
GURIM, II. 336.

GUSTAVUS Adolphus, I. 619.


HALLAM, Robert, Bishop of Sarum. See Sa-

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HUMILITY of Huss, 1. 81.

HUNGARY, 1. 87, 96, 219, 278. Invaded, 11. 147,
852; abandoned by Germany, 619.
Huss, John, 1. 5. II. 134, 138, 139, 140, 142,
204, 213, 249, 235, 292, 303, 305, 403, 519, 542,
547, 605, 628; 1. reformer and patriot, 8;
birth of, 43; his early life, 44-46; at the
university, 47; his character, 48; progress,
52; student life, 53, 54; opportunities of
observation, 55; acquaintance of, with
Wickliffe's writings, 69; in the pulpit-
confessor of Queen Sophia, 72; popularity
of, 77; drawn toward Wickliffe, ib., 80, 81;
his wish, 84; unsuspected of heresy, 86;
exposes a false miracle, 88; date of suspi-
cions against him, 89; illness, 105: view
of the Council of Pisa, 120; remonstrates
with the archbishop, 133; rector of the
university, 135; defends the Pisan Coun-


cil, 140; approves Wickliffe, 144; his con-
ference with the archbishop, 147; opposes
the pope's bull, 151; forbidden to preach,
151; his appeal, 153; sermon on the burn-
ing of the books, 160; defends Wickliffe's
articles, 162; cited at Rome, 166; sends
procurators, 167; loses his case, ib.; ex-
communicated, ib.; defends his preaching,
169; vindicates his refusal to appear at
Rome, 169; compromise, 171; interview
with the archbishop, 173; sermon on
burials, 174; summoned before the arch-
bishop, 181; opposes the crusade, 198; his
statement before the university, 203; op-
poses the crusade, 205; refutes the bull,
209-211; appears before the town council,
215; sermon on the death of the three
young men, 218; issue of his case at Rome,
225; excommunicated, 226; leaves Pragne,
231; appeals to Christ, 231-233; in exile
from Prague, 235-301; preaches still, 235-
237; reputed an heretic, 241; his contro-
versies, 251-272; view of Wickliffe, 258; his
counsel, 262; sometimes present at Prague,
273; prepares for the council, 280; oppo-
sition to, 281; writings of, 292-295; letters
of, 296-300; his journey to Constance, 309,
318-822; steps taken before leaving
Prague, 310-318; farewell letter, 814; sad
presentiment, 315; lodgings at Constance,
827-829; prepares two discourses, 330;
denounced as a heretic, 332; cited before
the cardinals, 384; his enemies encouraged,
342; appears before the cardinals, 343;
absurd stories concerning him, ib.; his
conversation with the monk, 845; charges
against him, 347; imprisoned, 350; his
sickness, ib.; his release ordered by the
emperor, 356; denied an advocate, 357;
new accusations and vexations of, 358; re-
moved to the Franciscan monastery, 426,
466; left without food, 467; given over to
the Bishop of Constance, 468; removed to
Gottlieben, ib.; on the cup, 482, 496; his
liberation demanded, 499; his vindication
by the Bohemian nobles, 499-502; condi-
tion at Gottlieben and prison examination,
522; petition for his release, 531; discour-
aging circumstances, 534; contrast with
John XXIII., 586; private examination,
541; his philosophy, 546; reading of the
charges in his absence, 548; before the
Council, 550; required to recant, 553; sec-
ond day of his audience, 554; required to
recant, 553, 561; his reply, 561; on Ger-
son, 562; charged with teaching Wickliffe's
views, 563; on tithes, 564; wishes his
soul with Wickliffe's, 567; reads and ap-
proves Wickliffe's theological books, 56s;
charged with violent measures, 568-572;
objected to for saying he had not come to
Constance unless he had chosen, 572; ad-
"vised to submit, 578; treatment of, 576;
desires an audience, ib.; hope of escape,
577; his debts, 578; third audience of, 550-
632; charged with writing false statements

