
Arcueil, La Société d', 236, 386, 389
Arcy, Patrik d' (1725-1799), 177
Arderon, M. (at Milly, N. C. de Thy),

Ardoniis-Ardonyis-Santes de, Pisau-
rensis; "Liber de Venenis," 1492, 26
Arella, Carnerale Antonio, Storia dell'
Elettricita," 2 Vols., 1839, 296
Arezzo, Ristoro d', 50

Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August
(1799-1875), in the Vörtragen geh. in
der Königsberg Gesellschaft, 139
Argelatti, Philippo, native of Bologna
Biblioth. Mediol.,"

528, 540
Argentelle, Louis Marc Antoine Robillard

d' (1777-1828), 302, 303

Argolus, Andreas,

dem," 1610, 553

Epistola ad Davi-

Aristarchus of Samos (fl. 280-264 B.C.),
Greek astronomer, 505, 519, 530, 533,

Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), xix, 7, 11, 15,
21, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 57,
81, 88, 124, 129, 136, 230, 323, 333,
370, 503, 504, 507, 511, 524, 532,
533, 537, 539, 541, 543.
libri tres

[blocks in formation]


"De Anima,

De Cœlo, libri
De Generatione . . .
"De naturali
Joannes a Trini-
tate; Joannes Baptista, 1748; Joannes
de Mechlinea. See Jourdain, C. M.
G. B.; Scaliger, J. C.; Speng,
Leonhard; Taylor, Thomas.
Arlandes, Comte d' (at Charles, J. A. C.),

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Arts (Royal), Society of, London.
Journal of the Society of Arts: London.
Asclepius, the ascendants or horoscopes

of, 541 (fl. end of fifth century A.D.).
Ash, Dr. Edward (on the action of
metals ..), 337

[ocr errors]

Ashburner, Dr. John, translator of
Reichenbach's Physico-Physiologi-
cal Researches," 140, 401

Askesian Society, founded by Pepys,
W. H., and others, 371

Association, British, for the advance-
ment of science. See British Associa-

Astatic needles, invented by Ampère
(A.D. 1820), 473, 475

Asterisks, large and small, in Gilbert's
De Magnete, 83, 545

Astrolabe (at A.D. 1235-1315), invented
by Hipparchus, 32, 46, 54, 148 (Bion),
520, 530

Astronom. Jahrbuch of Schumacher for
1838 (entered at Oersted, A.D. 1820),

Astronomia Britannica. See Newton,
Astronomical Society of France. See


Astronomical Society of Great Britain.
See London.

Astronomische Abhandlungen of Schu-
macher (entered at Fraunhofer, A.D.
1814-1815), 432

Astronomische Gesellschaft Viertel-
jahrschrift: Leipzig, 1866-1876, 165
Astronomy, Historical account of, 521
Astruc, Jean, Historie de la faculté
de médecine de Montpellier," 506
Ateneo, Commentarii, Perego, Antonio:

Ateneo di Venezia. See Venetian

Athenæ Britannicæ. See Davies, Myles-

Athenæ Cantabrigienses. See Cooper,
C. H.

Athenæ Oxionenses. See Wood, An-
thony à.

"Athenæum: " London, 33, 134, 209,
495, 496

Athenæum of Treviso, 253
Athens, School of, 542-544

Atkinson, H. (at Chladni, E. F. F.), 314
Atlantic line of no declination, 64


W Atlantic Monthly," 114

Atlas showing charts of magnetic varia-
tion, 62

Atmosphere, electricity of the, 319-321
Atmospheric electricity. See Electricity,

'Atmospheric magnetism" (taken from
Jameson's Journal), 498

Atomic doctrine of Leucippus and
Democritus, 512

Atomic theory of chemistry, 307
Atomistic philosophy, 512

Atoms, doctrine of, 543

Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei:

Atti (also Memorie) dell' I. R. Istituto
Venet. di scienze. See Venetian I. R.

Attractive poynt of Robert Norman, 76
Atwood, George, A description


natural philosophy," 1776, 212
Aubenas, George Adolphe. See Miller,
B. E. C.

