
Munro (W. H.)-History of Bristol, R. I.; Story of the Mount Hope Lands, from the Visit of the Northmen to the Present Time. 8vo. cloth, pp. 396. Portrait and Illustrations. Providence (R.I.). 18s.

Pope (W. B., D D.)-Compendium of Christian
Theology; Analytical Outlines of a Course of Theological
Study, Biblical, Dogmatic, Historical. Three vols. 8vo.
cloth, pp. 1400. New York. £2 2s.

Murrey (T. J.) Valuable Cooking Receipts. Puck's Annual for 1881. 16mo. paper, pp. 128. New York. 2s.

The aim of this book is to present formulas for cooking known only among the caterers at the best hotels, cafés and restaurants of this country. Every receipt has been personally tested by the author.

Nation.-A General Index to the Nation.


1-30; July, 1865-September, 1880. 8vo. paper, pp. 45. Boston. 12s.

Complete and closely condensed index to first thirty volumes of The Nation. Much space is saved and reference made easy by italicized sub-headings run in under a general heading, with page and volume marked in every title; noticeable features are: the compilers leaning toward the new style of spelling, such as the substitution of ƒ for ph, and so on; the italicizing of proper names to show the person is treated in his professional capacity, and brief indications that figures following refer to reviews of works on the subjects indexed, or to reviews of works by him.

Nevin (A., D.D.)-Triumph of Truth; or, Jesus the Light and Life of the World. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia.


Nevin (W. W.)-Vignettes of Travel: Comparative Sketches in England and Italy. 12mo. cloth, pp. 443. Philadelphia. 7s. 6d.

Recast of letters contributed to the public press of the U.S. during a visit to Europe in 1879 and 1880, with some new matter added,

Newton (R. H.)-Womanhood: Lectures on
Woman's Work in the World. 12mo. cloth, pp. 315. New
York. 6s. 6d.

Nuller (D. F.)-Rhetoric as an Art of Persuasion
from the Standpoint of a Lawyer. 8vo. cloth, pp. 183.
Des Moines (Iowa). 9s.

Ohio-Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court at Ohio, Reported by E. L. De Witt. New series, vol. 35. 8vo. sheep, pp. x. and 760. Cincinnati. 16s. 6d.

Parloa (Maria).-New Cook-book: Guide to
Marketing and Cooking. 12mo. cloth, pp. 430. Illus-
trated. Boston. 7s. 6d.

Peebles (J. M., M.D.)-Immortality, and our
Employments Hereafter; with what a Hundred Spirits,
Good and Evil, say of their Dwelling-places. 8vo. cloth,
pp. 300. Boston. 7s. 6d.

Peirce (E. W.)-Civil, Millitary and Professional
Lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island Colonies, Comprising
Colonial, County and Town Officers, Clergymen, Physicians
and Lawyers; with Extracts from Colonial Laws Defining
their Duties, 1621-1700.
Boston. 10s.

8vo. paper, pp. ii. and

115. Illustrated. New York. 1s. 6d.

Collection of humorou verses and prose pieces, with a calendar for each month, all humorously and profusely illustrated. Putnam (A.)-Witchcraft of New England Explained by Modern Spiritualism. 12mo. cloth, pp. 482. Boston. 7s. 6d.

Putnam (J. P.)-The Open Fireplace in all Ages.
12mo. cloth, pp. x. and 202. Illustrated. Boston. 10s.
The author of this work is an architect by profession, hence is
practical and instructive in treating his subject.

Queer Queries.-Collection of Queer, Quaint,
and Curious Questions, on a Variety of Subjects, by Ye
Pedagogue. 16mo. paper. Danville (Ind.). 1s. 6d.
Richardson (A. S.)-Familiar Talks on English
Literature; Manual embracing the Great Epochs of
English Literature, from English Conquest of Britain, 449,
to death of Walter Scott, 1832. 12mo. cloth, pp. 454.
Chicago. 10s.

A history of English literature, told in familiar style. Robertson (P.) -Manual of Elocution and Philosophy of Expression. 12mo, cloth, pp. 95. Dayton (0.). 6s.