to Bohemia, 681; terms imposed by the
Council, 616, 617, 619; protestation of, 629;
sickness in prison, 11. 2; treatment in
prison, ib.; difficulty of making a de-
fence, 3; his reason against accepting the
Council's form of abjuration, 8; his firm-
ness, 12; his opinion of the Council, 16;
his letter to Prague, 17-39; time of his
execution deferred, 20; hope of deliver-
ance, 23; asks Paletz as a confessor, 29;
his great anxiety, 37; his kindly feeling
for all, 38; not revengeful, 38, 39; urged to
recant, 41; his reasons for refusing, 42;
final audience of, 45; denied the privilege
of answering to each article, 51; charged
with denying transubstantiation, 52; charg-
ed with claiming to be the fourth person
added to the Trinity, 53; his appeal charg-
ed against him, 53; contempt of his ex-
communication, 54; his writings con-
demned, 59; his sentence, 59-61; degraded
from the priesthood, 62-66; the mock
crown placed on his head, 65, 66; he is
given over to the secular arm, 66; burn-
ing of his books, 67; the scene of execu-
tion, 68-73; Eneas Sylvius on the death
of Huss and Jerome, 73; causes of his
condemnation, 74-81; his character, 81-88;
indignation at his execution, 115, 116; effect
of it at Prague, 120; insult to his memory,
121; vindicated by the Bohemian nobles,
161-167; Jerome's statement of the case
of, 224-226; eulogy of, 292; course of the
enemies of, 317; partial in judging him, 353.
HUSSINITZ, I. 43, 196.


Nicholas de, I. 147. 11. 286, 288,
832, 375, 379, 880, 399, 404, 418,
476; banished from Prague, II.
286; gathers an ariny, ib.; death
of 476.

HUSSITE Hymn Book, 1. 9.

Hymns, 11, 555, 564.

HUSSITES, II. 345, 498, 523, 527, 538, 589; to
be cited, 146; cited, 196; ask for church-
es, 291; Bull against, 326, 340; cruelties
to the, 885; divided in sentiment, see Ta-
borites; distrust Sigismund, 406; decrees
against, 511; charges against, 523; perse-
cuted, 551, 565.

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on Prague, 1. 168, 170, 227, 275.
INTERRUPTION of Huss in preaching, 1. 237.
INTRIGUES at the Council, 1. 338, 403, 429.
INVOCATION of Saints, 11. 368.
ISAIAH, II. 222.

ISRAEL, George, n. 591.
ISRAELITES, 11, 465.

ITALIAN party in the Council, 1. 841, 361.
ITALY, 1. 92. 11. 360. See Flagellants.
JACOB, Dean of the Vissehrad, 1. 272.
JACOBEL, 1. 5, 38, 44, 47, 52, 132, 162, 266, 461,
464. 476, 493. 11. 125, 135, 319,
864, 547.

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on the Cup, 1. 483-498. 11. 83, 84,

on Religious persecution, 11, 90.
JAGELLAN. See Poland.

JAILORS of Huss, 11. 2, 70.

JAMES, a scholastic of Prague, 11, 423.
JANOVICZ, 11. 451.

JANOW, Matthias of, 1. 5, 14, 18, 21, 26-87, 52,
58, 55, 74, 81, 126. II. 85, 628.

JAROSLOW, The Inquisitor, I. 132, 148, 565.
JENSTEIN, John, Archbishop of Prague, 1.

JEROME of Prague, 1. 53, 68, 105, 142, 212-
214, 257, 534, 571, 572. I. 255, 292, 293,
605, 629; travels of, 1. 68; transcribes
Wickliffe's books, ib.; gets up a mock pro-
cession of bulls of indulgences, 1. 218, 257;
parting with Huss, 313; citation of, 461;
comes to Constance, 469; escapes to Uber-
lingen, 470; asks a safe conduet, 471; ar-
rested at Hirschau, 474; carried back to
Constance, 475; examination of, 475-478;
imprisoned, 479; his place of confinement,
547; before the council, 1. 124; prison
examination of, ib.; urged to recant, 136;
his condition in prison, 137; he submits,
138; his justification of himself, 139; his
submission unsatisfactory, ib.; the form
of his recantation, 140; his introductory
speech, 143-145; Nason calls attention to
the case of, 160; lenient feeling in the
council toward him, 174; new accusa-
tions against, 175; favor of his judges on
the commission, ib.; Nason's bitterness
against, ib; his first commission discharg-
ed, and a new one appointed, ib.; Ger-
son's treatise against, 176, 177; Carmelites
of Prague bring new charges, II. 177; he is
to be tried again, 178; his treatment, 199;
his repentance, ib.; before the council,
200; hesitates to recognize the new com-
mission, 200; charged with sympathy
with Wickliffe, 201; with fleeing from
Vienna, 202; with contemning excom-
munication, 202, 203; with slandering the
clergy and lords, 203; with acts of vio-


