X O P Q R S T U V W V J X NO P Q R S T U er wohlthätigste Besuch, dem zu sich selbst kommt, V W X Y sein ganzes höheres Glück abfängt. Reien Cringet der Ehre, im Reven bringet die Schanie, Rede NEW, PRACTICAL AND EASY METHOD or LEARNING THE GERMAN LANGUAGE. BI F. AHN, Doctor of Philosophy at the College of Neuss. WITH A PRONUNCIATION, ARRANGED ACCORDING TO J. C. OEHLSCHLAGER'S RECENTLY PUBLISHED PRONOUNCING GERMAN DICTIONARY FIRST COURSE. FOURTHEENTH EDITION, ST. LOUIS, MO. Published by FRANCIS SALER. 1863. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1852, by WEIK & WIECK, clerk's office of the District Court of the eastern district Pennsylvania. +134 A28 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. A few months only have elapsed since we had the pleasure of introducing to the public the first edition of this little work; considering the number of publications of this kind, which the American press has sent forth of late, the undertaking seemed of doubtful success; a discriminating public has however fully sustained the extraordinary reputation, which this text-book of the German language has for some time enjoyed in Europe. Our first edition, which was not inconsiderable, has already disappeared from our shelves, and we have now the pleasure of presenting to our friends a second, revised edition, which, we do not doubt, will be received with equal favor. Professor Oehlschlæger's system of pronunciation, which we have adapted to this work, has, as we learn from all parts, contributed not a little to facilitate its general introduction. Very few can afford to spend time and money on expensive lessons, and whatever may be said as to the impossibility of describing the sounds of one language by the letters of another, we, as well as many of our friends, have become convinced, since the publication of Oehlschlæger's Pronouncing English and German Dictionaries, together with the present little work, that these do not only facilitate the acquiring of a language with a teacher, but that even without one, a very good pronunciation may be obtained. Encouraged by numerous applications, and fully convinced of the utility of similar works, we have induced Professor Oehlschlæger to apply his comparative system of pronunciation to the English and French languages, and shall soon be able to lay before the public the result of his labors in a work similar to the present. THE PUBLISHERS. 95833 |