Aubert, H., "Electrometrische Flasche":
Paris, 1789, 282

Aubrelicque of Compiègne, 34
Augé, Claude. See Larousse, Pierre.
Augustin, Friedrich Ludwig (b. 1776),
Vorn Galvanismus


"Versuch einer geschichte

. . elektricität . . .," 1803, 326, 383
Augustine, Aurelius, Saint (354-430),
the most prominent of the Latin
Fathers of the Church, xix, 18, 20,
21, 25-26, 73, 74, 124, 523, 525. See
Monroe Cyclopædia, Vol. I. pp. 300-

Aumale, Henri Eugène Philippe Louis
d'Orleans, duc d' (1822-1907). See
Dazebry, Charles, et Bachelot, The.,
P. 300, xix.


Aurifaber, Andreas (1512-1559),
cini historia": Konigsberg, 1551, 8
Aurora Australis, or Southern Polar
Light, 141. See Ulloa, A. de, 165-166
Aurora Borealis, or Northern Polar
Light, 138-141; its first distinctive
name, Nororljós, was given it by the
Icelandic settlers of Greenland (Cleas-
by and Vigfusson's Dictionary), 114,

Consult the entries herein under
A.D. 1683, pp. 137-141, also at
Dalton, pp. 307-308; 1793-1797,
Robison, pp. 308-311; 1799, Hum-
boldt, pp. 330-335; 1807, Young,
PP. 395-396; 1820, Arago, pp. 477-
481. Consult Ramus, J. F., and
Capron, J. Rand.

Aurora Boreales, Catalogue of, 140
Aurora Boreales, Chronological Sum-
mary of Authors, 140

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Avelloni, D. d', Lettera . . . al fuoco
elettrico," 315, 555

Avempace, Arabian philosopher (d.
1138), 36, 39

[ocr errors]

Averroës, Muhammed Ibn Ahmed Ibn-
Roschd (1120-1198), 36, 38, 39-40,
124, 544. See Bayle, P., Dict.
Historique," Vol. I. pp. 552-562
Averroës et l'Averroïsme. See Renan.
Averroïsme au xiiie siècle, 37, 505
Avezac, M. d', "Aperçus historiques sur
la boussole," 1858-1860, 63, 536
Avicenna-Abu 'Ali Hufain Ibn 'Abd
Allah, Ibn Siná, Abohalis (980-1037),
22, 26, 27, 36, 37, 40, 169, 509, 516
Avogrado, Amadeo, Comte de Quaregna
(1776-1856). Consult Bibl. Univ.
Suppl. Arch. l'Electricité, Vol. II.
Pp. 102-110; Mem. di Torino for
1823 and 1846; Botto, G. D.


Axon, William Edward Armitage (Proc.
Phil. Soc. of Manchester, Vol. 16,
pp. 166-171, 1877, relative to Strada);
On the history of the word tele-
graph" (Proc. Lit. Soc. of Manchester,
Vol. 19 pp. 182-184, 1880).
Ayres, Brown (Journ. Franklin Inst.,
Ser. 3, Vol. 75, PP. 378-393 and
Scientific American Supplement,
July 6, 1878, concerning the tele-

Ayrton and Perry (at Faraday, M.), 492
Ayrton, William Edward. See Romag-

nosi (Journ. of the Asiatic Society of
Bengal, 1871), 492

Azais, Pierre Hyacinthe (b. 1766),

"Theorie générale de l'électricité, du
galvanisme et du magnetisme," 1807,
Azuni, Domenico Alberto (1749-1827),
"Dissertation sur l'origine de la
boussole," 1805 (Dissertazione sull'
origine della bussola nautica, 1797),
I, 3, 17, 22, 30, 31, 33, 43, 55, 57,
60, 69

Azyr, Vicq d', 302, 303

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bache, Dr. William (at Mesmer, F. A.,
A.D. 1772), 237

Bacher, Alex. André Philippe Frédéric,
Recueil périodique : Journal de
médecine," 307


Bacon, Francis, Baron Verulam, called
by Sir Oliver Lodge I the herald of
the dawn of science' (1561-1626),
"Novum Organum"-Novum Organon
-Bibliographical Account, xiv, 88, 89,
90, 92, 99-103, 129, 167, 171, 511
Bacon, Roger-Bacconis, Rogerii-
(1214-1294), les éditions de. See
Monroe, Cyclopædia," Vol. I. pp.
316, 317, also pages herein, 16, 34,
36, 37, 41-43, 45, 59, 119, 124, 137

