Het Fivelingoër en Oldampster Landregt: een Oudfriesch handschrift uit de 14e eeuwMontanus de Haan Hettema Meindersma, 1841 - 272 pagina's |
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Pagina 14
... thira sogen stretena eng wert birawat , jefta binereth and hit den se schen fon thes keninges halwin , sa ach ma hira schatha to fellene , and to nimane of herum and of huslotha of keninges lond and of liuda fia thene schatha mithe to ...
... thira sogen stretena eng wert birawat , jefta binereth and hit den se schen fon thes keninges halwin , sa ach ma hira schatha to fellene , and to nimane of herum and of huslotha of keninges lond and of liuda fia thene schatha mithe to ...
Pagina 22
... thira thinga ening birawat , thet hi word fordemet and vrdelid to fara God almachtich and alle sine helgum in celo et in terra , bethe in hymelric and in erthric . Thit riuchte ach ma and ' scol ma halda mith sogen liude withum fonta ...
... thira thinga ening birawat , thet hi word fordemet and vrdelid to fara God almachtich and alle sine helgum in celo et in terra , bethe in hymelric and in erthric . Thit riuchte ach ma and ' scol ma halda mith sogen liude withum fonta ...
Pagina 32
... thira aftneda ; nedraf , ned- brond , nachtethiuwethe . he . Jef thet is liudkuth and bur- kuth , thet him sin goud vntraweth se , jefta forbarnet se jefta vnstellin ' se ; sa ne sa ne thor hi him thet goud noút wither onderdia , thruch ...
... thira aftneda ; nedraf , ned- brond , nachtethiuwethe . he . Jef thet is liudkuth and bur- kuth , thet him sin goud vntraweth se , jefta forbarnet se jefta vnstellin ' se ; sa ne sa ne thor hi him thet goud noút wither onderdia , thruch ...
Pagina 66
... thira thrira allerec xii scill . mith ene ethe to haliane . Thiu bresskedene vii scill . thet is xiii panningan sunder ene haling . FON BLODRENE . 7. Is thet blod vtrunnen it aidra nosterne and itta mula , sa ist xii scill . allerec thira ...
... thira thrira allerec xii scill . mith ene ethe to haliane . Thiu bresskedene vii scill . thet is xiii panningan sunder ene haling . FON BLODRENE . 7. Is thet blod vtrunnen it aidra nosterne and itta mula , sa ist xii scill . allerec thira ...
Pagina 72
... thira buta ethe . Thio wre were al oueslain fiortenste thrimen merc , thet is xiii scill . sunder iiii panningan . Thio nithere were alsa fule ; and ther to scel ma scriua then onkeme an hete an kelde an wlitewlemmelsa an tha stemblinga ...
... thira buta ethe . Thio wre were al oueslain fiortenste thrimen merc , thet is xiii scill . sunder iiii panningan . Thio nithere were alsa fule ; and ther to scel ma scriua then onkeme an hete an kelde an wlitewlemmelsa an tha stemblinga ...
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Het Fivelingöer en Oldampster landregt: Een oudfriesch handschrift ..., Volume 1 Volledige weergave - 1841 |
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
12 schell 36 schell ach hi allerec alsa fule Asega behoort bern beta binna blata boete bote broeder bronde cona daad drie eed te halen einzen ekemen enza erfenis erue ethan ethe to haliane evenveel feder fior Frana frethe Friezen geld geregt goed goud haling heth hi thes hiara hine hire huse Hwasa Hwersa ieder iefta ield ielda Incepta inna Item jef hi jefta kest kind koning konings ban lamming landregt lawa lieden lithe liude londriucht mark merc merka merkum mith ene ethe mitha moder nout onkeme panningan sunder penningen priester redieua regt regter riucht scel schellingen scol scriua send sent sine skil skillinga cona sunder thene thenna ther thera thet hi thing thio thira Thiu thredda thria thrimen thruch vmbe vppa vrede wert werth wesa xii scill xxxvi scill zeend