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"the easy Temper of our common Mother. Envy, and a Sourness of Temper, in some " of her aged Nuns, do, indeed, put us to fome Trouble, to glofs over our little Irregularities; " but we who are Favourites, generally know "how to turn their Complaints to their own Dif" advantage; or, at worst, it is but facrificing "fome of our Patroness's Benefactions to their " Avarice."

THUS we pass'd our Time, till Decency, as well as the Reafon already alledg'd, call'd me to depart: But, at my Return to my Quarters, my Pleasure was interrupted, by the Mortification of hearing, that my travelling Companion design'd to depart the next Morning. However, as the next Place, he design'd to make fome Stay at, was but at the Distance of a short Day's Journy, I refolv'd to spend another Day with my lovely Nun, and to take Post-horses the next Night, to follow my Friend. My first Attempt in the Practice of Physic was so successful, that I found my Patient, the next Morning, up, and fiting on her Bed-fide, at Breakfast, with her Father-Confeffor and LadyAbbefs. Joy appear'd in every Countenance, 'till the Neceffity of my Departure that Evening, being made known, put a sudden Damp upon it, and more especially in the young Votary, fo visibly, that I began to fear she would, by over-acting her Part, betray the Secret, or fall Sick in earnest. The good old Lady lamented the Want of so able a Physician in that City, and express'd a Surprise at the Efficacy of my Prescription, of which I fear'd the would have begg'd a Copy: But she soon difpel'd my Apprehenfions, by giving me an Account what a sweet Night's Reft my Coufin had enjoy'd, and that the Sifter who fat up with her had obferv'd her frequently to smile in her Sleep, as if fome pleasing Dreams had footh'd her Imagination, all which the kindly


kindly attributed to the Effects of my Arcana. I could have accounted for this in a more feeling Manner; but I chose to wave the Discourse, by saying, it was the natural Effect of the Gaiety of her Temper, upon the Removal of the morbific Quality, which had made her so restiess the Night before. I chanced to have, in my Trunk, fome Phials of Sal volatile oleofum Sylvia; I had the Day before adminifter'd some Drops of it, to carry on the Farce, and now recommended a Couple of Bottles of it as a sovereign Panacea, which would certainly restore my fair Patient to a perfect State of Health, if continued a few Days longer, and she might be indulg'd to keep her Chamber, during the Ufe of it. By this Means, I secured the Enjoy ment of her Company 'till the Moment of my Departure, and we spent the Day in the fame agreable Manner we had done the preceding one. I was even allow'd to dine in her Celt, and as she had chofen her Confident for her Attendant, I found a Wink commanded her Absence whenever we were defirous of being alone, and she was very vigilant to give us timely Notice of the Approach of any one who otherwise might have furprized us. I found, in our Discourse of this Day, that my little Charmer, as fatisfied as she was with a Monaftic Life, would gladly have quitted it, to accompany me in my Travels, in any Disguise; and could an Expedient have been thought on for her Escape, I believe I should have found it difficult to have left her behind me. She propos'd several, but as they all appeared impracticable, she was at length fatisfied with my leaving Directions with her, how the might follow me, if a more favourable Opportunity should offer. I shall not trouble you with an Account of our melancholy parting, nor divert you from the pleasing Reflections this Relation of my Adventure Adventure may give you, by telling you how fenfibly it affected, not only both of us, but the LadyAbbess, and the Dominican, who both lamented the Lofs of so able and fuccessful a Physician. I am, &c.





FINISHED my last with the Conclufion
of my Adventure with a beautiful Nun at
Munster, formerly our Acquaintance in
England. I no fooner return'd to my

Lodgings, than, having finish'd that Letter, which I had begun and continued at Intervals, I order'd Poft-horses to be provided, and, riding all Night, overtook my Travelling Companion, the next Morning, at a Place call'd Soest, seven German Miles from Munster, South; remarkable only for being as poor, as we can imagine a large Place to be without Trade, and cumber'd with several Monasteries, whose Inhabitants, like Nests of Rats, in the Walls and Rafters of a Granary, are continually preying on whatever is within their Reach. This City is so ancient, that it was noted in the Days of Charlemaign, and is now very large, being divided into fourteen Parishes, and having as many Gates; but is in so ruinous a Condition, that very few of the Streets are paved. It was formerly a free Imperial City, but, at different Times, underwent various Changes, and is now fubject to the King of Prufia, as Earl of Marck. When it was taken


taken and plunder'd, in the Year 1622, by Chriftian, Duke of Brunswick, among other Booty, he is faid to have carried away the twelve Apostles, in massy Silver. Its present Poverty is afcrib'd, indeed, to its different Fate and Sufferings in War, and by Fire; but it is, perhaps, more owing to its being made a Prey to the Roman Catholic Priefts, who are Mafters of the Cathedral, and of eleven of the other Parifh-Churches, and have likewife feveral Monafteries, and, in particular, a famous Nunnery, call'd Paradise. There are, however, among the Inhabitants, a pretty large.number of Lutherans, who poffefs two of the Parish Churches, and a Nunnery of that Perfuafion *. They pretend here to an ancient Body of Laws, call'd Jus Sofatense, which, tho' not mention'd by many ancient Writers, is generally allow'd to have been the Foundation of that ancient Body of Laws, now called the Jus Lubecenfe, after having received confiderable Improvements from the Saxon Laws, and from those of Wisbuy.

My Companion and I, having spent the Afternoon in vifiting the Churches and Cloisters, where Plenty appeared as barefaced as Poverty in the Town, when we return'd to our Lodgings, and afk'd for our Beds, were directed to an Opening in the Wall, which we mounted, with the Help of a Chair, and a high Trunk, and found a Place over the Entry into the House; capacious enough for us all three to stretch ourselves out, but hardly high enough to fit upright. In this Cabbin, they had laid a good foft Feather-bed (as they gene


These Lutheran Nunneries are a Sort of free Boarding Schools, rais'd upon the ancient Establishments, where young Ladies, generally of the best Families, are educated, and fome spend their Lives in them, but take neither the Vow nor Habit, nor are they tied down to many Rules.


rally all are in this Country, where they have any) on the bare Boards, and another of the fame Kind to cover us, if we had been inclin'd to creep in between them; but both in greasy, filthy Ticking, and without either Sheer, Blanket or Quilt; we therefore thought it advisable to lye upon both, and cover ourselves with our Cloaks.

We did not meet with any Thing, in this Place, capable of tempting us to stay any longer here, than my Companion's Business oblig'd him to; fo we departed the next Morning for Lipstadt, where we arriv'd early the fame Afternoon. As my Companion propos'd to continue our Journy the next Morning for Paderborn, which is but three German Miles from Lipstadt, Westward, I had not much Time to look about me, nor could I learn, that there was any Thing very remarkable to be seen. I found, at approaching it, that this is a Place of great Strength, partly by Art, but more by Nature, being situated on the River Lippe, in the Midst of unpassable Morasses; and I was told there, that it is esteem'd one of the strongest Places in Westphalia. The Town is large, and has the Appearance of being one of the Habitations of Poverty, tho' not under the Oppression of the Roman Catholics: It is very ancient, faid to be built fo early as 1150, was formerly in the Hanseatick League, and once a free Imperial City; till, in Length of Time, it fell under the Jurisdiction of the Counts of Lippe, and became their Residence, as it was the Capital of the County of that Name *. In 1366, Count Simon pawn'd it to Engelbert, Count of the

* There are two Sorts of Counts in Germany; one who may be called titulary, and possess no Sovereignties; and the other, who are called Reich's Grafen (or Counts of the Empire) who are Sovereigns, and have Session and Voze in the Diet.


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