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Bailey, Nathan-Nathaniel (d. 1742),
"Dictionarium Britannicum .
1736, 555

Baillet, Adrien, "Jugement des
savants," 109, 515


Bailly, Jean Sylvain, Histoire de
l'astronomie moderne," 513

Bain, Alexander (at Coxe, John Redman,
A.D. 1816), 436

Bain, William (1775-1853) (at Barlow,
Peter, A.D. 1820), 457

Bajon, M. (d. 1790) (at Bancroft, Edward
Nathaniel, A.D. 1769), 230

Baker, H. (at Ingen-housz, Johan), 257,
and (at Pearson, George), 326
Bakewell, Frederick C., A manual of
electricity," 3rd ed., publ. in 1859;
"Electric Science, its history

1853, 152, 223, 284, 338, 347, 381, 478,
487, 490

Balbi, Count Pado Battista (1693-1772),

[blocks in formation]

Ball, Walter W. Rouse, "History of
Mathematics," 541


Ballard, "Magnetism of Drills," 554
Ballot, Christopher Hendrik Buys-,
'Meteor. Preisfrage," 1847, 440
Bammacaro, Niccolò, Tentamen de vi
electrica," 273


Bancalari, Michele Alberto (b. 1805),
Bancroft, Edward Nathaniel (1744-

1820), 129, 229, 239, 298

Banks, Sir Joseph (1743-1820), 247,
250, 252, 456

Barbarossa-Emperor Frederick
water compass, 30, 146

Barbarus, Hermolaus

[ocr errors]

Compendium scientiæ



[merged small][ocr errors]

See Bayle, Dictionary, Vol. I. pp. 633-

Barbazan, Etienne, "Fabliaux," 30
Barberet, Denis (1714-1776), 167, 321
Barbeu-Dubourg, Jacques (1709-1779),

Barcelona Academy of Sciences, 317,
Bardenot, J. R. P., "Les recherches
refutées": Paris, 1824, 305
Barents, discoverer of Novaya Zemlya,
562, 563

Baret, E. (at Themistius of Paphlagonia),


Baretus and Oviedo, narrative of, 1554,


Barlæus Bærle-Kaspar van,

[ocr errors]


[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Barletti, Carlo (d. 1800,) "Nuove
sperienze," 1771, 207, 249, 556
Barlocci, Saverio (1784-1845), 423
Barlow, Peter (1776-1862), 398, 427,
457-460, 465, 467, 473, 476, 484.
Essay on magnetical attractions
1823, 1824; Encyclopædia of
British Arts, Manufactures . . .,' 1855.
Barlow, William Henry, 449, 460
Barlowe Barlow-William (d. 1625),
18, 27, 57, 76, 78, 79, 80, 87, 90, 97,
141. Magneticall Advertisements
1613, 1616, 1618, 1843; "Navi-
gator's supply
Barnes, Robert (at Jadelot, J. F. N.),
Barneveldt- Barneveld Joan van
Olden-Oldenbarneveld (1549-1619)
(at Grotius, Hugo), 518
(1747-1826), 6, 325, 326

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Baronio, Dr. Joseph, of Milan, 393


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Batavæ, De Antiq. Reipubl., 517
Batavi Scientific Society. See Haarlem.
Batavian Society of Experimental Philo-
sophy. See Rotterdam.
"Bath Chronicle," 128

Bathanarius, once Count of Africa, 25
Bathseba, mentioned at p. 5 (1033-975

Batines, Colomb de,



Dantesca," 1845-1846, 44
Batteries (piles), electric, galvanic, etc. :
Volta, 1775; Van Marum, 1785;
Children, Cruikshanks, Davy, Troms-
dorff, Babington, Eastwick in 1800;
Wollaston, 1801; Pepys, Parrot in
1802; Ritter, Hachette in 1803;
Behrends and Dyckoff, Gay-Lussac
in 1804; Maréchaux, 1806; Deluc,
1809; Zamboni, 1812; Dana, 1819.
Bauer, L. A., "U.S. Magnetic Tables
"; "Terrestrial Magnetism . . .,'
60, 70, 79, 81, 91, 92, 138
rich Otto, 520


Baumgartner, Andreas von, Baron (b.
1793), 423. See Ettinghausen, also
Zeitschrift für physik.

