, 7

Serpent-eaters, or psylli, account of, 21
Service for adults considers them as unre-
generate prior to being baptized, 176
Shelly's Alastor, or the spirit of soli-
tude, 391, et seq.; explanation of the
poem, ib.; its objectionable character,
392; poetic description of a forest, 393
Sheridan, monody on the death of, 502,
et seq.; sketch of his character, 506
Shetland, Isle of, its fishery, and mode
of taking wild fowl, 478, 9
Sick man's friend, 487, 8
Singer's elements of electricity, &c.
558, et seq.

Skeleton, a remarkable one found in a
barrow in Wiltshire, 117, 8

Small-pox, extirpated at the Cape of Good
Hope and the Isle of Ceylon, 378
Solitude frequently hurtful to the moral
character, 187

Soros or tomb in the great pyramid, 28,
9; projected demolition by some of the
English soldiery, &c. prevented by Gen.
Stuart, 29

Southey's Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo,
1, et seq.; politics and modern war-
fare not fit subjects for poetry, ib.;
poetry and eloquence most influential
on the feelings in the early periods
of civilization, 2; effects of civili-
zation on the feelings, ib.; the poet
should study the peculiar feelings of
the age, ib.; modern writers of poems
on public occasions ignorant of the
true nature of poetry, ib.; Mr.
Southey's qualifications as a poet, 3;
characteristic difference between Mr.
S. and Mr. Wordsworth, as writers,
4; plan of the poem, 8; poet's return
from Waterloo, ib.; 8, 9; illumination
of Brussels, 10; Brussels, after the
battle, ib.; the field of battle three months
after the conflict, 11; the sceptic's re-
flections on the field of battle, 12, 13;
the sacred mountain, 13, et seq.; the
author's estimate of the moral im-
portance of the victory, 15; its mis-
sionary enterprizes the noblest triumph
of Britain, 16, 17

Southey's Lay of the Laureate, 196, et

seq.; extracts, ib. et seq.; objections to
his remarks on sectarianism, 202, 3
Speech of Mr. Favell in the Court of
Common-council, 499, et seq.
Sphinx, description of it, 31; inscription
behind the ear detected by Dr.Clarke,

Spitzbergen, Laing's voyage to, 477, et


Spurinna, or the comforts of old age,
607, et seq.

State, what is meant by it by high

church writers, 133, 4
Stonehenge, various observations con-
cerning its origin and use, 125;
traceable to the earliest British times,
126; Mr. Cunnington's remarks on
its use and structure, 127
Storer on an ebbing and flowing stream
discovered by boring in the harbour
of Bridlington, 343

Sunium, Cape of, enchanting scenery on
the approach towards it, 39

Taylor, Bishop Jeremy, Bonney's life of,
567, et seq.

Taylor's, Miss J. essays in rhyme, 263,

et seq.; their character and style,
263, 4; subject of the essays, 265,
et seq.; extracts, ib.; Paul at Athens,
266; essay on experience, extracts
from, 269; devotion of the man of
taste, 270, 1; the episcopal enthusiast,
271; observations and extracts, ib.
et seq.; a portrait, 275

Temples, ancient, evidences of their sepul-
chrul origin, 42

Thanksgiving Ode, Wordsworth's, 1, et

Theodore the Calmuc, his astonishing genius
as a painter, 41

Thermopyla, tumulus of the Spartans ex-
isting there, 301

Tiryus, its ruins and remote antiquity,

Toleration act, its operation partial, 132;

inconsistency of its enactment, 138, 9
Toleration an infringement of human
rights, 135

Toulmin's historical view of the state of
the Protestant dissenters, &c. 127, et
seq.; contents of the work, 128; de-
claration of Charles II. from Breda,
129; corporation act passed, 129;
act of uniformity, ib.; its ineffi-
ciency, 130; conventicle act, ib.;
Oxford act, ib.; servile conduct of
the clergy in the reign of James II.
131; remarks on the toleration act, 132;
the 'State,' what is meant, 153; re-
ligious inquiry the privilege of all,
134; toleration an infringement of
human rights, 135; civil laws should
take cognizance of temporal objects
only, ib.; religion should not be con-
sidered as a disqualifying principle,
ib.; remarks on toleration, by the
Rev. W. Graham,' 137; restrictive
enactments of the toleration act, 138;
new toleration act, 139; Mr. Cotton's
account of the effects occasioned by the
revocation of the edict of Nantz, 140;
charity schools originated with the
dissenters, ib.

