
and sisters converse cheerfully-my mother || to procure them. This is happiness which Gen. Moreau returned to Europe, and fell in observes to them, that some dish was my never cloys, which brings along with it its the ranks of Napoleon's enemies. The favorite-and they all wish aloud and at once, full measure of contentment, and which does French officer of engineers settled in New that I could share it with them. Now, they not distract its possessor, either by a multitude Orleans. In process of time New Orleans rise from supper, and draw their chairs in a of objects or by unsubstantial hopes. A man was invaded. A General of energy, was sent nearer circle; they recruit the fire, and close born to a large fortune has his relish for true to the command. Mr. Livingston and the the shutters, and one takes a place near the enjoyment corrupted from his infancy. He French engineer volunteered as aids of the candle to read aloud. But first-I think, they has no restraints on his pursuits after happi- General-and at the instance of these gentleagain speak of me, and teach the youngest ness except those which convince him at the men, the plan of the defence suggested by the one to lisp my name whilst it smiles like a same time, that it is not to be found. His great French commander, was adopted. The cherub. Perhaps vanity has helped to draw extensive possessions only diminish hope, result is known.-N. Y. Com. this picture; but even if they are not speaking without supplying contentment. We ought, of me so much, I know that they love me, and then to deliberate calmly and seriously, wish for my improvement; and for their sakes, whether it would add to our comfort to have I will strive to be still more industrious, every wish of our hearts gratified as soon as gentle and useful.' it is formed. Let us consult our reason and experience, and say whether disappointment in some things, and expectation in others, are not necessary ingredients in human happiness. The more that fortune places us above danger and want, the less qualified are we to enjoy her favors. Abundance may increase, but can never remove chagrin and disappointment; it even makes them more intolerable in proportion as we might have avoided them, while the ease with which we may command enjoyment opens to us endless prospects of pleasure which we can never realize. Ettrick Shepherd.

I Have no Time to Study. THE idea about the want of time is a mere. phantom. Franklin found time in the midst of all his labors to dive into the hidden recesses of philosophy, and to explore the untrodden path of science. The great Frederick, with an empire at his direction, in the midst of war, on the eve of battles which were to decide the fate of his kingdom, found time to revel in the charms of philosophy and intellectual pleasures. Bonaparte, with all Europe at his disposal; with kings in his anti-chamber begging for vacant thrones, with thousands of men whose destinies were suspended on the brittle thread of his arbitrary pleasures; had time to converse with books. Cæsar, when he had curbed the spirits of the Roman people, and was thronged with visiters from the remotest kingdoms, found time for intellectual cultivation. Every man has time if he is careful to improve it as well as he might, he can reap a three-fold reward. Let mechanics then make use of the hours at

their disposal, if they want to obtain a proper influence in society. They are the life-blood of the community: they can if they please hold in their hands the destinies of our

republic; they are numerous, respectable and powerful; and they have only to be educated half as well as other professions, to make laws for the nation.



IT has been observed that Washington

JUDGE BURKE, by the hurried manner in which he was accustomed to attend to his personal concerns sometimes brought the laugh against himself. It is the practice in South Carolina for the Judges and members of the bar to wear black gowns in Court. The Judge's wife usually wore a dress of the same material and color, and one morning, when his honor had taken his seat upon the bench, enrobed, as he thought, in his official toga, and was beginning to address the grand jury of one of the counties of the interior, he was not a little surprised and disconcerted to find the whole auditory-jurymen, barristers, tipstaff, and all-burst into a lond laugh, at the ridiculous figure of the Judge, who, instead of his own proper gown, sat solemnly arrayed in his wife's black petticoat, with his arms stuck out through the pocket-holes; he having in a mistake packed up that feminine garment in his trunk, at Charleston, instead

of his own.


century, to eat out of the same plate, and drink out of the same cup, was considered a mark of gallantry, and the best possible understanding between a lady and a gentleman.

Letters Containing Remittances, Received at this Office, ending Wednesday last, deducting the amount of Postage paid.

Z. H. R. Bath, N. Y. $1,00; A. C. S. Bath, N. Y. $1,00; P. M. Derby, V. T. $1,00; M. K. Chapin's Ville, Ct. $0,50; U. R. C. Albion, N. Y. $1,00; A. B. Brownville N. Y. $1,00; N. B. Hallowell, U. C. $0,621; A. T.F. Ann Arbor, M. T. $1,00; L. B. Auburn, N. Y. 80,624 T. F. Fort Plain, N. Y. $1,00; L. W. Stockport, N. Y. $1,00; P. M. West Farmington, N, Y. $1,00; D. S. Fort Plain, N. Y. $1,00.