Exercises for the proper cultivation of gesture and elocution, based upon the Delsart method.

Royall (W. L.)-A Reply to "A Fool's Errand,
by one of the Fools." 12mo. paper, pp. 95, New York.
18. 6d.

Ryan (A. J.) [Father Ryan.]-Poems: Patriotic,
Religious, Miscellaneous. 4to. cloth, pp. xvi. and 347.
Portrait and Illustrations. Baltimore. El 4s.

12mo. Edition, 12s.

The author of these poems is a Catholic priest well known and greatly beloved through the South; many of the verses relate to the war, and show a strong Southern sympathy. A new revised edition, to which several poems not printed in the first collection, have been added.

Salter (W.)-Memoirs of Jos. W. Pickett, Missionary Superintendent in Southern Iowa and in the Rocky Mountains for the Am. Home Missionary Soc. 12mo. cloth, pp. 150. Burlington (Iowa). 6s.

Sargent (Mrs. J. T.)-Sketches and Reminiscences of the Radical Club of Chestnut Street, Boston. Illustrated. Boston. 10s.

12mo. cloth, pp. xii. and 418. 8vo. cloth, pp. viii. and 156.

Philomneste (-, jun.)-Bibliomania in the Present Day in France and England; or, some Account of Celebrated Sales, giving Prices at which the more Important Books were Sold, together with Prices Brought by the same Books in Previous Sales; from the French, with Notice and Portrait of Trautz Bauzonnet. 16mo. vellum, pp. 141. New York. 7s. 6d.

Pike (J.)-Philadelphia Shipping Manual; or, Shippers' Vade-mecum; Containing a Careful Synopsis of all the Laws, Rules, and Regulations Governing the Shipping Trade of Philadelphia, correct to Date. 8vo. paper, pp. 206. Philadelphia. 6s.

Piatt (J. J.)-Idyls and Lyrics of the Ohio Valley. 16mo. cloth, pp. 140. Cincinnati. 7s. 6d.

Poor (Laura E.)-Sanskrit and Its Kindred Literatures; Studies in Comparative Mythology. 12mo. cloth, pp. viii. and 468. Boston. 10s.

"This is not an encyclopædia: therefore every author will not be found in it. It is an attempt first, so to interest people in the new discoveries in literature as to induce them to study for themselves; in order to do this, only the greatest writers have been mentioned, and long extracts given from their works to illustrate the opinions stated; second, to put all literature upon that new basis which has been created by the new sciences of Comparative philology and comparative mythology. For this reason the greatest space has been given to the Sanskrit literature, which caused these discoveries, contains so many elements

The Radical Club was organized in the year 1867; it was designed to meet a demand for the freest investigation of all forms of religious thought and inquiry, and was composed of members of all religious denominations. The present volume contains some of the best essays read before the club, with a sketch of the discussions which followed. They number 55, and are from such writers as Emerson, James, Frothingham, Gannett, Channing, Weiss, Bartol, Julia Ward Howe, Holmes, etc. Also, 3 papers, Reminiscences." Index.


Scherr (J.)-Schiller and His Times; from the German, by Elisabeth McClellan. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xviii. and 454. Portrait and Illustrations. Phila. 10s. Life of Friederich Schiller, the great German poet, born 1759, died 1805; with a critical estimate of his great works, "The Robbers," ""Don Carlos," "Wallenstein," etc., and a picture of the eventful days in which he lived. Dr. Scherr is a well-known and popular German writer; the American publisher says of his work: "Scherr has not, as many others have done, made a sentimental novel out of the life of our manly poet; he has adhered to historical truth, and instead of making an idol of his hero and placing others in an unfair shadow, he has given us an ample critique which does not degrade by exaggerated homage one who never flattered himself."

Seabury (Rev. S.)-Life and Correspondence of Rev. Samuel Seabury, First Bishop of Connecticut and of the Episcopal Church in U.S. By E. E. Beardsley, D.D. 8vo. cloth, pp. 514. With Portrait. Boston. £1 4s. Seventy-six Cook-Book, by Ladies of Plymouth Church, Des Moines. 5th edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. 276.

