an unsuccessful attachment, and also to avoid from the door. Whither should she go now?|| hand, and, gazing on her with tearful eyes, all chance of detection. This event put the The evening was then far spent; therefore, for said, 'I am glad thy name is Rosalie. It was finishing stroke to poor Rosalie's misfortunes. that night, she hired a bed at a small guinguette, that of my dear lost child, and I shall like thee She was now almost universally shunned; and or ale-house. In the morning she decided on the better for it; then, throwing herself on even her father, when he witnessed her sorrow quitting the town, and proceeding on foot to her neck, she wept for the dead Rosalie in the at the young man's mysterious departure-the the next village, lest those who had denied her arms of the living one. It was with a heart effect of gratitude merely-was sometimes entrance into their house, should prejudice the full of thankfulness that Rosalie lay down that induced to believe it was the result of self-townsfolk against her. Accordingly, she set night; hoping that she had not only found a upbraiding. off quite early in the morning, and arrived, perinanent home, but in the affectionate widow And is it possible,' said Rosalie, ' that you after a few hours, at so pretty a village, that a second mother. When Rosalie had been can think him a murderer, and me his accom-she resolved to stay there, and if possible, hire a some days in her new abode, and had obtained plice?' small room, and try to procure a service or as much employment as she required, through • Why no-not positively so; but appear- some employment. She was not long in the exertions of her hostess, she wrote to her ances are strong against you both.' procuring the first, and hoped she had pro- father giving her address, and begging to hear The truth was, that, having repeatedly ad-cured the second; but, when the person who from him. She had long resolved not to spend mitted to his wife the possibility of Rosalie's was going to hire her, heard her name was any of the money still remaining of her legacy: guilt, he had tried to reconcile his weakness to Rosalie Mirbel, and whence she came, she that she reserved for her brothers and sisters. his conscience, by believing that he might regarded her with a look of painful suspicion, I shall not live long;' thought Rosalie; my have admitted a truth. And it was a father and, saying she would not suit her, shut the heart is nearly broken, but one day my father whom she tenderly loved, her only earthly | door in her face. and they will love me again: one day my innohope, who had thus spoken to her! It was What was it now expedient for her to do?cence will be made known, and they will be very almost more than the poor Rosalie could Should she change her name, as it was evident sorry to think how cruelly they judged the poor bear; but she remembered that she had a that it was only too well known? But this the Rosalie, who, as they will then find, loved and Father in heaven, and was comforted. To principle of truth, inculcated in her by her forgave them.' remain where she was, was now impossible; mother at a very early age, forbade her to do. At length she could not be easy without nor would her step-mother allow her to stay, All she could do, therefore, was to go forward, telling her kind friend who she was; accordas she was told it would be a disadvantage to and as far as she could from her native place, ingly she said, 'Dear Madelon, I have a sad her own daughters if she harbored such a in hopes that the further she went, the less secret weighing on my mind, and I cannot be Noncreature. Accordingly Rosalie was told that likely it was that she would be recognized. satisfied without revealing it to thee.' she must seek a distant home. This was now The next day, when she paid for her night's sense!' replied she, 'I hate secrets!—I will no trial to her. Her father had owned that he lodging, she saw, by the countenance of the not hear it, darling! Oh, but you must !— thought she might be guilty; she therefore man who lived at the house, that he had been you do not yet know who I am.' I know,' wished to fly even from his presence. But told who she was; and, on going out she saw returned Madelon with deep feeling, that whither should she go? There was one friend a crowd evidently waiting to look at her; nor thou art the child of sorrow, and that is enough who would, as her father thought, receive her could she, though she walked very fast, escape for me!' for her poor mother's sake, even in her from the misery of hearing some abusive names | Rosalie; degraded state; and to her care, by a letter applied to her, and execrations of her supposed which she was to deliver herself, her father con- crime. Rosalie clasped her crucifix only more signed her. Nothing now remained but to closely to her breast, and