seldom smiled and never laughed. This, however, is not correct. I was informed the other day by a gentleman, venerable for his age and information, that he had seen Wash-powerful and excellent things in the world LEARNING is like mercury, one of the most ington nearly convulsed with laughter. One in skilful hands; in unskilful the most instance he mentioned with a great degree mischievous. of sang froid. At the time that our troops were encamped at Cambridge, information was received at head quarters that the English were about leaving Boston to give them battle. All was bustle and confusion.The soldiers were strolling over the town, and the officers were but ill prepared for the approaching rencontre. Some of the generals were calling for their horses, and others for their arms; and, among the rest was General Green, at the bottom of the stairs, bawling to the barber for his wig. 'Bring my wig, you rasI BELIEVE that no man with a very large cal; bring my wig.' General Lee diverted fortune or estate can be truly happy. It is himself and the company at the expense of a strange anagram, but it is true, that he feels Green. Your wig is behind the looking no wants but the want of happiness in those glass, Sir.' At which Green, raising his very blessings which other men covet. I eyes, perceived by the mirror that the wig believe that the nobleman is happier than his was where it should be-on his head. WashSovereign; I believe that the farmer is happierington, in a fit of laughter threw himself on than his lord, and I believe that a truly the floor, and the whole group presented virtuous servant is the happiest of all. The rather a ludicrous spectacle. principal reason for this seems to be, that what costs us dearest, we are sure to estimate highest. We receive the choicest gifts of Providence with indifference, unless they are obtained with difficulty. The sweetest dishes -the richest wines-the softest beds, cloy the appetite, unless they are obtained with some difficulty-nay, only cloy the appetite of him who can always procure them. There is infinitely more enjoyment in that state in which relaxation is festivity-in which the coarsest food has the seasoning, and in this rests happiness. Now, in this particular, the poor man has greatly the advantage over the rich, who has no occasion and is under no obligation to labor.

He has certain stated periods, after short intervals, at which his enjoyments return; and they are the sweeter, that he has labored

Battle of New Orleans.


The name of the P. O. at Moreau, Saratoga Co. N. Y. is

changed to Fortsville, N. W. Angle, P. M.

The number of horses in the State of Ohio, according to

the official tax lists, is 232,662. Of horned cattle there are

413,972. The nett proceeds of the State Canals paid into the treasury, were last year $191,444,51.

The Kentucky Gazette commenced its 50th year a short time since, at which time it mentioned the names of ten subscribers, who had taken the paper for forty-nine years, and had never been indebted to it one cent! Old Mortality and his Poney, executed in stone, from Sir

Thom, the Sculptor, is exhibiting in London, statues of Walter Scott's Tales of My Landlord.


At Churchtown, on the 28th ult. by the Rev. J. Berger,
At Bainbridge, Chenango co. on the 17th inst. by the

The plan of the defence of New-Orleans, was laid by no less a personage than GENERAL MOREAU, during his visit to that city in 1810. It happened on this wise: Gen. Moreau, the Hon. Edward Livingston, and a French officer of engineers, were returning from an afternoon's ride in the neighborhood of the Mr. Henry Roraback, to Miss Maria Decker, of Claverack. city, and passed over the ground that after-Rev. Mr. Adams, Chester Hull, Jr. Esq. Editor of the wards became the scene of the battle. With Greene Co. Advertiser, to Miss Rosa. M. Hodson, of the the quick eye of a military man of science, Gen. M. observed the advantages presenting themselves for defensive military operations. Pointing with his hand- There,' said heshould your city ever be threatened by invasion-there is the proper place for the line of defence.' Other conversation as to the details followed-and the ride was ended.

former place.


In this city, on the 9th inst. after a few days illness, Maria Louisa, only daughter of Capt. Geo. E. & Julia Seymour, aged 34 years.

On the 5th inst. John N. Weathershine, aged 74 years. In Ghent, on the 25th ult. Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobia, widow of the late John Jacobia, aged 55 years and 2 months. At Stockport, an the 4th inst. Mr. John L. Vosburgh, a

very respectable inhabitant, in the 80th year of his age.

For the Rural Repository.
The Evening Thunder Storm.
It was a fearful night of sublimity.'

I STAND upon a tall and grassy hill.

And with a wandering eye look round the west, Where cloud capt mountains, misty, blue and still, In one long line of holy grandeur rest ;The fire of burning day has almost pressed

Their highest summit-while the modest vale, With twilight shadows gathering on its breast, Is hushed, and dim as eve's soft dews prevail. On this cool height the zephyrs lightly rise, Stirring the tender oak leaf o'er my head, Then mounting upward to the dewy skics,

A thousand voices with its breath is wed;The robin's song-and waters o'er their bedThe hum of insects-and the low of herdsAnd nature's deep mysterious music, shed With eloquence beyond the poet's words. Dim and more dim the distant mountain's form Appears, till all is one dark, shapeless sightA something hazy, like a gathering storm, Hangs o'er the stars, and dims their golden light;The eastern moon just o'er the woody height, Peeps up, and sends her shafts of silver downYon valley stream is winding slow and bright Mid gentle lawns, and slopes, and forests brown.