Bavaria, Electoral Academy of. See
Baierischen, 272

Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich,

273, 380, 406, 407, 424, 432, 433, 477
Bayle, Pierre (1647-1706), Dictionnaire
historique et critique," 502: London
edition, 1734.

Bayly and Wales, 242

Bayly, William, astronomer (d. 1810),

Bazin, Gilles Augustin (d. 1754), 208,
273. See Nouv. Biogr. Gén., IV.,
Beacon fires (at 1084 B.C.), 4

Beaufoy, Col. Mark (1764-1827), 157,
426, 427

Beaume. See La Beaume.

Beaumont, Elie de, Memoir of
Oersted," 455

Beauvais, M. (at Alexandre, Jean, A.D.
1802), 361

Beazley, C. Raymond (at Empedocles),

Becani, Joannis Goropii. See Goropus.
Becanus. See Goropius.

Beccari-Beccaria-Jacopo Bartolom-
meo (1682-1767), 199, 208; "De
artif. elect."; A series of experi-
ments," 1775.

Beccaria, Giovanni Battista (1716–1781),
178, 189, 199, 206-208, 224, 226, 246,
253, 294, 320, 416

Beccher Becher Johann

[ocr errors]


(1635-1682), 261, 262, 502
Beck, M. van. See Moll.
Beckensteiner, C. (at Thillaye-Platel,
Antoine), 386

Becket, John Brice (at Wilkinson, C. H.),


[ocr errors]


269, and (at Thillaye-Platel), 385
Beckmann, Johann (1739-1811),
history of inventions . . .," 17, 27,
148, 152, 233
Becquerel, Adolphe, Des applications
de l'électricité. " Paris, 1856-
1860, 386
Becquerel, Alexandre Edmond (1820-
1891), 218, 295; (Comptes Rendus,
1840, 1843-4-6-7, 1864); Memoir
on Dia-Magnetism."
Becquerel, Antoine César (1788–1878),
Eléments d'electro-chimie," 1843;
'Traité experimental de l'électricité
et de
magnetisme," 1834-5-6-7,
1840; "Expériences sur la développe-
ment de l'électricité
"Traité de Physique

[ocr errors]


[ocr errors]

1844, 8,

29, 31, 55, 195, 204, 258, 293, 321,
347, 352, 353, 37o, 373, 389, 403, 417,
426, 433, 441, 463, 494. See Vapereau,
G., Dictionnaire, p. 119, also Electro-
capillary phenomena.
Becquerel, A. C., and Becquerel, Edmond
(1820-1891), "Traité d'électricité et
de magnétisme Paris, 1855.
1856; Eléments de Physique

Paris, 1847; Résumé de l'historie de
l'électricité et du magnetisme":
Paris, 1858, 24, 29, 30, 54, 110, 129,
153, 271, 315, 380, 388
Becquerel, A. C., and Brachet, A., 241,
271; Concernant des expériences sur la
torpille (Comptes Rendus, III., 135).
Becquerel, Edmond, and Frémy, Ed-
mond, Recherches électro-chimiques
sur les propriétés des corps elec-
trisés": Paris, 1852.


Beddoes, Thomas (1760-1808),_392
Beeck, A. van, Van Beck and Bergsma,
463, 473

Beer, Aug., 1868 (at Thillaye-Platel,
Antoine, A.D. 1803), 386

[blocks in formation]

Behrend (at Bohnenberger, J. J. F. von),

Behrends, T. G. B. (at Reinhold, J. C. L.,

and at Humboldt, F. H. Alex. von),
327, 333

Behrends, Wilhelm, of Francfort, 284,

Belcher, Sir Edward, 446

Belgium, Royal Academy of Sciences,
243, 259, 280

Belgrado, Giacomo (1704-1780), 420, 555
Bell, Alexander Graham (1847), 72, 234
Bell. Jud. Adv. Roman, 10