continued to trust take as affectionate a leave of her kindred as that the hour of her deliverance from unjust might be permitted her, to visit the grave of suspicion would, in time, arrive. her mother and her friend, breathe her last prayer beside them, and take her place in the diligence which was to bear her far from her native village, in order to remain an exile from her home, till He, who is able to bring light out of darkness,' should deign to make manifest her innocence. She was going to a small town in Burgundy; and it was with a beating heart that the injured girl quitted the diligence, and, with her little bundle, asked were her mother's friend resided. . The question was soon answered, and the residence pointed out; but she had the pain of hearing that she was dead, and had even been buried some days. However, she found that her son-in-law and his wife were at the house, and she ventured thither. But no sooner had the master and mistress, in her presence, read the letter together, than they both changed color, and, with an expression of aversion in their countenances, declared that, under her circumstances, they could not admit her into their family; and Rosalie, in silence and in sorrow, turned Good, generous being cried but I am called more than the child of sorrow; I am, though falsely, accused of of. I know it, I know it already! Some one passing through the village saw thee, and knew thee, and came to tell me what thou wast said to be; but I did not believe thee guilty!— It was near noon before the faint and weary no, no, dear child, how could I? She a sufferer reached the suburbs of the next town, murderess ?—said I, when I have seen her and saw a kind-looking woman, in deep averse even to kill the bee that stung her! No, mourning, sitting at work at the door of a cot-no-and I sent him off with his wicked tales!? tage. Her pale, care-worn cheek, and her Then you will not cast me from you, my best dress, encouraged Rosalie to accost her. friend!' said the poor girl, bursting into a Perhaps the recent loss which she had sus-flood of soothing tears, and throwing herself tained had softened her heart; and Rosalie into her arms. Never, never! And this ventured to request, first, a draught of milk, was the happiest day that Rosalie had known and then a lodging, if she had one to let. since her misfortunes. But no reply came Thou shalt have both, my child,' was the from her father; and, though she wrote to ready answer. Come in and sit down, for him every year for five years successively, I am sure thou art tired.' she never received an answer. 'Well, then,' said she to her indignant companion, I will write no more, and try to be contented with knowing I have a parent in you, Madelon.' Still, spite of her habitual trust in the goodness of providence, this neglect of a beloved parent had a pernicious effect on her health, and it continued to decline. Her beauty, which had been chiefly derived from the brilliant coloring and plumpness of youth, was now considerably faded; still, occasional fever sometimes re Rosalie did so; and as soon as she was rested, she was shown the neat apartment which, at a moderate rent, she was to occupy, and which had only just been vacated. She then told the good woman her name was Mirble, Rosalie Mirble; and she anxiously fixed her eyes on her face to see what effect that name had on her. To Rosalie's great alarm, she, too, started, but not with any sign of aversion; on the contrary, she took her stored to her eyes their wonted lustre, by giving a crimson flush to her cheek, which even exceeded in tint the vanished bloom of health. 6 Rosalie again.' Little did she suspect that from my father's counsel, from my mother's COMMUNICATIONS. For the Rural Repository. From the Desk of Wilhelmus Sil- thou, too, art gone; the home of my childverquill. MR. EDITOR, Another trial was now hanging over her. Her adopted mother was evidently laboring with some secret uneasiness--she was restless-she often went out—and she saw her frequently talking apart with her landlord; and when Rosalie went with the poor woman, as usual, to pray at the grave of her daughter, she used to throw herself along the turf, and weep with a degree of violence such as Rosalie had never witnessed in her before; and she once overheard her say, While I can-while I can.' Still she continued to assure Rosalie that hood is decayed and fallen; the scenes of nothing material was the matter. She was too my youth are associated only with rememsoon, however, acquainted with the truth. WE perceive that a new volume of the brances the most mournful, life itself has Madelon's landlord unexpectedly appeared Rural Repository is about to be issued, and it proved a weary pilgrimage, where expectation before her during the good woman's absence, gladdens our hearts that thy little paper, which is