Hark to that voice along the lurid west ;

A solemn rumbling, low and deep, yet strong-
A blacker pall the skies around invest-
Another peal the eastern hills prolong,
Then deathly silence reigns-while all along
The hill, the tall tree quivers not a breath-
No rustle rises from the valley lawn-

And mute the voices in the skiey depth.

Startling, I saw a streaking flash of fire,

Split through the black and rolling thunder-cloudAnd crackling thunders through the concave, higher Sound-while earth shakes, as she speaks it back aloudAround the east the storm extends its shroud

A rising gale is sweeping through the wood-
The tall, wild flowers to the earth are bowed,
And big drops patter through this solitude.

The tempest now is up-Heaven's gate thrown wide-
The floods pour down upon the valley's breast;-
A roar, like that when rivers fiercely slide
O'er lofty rocks, is booming-from the west
The swift winged lightning, clad with flaming best,
Lights up the world and gilds each liquid drop-
Tips with red fire the tall trees' breezy crest,
As to and fro amid the gale they rock.
Another flash-quickly, a stunning peal-
Yon ancient oak in countless shivers lies-
Long had it stood amid the gentle reel

Of groves less rugged-yet at last it dies,
Opening a gap it filled for centuries.

So falls the warrior on his stage of strife, Where deaths hot shafts amid the battle flies, And folds of smoke-hang o'er expiring life.

[blocks in formation]

The English Boy.


'Go call thy sons; instruct them what a debt
They owe their ancestors; and make them swear
To pay it, by transmitting down entire
Those sacred rights to which themselves were born."

Look from the ancient mountains down

My noble English Boy!
Thy country's fields around thee gleam
In sunlight and in joy.

Ages have rolled since foeman's march
Passed o'er that firm old sod;
For well the land hath fealty held
To freedom and to God!

Gaze proudly on, my English Boy!
And let thy kindling mind
Drink in the spirit of high thought
From every chainless wind!

There, in the shadow of old Time,

The halls beneath thee lie,
Which poured forth to the fields of yore,
Our England's chivalry.

How bravely and how solemnly

They stand 'midst oak and yew! Whence Cressy's yeomen haply framed The bow, in the battle true.

And round their walls the good swords hang,
Whose faith knew no alloy,

And shields of knighthood, pure from stain,
Gaze on, my English Boy!

Gaze where the hamlet's ivied church
Gleams by the antique elm,

Or where the minister lifts the cross
High through the air's blue realm.

Martyrs have showered their free heart's blood,
That England's prayer might rise,
From those great fanes of thoughtful years,
Unfetter'd to the skies.

Along their isles, beneath their trees,
This earth's most glorious dust,
Once fired with their valor, wisdom, song,
Is laid in holy trust.

Gaze on-gaze farther yet-
My gallant English Boy!
Yon blue sea bears thy country's flag,
The billows' pride and joy!

Those waves in many a fight have closed
Above the faithful dead;
That red-crossed flag victoriously
Hath floated o'er their bed.

They perish'd-this green turf to keep
By hostile tread unstain'd;
These knightly halls inviolate

Those churches nnprofaned.

And high and clear, their memory's light
Along our shore is set,

And many an answering beacon-fire
Shall there be kindled yet!

Lift up thy heart, my English Boy!
pray like them to stand,
Should God so summon thee, to guard
The altars of the land.

From the Southern Rose Bud.

A hallowed land thou claim'st, my boy,
By early struggles bought,
Heaped up with noble memories-
And wide-aye, wide as thought!
On the high Alleghany's range,
Awake thy joyous song;
Then o'er our green Savannahs stray,
And gentle notes prolong.

Awake it mid the rushing peal

Of dark Niagara's voice,
Or by thine ocean rivers stand,
And in their joy rejoice.

What though we boast no ancient towers
Whereivied' streamers twine!

The Laurel lives upon our soil,

The Laurel, boy, is thine.

What though no minister lifts the cross,"
Tinged by the sunset fire :
Freely religion's voices float

'Round every village spire.

And who shall gaze on yon blue sea'
If thou must turn away,

When free Columbia's stripes and stars
Are floating in the day?

Who thunders louder, when the strife
Of gathering war is stirred ?
Who ranges further, when the call
Of commerce's voice is heard?

