Historical View of the Literature of the South of Europe, Volume 4H. Colburn and Company, 1823 |
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Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
Africa Alfonso Alfonso d'Albuquerque amor ancient appears arms beauty Boutterwek Calderon Camoens Canto Castilian Caupolican celebrated century Cespedes character charm Christian comedies composition conquest court death Dios drama eclogues epic Europe eyes faith feeling Fernando French Gama genius Gerund Gil Vicente give glory Gongora hand heart heaven heroes honour images imagination imitation Italian Juan king King of Fez kingdom language Lisbon literature Lope de Vega lover Lusiad manner maō Mendoza Moors naō o'er olhos passion pastoral Philip Philip IV pieces poem poet poetical poetry Portugal Portuguese Portuguese poetry possess prince Quevedo racter redondilhas reign religion rendered romances saō scene sentiment shore sonnets soul Spain Spaniards Spanish Spanish poetry spirit style sword talent taō taste tears thee thou tion triste truth tuguese Tuzani Vasco de Gama verse vida woes writers
Populaire passages
Pagina 56 - Era del año la estación florida En que el mentido robador de Europa Media luna las armas de .su frente, Y el sol todos los rayos de su pelo, Luciente honor del cielo, En campos de zafiro pace estrellas...
Pagina 363 - Now shrunk and languished with her blood imbrued. As when a rose, erewhile of bloom so gay, Thrown from the careless virgin's breast away, Lies faded on the plain, the living red, The snowy white, and all its fragrance fled; So from her cheeks the roses died away, And pale in death the beauteous Inez lay. With dreadful smiles, and crimsoned with her blood, Round the wan victim the stern murderers stood, Unmindful of the sure, though future hour, Sacred to vengeance and her lover's power.
Pagina 69 - IMAGEN espantosa de la muerte, sueño cruel, no turbes más mi pecho, mostrándome cortado el nudo estrecho, consuelo solo de mi adversa suerte. Busca de algún tirano el muro fuerte, de jaspe las paredes, de oro el techo, o el rico avaro en el angosto lecho haz que temblando con sudor despierte. El uno...
Pagina 58 - No la Trinacria, en sus montañas, fiera armó de crueldad, calzó de viento, que redima feroz, salve ligera su piel manchada de colores ciento : pellico es ya la que en los bosques era mortal horror al que con paso lento los bueyes a su albergue reducía, pisando la dudosa luz del día.
Pagina 372 - Where foaming on the shore the tide appears, A sacred fane its hoary arches rears : Dim o'er th.e sea the evening shades descend, And at the holy shrine devout we bend : There, while the tapers o'er the altar blaze, Our prayers and earnest vows to heaven we raise. " Safe through the deep, where every yawning wave Still to the sailor's eye displays his grave ; Through howling tempests, and through gulfs untried, O mighty God, be thou our watchful guide.
Pagina 57 - Un monte era de miembros eminente este (que, de Neptuno hijo fiero, de un ojo ilustra el orbe de su frente, émulo casi del mayor lucero) cíclope, a quien el pino más valiente, bastón, le obedecía, tan ligero, y al grave peso junco tan delgado, que un día era bastón y otro cayado.
Pagina 383 - By cruel want, beneath the parents' eye, In these wide wastes their infant race shall die ; Through dreary wilds, where never pilgrim trod Where caverns yawn, and rocky fragments nod, The hapless lover and his bride shall stray, By night unshelter'd, and forlorn by day.
Pagina 362 - There in some dreary cavern's rocky womb, Amid the horrors of sepulchral gloom, For him whose love I mourn, my love shall glow, The sigh shall murmur, and the tear shall flow...
Pagina 398 - Olhai que há tanto tempo que, cantando O vosso Tejo e os vossos Lusitanos, A Fortuna me traz peregrinando, Novos trabalhos vendo e novos danos...