lence, ib.; with errors on the Trinity, 204;
on Transubstantiation, ib.; new articles
against, 205; charged with copying, circu-
lating, and eulogizing Wickliffe's writings,
206, 207; with erroneous views on excom-
munication, 208; with denying the Pope's
authority to grant indulgences, 209; with
violent acts, ib.; with the mock proces-
sion, 210; with claiming that all may
preach, ib.; with saying that pictures
are not to be worshipped, ib.; with con-
temning relics, 211; with calling the cri-
minals martyrs, ib.; with forsaking the
Latin for the Greek Communion, ib.;
is not to be believed on oath, 212; his
letter from Wietow, ib.; his flight from
Constance, 213; of reprobate mind, 214;
vindicates Huss, ib.; his refusal to write
to Prague, 215; his luxurious living, 215;
his torture demanded, ib.; his delivery
to the secular arm demanded if he does
not submit, ib.; demands an audience,
216; refuses to answer on oath, till as-
sured full liberty of speech, 217; last
part of his indictment, ib.; his songs in
derision of the clergy, ib.; his defense,
217, 218; prepared to clear himself by
oath, 215; deserves a fourfold conviction,
219; his speech in his own defence, 220-
228; his bearing, 220; on the University
of Prague, 224; on Huss, ib.; on his own
treatment, 226; reasons of his abjuration,
226; on Wickliffe, 227; on transubstantia-
tion, ib.; an orator and christian, 229;
his satirical replies, 234; his harsher treat-
ment, 137; sympathy for him; he is urged
to recant, 238; his firmness, ib.; Zabarel-
la's conference with him, 240, 241; called
to retract before the Council, 242; charged
with obstinacy in the Bishop of Lodi's
Sermon, 245; shonld have been tortured,
248; his cloquence, ib.; his final speech,
250-253; his prophetic language, 253; his
sentence, ib.; is given over to the secular
arm, 254; scene of his execution, 255-257;
relics of him treasured, 257.

JEROME, St. See St. Jerome.

JESSENITZ, John of, 1. 167, 203, 252, 267. II.

JESUITS, The, I. 593, 594, 600, 603, 607, 610,
612, 616, 619, 620, 621, 624, 625,

JEWS, The, 1, 18, 193, 194. II. 314, 344.
JOAN, Pope Agnes, I. 611. See Agnes.


XXIII. See Cossa, Balthasar, 187-201,
220, 225, 282, 243, 280, 305,
306, 329, 335-342, 344, 348,
849, 354, 356, 359, 360-363.
867, 394, 395, 398-411, 415-
450, 454-462, 464–466, 503–521,
523, 525, 535-538, 605, 608. II.
50, 96, 97, 149.

[ocr errors]

leaves for Constance. I. 806;

attendance of, 306, 307; re-


ception of, 307; flight of,
421, 434, 486-135, 415, 447;
deposition of, 515; impri-
sonment of, 581. See Flight,
Deposition, Sentence, etc.
JOHN of Bavaria, I. 109. See Bavaria,
"Kbel, I. 132.

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"Leitomischel. See Leitomischel.
"Luxemburg, 1. 48.

JOSEPH, II, 222.

JOST, Margrave of Moravia, 1. 144, 150, 156.
JUBILEE, II. 519. See Waldhanser.

66 of 1350, 1, 15, 50.

JUDAS, 1. 605, 609, 610; no member of the
church, 1. 585, 588.

JUDAS and his Seven Sons, II. 11.
JUDGES of the Papal Court appointed,

JUSTIFICATION by faith, IL. 464, 514.
KAPLIZTZ, 11. 613.
KERSKI, II. 523.

KEYS, Power of the, 1. 269.
KLADRUB, II, 477, 478.

KLEINE LEITE (Leisser Prague), 11. 288.
KNIN, II. 385.

แ Matthias of, I. 131.
KNOX, John, 11. 373.


KONIGGRATZ, I. 148. n. 421, 496, 497, 499


KORANDA, II. 286. See Coranda.
KOSKA, II, 546.


KOZAGEDY, 11, 496.
KRASA, John, n. 400, 408.


KREUTZ, founds Bethlehem Chapel, 1. 73, 76.
KRSCHIDESCO, Martin, 1. 215.

