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" So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men, And Death once dead, there's no more dying then. "
The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes: Collated Verbatim ... - Pagina 310
door William Shakespeare - 1790
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Poems on Several Occasions: By Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1760 - 266 pagina’s
...body's end ? Then, foul, live thou upon thy fervant's lofs, And let that pine to- aggravate thy ftorc ; Buy ter-ms divine in felling hours of drofs ; Within be fed, without be rich no more. ik> fhalt thou- feed on death, that feeds on And death once dead, there's no more dying then.Immoderate...
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Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare: The most excellent tragedie of Romeo and ...

William Shakespeare - 1766 - 620 pagina’s
...flore; Buy tearmes diuine in felling houres of drofle : Within be fed, without be rich no more, So fhalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And death once dead, ther's no more dying then. CXLVII. Y loueis as afeauer longing fill), For that which longer nurfeth...
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Poems Written by Mr. William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1775 - 290 pagina’s
...body's end ? Then, foul, live thou upon thy fervant's lofs, And let that pine to aggravate thy ftore; Buy terms divine in felling hours of drofs ; Within be fed, without be rich no more. Sofhalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And death once dead, there's no more dying then. Immoderate...
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A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Spenser. Shakespeare ...

1792 - 776 pagina’s
...flore ; Buy terms divine in fe.ling hours of drol's ; Within be fed, without be rich no more : So fhalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And, death once dead, there's nu more dying then . CXI.VII. My love is as a fever, longing flill For that which longer nurfc -h the...
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The poems of William Shakspeare, with mr. Capell's History of the ..., Volume 18

William Shakespeare - 1798 - 306 pagina’s
...body's end ? Then, foul, live thou upon thy fervant's lofs, And let that pine to aggravate thy ftore ; Buy terms divine in felling hours of drofs ; Within be fed, without be rich no more : So malt thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And, death once dead, there's no rnore dying then, CXLVIJ....
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Poems, with illustrative remarks [ed. by W.C. Oulton]. To which is ..., Volume 2

William Shakespeare - 1804 - 268 pagina’s
...store; Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross; Within be fed, without be rich no more. So shall thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And death once dead, there's no more dying then. IMMODERATE PASSION. MY love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease;...
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The Poems of William Shakespeare: Comprehending Venus and Adonis, Tarquin ...

William Shakespeare - 1808 - 224 pagina’s
...store ; Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross ; Within be fed, without be rich no more. So shalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men ; And death once dead, there's no more dying then. IMMODERATE PASSION. My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease...
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The Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 9

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 380 pagina’s
...store ; Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross ; Within be fed, without be rich no more. So shalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men ; And death once dead, there's no more dying then. IMMODERATE PASSION. My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: In Nine Volumes, Volume 9

William Shakespeare - 1812 - 372 pagina’s
...store ; Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross ; Within be fed, without be rich no more. So shall thou feed on death, that feeds on men ; And death once dead, there's no more dying then. IMMODERATE PASSION. My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: With the Corrections ..., Volume 20

William Shakespeare - 1821 - 486 pagina’s
...3 ; Buy terms divine in selling hours of dross ; Within be fed, without be rich no more : So shall thou feed on death, that feeds on men, And, death...dying then. CXLVII. My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease ; Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill, The...
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