deferred till the heart becomes sick, and and when she was almost too ill to see any one. has withstood gales that have capsized larger the glowing objects of anticipation prove, like He then abruptly told her that, having found sheets, and consigned their cargoes to oblivion, the fabled apples upon the shores of the dead out who she was, he had given Madelon notice is once more trimming her sail for a new sea, though bright without, ashes and bitterto quit in so many days, unless she sent Rosa-voyage. Success attend her career; may theness within. And yet, ambitious youth, I lie away. This,' added he, 'I tell thee wind' be raised to propel her onward, and would not chill thy warm aspirings after myself, for I suspect Madelon has not had a precious and profitable burthen consummate happiness and fame. Well I know, that telling strength of mind enough to do it.' her triumph. And here would I check the thee of the world's sorrows is like breathing She has had too much kindness to do it,'ambling propensities of my pen, that already over the surface of a polished mirror, for it she faintly replied. Indeed!' rejoined the longs for a new paragraph, upon which to dims the images of joy which the future reflects landlord; I suspect she means, old as she is, extend its length, that I may advise those of to thine ardent hope. But let not hope allure, soon to seek some distant home with thee.' thy readers, who, by the loving kindness of or fear deter thee. Press onward resolutely Ha!' cried Rosalie, remembering her late their neighbors, and not from any merit of to thine aim, determined to carve out from uneasiness; I believe you are right, and that, their own, are allowed to peruse the Reposi-the granite of opposition, fortune, and fame, she does mean to quit a house which she could tory, to adopt a mode of cogitating upon its and honor. keep, only on such terms. Oh, it is very hard columns, more certain to themselves, more on us both! Not on thee, girl; thou hast beneficial to the Editor, and more advantageous only what thou hast deserved. It is hard on to the general welfare of science; which mode the good Madelon, especially as she has saved is clearly set forth in the proposals, conditionsome money; and how could her friends being that the payment of one dollar will entitle easy to let her live alone with a young woman them to all the immunities and privileges of a who - 'Hold!' exclaimed Rosalie, trem-regular reader. By this means, they may bling with indignant emotion, I understand cultivate a more particular acquaintance with the vile insinuation, and I will depart!-and Wilhelmus Silverquill and his friends, whose secretly, as this is the case. But at present I communications have vastly amused the citi-thy heart their memory has its only sanctuary; am too unwell to undertake a journey: and whozens of this place, and who intend further to and even that holy resting place, time, with a knows but I may be in mercy permitted to die edify and enlighten this ancient and honorable sacrilegious hand, is hurrying into ruin. But here, and then my unmerited persecutions will community. And if the reader above de- though the past may be rife with sorrowful be ended' Girl! girl!' replied the landlord, scribed, will but detain the many sixpences and recollections, though every revolving year has 'thou hast been only too much favored in shillings, which, in an unimproving manner, subtracted from the hoarded treasure of thy being permitted to live so long.' So saying, do almost daily wander from the recesses of happiness, does not Hope yet burn upon the he withdrew, leaving Rosalie more miserable his purse and pocket, he may convert them altar of thy bosom, do not visions swim before than ever. When Madelon returned, she was to a valuable interest in the improvement of thy misty eye as vivid upon the precincts of alarmed at finding her worse than when she left his mind, in beguiling his leisure hours, and the tomb, as those that beckoned thee forward her; and she was surprised at the more than bringing joyous smiles over his care-worn in the morning of thy days? Methinks as usually affectionate manner in which Rosalie visage. this Saturday passes, as thou lookest out upon welcomed her. My dear child,' said the good Gentle reader, whosoever thou art, I would the retiring light of day, and thine ear draweth woman, I trust that nothing shall ever part hold with thee a moment's converse. Per- in the orisons of the evening birds, purifying thee and me. I could not now bear to sepa-haps thou art a young man, flushed with and joyous anticipations elevate thy thoughts. rate from thee!" And Rosalie, bursting into expectation, and panting to take thy place in Soon wilt thou disrobe thee of the threadbare tears, shut herself up in her own room. 