Shakespeare (W.)-Complete Works: with Life

of the Poet, Explanatory Foot-notes, Critical Notes, and a Glossarial Index, by the Rev. H. N. Hudson. Harvard Edition. In 20 Vols. Boston. £6 6s.; or in 10 Vols. £5. Vols. 1 to 12 ready. Vol. 1 contains: Life; Portrait; Comedy of Errors; Two Gentlemen of Verona, pp. 33 and 254. 2, Love's Labour Lost; Taming of the Shrew, pp. 258. 3, Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice, pp. 235. 4, All's Well that Ends Well; Much Ado about Nothing, pp. 265. 5, As You Like It; Twelfth Night, pp. 253. 6, Merry Wives of Windsor; Measure for Measure, pp. 268. 7, Tempest; Winter's Tale, pp. 291. 8, Henry VI., Parts 1 and 2, pp. 266. 9, Henry VI., Part 3; Richard III., pp. 304. 10, King John; Richard the Second, pp. 261. 11. King Henry IV., Parts 1 and 2, pp. 293. 12, Henry V.; Henry VIII., pp. 308. "Simplicity and clearness are the key-notes of this edition. He wants the reader, as he says, to live, breathe, think, and feel with the poet. The plays are grouped in classes as comedies, histories, and tragedies, and the plays in each series are grouped in the chronological order of the writing.New York Tribune.

Sharpe (W., M.D.)-Cause of Colour Among Races, and the Evolution of Physical Beauty. New Edition, revised and enlarged. 16mo. cloth, pp. vi. and 36. New York. 4s.

Shock (W.H.)-Steam Boilers. Their Construction and Management. 4to. half morocco, pp. 400. Illustrated. New York. £3 15s.

Shunk (W. F.)-Field Engineer's Handy-Book of Practice in the Survey, Location and Trackwork of Railroads. 12mo. leather, pp. 318. Illus. New York. 12s. 6d. Skinner (Mrs. C. L. F.)-Universalist Register; with Usual Astronomical Tables and Counting House Almanac for 1881. 12mo. paper, pp. 100. Boston. 1s. 6d.

Thayer (W. M.)-Tact, Push, and Principle. 12mo. cloth, pp. 369. Boston. 7s. 6d.

Important information and advice are here offered to young business men.

Thompson (S. D.)-The Law of Carriers of Pas

sengers. Illustrated by Leading Cases and Notes. 8vo. cloth, pp. 683. St. Louis. £1 16s.

Thrum (T. G.)-Hawaiian Almanac and Annual for 1881; Handbook of Information on Matters Relating to the Hawaiian Islands. Seventh year. 8vo. paper, pp. 71. Honolulu (H.I.). 2s.

Tiffany (J.)-Man and His Destiny; According to the Teachings of Philosophy and Revelation. 12mo. cloth, pp. 457. Boston. 7s. 6d.

Townsend (G. A.)- Bohemian Days: Three American Tales. 16mo. cloth, pp. 280. New York. 5s. Towle (G. M.)-Certain Men of Mark. Studies of Living Celebrities. 16mo. cl. pp. iii. and 242. Boston, 5s, Biographical sketches of Gladstone, Bismarck, Gambetta, Beaconsfield, Castelar, Victor Hugo, John Bright, and Three Emperors-William of Germany, the Czar Alexander of Russia, and Francis Joseph of Austria.

Upton (G. P.)-Woman in Music: An Essay. 12mo. cloth, pp. 145. Boston. 10s. Vermont Historical Society.-Proceedings, Oct. 19th, 1880. 8vo. paper, pp. xxviii. and 43. Rutland, Contains, besides proceedings, "History of Fenianism and Fenian raids in Vermont," an address by Hon. Edward A. Towles, of St. Albans.

Smart (J.H.)-Books and Reading for the Young: Warren (S. E.)-Elementary Projection Drawing:

Reprint from a State Report. 8vo. paper, pp. 87. Indianapolis.

The topics discussed are: "On bad literature;" "Public libraries;""What can be done by the teacher;" etc., etc.