And tho' on Cressy's distant field'
Thy gaze may not be cast,
While through long centuries of blood,
Rise spectres of the past.
The future wakes thy dreamings high,
And thou a note mayest claim,
Aspiring, which in after times

Shall swell the trump of fame.

Yet scenes are here for tender thought-
Here sleep the good and brave!
Here kneel, my boy, and raise thy vow
Above the patriot's grave.

On Moultrie's isle, on Bunker's height,
On Monmouth's heated line,
On Eutaw's field, on Yorktown's bank,
Erect thy loyal shrine;

And when thou'rt told of knighthood's shields,
And English battles won,

Look up, my boy, and breathe ONE word-
The name of WASHINGTON!


Shakers' Garden Seeds.

Raised the last season, and put up in the best manner by the United Society of Shakers, at New-Lebanon, just received and for sale by A. STODDARD..


At this Office, a Boy from 12 to 14 years of age, to work by the week.

Book & Job Printing,

Of all descriptions, neatly executed, on new and handsome type, and on the most reasonable terms, at this office.



AN English traveler has remarked, that when Americans speak of the relative character of England and their own It is printed in the Quarto form, and will contain country, right or wrong, they will have the last word.-twenty-six numbers of eight pages each, with a title page 'Instinct is a great matter,' and it is illustrated in the following thoughts excited by Mrs. Heman's beautiful and elevated verses to The English Boy.'

The American Boy. Look up, my young American! Stand firmly on the earth

Where noble deeds, and mental power, Give titles more than birth.

and index to the volume.

TERMS.-One Dollar per annum in advance, or One Dollar and Fifty Cents, at the expiration of three months from the time of subscribing. Any person, who will remit us Five Dollars, free of postage, shall receive six copies, and any person, who will remit us Ten Dollars, free of postage, shall receive twelve copies and one copy of the ninth or tenth volumes. No subscriptions received for less than one year.

All orders and Communications must be post paid to receive attention.


NO. 22. countenance was possessed at the moment gathering darkly in all quarters of the horizon. with that fleeting expression of sweet sad-The winged fleets of the enemies of freedom ness, which renders woman so supremely were buoyed upon the waters of the Chesalovely. As she bent forward and pressed peake, the Delaware and the Elk, and the her rosy lips upon the silver temples of her thunders on the field of Brandywine had uncle, tears dimmed her dark blue eyes, and scarcely ceased, to vibrate over the fair her frame-just rounded into the voluptuous regions around.-The father of Juliette Perfullness of seventeen-trembled with emo-cival had been for a long period an officer tion. Do not fear for us,' she repeated, under Colonel Stewart. He had lately been with feigned composure; the river road is advantageously engaged with the troops of quiet and unmolested, and I shall not feel so Sir William Howe at Brandywine; and for terrified in the country as in the city.' Her the purpose of conveying his young daughter voice fell as she added- But have we not to Nazareth from Wilmington-then a small reason to fear for George Leslie? He has hamlet about halfa league from the Delawarebarely escaped the death which his bravery he had obtained from Gen. Washington leave seemed to court on the field of Brandywine-of absence from the army, for three days. The emotions of the father and his child and will the same exemption attend his future chivalry? Alas I feel my heart sink, when I as they proceeded out of the city to the north, reflect upon the dangers into which he may were of a different, though equally sober soon be rushing. Without his presence, too, mind. Capt. Percival was pondering on the I am lost, periled and unhappy. Last eve- situation of a beloved country; and a family, ning, as I sat in my room in Mulberry-street, whose existence was bound up in his own.looking in the uncertain moonlight, away On whatsoever side he turned his eye, the toward the distant woods and copses by the land was endangered. To the south, the Schuylkill, I was musing deeply about him smoke of recent battle seemed almost paland the dangers which beset him-when I pably to hang over the blue highlands of saw a miss-shapen form pass often to and Christienne-Philadelphia was in peril, and fro in the street beneath, opposite the window the enemy was near. Congress were on the of my chamber. It was that hateful Hessian, point of penetrating farther into the west, who has so often accosted and annoyed me, where they could deliberate together without in his prowlings about Wilmington. I have, an apprehension that their debates would not yet mentioned these things to my father, suddenly be broken by the thrill of martial 'You must return with all secrecy to Naz- lest they might increase his uneasiness and trumpets, or the clash of opposing swords. areth,' said an elderly gentleman who stood solicitude. None had witnessed him but From the city, when they had once set their near the carriage; It was a perilous adven-myself, in pursuance of a threat and an oath feet firmly in its streets, the king's troops ture to come here, when the king's troops which he forced me to hear, he has dis- might sally out into the adjacent countrymay be within one day's march of the city-covered the secret of all my walks and jour-lay waste its fields, then ready for the harvest; nay, when they may be nearer still. To-day neys with my father and has followed me and massacre the inhabitants by the light of is the seventeenth-to-morrow, it is deter- from Wilmington to Nazareth, and from their blazing dwellings. Juliette sat with her mined that myself and all my fellow-members Nazareth hither. He avoids me by day, yet eyes fixed thoughtfully upon the landscape, of the Federal Congress shall depart for haunts me in darkness like an evil and mys-over which they were journeying. The Lancaster. We must quit the city for a terious spirit-he lurks about our dwelling in hamlet; and the banks of the Delaware and country or in town, and sometimes pulls Schuylkill, for those of the quiet Conestoga. away the vines about my window, to gaze in I charge you brother, go by the river road: upon me with the indescribable hideousness it is shady and quiet: and as for you, Juliette, of a fierce eye, and talks of 'passion.' your prospects for the ensuing month or two she added, I do not fear him. I trust in are too golden and brilliant to be broken or that Power who doeth all things well, and my jeoparded by an exposure of your fair face fears are resolved into praises for the past and pretty form to the gaze of ruthless goodness of God.' Hessians, or it may be, the vindictive glance of some straggling descendant of the Lennilasse. Even the Indians of the land, in this unequal struggle in which we are engaged. are brought and set against us.'

