Mary the mother of God. A poem. By C. P. Craig. London: Hodder & Stoughton. AN attempt to dramatize various scenes in the life of Mary. The lady author has selected these scenes with much discrimination, and dressed them in blank verse of accurate measure, and not entirely destitute of rhythm. There are no violations of metrical law, and the general effect is pleasing in a poetical sense, while the doctrine introduced is unexceptionable. Perhaps some lack of power is to be observed, but on the whole this neat little volume may be well procured by lovers of holy poesy. Old Paths for Young Pilgrims. London: The Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row. A LITTLE book which we should like to have placed in the hands of all young Christians. It very successfully deals with practical questions, which sometimes perplex the inexperienced; especially such as arise in connection with amusements, and common duties of life. The chapter on confessing Christ relegates that duty to the observance of the Lord's Supper, without an intimation that by a large portion of the Christian Church, Baptism is held to be an equally important and Divinely appointed mode of confessing the Saviour. This is a defect in the book which might have been remedied, without wounding the most sensitive adherent to the practice of Pædobaptism. i. Lizzie Blake; or, Scenes from the Life of a Village Maiden. By the Author of "Basil," "George Wayland," &c. ii. My Little Corner. A Book for Cottage Homes. iii. Fanny the Flower Girl, and Esther's Trial. By the Author of "Soldier Fritz," &c. London: Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row. THESE will prove enchanting additions to the nursery and school library. Garlands for Christ and His people. By Mary Jane Bayman. London : Elliot Stock. AN unpretending collection of four smaller books, written, as the preface tells us, by one whose education would have seemed unequal to such a task. True, there is but scant acquaintance with the stilted school rules of verse, but in almost all these pieces there is honest original thought, and their simple homely Saxon speech makes them far more forcible than the polished feebleness often found in more refined rhymes. These little pieces are all powerfully written, and, though some may clash with our taste, all must claim our commendation. Angels and Heaven. By Thomas Mills, author of " Sure of Heaven." London: Hodder & Stoughton, 27, Paternoster Row. THOSE of our readers who are acquainted with the previous writings of Mr. Mills, will be prepared to learn that this is a thoughtful and elaborate treatise on the important subjects which it discusses. We have published one of the chapters, "The first Christmas Scene," in another portion of this number of the Magazine, for the twofold reason of its appropriateness to the season, and that our readers may be furnished with a specimen of this excellent work. We rarely meet with a book so thoroughly calculated to minister to intelligent Christian conviction and consolation; and we trust that our readers may experience the joy and profit which we have found in its pe rusal. Consecration; or, Thoughts on Personal Holiness. By M. H. H. Third thousand. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 27, Paternoster Row. Price Fourpence. WE hail with gladness such publications as this, which, most wisely, kindly and concisely appeals against the worldliness of many professing Christians, and not only points out but helps to lead into the more excellent way. Brief Notes on the Critical History of the Text and English Version of Holy Scripture. By JOSEPH ANGUS, M.A., D.D. Working Men's Educational Union, 28, Paternoster Row. Price One Shilling. THIS is a most valuable synopsis of the textual history of the English versions of the Scriptures. Having lectured seventy times from that series of the Diagrams of the Working Men's Educational Union, which it is in tended to illustrate, we feel able to speak with authority of their value. No lecture can be more interesting or instructive than that founded on Mrs. Ranyard's work-"The Book and its Story"-supplemented by Dr. Angus's little book now before us, and the "Diagrams on the History of the Bible." An extract we have given in another portion of the MAGAZINE Will convince our readers of the value of this publication; but it is especially notable as containing a compact account of the earliest versions. Intelligence. MINISTERIAL CHANGES. LOUGHTON, ESSEX.-The Rev. W. Bentley has resigned the pastorate of the Church at Loughton, and will terminate his labours there at Christmas. The Rev. D. McCallum,of Melbourne, Derbyshire, has received and accepted a very cordial invitation from the General Baptist Church, Chesham, Bucks. LIVERPOOL.-The Rev. Philip G. Scorey, of Wokingham, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the Church in Pembroke Chapel, Liverpool, to the pastoral office vacant by the resignation of the Rev. C. M. Birrell. MISCELLANEOUS. HARROW-ON-THE-HILL.