Bellani, Angelo (at Volta Alessandro,
A.D. 1775), 248

[ocr errors]

Bellay, Joachim du (1524-1560),
Comme le fer qui suit la calamite," 16
Belleau, Rémy (1528-1577), Ber-
geries," 16


[blocks in formation]

Ben David

Bendavid Lazarus,
Ueber die religion der Ebräer von
Moses," 9

Benedictus, Joannes Baptista (1530-
1590), 506

Benham, Charles E. (at Gilbert, William,
A.D. 1600), 92

Bennet, Abraham, Curate of Wirks-
worth, F.R.S. (1750-1799), 127, 282,
289, 303, 336, 373, 430, 470
Benzenberg, Johann Friedrich (1777–
1846), 208, 314

Bérard, Frédéric (1789-1828), 423 (at
Morichini, D. P., A.D. 1812-1813).
Béraud-Berault-Laurent (1703-1777),

"Theoria electricitatis," 1755, 163,
164, 167, 258, 259
Bercy, Ugo di. See Sercy.
Berdoe, M., " Inquiry into the influence

of the electric fluid . . .," 1771, 556
Bergen, Carolus, Augustus van (at Jalla-
bert, J. L., A.D. 1749), 189

Bergerac, Savinien, Cyrano de (1629-
1655), 103, 171
Dijon, 183

physician of

Bergeron, Pierre (second half of sixteenth
century), "Abrégé de l'historie . . .,"

Bergmann Bergman Sir Torbern
Olof (1735-1784), Bemerkung

[ocr errors]

turmalini ";

[ocr errors]



"Elektrische versuche

32, 220, 221; History of
Chemistry and other sciences.
Bergsma and Van Beek (at Dutrochet,
R. J. H., A.D. 1820), 463

Berio (at Alexandre, Jean, A.D. 1802),

Berkel, A. van (at Shaw, George, A.D.
1791), 299

Berkeley, George, the works of, 511,
515, 520

Berlin, Astronomer Royal (Bernoulli),

Berlin Academy-University-Memoirs,

History and Reports-Abhandlungen,

153, 155, 170, 173, 192, 214, 217,
218, 220, 223, 225, 226, 230, 262,
263, 276, 288, 299, 308, 352, 392, 471,
Berlingieri, Francesco Vacca Leopold
(1732-1812), 206, 270, 300, 305, 327,
Bernoulli, Christoph (at Ritter, J. W.,
A.D. 1803-1805), 381

Bernoulli, Daniel (1700-1782) (Acta
Helvetica, III. 1758, p. 223), 147 160,

Bernoulli, family, 146-147, 155, 450
Bernoulli, James I. (1654-1705), 147
Bernoulli, John I. (1667-1748), 146,


Bernoulli, John II. (1710-1790), 147,

Bernoulli, John III. (1744-1807), 147,

Berrutti, S., "Elogio del . . . Vassalli
Eandi," 1839, 29

Timoteo (1826-
1905), 30, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 57,
59, 60, 71, 72, 110, 111, 112, 526, 531;
Memoria sopra P. Peregrino."
Berthelot, Pierre Eugène Marcellin,
Membre de l'Institut, F.R.S., " Chimie

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Berthier, J. E., " Attractions et répul-
sions électriques," 1751, 555
Berthollet, Claude Louis de (1748-1822),
Discours ..," 233, 236, 279, 377,
386, 388
Bertholon de St. Lazare, Nicolle Pierre
(1742-1800), De l'électricité du
corps humain," 1780; De 1 élec-
tricité des végétaux," 1783;" De l'élec-
tricité des météores.
1787, 20,
129, 178, 189, 223, 229, 240, 243, 256,
257, 258, 259, 263, 270, 295
Bertholot, Marcellin Pierre Eugène
(1827-1907), "Collection des anciens
alchimistes grecs"; Traditions du
moyen-âge "; La révolution chi-
mique," x, 17, 262, 514; "La Grande
encyclopédie. There is also a Berthe-
lot, Th., mentioned in Dezebry, Ch.
Berton, Henri Montan (1766-1844), 329

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