There was a blending of disguised fear, and the deep flow of youthful affection, in the separation of the maid from her uncle, which ordinary occasions would by no means have excited. Her father bade his brother fare'Do not fear for me, dear uncle,' said the well with a manly diguity and coolness, young lady, as she loosened the string in her befitting one who in the course of the war hand, and threw back her calash bonnet over then progressing, had executed many signal her clear young brow, to receive the parting and ennobling exploits. It was a period salutation of her vencrable relative. Her when the storms of the revolution were

scene was beautiful. As the city and its suburban trees faded from their view, the road wound in a graceful and continuous stretch along the western shore of the Delaware. The sun had descended; and the moon, struggling through the clouds, and touching the river with an incessant shower of silver, shed an uncertain light on their way. A silence ensued between the travelers, as of the spirit of the scene by which they were surrounded, was impressed upon each. By degrees, yielding to the inquiries of her father, who questioned her respecting her sadness and silence, the gentle Juliette disclosed the history of the surveilance of the Hessian-the threats of constancy in pursuing her which he had made, and the fears which his menaces had awakened. She confessed that, full of forebodings, she had

hair upon his lip quivered in his agitation, and he grinned a demon-like smile as she gave her solemn promise that their interview should remain an inviolable secret. She knew not what she said.

The days that elapsed between the interview of the garden, and the time appointed for the solemnization of her marriage, were passed by Juliette Percival in a state of alternate hope and fear. But as the time drew nigh her terrors increased. What she had previously disclosed to Leslie, had awakened in him a spirit of keen serveilance and suspicion. He had recovered from his wounds, and engaged a number of the yeomanry of the neighborhood to sleep in the house of Captain Percival, to secure the safety of the household, consisting only of the motionless Juliette, her young sister and a servant. Capt. Percival, enfeebled by his recent wounds, was an invalid, incapable of defence. In the mean time, Juliette was strictly conjured not to venture out unattended by night or day.