-Public services in connection with the opening of the new schoolroom and enlarged Baptist chapel, were held on Thursday, the 14th inst. An appropriate sermon was preached in the afternoon by the Rev. Clement Bailhache. After tea in the new schoolroom, which called forth universal admiration, a public meeting was held in the chapel, over which Mr. John James Smith, of Watford, presided. The minister, the Rev. J. Bigwood, expressed the obligation of the building committee and friends to the architect, Mr. Serle, for his almost gratuitous services, and to the solicitor, Mr. G. Hepburn, for his kindness in accepting only his out-of-pocket expenses and also their satisfaction with the manner in which the builder, Mr. Kindell, had carried out the contract. The balance-sheet was read by the treasurer, Mr. Alfred Henry Baynes, showing that the total cost of the enlargement of the chapel, and of the new schoolroom and vestries, was £870; that more than £700 had been contributed, and a loan of £100 received from the building fund, the repayment of which had been guaranteed by the promised contributions of the church and congregation. It was stated that Mr. Harvey had promised a further donation of £5 on condition that the whole amount be raised. The chairman made a similar promise, and in the course of the evening the sums given and promised amounted to £60. After interesting addresses by the Revs. Dr. Manning, C. Bailhache, and C. Kirtland, and Messrs. J. P. Bacon, A. Long, and Thomas Smith, formerly pastor of the church, the meeting separated full of joy and gratitude that the hope cherished from the commencement of accomplishing the work without incurring a debt, had been realised. RECENT DEATHS. REV. W. MORGAN, D.D., HOLYHEAD. This great and good man passed away on Sunday morning, September 15th, after nearly half a century of wise, faithful, and successful ministry in the Baptist church, Holyhead, aged 71. THE LATE REV. J. JENKINS, BRITTANY. This esteemed and valued missionary of the Baptist Foreign Missionary Society, ended his earthly course_at Morlaix after a protracted illness. He was a native of Wales, being a third son of the late revered John Jenkins, D.D., Hengoed, Glamorganshire, and brother to Mr. Llewellyn Jenkins, Maesycwmmer. He went out under the auspices of the Baptist Continental Society, of which Dr. Thomas of Ponty pool (then of Henrietta-street) was secretary, and Mr. Woolley treasurer, but was supported principally by subscriptions obtained through a committee at Cardiff, which place he left for Brittany on the 20th September, 1834, therefore he had occupied the field for upwards of thirty-eight years. The country, when he arrived, was devoid of a single Protestant amongst the Breton people; but, he had the privilege, during his long and arduous and sometimes dangerous labours, not only of gathering together two Protestant congregations, of seeing two Baptist churches worshipping God in two commodious chapels surrounded by a population of some thousands of people enlightened in the truths of the Gospel of Jesus; but he translated the New Testament anew, the interesting history of which is given by Dr. Tregelles in the "Journal of Literatur" 1867, page 95, that went through five editions under his own supervision. Scores of tracts were either composed or translated, and hundreds of thousands put in circulation among the ignorant, besides hymns of praise, school books, &c. &c. His indisposition had commenced nearly three years ago. in the form of a cold which left a slight cough; and in June last, after going to the May meetings of Paris, and making a hasty run to the South of France, he returned greatly fatigued, and hemorrhage from the lungs reduced his frame, which was generally strong, to the lowest state of weakness; and although he rallied to some degree towards the end of September, diarrhoea and erysipelas following in succession, he succumbed on Monday October 28th, in the 65th year of his age. The tenderness of his gracious Father was clearly evinced in the almost absence of pain; his soul enjoyed unwavering confidence and peace with his Saviour and perfect satisfaction in God's dealing. His precious partner in life had preceded him to the heavenly home about two years, but six of his children attended him and surrounded his death bed, three others being unavoidably absent in England and America, but all most sorrowfully mourning the loss of such a "Noble Father" as they expressed it, whose life is and will still remain such a noble example to us all. The funeral took place on the 31st. The consistory of Brest, to testify their appreciation of his cha racter and labours appointed the president Rev. Mons. Chabal, with a lay delegation of three of its members to preside at and attend his obsequies. Pastor Brand, of Lorient, was also present by invitation, and he began the service after the people had con-gregated at the house, offering prayer and words of consolation to ther bereaved sons and daughters of the departed and the sorrowing Christian friends present. Thence the procession, including the family, the members of the Breton churches who had gathered together from far and near, the sou-prefect, the mayor of the town, a zealous Roman Catholic; and a concourse of others classifying themselves as friends, about 500 in number proceeded to Morlaix Baptist Chapel were they were eloquently and feelingly addressed by Mons. Chabal on the Christian character and extensive labours of the deceased pastor: After the procession proceeded to Morlaix Cemetery, where, when the body had been lowered to its last resting-place in the Protestant part of this beautiful burying ground, the Rev. M. Brand spoke to the people of the necessity and value of true religion. It was indeed a sorrowful yet a blessed season. |