Smith (S. F., D.D.)-History of Newton, Mass., Town and City, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, 1630-1880. 8vo. cloth, pp. 851. With Portrait, Illustrations and Map. Boston. £1 2s. 6d.

History of the town of Newton, Mass., from the earliest settlement, 250 years ago, down to the present day.

Sozinskey (T. S., M.D.)-Care and Culture of Children. 12mo. cloth, pp. 484. Philadelphia. 12s. 6d. Stevens (C. W.)-Fly Fishing in Maine Lakes; or, Camp-Life in the Wilderness. 24mo. cloth, pp. 196. Boston. 5s.

Stevens (C. W., M.D.)-Revelations of a Boston Physician. 12mo. cloth, pp. iv. and 252. Boston. 5s. Sketches taken from the actual experience of a prominent Boston physician, intended to illustrate the miseries of the very poor, the delusions of diseased imaginations, the sham diseases of sham patients.


Stewart (D.) and Carey (F. K.)-Digest of the
Law of Husband and Wife as Established in Maryland.
12mo. leatherette, pp. xvi. and 199.
Storrs (R. S., D.D.)-John Wycliffe and the First
English Bible; an Oration. 8vo. paper, pp. 85. New
York. 2s. 6d.

Delivered at the Academy of Music, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1880, by invitation of the Board of Managers of the American Bible Society.

Swing (D.)-Club Essays. 16mo. cloth, pp. 189. Chicago. 53.

Five essays entitled: Augustine and his mother; A Roman home; Parlez vous Français; The history of love; The greatest of the fine arts.

Swinton (J.)-Current Views and Notes of Forty Days in France and England. 16mo. paper, pp. 46. New York. 1s. 6d.

Brief sketches of travel in France and England in October and September, 1880.

Tagen (C. H. von, M.D.)-Biliary Calculi; Perineorrhaphy; Hospital Gangrene and its Kindred Diseases; with their Respective Treatments. 8vo. cloth, pp. vii. and 154. Illustrated. New York. 6s. 6d.

Three treatises on three important and formidable classes of diseases, presenting a concise, comprehensive and practical description of these diseases, with surgical and medical treatment, embracing all that is new up to the present date.

Theory and Practice. Fifth Edition, Revised, with a New Division on the Elements of Machines. 8vo. cloth, pp. xiv. and 162. 24 Plates. New York. 7s. 6d.

Wells (J. C.)-E Pluribus Unum. 8vo. cloth, pp. 56. Des Moines (Iowa). 38.

Wells (J. C.)-Magna Charta; or, The Rise and Progress of Constitutional Civil Liberty in England and America. 8vo. cloth, pp. 512. Des Moines (Iowa). £lls. Wilson (J.) Drainage for Health; or, Easy Lessons in Sanitary Science. 8vo. cloth, pp. 68. Illus trated. Philadelphia. 58.

Winsor (J.) Memorial History of Boston, including Suffolk Co., Mass., 1630-1880. In 4 vols. Vol. I. : Early and Colonial Periods. 4to. cloth, pp. 596. With Illustrations, Facsimiles and Maps. Boston. £6 10s. Winter (W.)-Life, Stories, and Poems of John Brougham. 12mo. cloth, pp. iii. and 461. With Portraits and Illustrations. Boston. 10s.

Contains, autobiography, a fragment, which is continued by extracts from Brougham's diary, and supplemented by a brief memoir by Mr. Winter, and a notice of his life taken from Harper's Weekly, June 26, 1880; some recollections of his stage career and social relations, and a few interesting relics in the way of play-bills, etc. Portraits and illustrations.

Winter (W.)-Poems. Complete Edition. 12mo. cloth, pp. 170. Boston. 7s. 6d.

Contains all the poems of Mr. Winter that he cares to preserve. 57 poems in all.

Winter (W.)

The Trip to England. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged, with Illustrations by Jos. Jefferson. 12mo. cloth, pp. 167. Boston. 10s. The letters which form this volume were first published in he New York Tribune, of which the author is the well-known dramatic critic.