written to Leslie, who having been wounded Philadelphia, and the regions around were in only a few days before, was lying ill at Chester.fear and confusion. Her father had again He had returned a most tender and affec-sought the field, and encountered the foe, tionate answer, imploring her to be prudent, and like Leslie was suffering from injuries and promising that as soon as the state of his received in the conflict. Impressed with wound would permit, he should proceed to that fear for the future, which the state of Nazareth until his restoration, during which individuals and communities around her period, he hoped to act as her defender. warranted and actuated by the tenderest imThe next evening found the travelers in pulses of a woman's heart she had consented the borough of Easton, on the Delaware. to her union to Leslie as soon as his recovery At that period the place was diminutive, and would possibly perinit. The tears sprang to of little importance, consisting only of a few her clear full eyes, as her meditations deepscattered dwellings, of various aspects and ened; and seeking to soothe and avert the dimensions; some of wood stained by the melancholy tenor of her thoughts, she flung a weather; some of brick, with spotted ends. shawl over her shoulders, and stepped into In the middle of the road, and near the the garden to gaze on the prospect around. borough, stood a decent public edifice, To the north west, lay the mountains of the apparently a church-beyond it rolled the Blue Ridge, at the distance of nearly forty Delaware, and an abrupt hill arose on the miles, overlooking the ranges nearer at hand, opposite shore. As they approached the and exactly resembling huge piles of clouds the church, Juliette remarked that a mile along that portion of the horizon. The vast board stood before it, on which she had champagn which intervened and embraced a noticed the words eight miles to Nazareth.' circuit of near thirty leagues, seemed as if an She was just opening her lips to mention the immense lake, with a gently undulating bed pleasing thoughts of their being so near had suddenly dried, and in place of its waters On the evening appointed for the nuptials home, when, as they wheeled by the edifice, there had sprung up a few scattered meadows, of Juliette Percival with George Leslie, a her eye becaine riveted on a figure which was with dwellings lying like spots upon them-stranger might have discovered a flickering peering out from an angle of the building. It and wide soft lapses of many colored and light on the yellow and crimson leaves of a was at the moment broad moonlight; she dimly blended woods. As her eye glanced to cluster of huge ash trees, which darkened grasped instinctively the arm of her father, the north-east, she beheld the Great Delaware the road-side a few hundred yards from the and pointed at the object. It was the Water Gap, and the river, breaking through mansion of Capt. Percival. It proceeded Hessian soldier, to whose uncouth and the Blue Ridge, from a height of nearly from a lantern, held by an old and withered almost brutal gallantry she had so often four hundred feet; towards the northwest Indian. As its rays fell upon his ploughed opposed herself with fear and dread. He lay the Wind Gap; and directly to the west-and painted visage, they disclosed a keen raised his hand over his face, as if to cast its ward, the Lehigh Water Gap, all seen, though and restless anxiety of eye. His long hair shadow on his austere brow and repulsive nearly fifty miles distant from each other, hung in straight and damp masses on each visage, and gazing intently for an instant, he breaking through the stupendous and billowy side of his furrowed temples; and a huge skulked abruptly round the building, and mountains which lay upheaved afar. The drop suspended from his nose, of silver, and disappeared from their view. last smile of day lingered in peerless beauty shaped like the rattle of a snake. Over his It was nearly a month after these circum-upon the heads of those mighty "ambassa- close deerskin vest, trimmed with the fur of stances, that Captain Percival, with his dors from earth to heaven. The glory of the mink, was braided a wide wampum belt, daughter Juliette and her young sister, then the clouds above them; the sun-set kindling upon which bung several scalps, of different in childhood, were seated around a cheerful the fiery west; the blending of the earth and colored hair, the melancholy relics of murhearth in their cottage at Nazareth. The sky-and the sunlight upon the floods in the dered white women and children. His whole afternoon was closing and as the sun broke distance, formed a scene calculated at once appearance indicated a spirit familiar with out from among the cloudy draperies of the to awe the chastened heart, and intoxicate blood, and thirsting for deeds of rapine and west, and sprinkled his golden smiles into cruelty. He assumed an attitude of listening the little parlor, Juliette arose and gazed with attention for for a moment, and turning to earnestness from the window. The day, for the middle tree of the group, which was the most part, had been one of wind and hollow, he exclaimed, storm; but the winds had retired to their caverns; and through the tears of a clearing heaven, the king of day looked with majesty over the illuminated hills, from his pavillion of painted clouds. The scene was a spell upon the heart of Juliette. It induced a contented reliance on that God in whose infinite sight are unfolded the cares and the perils of the children of men. She looked across the eminence, or undulating ridge upon which her father's cottage was situated, to Fly not at your peril, but hear me! I another nearly half a mile distant. It was a cannot listen to expostulation-I have seen long, white mansion, before whose door a few you-I admire and adore you :-I know your poplars and oaks, with other ornamental pale lover: I have seen your interviews: I trees, stood waving like winged rainbows in have heard your vows-they must be broken. the western air, and clothed in all the colors Go with me to Europe. I will treat you, not which accompany an American forest in the as you deserve, like a daughter of a rebelautumn season. In that cottage lay her but like a companion and a friend. Denial is adored and honored George Leslie. There death. I have pursued you long; I have had she administered to his wants and sick-forfeited my life by deserting the army of my ness with all the affection and fondness of an king for your charms-I will win you or unhardened youth, and unsullied love. Ere both of us shall die. I linger here for nothhis wounds were healed he again rushed into ing save to say that you must not dare to battle at Germantown, and was now lying wed another. Death will break the nuptial scarcely convalescent, in a chamber whose vow. Swear that this interview be disclosed windows she beheld brightening in the last to none, or this moment is the last of your rays of the setting sun. All the events of existence. I pause for your words of reply. the past weeks flitted across her memory.I would be gone ' The royal army had taken possession of" He ceased. The foul and matted tufts of

[ocr errors]

the imagination. Juliette gazed until the
scene became dusky and indistinct in the
approaching shadows of twilight. Wrapt
insensibly in a charm of memory and antici-
pation, she was leaning on the tasteful stile at
the extremity of the garden, when she heard
the rustling of footsteps near at hand. She
had scarcely turned ere the rude Hessian
whom she had so often dreaded stood before
her. His eyes were flashing but his face
was pale and hideous. He dropped on one
knee before her, and drawing a pistol from
his bosom, he pointed it at her breast, and
exclaimed in a hurried arid voice-

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· Sagowa-ha!

