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" And it is yet far more evident, for that after the similitude of Melchisedec there ariseth another priest, who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. "
The baptist Magazine - Pagina 446
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Popery Not Founded on Scripture, Or, The Texts which Papists Cite Out of the ...

Thomas Tennison - 1688 - 522 pagina’s
...be difpoiled of this Character and Dignity, and ever liveth to make InterceJJion for us. He is fb, not after %'<£ \\\ the Law of a Carnal Commandment, but after the Power of a» endlefs Life. But this does not infer the Repetition of his Oblation made on the Croft. This Repetition...
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An exposition of the [Apostles'] Creed

John Pearson (bp. of Chester.) - 1715 - 426 pagina’s
...dicatdol'ca- ^' a continueth for ever; and therefore hath an unchangeable Triefthood, rie utile efie. as being made not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the Certe fimuia- power of an endlefs life. crum Saturni-* Romae intus oleo repletum eft. Id. I. iy. cj...
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The Independent Whig

John Trenchard, Thomas Gordon - 1722 - 522 pagina’s
...obferves many Differences between our Saviours and the Jewifh Priefthood. i. that this Triefl was not made after the Law of a carnal Commandment, but after the 'Power of an endlefs Life. i. That he was made a Trie/I, not without an Oath^ which the Jewijh Trie/is were not,...
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volume 1

Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pagina’s
...foi that after the Sim liiude of Melchiiedec there aiifeth another Frieft, 16 Who is made, not ahcr the Law of a carnal Commandment, but after the POWER of an ENDLESS LIFE. 17 For he icftifieth ihou ait « PRIEST for EVER aftei the, OADEK of Calf Calf of the Sin-offering,...
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The History of the Works of the Learned ..., Volume 11

1742 - 482 pagina’s
...to come. HEB. vii. 15, 16. sifter the Similitude of Melchifedec there arifetb another Prieji, ivbo is made not after the LAW OF A CARNAL COMMANDMENT, but after the Power of an endlefs Life. And then for eftablifliing the fecond Pofition, viz. that the Sanction of a future State...
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The Independent Whig: Or, A Defence of Primitive Christianity, and ..., Volume 2

1743 - 368 pagina’s
...Differences between our Saviour's and the Jewijb Priefrhood : i. THAT this Prirft -was not made' afttr the Law of a carnal Commandment , but after the Power of an endlefs Life. z. THAT he -was made a Prieft, not without an Oath) which the Jewijb Priejfs were noty...
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Fifty sermons on several subjects and occasions, Volume 2

Charles Wheatly - 1746 - 500 pagina’s
...it is yet far more evident, that after the Similitude oj Melchijedec, there arijetb another Prieft, -who is made, not after the Law of a carnal Commandment, but after the Power of an endlejs L;jfr,-ver. i 5, 1 6. /. e. not fubject to Mortality and Death, but as immortal as an endlefs...
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The Works of the Long-mournful and Sorely-distressed Isaac ..., Volume 2

Isaac Penington - 1761 - 698 pagina’s
...outwardly in their affemblings and walkings) by the power. Chrift was made a king, prieft, and prophet, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endlefs life -, and in this power he gathers, governs, and preferves his church, and miniftereth from,...
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The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated: In Nine Books, Volume 4

William Warburton - 1765 - 448 pagina’s
...the Hebrews fpeaking of JESUS fays : After the Jimilitude of Mdchifedec there arifetb another Priejt, who is made not after the LAW OF A CARNAL COMMANDMENT, but after the power of an endlefs life ". The Jewifli Religion, called a carnal commandment ', is here oppofed to the chriftian,...
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Christ the righteousness of his people; or, The doctrine of justification by ...

Richard Rawlin - 1772 - 324 pagina’s
...chapter of this epiftle, where hejreprefents Chrift as a prieft of a fuperior order to Aaron ; not made after the la-w of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endlefs life ; aprie/i, as he ftileshim, for ever after the order of Melchizedec, and that hath an...
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