DISSERTATIONS upon feveral Subjects, Miscellaneous OBSERVATIONS, &C. JULY 1726. VOL. IV. LONDON: Printed for WILLIAM and JOHN INNYS, at the Weft End of St. Paul's. Price One Shilling MDCCXXVI. [2] BOOKS printed for W. and J. INNYS. A 1. New Mathematical Dictionary; wherein is con- 2. Novum Teftamentum Domini noftri Jefu Chrifti: 3. The Appendix to Dr. Drake's Anthropologia Nova; or, A new Syftem of Anatomy, with Fifty one Copper- 4. Bibliotheca Biblica; being a Commentary upon all the Books of the Old and New Teftament. No. I. for 1724. being the laft for Leviticus. With an Index. N. B. Any of the former Parts may be had feparate. 5. Philofophical Tranfactions, No. 392. for January 7. St. Athanafius's Four Orations against the Arians, and his Oration against the Gentiles. Tranflated by Mr. Samuel Parker. 2 Vols. 8vo. Oxon. 1713. 8. Praxis Medica Boerhaveana, being a compleat Body of Preferiptions adapted to each Section of the Practi- cal Aphorifins of H. Boerhaave, M. D. &c. 12°. 9. The Antiquities of Palmyra, alias Tadmor, built by King Solomon; containing the Hiftory of that City, and its Emperors, from its Foundation to this present Time. With Cuts. By Ab. Sellers. 8vo. 10. An Introduction to Natural Philofophy; or, Phi- lofophical Lectures read in the University of Oxford, 11. Lufus Poetici, olim confcripti à T. B. è C. C. C. Oxon. Difcipulo. Svo. Lond. 1720. 12. C. Julii Cæfaris quæ extant, cum Indice locuple- |