Het Fivelingoër en Oldampster Landregt: een Oudfriesch handschrift uit de 14e eeuwMontanus de Haan Hettema Meindersma, 1841 - 272 pagina's |
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Pagina 192
... redieua folgath , thet skil stede biliua . 4 33. Sa hwersa ma enere wiue hiri god utracht fon enere were , jo sa is thetriucht , thet ma hiri hach of there were to vttrande alsa god , sachiu ' t heth an tha were ebrocht , skinande gold ...
... redieua folgath , thet skil stede biliua . 4 33. Sa hwersa ma enere wiue hiri god utracht fon enere were , jo sa is thetriucht , thet ma hiri hach of there were to vttrande alsa god , sachiu ' t heth an tha were ebrocht , skinande gold ...
Pagina 194
... redieua sikur hlia , sun- der skatha skil hi beliua . 40. Umbe allerahonda seka , ther ma ne husing mithi onsprecht , ther ald send and unwitlik , sunder tha hagosta sex wendon , dur thi mon mith twilif hondon undfalla and sin redieua ...
... redieua sikur hlia , sun- der skatha skil hi beliua . 40. Umbe allerahonda seka , ther ma ne husing mithi onsprecht , ther ald send and unwitlik , sunder tha hagosta sex wendon , dur thi mon mith twilif hondon undfalla and sin redieua ...
Pagina 196
... redieua and thi hodere to hilpande . S44 . Sa hwersa tha liodaman claghiath umbe heligana god and hia thet mith hiara sele winnath , and hiam thi redieua ther to folath , sa moton hia therumbe tia . 45. Alle tha merketa , ther ...
... redieua and thi hodere to hilpande . S44 . Sa hwersa tha liodaman claghiath umbe heligana god and hia thet mith hiara sele winnath , and hiam thi redieua ther to folath , sa moton hia therumbe tia . 45. Alle tha merketa , ther ...
Pagina 198
... redieua thene bona makath , thene brond skil hi ielda and frithia . Werth ther enich mon eslein sunder thesse haga fretha , ther falle to ene ielde , sa skil ma tha bona barna and hund- red merka to fretha sella ; and eft nenne brond er ...
... redieua thene bona makath , thene brond skil hi ielda and frithia . Werth ther enich mon eslein sunder thesse haga fretha , ther falle to ene ielde , sa skil ma tha bona barna and hund- red merka to fretha sella ; and eft nenne brond er ...
Pagina 200
... redieua him sine bote to findande al na sine skatha . Ne mi thi blata thenne na- wet lasta , tha bote and thene fretho , sa ach ma him ene dede , alsaden , wither to dwande ; ac sterue hi fon there dede , sa skil ma hini mith twintega ...
... redieua him sine bote to findande al na sine skatha . Ne mi thi blata thenne na- wet lasta , tha bote and thene fretho , sa ach ma him ene dede , alsaden , wither to dwande ; ac sterue hi fon there dede , sa skil ma hini mith twintega ...
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Het Fivelingöer en Oldampster landregt: Een oudfriesch handschrift ..., Volume 1 Volledige weergave - 1841 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
12 schell 36 schell ach hi allerec alsa fule Asega behoort bern beta binna blata boete bote broeder bronde cona daad drie eed te halen einzen ekemen enza erfenis erue ethan ethe to haliane evenveel feder fior Frana frethe Friezen geld geregt goed goud haling heth hi thes hiara hine hire huse Hwasa Hwersa ieder iefta ield ielda Incepta inna Item jef hi jefta kest kind koning konings ban lamming landregt lawa lieden lithe liude londriucht mark merc merka merkum mith ene ethe mitha moder nout onkeme panningan sunder penningen priester redieua regt regter riucht scel schellingen scol scriua send sent sine skil skillinga cona sunder thene thenna ther thera thet hi thing thio thira Thiu thredda thria thrimen thruch vmbe vppa vrede wert werth wesa xii scill xxxvi scill zeend