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" Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. "
The Universal Restoration of All Men: Proved by Scripture, Reason, and ... - Pagina 96
door Joseph Young - 1804 - 259 pagina’s
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Sermons preach'd before the University of Oxford: or before the ..., Volume 1

Edward Maynard - 1722 - 434 pagina’s
...And fay unto them , Thus faith the Lord God, Behold, Q my People, I mil of en your Graves, And caufe you to come up out of your Graves^ and bring you into the Land of Ifrael, And •pill put my Spirit in you, And ye {hull Live This then was the Firft and Literal Sence...
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A discourse concerning the connexion of the prophecies in the Old Testament ...

Samuel Clarke - 1725 - 72 pagina’s
...they lived, and flood upon their feet r • Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and eaufe you to come up out of your Graves, and bring you into the land of IfraeL Again : The ^ If. 5.7; words of Ifaiah; fy) The Righteous pcrifleth, and i. " is taken away...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. William Whiston: Containing Memoirs ...

William Whiston - 1753 - 382 pagina’s
...and fay unto them, thus faith the Lord God: Behold, O my People, I will open your Graves, and caufe you to come up out of your Graves, and bring you into the Land of Ifrael , 13. And ye (hall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your Graves, O my People, and...
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The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated: In Nine Books, Volume 5

William Warburton - 1765 - 484 pagina’s
...unto them, Thus faith .«'. the Lord God, Behold, O my People, I will .*' open your graves, and caufe you to come up out ." of your graves, and .bring you into the land " x)f Ifrael. And ye fhall know that I am the " Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my *' People,...
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A Collection on Sermons ...: Preached ... on Several Occasions ...

Thomas Boston - 1772 - 144 pagina’s
...he addiefles Ifrae], Ezek. xxxvii. iz, Behold, Q.- my people, /- TV ill open- your graves, and caufe you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Ifrael. Making the generation pafs under the rod, he will either remove them out of the way, or render...
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The Universalist's Miscellany, Or, Philanthropist's Museum, Volume 4

1800 - 490 pagina’s
...whole chapter,' with all the criticism you can. " Thus sctith the Lord God ; BdiOld, Vmj people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israkl. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought...
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The Universalist's Miscellany, Or, Philanthropist's Museum, Volume 4

1800 - 498 pagina’s
...Thus sai'h the Lord Go-1 ; Behold, O my people, 1 will open your graves, and cause you to come up oui of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that 1 am the Lord, when 1 have opened your graves, O mv people, and brought you up out of your graves."...
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History the interpreter of prophecy; or, A view of scriptural ..., Volume 2

Henry Kett - 1800 - 420 pagina’s
...herbs, and the earth mall caft out the deadV " Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and caufe you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Ifrael. And ye fhall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought...
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History the Interpreter of Prophecy: Or, A View of Scriptural ..., Volume 2

Henry Kett - 1801 - 400 pagina’s
...herbs, and the earth fhall caft out the deadV " Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and caufe you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Ifrael. And ye fhall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and * Jer....
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A Short and Plain Exposition of the Old Testament: With Devotional ..., Volume 6

Job Orton, Robert Gentleman - 1806 - 416 pagina’s
...our land. IS Therefore prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out...your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel ; you shall have liberty, ability, and inclination to return. This it illustrated by Rom. xi. 15. where...
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