Travels into Greece, Egypt, and the
Holy-Land, by Dr. E. D. Clarke, 18,
et seq.

Triumph of faith, by Dr. Goodwin, 486, 7
Truth not an equi-distance between two
opposite errors, 418

Tombuctoo, Adams's narrative of a
residence at, 251, et seq.; city des-
cribed, and manners, &c. of the na-
tives, 257, et seq.; see Adams's nar-

Tombuctoo, the seat of a Negro, not a
Mahometan, government, 252
Turkish barbarity at Caïro, 51

[blocks in formation]

Uniformity, its nature and results, 422
Unity of the church of God, 545, 6
Unlimited invitations consistent with
Divine decrees, a sermon, 606, 7
Unwin, Mrs. illness and death of, 338,
et seq.

Vaccination, its high estimation abroad,
377, 8; security from it permanent,

Vaudois, population of the, 96, (note),
see Waldenses

Vendée, la, or pays du bocage, described,
445, 6

Vergniaux, political conduct of, 234
Visits of mercy, Ely's, 87, et seq.

Waldenses, Jones's history of, 42, et

Waldenses, Morgan's translation of a

sketch of the present state of, 94,
et seq.; extracts from edicts against
the Protestants in 1602, &c. 95;
these edicts enforced in 1814, by Victor
Emanuel, 96,7; population of the
Vaudois, 96, (note); severities expe-
rienced by the Vaudois in 1815, 97;
list of requests presented to Victor
Emanuel by Count Bubna and Mr.
Hill, 98,9; its cool reception by the
King, ib.; application of the committee
of dissenting ministers to Lord Liver-
pool, in favour of the Vaudois, 100
Waldo, Peter, his preaching excites
the jealousy of the Court of Rome,
49; some account of his life and
labours, ib.

Waterloo, a poem, 93, 4

Watts, Dr. on baptismal regeneration,
(note) 575, 6

Wax candles, cause of their superiority
over tallow, 62

Well, remarkable one in the great pyramid,
27; observations and experiments on it,

Wemyss's biblical gleanings, 559, et
seq.; on the nature and results of bib-
lical criticisin, 560; plan and con-
tents of the work, ib. et seq.

Whichcot, Dr. extracts from one of his
sermons, 87

Whitbread, Whitehouse's panegyric of,
193, et seq.; extracts, ib.
Wilberforce, Mr. his parliamentary cha-
racler, 145, 6

Wilkins, Bishop, biographical notice of,
85, 6

Will, its power of counteracting nervous
disorders, &c. 184, et seq.

Wilson's city of the plague, 164; et
seq.; on the nature and causes of the
pleasure derived from objects natu-
rally unpleasing, ib. et seq.; real mi-
sery always connected with something
offensive, 165; chief fault of the
poem, ib.; extracts, 166, et seq.
Wiltshire, South, Hoare's ancient his-
tory of, 106, et seq.

Winter evening recreations at M. 403
Withdrawment of God, remarks on the, 614
Wordsworth's Thanksgiving Ode, 1, et
seq.; characteristic difference between
Mr. Southey and Mr. Wordsworth, as
writers, 4; style of Mr. W. 5; his
politics objectionable, ib.; extract from
an ode on the expedition of the French
into Russia, 7, 8
Wretchedness of the poor, false estimate of,
183, 4


H. Bryer, Printer,

Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London.


Page 418 line 3 from bottom, for Campania, read Campagna,

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10 for are, read is.

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