Worcester (S., M.D.)-Repertory to the Modalities in their Relation to Temperature, Air, Water, Winds, Weather and Seasons; Based mainly upon Hering's "Condensed Materia Medica." with additions from Allen, Lippe, and Hale. 12mo. cloth, pp. 160. New York. 6s. 6d. Young (Sarah G.)-European Modes of Living; or, the Question of Apartment Houses. 12mo. paper, pp. iv. and 40. With 4 Plates. New York. 2s. 6d. Discusses the superiority of French and German apartment houses over American, in the matters of health, convenience and beauty. By author of "Are Americans less healthy than Europeans?"


Album of Anthropological Types as found in the

Islands of the Pacific Ocean, illustrated by 28 Photographic Plates, containing 175 Subjects, with an Explanatory Text and an Ethnological Map of the Pacific Ocean. Published by the Museum Godeffroy in Hamburg from Original Negatives taken from the Life by Explorers in that Region. Hamburg, 1881. £2 10s.

Backer (L. de)-Le Droit de la Femme dans l'Antiquité, son devoir au Moyen-Age d'après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 7s. 6d. Bastian (Adolf)-Die Heilige Sage der Polynesier Kosmogenie und Theogonie. 8vo. sewed, pp. xii. and 302. Leipzig, 1881. 6s.

Bruni (Jordani)-Opera latina conscripta recens. F. Fiorentino. Vol. I. Pars 1. (Cont. 1. Oratio valedictoria. 2. Oratio consolatoria. 3. Acrotismus Camoeracensis. 4. De Immenso et Innumerabilibus. (Lib. 1, 2, 3.) 8vo. pp. lxviii. and 400. Neapoli, 1879. 15s. Codera y Zaidin (Don Fr.)-Tratado de Numismática Arabigo-Española. 8vo. pp. xxiv. and 320, with 24 Plates. Madrid, 1879. £1 1s.


Cosijn (P. T.)-Kursgefasste Altwestsächsische Grammatik. Theil I. Die Vocale der Stammsilben. Post 8vo. sewed, pp. 56. Leiden, 1881. 1s. 6d. Diwan, Der, des Lebid. Nach einer Handschrift zum ersten Male herausgegeben von Jusuf Dijâ-ad-Dîn Al-Chalidi. 8vo, sewed. Wien, 1880. 78. Fontane (Marius)-Histoire Universelle. Védique (de 1800 à 800 av. J.-C.) 8vo. sewed, pp. vii, and 432. with two Maps. Paris, 1881. 7s. 6d. Kampf Adams gegen die Versuchungen des Satans, oder: Das Christliche Adambuch des Morgenlandes. Aethiopischer Text, verglichen mit dem Arabischen Originaltext, hrsg. von Ernst Trumpp. 4to. sewed, pp. xiii. and 172. München, 1880. 15s.

[blocks in formation]

Lesson (A.)-Les Polynésiens, leur Origine, leurs
Migrations, leur langage. Ouvrage rédigé d'après le
manuscrit de l'Auteur par L. Martinet. Vol. II. 8vo.
sewed, pp. 552, and 1 Map. Paris, 1881. 15s.
Mariette-Pacha (Auguste) Itinéraire de la
Haute-Egypte comprenant une Description des Monuments
Antiques des Rives du Nil entre le Caire et la première
Cataracte. 3rd edition. 16mo. cloth, pp. 237, and 4
Plates. Paris, 1880. 4s.

Martens (F.)-Le Conflit entre la Russie et la
Chine, ses origines, son développement et sa portée univer-
selle. Etude politique. 8vo. pp. 76. Bruxelles, 1880. 2s. 6d.
Muller (Eug.)-Le Tour de l'An et les Etrennes.

Histoire des fêtes et coutumes de la Nouvelle Année chez tous les Peuples dans tous les Temps. Large 8vo, sewed, pp. 546, with 200 Engravings. Paris. 15s. Pertsch (W.)