'Ah! the thronged arena of human existence. I mantle of flesh, and be invested with the I see she thinks she is going to die,' said love to look upon the youthful brow, unshaded garments of immortality. Soon will thy sun Madelon to herself; and I think so too some- by crime, unfurrowed by misfortune. Forty set in death, and then, like yonder descending times. Well, if she does, I shall not long years since, like thee, I started upon the luminary, thou wilt visit other skies, and shine, survive her; it will be like burying my own journey of life. The moment of separation with a beauty and brightness surpassing all the ་ But it may be, kind reader, that, like the writer, thou art an old man, a representative of another generation, and a foreigner among thine own countrymen. The friends of thy early days, the companions of thy manhood, have fallen by thy side. Death has plied his invisible archery among thy relatives and associates; the world remembers not their features, their characters, or their lives; in stars of Heaven. So spend thy few remaining || neck downwards, and into which the air passes hours. 6 'So live, that when thy summons comes to join MISCELLANY. Neat Illustration. and repasses in the progress of breathing.- 'ARRAH, Pat, and why did I marry ye jist tell me that; for it's myself that's had to maintain ye ever since the blessed day that Father O'Flannagan sent me home to yer Swate Jewel,' replied Pat, not relishing the charge, and it's myself that hopes I may live to see the day ye're a widow, wapeing over the cold sod that covers methen by Saint Patrick, I'll see how ye along without me, honey!' NEW-YORK MIRROR.-The publishers of this elegant and popular periodical will issue the first number of a new volume on the sixth of July next. The Mirror is now considered superior to any work of the kind in this country and is continually improving. The forthcoming vol. ume is to be enlarged, and embellished with engravings superior to any it has heretofore presented. May the indefatigable exertions of its enterprising publishers to beautify and enrich their excellent journal, be amply rewarded in its more extensive circulation. THE SHIP BEAVER, Capt. Gardner, sailed from this port on Tuesday last, on a whaling voyage. She is destined for the Pacific, and is the tenth ship that has been fitted out at this place. Letters Containing Remittances, J. Shaver, Copake, N. Y. §1; H. Wescott, jr. Alexandria, N. Y. $1; L. B. Searies, P. M. Addisoù, N. Y. $2 ; S. Huntley, Ellicottville, N. Y. $1; A. Smith, Utica. N. Y 82; L. Hoyt, South Salem, N. Y. $6,67; A. A. Wright, North Canaan, Ct. $2; J. B. Davis, Caseville, N. Y. §1; gets. Hemenway, jr. Castleton, Vt. $1; J. W. Thomas, P. M. Center Berlin, N. Y. §1; T. Whitney, P. M. Magnolia, N. Y. $I; A. Hitchcock, Housatonic Vile, Ms. §1; J. G. Ring, Clermont, N. Y. §1; Tavlor & Willis, Eaton, N. Y. 82; G. N. Linsabaugh, Ellenville, N. Y. $1;T. C. Caldwell, Fitchburgh, Ms. $5; W. C. Benjamin, Fayetteville, N. Y. 85; C.S. Willard, Catskill, N. Y. §5; C. W. Haight, Plattekill, N. Y. $1; T. Potter, Hadley Upper Mills, Ms $1; J. Dean, Hillsdale, N. Y. 81; S. Swift, Austerlitz, N. Y. 81; 0. I. Toffey, Quaker Hill, N. Y. $1; J. Labhart, Constantia, N. Y. $1; M. Reed, Colborne, U. C. $1; J D. Joyce, Mount Washington, Ms. $1; W. S. Gurnee, Burdett, N. Y. $1 P. Decker, Copake, N. Y. 81; W. Woods, Auburn, N. Y. $1; M. C. Rankin, Waterford, N. Y. §1; H. M. Adams, Waterford, N. Y. $1; G. Dubois, Redhook, THE possibility of a great change being introduced by very slight beginnings (says the London Quarterly Review) may be illustrated by the tale which Lockman tells of a vizier who, having offended his master, was con-house.' demned to perpetual captivity in a lofty tower. At night his wife came to weep below his window. Cease your grief,' said the sage, ' go home for the present, and return hither when you have procured a live black beetle, together with a little ghee (or buffalo's butter,) three clews, one of the finest silk, another of CUTTING MISTAKE.-A Frenchman, on stout pack-thread, and another of whipcord; landing at Dover, went into a barber's shop finally a stout coil of rope.' When she again to be shaved. The poor man's cheeks were came to the foot of the tower, provided so much collapsed, that the barber was under according to her husband's commands, he the necessity of thrusting his fingers into his directed her to touch the head of the insect customer's mouth to assist the operation. with a little of the ghee, to tie one end of the O, mon Dieu, mon, Dieu!' exclaimed the silk thread around him, and to place the reptile Frenchman, while the barber was dashing away, on the wall of the tower. Seduced by theme be cut,' Confound your thin lantern jaws,' smell of the butter, which he conceived to be replied Strop, I have cut my fingers through in store somewhere above him, the beetle cheek.' your continued to ascend till he reached the top, and thus put the vizier in possession of the roll of silk thread, who drew up the packthread by means of the silk, the small cord by means of the packthread, and by means of the cord, a stout rope capable of sustaining his own weight, and so at last escaped from the place. ASKING ALMS.