The word was one of recognition, and the person summoned rushed out from the hollow tree before him. It was the Hessian soldier.

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Well, Sleepless Panther,' said he, 'what did you see? Is the young soldier at Captain Percival's and does the pale grey head stay below?

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Yes! said the Sleepless Panther. His house is filled with so many pale faces.' As he said so many,' he lifted the four fingers of his right hand. The dove eyed squaw no there. She is sleep. They keep watch. I no kill'em. I blind-no see good in 'evenin.'

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Then the deed be mine,' said the Hessian. Go thy ways, Panther here is money. Keep thy mouth shut, and thy ears open. Go.'


Hooth said the Panther, as he dropped the lantern into the hand of the soldier. Good bye. The big cannons of Manitou are firing in the sky. The storm spirit is coming. I go down to my wigwam where the big lake runs.'

The Sleepless Panther darted away into the darkness of the woods, and the soldier was left in his solitude. A tempest had been for some time gathering in the west, and flashes

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of lightning were vivid and almost incessant ; || side. He renewed the powder in the pan, might interest the philosopher, would be while the howling of thunder on the hoarse and drew the weapon again to his breast. revolting to the reader. There are, however, and cloudy wind that sighed deeply amid the A motion of Miss Percival caused him to cases of folly and error, which should be dry leaves around him, added to the dismal move; he slowly lifted his gun as if to pause promulgated as warnings, and the incidents fearfulness of the scene. A few drops of rain for a steadier hand and more composed of the annexed sketch are of this character, were pattering on the leaves. He lifted his nerve, it was but for a moment. Again he Mysterious are the ways of Providence in finger to his forehead in deep thought. elevated the deadly engine; and muttering punishing. the transgressions of men-and d-n her,' he proceeded to take aim. It indisputable is the truth, that Death is the was his last moment. In an instant the tree wages of Sin. above him was rent and crackling in the lightning of heaven. The subtile fire struck his glittering instrument of death and crime; the stock was splittered into countless atoms in his hands; the red torrent rushed into his bosom :-one loud groan blended with the thunder, and the guilty soul of the Hessian was before its God!

It is decided,' he muttered to himself. She cannot live for me. To decoy her is impossible, against odds so fearful. She must die for me then! I have said it, and it shall be accomplished.'

He drew from the cavity of the tree a long bright musket. It was of the kind denominated Queen's Arms; very heavy and massive in its construction. He blew out the light in his lantern, and moved towards the house which sheltered the object of his wicked solicitude.

In the rear of the mansion, Capt. Percival had erected a long shed, in which were kept sundry beehives. The sweet produce of the summer industry of their frugal occupants, compensated abundantly for this cave. The shed extended some distance into the garden, from the end of the dwelling, at the .base of which a few vines had been planted-had grown up, and hung in beautiful festoons about the window shutters of the chamber appropriated to Miss Percival.

The Hessian approached the shed; he placed his gun in a water conductor which ran along its humble caves; and mounting into the branches of a beach tree, he gained the ridge of the rude shelter, and lifting his musket walked stealthily up to the window. He drew aside the still green vines which inantled about it, and looked carefully in. It was the bed chamber of the lovely and innocent girl, about whose steps he had hung like a hungry lion. A lamp stood on a plain but rich table beneath a mirror. Miss Percival was in prayer. Her polished shoulders were carelessly and but half invested in her shawl; and her fine chesnut hair fell in glossy waves upon her neck and bosom, as she knelt in her night dress by the bed side, with the bible open before her. Her little sister lay in bed; her light tresses breaking out from a lawn cap, and shadowing a fair young cheek which seemed stained with roses. The small hands of Miss Percival were clasped together on the inspired page; and she Occasionally lifted upwards her tearful and spiritual eyes, or dropped the long lashes over them in the humility of devotion, her face seemed impressed with the passionless and pleasing sanctity of an angel.


And pray, aunt, what became of George
Leslie and Miss Percival,' said a young and
lovely girl, to her relative who had rehearsed
the foregoing tale, as they sat in the library of
a princely mansion on the Schuylkill.
The lady to whom the question was
addressed, turned to her neice and replied
with a smile-

They were married,' my dear Juliette;
they have lived together many long and happy
years. His course has been one of brightness,
of public honor and elevation; her's has been
retiring, but it has been quiet and even, and
very useful. They have children around them
who are beautiful and dutiful; wealth in such
abundance as to be convinced that it is not
happiness without the opulence of spirit, and
the graces of benevolent feeling; and they
have proved that where these are blended
there is the rarest pleasure.'