[ocr errors]

Die Arabischen Handschriften der Herzogl. Bibliothek zu Gotha verzeichnet. Vol. II. Heft 2 und Vol. III. Heft 1. 8vo. sewed, pp. viii. and 241 to 495; and pp. 240. Gotha, 1880. 17s. Pierre (L.)-Flore Forestière de la Cochinchine. Ouvrage publié sous les Auspices de la Ministère de la Marine et des Colonies. Fasc. I. Fol. atlas cont. 16 planches avec texte. Paris. Price for the complete work of 5 fasc. £6 68.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



APPLETON AND SAYCE.-DR. APPLETON; HIS LIFE AND LITERARY RELICS. By John H. Appleton, M.A., and A. H. Sayce, M.A. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. 350. With Portrait. Price 10s 6d. Forming a New Volume of the English and Foreign Philosophical Library.

ing of Gautama, Prince of India, and Founder of Buddhism. (As
told in Verse by an Indian Buddhist.) By Edwin Arnold, M.A.,
F.R.G.S., F.R.A.S., C.S.I., etc., etc. Sixth Edition. Crown 8vo.
limp parchment, or boards. pp. xv. and 238. Price 2s. 6d.
John Arany. With a few Miscellaneous Pieces and Folk-Songs.
Translated from the Magyar by E. D. Butler, F.R.G.S. Crown 8vo.
limp cloth, pp. viii, and 69. Price 2s. 6d.

READER: Prose Senior Course. Edited by Charles Cassal, LL.D.,
and Theodore Karcher, LL.B. Third Edition, enlarged by a
Glossary. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xi, 417, viii, and 104. Price 68.
cal and Ethnographical Division of the Population, Character,
Habits, Costumes, and Vocations of its Inhabitants. Written in
Spanish by Antonio Garcia Cubas. Translated into English by
George E. Henderson, Illustrated with Plates of the Principal
Types of the Ethnographic Families, and several Specimens of
Popular Music. 8vo, cloth, pp. 130. Price 58.
Discourse delivered at South-place Chapel, Sunday, 31st October,
1830. By Alexander J. Ellis, B.A., F.R.S, F.S.A., F.C.P.S., F.C P.
With an Appendix of Notes. 18mo. paper, pp. 66. Price 4d.
gerald, F.L.S. Part 6. Folio. Ten coloured Plates Price £1 58.
TIMES; with some Account of British Wild White Cattle. By James
Edmund Harting. F.L.S., F.Z.S. With Illustrations by J. Wolf,
C. Whymper, R. W. Sherwin, and others. 8vo. cloth, pp. vii. and
258. Price 148.


HOLMES-FORBES.-THE SCIENCE OF BEAUTY. Analytical Inquiry into the Laws of Esthetics. By Avary W. Holmes-Forbes, of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. Post 8vo. cloth, pp. vi, and 200, Price 6s.

PATERSON.-NOTES ON MILITARY SURVEYING AND RECONNAISSANCE. By Lieut.-Colonel William Paterson, Professor of Military Surveying at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Fifth Edition. 8vo. cloth, pp. xv. and 142. With sixteen Explana tory Plates. Price 7s. 6d.

PORTER.-HAND-LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES, CLASSIFIED CATALOGUES, AND INDEXES, placed in the Reading-room of the British Museum for Reference. By G. W. Porter. 8vo. pp. x. and 105. Price: cloth, 2s. 6d.; paper, 2s.

QUINET. THE RELIGIOUS REVOLUTION OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. From the French of Edgar Quinet. Forming an Explanation and a Defence of the Principle of the Policy of the French Government with Reference to the Roman Church in France. Crown 8vo. limp vellum, pp. xxxix. and 70. Price 18. 6d. RAWLINSON.-A SELECTION FROM THE MISCELLANEOUS INSCRIPTIONS OF ASSYRIA, prepared for publication under the direction of the Trustees of the British Museum. By Major-General Sir H. C. Rawlinson, K.C.B., F.R.S., etc. Assisted by T. G. Pinches, Department of Oriental Antiquities. Folio, paper. Thirtyfive Plates. Price 10s. 6d.

Forming the first Twenty-five Plates of Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, Vol. V.