-A man who had lost both his legs, went about the country on horseback, to solicit charity. Coming to the house of an old lady, who happened to be rather of a peppery disposition, and knocking at the door as he sat on his rack of a steed, she addressed him with What do you want there?' in a The Rural Repository. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1833. N. Y. $1. SUMMARY. It is stated in a paper published in Morgan county, Illinois, that the crop of wheat raised in that county the present season will not be less than 1,500,000 bushels. The Detroit Courier mentions the arrival at that place of seven steam-boats from Buffalo, from the 1st to the 7th instant, with 2610 passengers. Miss Leslie's Pencil Sketches' are warmly praised in the New-York American. The works upon the Dry Dock at the Navy Yard in Charlestown, Mass. have been brought to a close. Old Ironsides' is to be taken into it next week. MARRIED, In this city, on Wednesday evening the 22d ult. by the Rev. Mr. Stillman, Mr. John Carter, to Miss Helen Becraft. At Stockport, on the 16th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Cushman, ter of James Wild, Esq. of the former place. At Albany, on the 27th ult. by the Rev. Horatio Potter, A NEW VOLUME.-In accordance with the pledge given in our prospectus, we this day lay before our patrons, and the public generally, the first number of a new series of the Rural Reposi. tory. As the character and design of the paper are sufficiently set forth in the proposals and may be readily ascertained by a glance at the work itself, we do not feel disposed to indulge time, and, in our opinion, if we did, it would 'flourish of trumpets' concerning it, at this neither minister to the gratification, nor be likely to win the favor of our readers. But 'I called,' returned the beggar, humbly, to while we seek to avoid a tedious detail of ask alms.' uninteresting particulars and high sounding Arms!' exclaimed the old lady, you had pretensions, we would repeat what we have better get a pair of legs first.' heretofore said, that no exertions shall be wanting on our part to render the Repository worthy the Vocal Machinery of Birds. patronage of a liberal and enlightened commuIr is difficult to account for so small anity; we would also, by way of remembrance,' creature as a bird making a tone as loud as once more say to our friends, that we should esteem it as an earnest of their good will, if each some animal a thousand times its size; but of them would endeavor to add one or two good recent discovery has shown that in birds, the responsible names to our subscription list, that lungs have several openings, communicating we may be enabled to meet the expenses conse. with corresponding air-bags or cells, which quent on the enlargement of our sheet, and still fill the whole cavity of the body, from the retain some little remuneration for our services.ised boon his spirit had taken its flight. a DIED, Joseph Clark, aged 64 years. At New-Malborough, Mass. on the 20th ult. of consump Mr. Benjamin D. Packard, of the firm of Packard, Hoffman At Albany on the 18th ult. in the 54th year of his age, & White, proprietors and publishers of the Albany Evening Journal. Another Revolutionary patriot gone. Died Suddenly at Hillsdale, on the morning of the 17th ult. Joseph Duncan, for a pension under the act of June 7, 1832, being in destiat the advanced age of 71 years. He had made application tute circumstances; but before he had received the prom POETRY. For the Rural Repository. The Emigrant's Adieu to Poland. But though I roam o'er land and sea, My home! since thee I ne'er shall view, York, May, 1833. Stanzas. BY MRS. HEMANS. If thou hast crush'd a flower, Once more it may be lighted: If thou hast loos'd a bird NEMO. Whose voice of song could cheer thee, Still, still he may be won From the skies to warble near thee; But if upon the troubled sea Thou hast thrown a gem unheeded, Hope not that wind or wave will bring The treasure back when needed. If thou hast bruis'd a vine, The summer's breath is healing, And its clusters yet may glow, Thro' the leaves their bloom revealing : But if thou hast a cup o'erthrown With a bright draught fill'd—Oh never Shall earth give back that lavish'd wealth To cool thy parch'd lip's fever! The heart is like that cup, If thou waste the love it bore thee; And like that jewel gone, Which the deep will not restore thee; And like that string of harp and lute Whence the sweet sound is scatter'd : Gently, oh! gently touch the chords, So soon forever shatter'd! From