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LEOPOLD, Archduke, of Austria, IL. 607.
LETTER, of Wenzel to the Cardinals, 1. 106;
of Huss to, 238; of John XXIII. to Wenzel,
243; of Sbynco to the Pope, 171; to Wen-
zel, 176; of Huss to Stephen of Dola, 258;
from England to Huss, 230, 300; of Ger-
son to Conrad, 282; of Chlum to Sigismund,
353; of John XXIII. to Sigismund, 354,
440, 512; of Huss to priest Martin, 316;
from Nuremberg, 320; of the Bohemian
Nobles to Sigismund, 389; of Paris Uni-
versity, 445; of Council of Constance to
the Bohemians, II. 133; reply of the latter,
136, 161, 162-167; of the Council to Sigis-
mund, 266; of Sigismund to Launa, 820;
to Wenzel, 322; to the Bohemian Nobles,
ib.; Zisca's to Taush, 871; Sigismund's
to Prague, 389-391; of Æneas Sylvius
on the Taborites, 465; of Martin V. to the
King of Poland, 520; of the Cardinal
Legate to the Bohemians, 525; of the Le-
gate to Eugenius IV. 531, 533, 524.
LETTERS of Huss in Exile, 1. 296-300; his
farewell letters, II. 1-39.

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LUXEMBURG, Anne of, 1. 41, 67.
John of, 1. 48.

LYONS, I. 91. See death of Gerson.
MACCABEES, The, 11. 9.

MAGISTRATES at Prague; new ones elected,
11. 376, 380, 448; deposed, 391.

MAIMBOURG, I. 11, 535. I. 128.

MALATESTA, Charles Lord of, 1. 193. 11. 92.
MALDONIEWITZ, Peter, I. 478, 548, 551, 580,
11. 27, 36, 239, 555.
MANT, II. 481.

MARCUS of Koniggratz, 1. 148, 170.
MARTIN FERNANDEZ of Cordova, 11. 279.
MARTIN, Priest, 1. 316. 11. 27, 87.



Preacher at Prague, banished, 11, 585.
V. See Colonna, 11. 324, 828, 331,
838, 339, 840, 345, 849, 352, 872, 512,
520; his election, I. 812; enthron-
ing of, 318; ordination and corona-
tion, 814; bull against Wickliff-
ites and Hussites, 327; announces
his election, 335; his family, 336;
anxious to leave Constance, 350;
his allies at the close of the coun-
cil, 355; simony of, 855; liberal
grant of Indulgences, 358; leaves
Constance, 361; bull against the
Bohemians, 864; convokes the
Council of Sienna, 510; urges a
crusade, 520; death of, 531.

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NAPLES. See Ladislaus, 1. 96, 100.

NASON, Dr. John, 1. 832, 570, 571, 605, 606.

II. 159, 175.

NARBONNE. See Capitulation, II. 129, 179, 188.

NATIONAL feeling in Bohemia, 1. 6.

NAVARRE, II. 126, 264.



college of, 1. 126, 897.

embassadors of, IL. 179.

66 abandons Benedict XIII., II. 185.
NAZARETH, The Inquisitor, Bishop of, 1. 310,


NETTER, Thomas, 1, 878-378.

NEUTRALITY, edict of, in France, L. 101.
NEWHAUSS, 11, 546, 617.

NICE, I. 431. II. 129.


Council of, 1. 589.

NICOLAS of Podwein, 1. 332.

44 of Vissehrad, 1. 322.
NICOPOLIS, battle of, 1. 219, 278.
NICOMEDI, The patriarch, 11. 554.

NIEM, Thierry de, 1. 325, 387, 339, 363, 384,
461, 525.

NIENBERG, 1. 458, 459.

NIGRA ROSA, church of, 1. 70.
NIX, John, 11. 564.

NOMINALISTS, 1. 70, 282, 545, 556, 557, 559.

II. 141.

Huss a victim to the resent-

NORWAY, I. 404.

ment of, 1. 557. 11. 76.

NUNS, plan for reform of the, II. 843.

NUREMBERG, I. 137, 320, 322, 352. 11. 877, 512,


520, 521, 589, 570.

Frederic, Burgrave of, 1. 464, 549,

OBEDIENCE to authority; when due, 1. 249,

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259, 286.

Ecclesiastical, Huss, on, L. 594.
OBSTINACY, Huss vindicates himself from
the charge of, 1. 575. 11. 62.
OILEZIN, John, II. 456.

OLDCASTLE, Sir John, Lord Cobham, 1. 878.
II. 830.

OLMUTZ. See Leitomischel, I. 491, 612.

ORDINANCE of Sbynco against Huss, 1. 142.
ORIGEN, I. 155. n. 10.

ORLEANS, Duke of, 1. 96. 11. 94, 190.

ORPHANS, The, I. 511, 517, 523–525, 545.

ORSINI, Paolo, L. 143, 186.

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