SELL. THE FAITH OF ISLAM. By the Rev. E. Sell. Fellow of the University of Madras. Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. xiii. and 269. Price 68. 6d.

SIBREE.-FANCY AND OTHER RHYMES. By John Sibree, M.A. London. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. iv. and 60. Price 2s. THOUGHTS ON THEISM.-WITH SUGGESTIONS TOWARDS Public Religious Service in Harmony with Modern Science and Philosophy. Eighth Thousand, Revised and Enlarged. 8vo. pp. 81. Price 18.


Ages. By J. Talboys Wheeler. Vol. IV. Part II. Moghul Empire.
-Aurangzeb. 8vo. cloth, pp. xxvii, and 280. With Map. Price 12s.
Reference to the Indo-European Family of Languages.
Lectures by William Dwight Whitney, Professor of Sanskrit, and
Instructor in Modern Languages in Yale College. Edited, with
Introduction, Notes, Tables of Declension, and Conjugation, Grimm's
Law with Illustration, and an Index, by the Rev. R. Morris, M.A.,
LL.D. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, pp. xxii. and 317.

Price 5s.

[blocks in formation]

This Essay constitutes an attempt to solve the problem of æsthetics. The subject falls into four parts :-Beauty, Ugliness, Sublimity, and Meanness. Berkeley's Idealism, which "admits of no answer," is applied to æsthetic phenomena, and a reflex basis claimed for the entire science. A code of laws is predicated for beauty, and is made use of to explain the mental and material factors in a recognition of the beautiful; to define poetry and to test and analyze its psychology; to expound the conditions in which alone beauty can exist; to define and analyze wit; to explain the disparity of beauty in regard to its amount, as appearing in different objects; and to elucidate its relation to utility. Ugliness and disgust are examined and found to be antithetical to beauty and admiration. Sublimity is investigated, its essential condition sought after, and the psychology of awe inquired into. Meanness and contempt are found to be the antitheses of sublimity and awe. The laws predicated of the above phenomena are subjected to the test of facts, and examples are taken from natural and artificial objects, from ornaments, works of art, buildings, places, scenes, animals, and human beings, etc. The Essay being an effort to reconstruct the science of æsthetics on a new and rigid basis, destructive criticism is all but excluded from its pages; the conclusions of previous authors are left to stand on their own merits, or, by application of the results arrived at here, to be ipso facto corroborated or exposed.

[blocks in formation]


Late Assistant Secretary to the Government of India in the Foreign Department; Author of the "Geography of Herodotus," etc. The present publication (Vol. IV. Part II.) completes the Fourth Volume of the History of India. At the same time it completes the History of Hindu and Muhammadan rule, which preceded the establishment of British rule. The portion thus brought to a close may be described as both ancient and modern. It begins with the earliest dawn of Sanskrit legend, and ends with the downfall of the Moghul Empire, about the middle of the eighteenth century. Vol. I. deals with the Vedic Hymns and the Sanskrit epic known as the Mahá Bhárata; Vol. II. with the Sanskrit epic of the Rámáyana and the Laws and Institutions of Manu; Vol. III. with the History of India during the Hindu, Buddhist, and Brahmanic periods. These three volumes cover a period which can only be imperfectly mapped out by chronology, as they deal with a remote antiquity, whilst overlapping much of modern times. Vol. IV. is more definite. It comprises the History of Muhammadan rule in India, from the Arab Conquests in the eighth century down to the eve of the British Conquest in the eighteenth; a period of a thousand years, corresponding to the English History between the later wars of the Heptarchy and the accession of George the Third.

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"It does not fall within the plan of this work to enter into an account either of the life of Muhammad, or of the wide and i rapid spread of the system founded by him. The first has been done by able writers in England, France, and Germany. I could add nothing new to this portion of the subject, nor throw new light upon it. The political growth of Muslim nations has also been set forth in various ways.

"It seems to me that the more important study at this time is that of the religious system which has grown out of the Prophet's teaching, and of its effect upon the individual and the community. What the Church in her missionary enterprise has to deal with-what European Governments in the political world have to do with-is Islam as it is, and as it now influences those who rule and those who are ruled under it. I have, therefore, tried to show from authentic sources, and from a practical knowledge of it, what the faith of Islam really is, and how it influences men and nations in the present day."-Extract from


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Late Vicar of St. Mark's, Staplefield, Sussex.