the Amaranth. I LOVE-O, fie! so many things I love, I love the deep calm of a summer noon--- And, oh, to list the music of the stars, I love the wreathing of a sunny smile,- I love the first young violet of spring; To come. And the last rose that summer gives, I love the easy fall of April showers, They come so like the gush of happy tears. I love to watch the motions of the clouds, I love the ringing of a joyous laugh; The tender echo of a soul-breathed sigh ; But, most of all, I love my FAITHFUL FRIEND; RURAL REPOSITORY, TENTH VOLUME, (First, New Series) Enlarged and Improved; DEVOTED TO POLITE LITERATURE, SUCH AS MORAL AND SEXTIMENTAL TALES, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVELING SKETCHES, NOTICES OF NEW PUBLICATIONS, POETRY, AMUSING MISCELLANY, HUMOROUS AND HISTORICAL ANECDOTES, &c. &c. On Saturday, the 8th of June, 1833, will be issued the first number of a new series of the RURAL REPOSITORY. On issuing proposals for the Tenth Volume (First new series) of the Repository, the publisher tenders his most sincere acknowledgements to all Contributors, Agents and Subscribers, for the liberal support which has induced him to offer to his patrons and the public generally, an enlarged and improved sheet at the same low and convenient rate as heretofore, which he does in the fullest confidence of meeting in an increased patronage an ample remuneration for his continued exertions to render his paper a pleasing and instructive companion, and enable it to vie in point of cheapness and interest with any literary journal now extant. New assurances on the part of the publisher of a periodical which has stood the test of years, would seem superfluous, he will therefore only say that no pains nor expense, consistent with a reasonable compensation for his labor, shall be spared to promote their gratification by its further improvement; and that original contributions from able writers, and choice selections from the best periodicals, both European and American, may be confidently expected. The RURAL REPOSITORY will be be published every other Saturday, in the Quarto form, and will contain twenty-six numbers of eight pages each, with a title page and index to the volume, making in the whole 212 pages. It will be printed in handsome style, on Medium paper of a superior quality, with new bourgeois and brevier type, each number containing at least one quarter more matter than heretofore; making, at the end of the year, a neat and tasteful volume, the contents of which will be both amusing and instructive to youth in future years. TERMS.-The Tenth Volume, (First new series) will commence on the 8th of June next, at the low rate of One Dollar per annum in advance, or One Dollar & Fifty Cents, at the expiration of three months from the time of subscribing. Any person, who will remit us Five Dollars, free of postage, shall receive six copies, and any person, who will remit us Ten Dollars, free of postage, shall receive twelve copies and one copy of the Ninth volume. No subscriptions received for less than one year. Names of Subscribers with the amount of subscriptions to be sent by the 10th of July, or as soon after as convenient, to the publisher, WILLIAM B. STODDARD. Hudson, N. Y. May, 1833. EDITORS, who wish to exchange, are respectfully requested to give the above a few insertions, or at least a passing notice, and receive Subscriptions. THE RURAL REPOSITORY IS PUBLISHED EVERY OTHER SATURDAY, AT HUDSON, N. Y. BY Wm. B. Stoddard. It is printed in the Quarto form, and will contain twentysix numbers of eight pages each, with a title page and index to the volume. TERMS.-One Dollar per annum in advance, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents, at the expiration of three months from the time of subscribing. Any person, who will remit us Five Dollars, free of postage, shall receive siz copies, and any person, who will remit us Ten Dollars, free of postage, shall receive twelve copies and one copy of the Ninth volume. No subscriptions received for less than one DEVOTED TO POLITE LITERATURE, SUCH AS MORAL AND SENTIMENTAL TALES, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVELING SKETCHES, POETRY, AMUSING MISCELLANY, ANECDOTES, &C. VOL. X.-[I. NEW SERIES.] HUDSON, N. Y. SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1833. SELECT TALES. Education. BY THE AUTHOR OF VILLAGE TALES. A LITTLE money is a good thing in the outset of life, if a person have wisdom to make a right and judicious use of it. But the head and the pocket must balance well; the scales must be equipoised; for if one or the other kick the bean a loss will, in most cases, ensue. If you have too little wit, the world will over-reach you; if too much, you will outwit yourself. In either case ten chances to one, your purse, or rather the contents of it, will slip through your fingers. Among the dangers to which hereditary wealth subjects us, are pride, indolence, extravagance; and the smaller the portion of our inheritance, the more danger is there. But what is most extraordinary, is that these very evils are often nursed up in the same cradie with the child, cherished with his growth, and instilled into all his habits, as he passes through the routine of his education, by parental care and misjudging affection. 