Where do they live now aunt?'

You see the heroine, my dear, daily before you. She is your mother. I have disguised the incidents and names that the story might beguile your fancy, and interest your heart. Wrapt as with a garment in the original brightness of youth, you are now what your mother appeared. May your course be as pure, and the light of your hope ever as brilliant as that which lingers around the coming evening of your parent's existence.

From the Knickerbocker.

A Scene in Real Life.
The facts not otherwise than here set down.'
AMIDST the exaggerations of modern literature, and the


Twenty years ago, no family in the fashionable circles of Philadelphia was distinguished than that of Mr. L******: no lady was more admired and esteemed than his lovely and accomplished wife. They had married in early life, with the sanction of relations and friends, and under a conviction that each was obtaining a treasure above all price. They loved devotedly and with enthusiasm, and their bridal day was a day of pure and unadulterated happiness to themselves, and of pleasure to those who were present to offer their congratulations on the joyous event. The happy pair were the delight of a large circle of acquaintances. In her own parlor, or in the drawing-rooms of her friends, the lady was ever the admiration of those who crowded around her, to listen to the rich melody of her voice, or to enjoy the flashes of wit and intelligence which characterized her conversation.

Without the egotism and vanity which sometimes distinguish those to whom society pays adulation, and too prudent and careful in her conduct to excite any feeling of jealousy in the breast of her confiding husband, Mrs. L's deportment was in all respects becoming a woman of mind, taste, and polished education. Her chosen companion noticed her career with no feelings of distrust, but with pride and satisfaction. He was happy in the enjoyment of her individual love and affection, and happy in witnessing the evidences of esteem which her worth and accomplishments elicited. Peace and prosperity smiled on his domestic circle, and his offspring grew up in loveliness, to add new pleasures to his career.


The youngest of his children was a daughter, named Letitia, after her mother, whom, in many respects, she promised to resemble. She had the same laughing blue eyes, the same innocent and pure expression of countenance, and the same general outline of feature. an early age her sprightliness, acute observation, and aptitude in acquiring information, furnished sure evidences of intelligence, and extraordinary pains were taken to rear her in such a manner as to develope, advantageously her natural powers. The care of her education devolved principally upon her mother, and the task was assumed with a full consciousness

of its responsibility.

tons of that exuberant fancy, which in these latter days is tasked to gratify a public taste somewhat vitiated, it is useful to present occasional views of actual existence. Such are contained in the following sketch, which is The Hessian was moved; and for some studiously simple in its language, and every event of moments he seemed panting in the indecision which is strictly true. We have this assurance from a of some supernatural suspense. The storm source entitled to implicit credit.-Editors Knickerbocker. had now arisen in its fury;-the rain came THERE is a vast amount of suffering in the With the virtuous mother, whose mind is down in heavy floods; the voice of the thun-world that escapes general observation. In unshackled by the absurdities of extreme der was deep and almost continual. The the lanes and alleys of our populous cities, in fashionable life, there are no duties so weighty, wide and distant landscape which surrounded the garrets and cellars of dilapidated buildings, and at the same time so pleasing as those the cottage, would ever and anon open from there are pregnant cases of misery, degrada- connected with the education of an only daughafar at the glance of the lightning only to be tion, and crime, of which those who live inter. The weight of responsibility involves not swallowed in a moment by the jaws of comfortable houses, and pursue the ordinary only the formation of an amiable disposition duties of life, have neither knowledge nor and correct principles, but in a great measure, conception. By mere chance, occasionally, the degree of happiness which the child may a solitary instance of depravity and awful death subsequently enjoy. Errors of education are is exposed, but the startling details which are the fruitful source of misery, and to guard placed before the community, are regarded as against these is a task which requires judg gross exaggerations. It is difficult for those ment, and unremitting diligence. But for this who are unacquainted with human nature in labor, does not the mother receive a rich its darkest aspects, to conceive the immeasu- reward? Who may tell the gladness of her rable depth to which crime may sink a human heart, when the infant cherub first articulates being-and the task of attempting to delineate her name? Who can describe the delightful a faithful picture of such depravity, though it emotions elicited by the early development of


'I will do it now,' muttered the soldier as he drew back I will send her to the God she is entreating-I shall but add an angel to heaven.' He retreated a few paces on the roof beneath the shadow of a small poplar whose sere branches trembled over the shed-he raised the musket to his breast-he pointed it directly at the heart of Juliette Percival, and fired. The instrument missed its fire. Curse the gun,' he whispered as he drew it to his

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