W FRANCE, SOCIAL, LITERARY, POLITICAL. 97.2 BY HENRY LYTTON BULWER, M.P. Nature and truth are the same everywhere, and reason shows them everywhere alike. But the accidents and other causes which give rise and growth to opinions, both in speculation and prac tice, are of infinite variety.-Bolingbroke on the true Use of Retirement and Śtudy. Reverere conditores Deos, numina Deorum. Reverere gloriam veterem, et hanc ipsam senectu tem quæ in homine venerabilis, in urbibus sacra est. Sit apud te honor antiquati, sit ingentibus facti, sit fabulis quoque, nihil ex cujusquam dignitate, nihil ex libertate, nihil etiam ex jactatione decerpseris.-Plinius Maximo Teus S. PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, IND SOLD BY THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. |