And A. H. SAYCE, M.A.,

Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, and Deputy Professor of Comparative Philology.
A New Volume of "The English and Foreign Philosophical Library."


Demy 8vo. cloth, pp. 256. Price 145.


Together with some Account of


By J. E. HARTING, F.L.S., F.Z.S.


A few Copies have been printed on large paper, price £1 11s. 6d.

"It is difficult for an Englishman at the present day to realize the wildness and the wooded aspect of a large portion of England as late as the Anglo-Saxon period. We can hardly picture to ourselves the trackless forest which stretched over the whole central ridge of Britain from the Forth to the Peakland in Derbyshire, the vast woodland of the Weald which girt round Kent and Sussex from side to side, the unbroken solitude of Selwood which divided Wessex into two distinct parts, and the endless marshland of the Fens, interspersed only with a few cultivated islets reclaimed by monastic recluses or Welsh refugees. Nothing now existing in Britain-not even the wildest parts of the Scotch hills-can give us an adequate notion of the dense growth which then covered half the island. In these desolate woodlands, up to a very late date, many wild beasts had their lairs long after all the present elements of the population were settled in the islands. Packs of wolves scoured the country and picked up sheep upon the open sheep-walks; wild boars wallowed in the mud of the fens, or munched acorns under the oak trees; more rarely bears lurked in the caves of the deeper recesses, and beavers built their dams across the rivers of Wales and Yorkshire. Wild cattle, whose descendants now linger on at Chillingham and a few other parks, grazed at large in all the forests; and even the reindeer was still hunted in the woods of Caithness by the Scandinavian jarls of Orkney. On the history of all these animals Mr. Harting has collected every available piece of evidence, documentary or traditional, and has collated the whole with such actual relics, bones, or other remains as could be found in England, Scotland, or Ireland. He thus traces each species from the strictly geological periods onward to the date of its extinction, or, in the case of the wild white cattle, to the present day."-St. James's Gazette.

Crown 8vo. limp cloth, pp. viii. and 69. Price 2s. 6d.


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Author of "Origin and Evolution of Human Speech and Reason."

Translated from the Second German Edition by DAVID ASHER, Ph.D.

Language, and its importance in the History of the Development of the Human Race.


On Colour-sense in Primitive Times, and its Development.
On the Origin of Writing.

The Discovery of Fire.

On the Primitive Home of the Indo-Europeans.

The Earliest History of the Human Race in the light of Language, with Special Reference to the Origin of Tools. "It is a source of lively satisfaction to me to have been chosen as the medium of introducing to the English public the late lamented author of the following Lectures and Essays, one of the most original thinkers Germany has produced in recent times, and the greatest of her philologers,' as he has been styled by a competent judge. His work, itself, however, will best speak for him. and needs no commendation on my part. Let me only add that, though these Lectures and Essays, now submitted to the English reader, are but chips' from the author's workshop,' as it were, yet I believe they afford a good glimpse of his eminent powers and brilliant genius as an investigator."-Extract from Translator's Preface.

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A New Volume of the English and Foreign Philosophical Library.

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Mr. Fenton writes very interestingly upon an interesting subject. He works, too, in a field which has hitherto been but little cultivated. Comparative sociology is but a recent study, and there has hardly been time to apply its results in detail to Hebrew social institutions. Mr. Fenton attempts such an application.

It is not difficult for him to illustrate Hebrew customs by parallels from India and elsewhere; and often light is thus thrown on otherwise unintelligible phenomena. But we must confess that the author does not seem to us either to establish the fact of the particular line of development which he seeks to trace, or, in many cases, to prove the existence of the law or custom which he makes its basis. As an instance, his deductions with regard to the terms Migrash and Sádé may be referred to. But though these reservations have to be made, the general reader and the Biblical student may both derive larger and clearer ideas of the ancient Hebrew world from the perusal of this little book.-Modern Review.

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