6 at home with a fine parlor and piano. What 6 NO. 2. of the sciences; wrote poetry; kept an album ; || cogniac below stairs; while in the midst of understood music; and was finally fitted out the best company, the best living, and dreaming of nothing but pleasure and amusement, one of Bob's creditors rapped his knuckles. The bailiffs are an ill-bred set; they know just about as much of gentility, and all that sort of thing, as a bear about a lady's toilette; and therefore, as might also have been expected, the carpets, the plate, the sideboard, and even the very piano, were levied on. It was even so, and the first difficulty which arose, was about the choice of that very vexatious, but still no less necessary evil-a husband. The pretty girl who has the whole world of beaus to choose from, sometimes Still, so far as physical ability was concerned, finds it difficult to make a perfectly unobjec- it was not too late, perhaps, to turn the tionable choice. It was not then to be current of affairs.-There was a plain and wondered at, that Cornelia should be embar- ready remedy for the disease, even in its rassed in making a selection; for she was present state. An entire change of living and circumscribed in her sphere by the very small of habits; economy for extravagance; and compass of perfectly genteel people like industry for indolence. But how hard is it herself. Such an one, with a good substantial for those who have been thus educated to fortune too, was to be sought. Her stars change; how often is the moral ability, the favored her at last, however, and she was will, wanting? And here it proved to be the married to a young gentleman as accomplished as herself; one who had as many apologies at his fingers ends as buttons on his coat, an A. B. and a professor; who drove tandem with one hand, winged a pigeon at every shot, and drank nothing but Madeira. Cornelia was an heiress. That is, she was worth some thousands of dollars. I never It was said that the young gentleman and knew exactly the sum; common report lady were each a little disappointed in each seldom speaks the truth in these matters, and other's fortune; and that in the outset there it is rather unmanly to inquire very particularly was a trifling jar on the subject of finances, but into a lady's fortune. She was indulged by Cornelia adhered to her piano and Bob to his her kind mamma at home, and caressed by her rifle and Madeira, and all went on quite kind friends abroad; sent to the most fashion-musical again. Neither of them had suffered able school; the mistress daily advised that she was a peculiarly delicate little girl, with most exquisite sensibilities and rare genius; and was to be treated with all becoming tenderness and consideration. There she learnt a few of the useful, and a great many of the ornamental branches taught in such seminaries; and was finally despatched to a boarding school to finish her education-a polite, education; with which the adjective ⚫ useful,' as usual, had very little if any thing to do. She was now an accomplished lady. She understood French and painting; was versed in Belles-Lettres; knew something of philosophy, natural and moral; had gone the round so vulgar a thought, as that, how to get a living Whilst the piano was in tune in the parlor, case. They struggled awhile to keep up appearances; but only sunk deeper in the end. Ten years after they were almost forgotten. I made many inquiries after them among the villagers, and finally discovered that Robert and his wife had separated; and that he had exchanged his dogs and gun for a tar hat and blue jacket; was a wanderer of the sea; and the elegant and accomplished Cornelia, instead of thumping a piano, was gaining a scanty subsistence at the spinning wheel. So much for the story. Industry and virtue are the best legacies parents can bequeath their offspring; the only sure defence against misfortune. Let those who are charged with the education of children beware lest through an over anxiety to make them accomplished, they fail to make them useful members of society; instead of making them respectable, make them proud; instead of cultivating their genius, lead them into indolence. I say beware! DESTINY.-We are all the playthings of destiny, and it often depends on a trifle not more than the toss-up of a halfpenny, whether a man should raise himself to riches and honors, or pine away in misery and want till he dies. |